Jeroen A. van Oijen
Eindhoven University of Technology
Featured researches published by Jeroen A. van Oijen.
Combustion Theory and Modelling | 2017
Chao He; G. Kuenne; Esra Yildar; Jeroen A. van Oijen; Francesca di Mare; A. Sadiki; Carl-Philipp Ding; Elias Baum; Brian Peterson; Benjamin Böhm; J. Janicka
This work shows experiments and simulations of the fired operation of a spark ignition engine with port-fuelled injection. The test rig considered is an optically accessible single cylinder engine specifically designed at TU Darmstadt for the detailed investigation of in-cylinder processes and model validation. The engine was operated under lean conditions using iso-octane as a substitute for gasoline. Experiments have been conducted to provide a sound database of the combustion process. A planar flame imaging technique has been applied within the swirl- and tumble-planes to provide statistical information on the combustion process to complement a pressure-based comparison between simulation and experiments. This data is then analysed and used to assess the large eddy simulation performed within this work. For the simulation, the engine code KIVA has been extended by the dynamically thickened flame model combined with chemistry reduction by means of pressure dependent tabulation. Sixty cycles have been simulated to perform a statistical evaluation. Based on a detailed comparison with the experimental data, a systematic study has been conducted to obtain insight into the most crucial modelling uncertainties.
Combustion Theory and Modelling | 2017
Zhen Zhou; Francisco E. Hernández-Pérez; Yuriy Shoshin; Jeroen A. van Oijen; Laurentius P.H. de Goey
The influence of Soret diffusion on lean premixed flames propagating in hydrogen/air mixtures is numerically investigated with a detailed chemical and transport models at normal and elevated pressure and temperature. The Soret diffusion influence on the one-dimensional (1D) flame mass burning rate and two-dimensional (2D) flame propagating characteristics is analysed, revealing a strong dependency on flame stretch rate, pressure and temperature. For 1D flames, at normal pressure and temperature, with an increase of Karlovitz number from 0 to 0.4, the mass burning rate is first reduced and then enhanced by Soret diffusion of H2 while it is reduced by Soret diffusion of H. The influence of Soret diffusion of H2 is enhanced by pressure and reduced by temperature. On the contrary, the influence of Soret diffusion of H is reduced by pressure and enhanced by temperature. For 2D flames, at normal pressure and temperature, during the early phase of flame evolution, flames with Soret diffusion display more curved flame cells. Pressure enhances this effect, while temperature reduces it. The influence of Soret diffusion of H2 on the global consumption speed is enhanced at elevated pressure. The influence of Soret diffusion of H on the global consumption speed is enhanced at elevated temperature. The flame evolution is more affected by Soret diffusion in the early phase of propagation than in the long run due to the local enrichment of H2 caused by flame curvature effects. The present study provides new insights into the Soret diffusion effect on the characteristics of lean hydrogen/air flames at conditions that are relevant to practical applications, e.g. gas engines and turbines.
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-transactions of The Asme | 2015
A Andrea Donini; R.J.M. Bastiaans; Jeroen A. van Oijen; L. Philip H. de Goey
In the present paper, a computational analysis of a high pressure confined premixed turbulent methane/air jet flames with heat loss to the walls is presented. In this scope, chemistry is reduced by the use of the flamelet generated manifold (FGM) method and the fluid flow is modeled in an large eddy simulation (LES) and Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) context. The reaction evolution is described by the reaction progress variable, the heat loss is described by the enthalpy and the turbulence effect on the reaction is represented by the progress variable variance. A generic lab scale burner for methane high-pressure (5 bar) high-velocity (40?m/s at the inlet) preheated jet is adopted for the simulations, because of its gas-turbine relevant conditions. The use of FGM as a combustion model shows that combustion features at gas turbine conditions can be satisfactorily reproduced with a reasonable computational effort. Furthermore, the present analysis indicates that the physical and chemical processes controlling carbon monoxide (CO) emissions can be captured only by means of unsteady simulations.
ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition | 2014
A Andrea Donini; R.J.M. Bastiaans; Jeroen A. van Oijen; L. Philip H. de Goey
CFD predictions of flame position, stability and emissions are essential in order to obtain optimized combustor designs in a cost efficient way. However, the numerical modeling of practical combustion systems is a very challenging task. As a matter of fact, the use of detailed reaction mechanisms is necessary for such reliable predictions. Unfortunately, the modeling of the full detail of practical combustion equipment is currently prohibited by the limitations in computing power, given the large number of species and reactions involved. The Flamelet-Generated Manifold (FGM) method reduces these computational costs by several orders of magnitude without loosing too much accuracy. Hereby FGM enables the application of reliable chemistry mechanisms in CFD simulations of combustion processes. In the present paper a computational analysis of partially premixed non-adiabatic flames is presented. In this scope, chemistry is reduced by the use of the FGM method. In the FGM technique the progress of the flame is generally described by a few control variables. For each control variable a transport equation is solved during run-time. The flamelet system is computed in a pre-processing stage, and a manifold with all the information about combustion is stored in a tabulated form. This research applies the FGM chemistry reduction method to describe partially premixed flames in combination with heat loss, which is a relevant condition for stationary gas turbine combustors. In order to take this into account, in the present implementation the reaction evolution is described by the reaction progress variable, the heat loss is described by the enthalpy and the local equivalence ratio effect on the reaction is represented by the mixture fraction. A series of test simulations is performed for a two dimensional geometry, characterized by a distinctive stratified methane/air inlet, and compared with detailed chemistry simulations. The results indicate that detailed simulations are reproduced in an excellent way with FGM.
ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition | 2015
A Andrea Donini; R.J.M. Bastiaans; Jeroen A. van Oijen; L. Philip H. de Goey
Gas turbines are one of the most important energy conversion methods in the world today. This is because using gas turbines, large scale, high efficiency, low cost and low emission energy production is possible. For this type of engines, low pollutants emissions can be achieved by very lean premixed combustion systems. Numerical simulation is foreseen to provide a tremendous increase in gas turbine combustors design efficiency and quality over the next future. However, the numerical simulation of modern stationary gas-turbine combustion systems represents a very challenging task. Several numerical models have been developed in order to reduce the costs of flame simulations for engineering applications. In the present paper the Flamelet-Generated Manifold (FGM) chemistry reduction method is implemented and extended for the inclusion of all the features that are typically observed in stationary gas-turbine combustion. These consist of stratification effects, heat loss and turbulence. The latter is included by coupling FGM with the Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) model. Three control variables are included for the chemistry representation: the reaction evolution is described by the reaction progress variable, the heat loss is described by the enthalpy and the stratification effect is expressed by the mixture fraction. The interaction between chemistry and turbulence is considered through a presumed probability density function (PDF) approach, which is considered for progress variable and mixture fraction. This results in two extra control variables: progress variable variance and mixture fraction variance. The resulting manifold is therefore five-dimensional, in which the dimensions are progress variable, enthalpy, mixture fraction, progress variable variance and mixture fraction variance. A highly turbulent and swirling flame in a gas turbine model combustor is computed in order to test the 5-D FGM implementation. The use of FGM as a combustion model shows that combustion features at gas turbine conditions can be satisfactorily reproduced with a reasonable computational effort. The implemented combustion model retains most of the physical accuracy of a detailed simulation while drastically reducing its computational time, paving the way for new developments of alternative fuel usage in a cleaner and more efficient combustion.© 2015 ASME
Plasma Sources Science and Technology | 2018
Ahmed Elkholy; S Sander Nijdam; Eddie M. van Veldhuizen; Nj Nico Dam; Jeroen A. van Oijen; Ute Ebert; L.P.H. de Goey
We present a novel microplasma flow reactor using a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) driven by repetitive nanosecond high-voltage pulses. Our DBD-based geometry can generate a non-thermal plasma discharge at atmospheric pressure and below in a regular pattern of micro-channels. This reactor can work continuously up to about 100 min in air, depending on the pulse repetition rate and operating pressure. We here present the geometry and main characteristics of the reactor. Pulse energies of 1.46 and 1.3 μJ per channel at atmospheric pressure and 50 mbar, respectively, have been determined by time-resolved measurements of current and voltage. Time-resolved optical emission spectroscopy measurements have been performed to calculate the relative species concentrations and temperatures (vibrational and rotational) of the discharge. The effects of the operating pressure and flow velocity on the discharge intensity have been investigated. In addition, the effective reduced electric field strength has been obtained from the intensity ratio of vibronic emission bands of molecular nitrogen at different operating pressures and different locations. The derived increases gradually from about 550 to 4600 Td when decreasing the pressure from 1 bar to 100 mbar. Below 100 mbar, further pressure reduction results in a significant increase in up to about 10000 Td at 50 mbar.
Energy, Environment, and Sustainability book series (ENENSU) | 2018
Jeroen A. van Oijen
Efficient and reliable numerical models have become important tools in the design and optimization process of modern combustion equipment. For accurate predictions of flame stability and pollutant emissions, the use of detailed comprehensive chemical models is required. This accuracy, unfortunately, comes at a very high computational cost. The flamelet-generated manifold (FGM) method is a chemical reduction technique which lowers this burden drastically, but retains most of the accuracy of the comprehensive model. In this chapter, the theoretical background of FGM is briefly reviewed. Its application in simulations of premixed and partially premixed flames is explained. Extra attention is given to the modeling of preferential diffusion effects that arise in lean premixed methane–hydrogen–air flames. The effect of preferential diffusion on the burning velocity of stretched flames is investigated and it is shown how these effects can be included in the FGM method. The impact of preferential diffusion on flame structure and turbulent flame speed is analyzed in direct numerical simulations of premixed turbulent flames. Finally, the application of FGM in large-eddy simulations is briefly reviewed.
Energy & Fuels | 2018
Aromal Vasavan; Philip de Goey; Jeroen A. van Oijen
The ignition delay of biogas in mixing layers is investigated using a one-dimensional combustion model, with its application in Moderate or Intense Low oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion being the focus. The current study reveals the key aspects of the ignition of biogas in a nonpremixed, igniting mixing layer with a hot oxidizer of low oxygen content. The observed characteristics are contrasted against the existing studies on ignition in homogeneous mixtures under similar conditions. Biogas is considered here as a mixture of CH4 with variable amounts CO2. The influence of reactive, thermal, and transport properties of CO2 on the ignition is evaluated using artificial species to mimic the respective characteristics of CO2. While the ignition delay in homogeneous mixtures shows a strong dependence on CO2 content in the fuel, the ignition delay predictions from one-dimensional mixing layers show no significant influence of CO2 levels in biogas. In addition, the influence of oxidizer composition and temperature on ignition delay is determined for CO2 levels ranging from 0% to 90%. A sensitivity analysis of chemical reactions on the ignition delay shows a negligible effect of CO2 concentration in biogas. The current study emphasizes the role of oxidizer composition and temperature on the ignition characteristics of a MILD biogas flame.
Combustion Theory and Modelling | 2018
Denis V. Efimov; Philip de Goey; Jeroen A. van Oijen
We propose a new approach to improve the accuracy of flamelet-generated manifolds (FGMs) method by extending the manifolds with additional chemically reactive degrees of freedom. Following the ideas of intrinsic low-dimensional manifold, the dimensionality of the FGM is increased by performing a local time-scale analysis of the chemical source term. A few slow characteristic directions of the reaction kinetics are used to extend the FGM, while the remaining reaction groups, characterised by fast time-scales, are assumed in steady state. The introduced method for FGM REactive Dimensionality extension is abbreviated as FGM-REDx. It is tested in one-dimensional simulations reproducing an expansion of burnt gases in an aero-engine stator. This process is characterised by a rapid change of enthalpy and pressure, altering, among others, the chemistry of pollutants CO and NO. The primary focus was on the assessment of the FGMs capability to predict the pollutants emissions. The rates of physical/thermodynamic perturbations turned out to be severe enough for the chemical species composition to go off the flamelet. The FGM extended with one additional chemically reactive dimension has been generated and successfully applied to the test cases, yielding a high accuracy gain over the standard FGM.
Combustion Theory and Modelling | 2018
Fernando Luiz Sacomano Filho; N Nico Speelman; Jeroen A. van Oijen; Laurentius P.H. de Goey; A. Sadiki; J. Janicka
Numerical analyses of laminar flames propagating in mono-dispersed quiescent droplet mists are addressed. Attention has been given to the evolution of combustion reactions interacting with different mists and the assessment of chemistry simplifications. In the first part, investigations are exclusively performed in a detailed description of the chemistry. Focus is concentrated on simplifications typically assumed in simulations of turbulent spray combustion. Namely, evaporative cooling and differential diffusion. These phenomena are systematically studied together with the characteristics of the observed flammability limits. In the second part, simulations conducted with the flamelet generated manifold (FGM) method are compared with detailed chemistry results. Flame propagation speed and profiles of selected quantities are used. Results demonstrate to what extent common simplifications applied to turbulent spray combustion, as well as FGM tables constructed with single-phase flamelets, are suitable for representing spray flame characteristics.