Jerzy K. Kulski
Tokai University
Journal of Human Genetics | 2009
Takashi Shiina; Kazuyoshi Hosomichi; Hidetoshi Inoko; Jerzy K. Kulski
The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) super-locus is a genomic region in the chromosomal position 6p21 that encodes the six classical transplantation HLA genes and at least 132 protein coding genes that have important roles in the regulation of the immune system as well as some other fundamental molecular and cellular processes. This small segment of the human genome has been associated with more than 100 different diseases, including common diseases, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, asthma and various other autoimmune disorders. The first complete and continuous HLA 3.6 Mb genomic sequence was reported in 1999 with the annotation of 224 gene loci, including coding and non-coding genes that were reviewed extensively in 2004. In this review, we present (1) an updated list of all the HLA gene symbols, gene names, expression status, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) numbers, including new genes, and latest changes to gene names and symbols, (2) a regional analysis of the extended class I, class I, class III, class II and extended class II subregions, (3) a summary of the interspersed repeats (retrotransposons and transposons), (4) examples of the sequence diversity between different HLA haplotypes, (5) intra- and extra-HLA gene interactions and (6) some of the HLA gene expression profiles and HLA genes associated with autoimmune and infectious diseases. Overall, the degrees and types of HLA super-locus coordinated gene expression profiles and gene variations have yet to be fully elucidated, integrated and defined for the processes involved with normal cellular and tissue physiology, inflammatory and immune responses, and autoimmune and infectious diseases.
Immunological Reviews | 1999
Roger L. Dawkins; Chanvit Leelayuwat; Silvana Gaudieri; Guan Tay; Jennie Hui; S.K. Cattley; Patricia Martinez; Jerzy K. Kulski
Summary: The genomic region encompassing the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) contains polymorphic frozen blocks which have developed by local imperfect sequential duplication associated with insertion and deletion (indels), In the alpha block surrounding HLA‐A, there are ten duplication units or beads on the 62,1 ancestral haplotype. Each bead contains or contained sequences representing Class 1, PERB11 (MHC Class I chain related (MIC)) and human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) 16, Here we consider explanations for co‐occurrence of genomic polymorphism, duplication and HERVs and we ask how these features encode susceptibility to numerous and very diverse diseases. Ancestral haplotypes differ in their copy number and indels in addition to their coding regions. Disease susceptibility could be a function of all of these differences. We propose a model of the evolution of the human MHC. Population‐specific integration of retroviral sequences could explain rapid diversification through duplication and differential disease susceptibility. If HERV sequences can be protective, there are exciting prospects for manipulation. In the mean‐while, it will be necessary to understand the function of MHC genes such as PEKB11 (MIC) and many others discovered by genomic sequencing.
Immunological Reviews | 2002
Jerzy K. Kulski; Takashi Shiina; Tatsuya Anzai; Sakae Kohara; Hidetoshi Inoko
Summary: The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genomic region is composed of a group of linked genes involved functionally with the adaptive and innate immune systems. The class I and class II genes are intrinsic features of the MHC and have been found in all the jawed vertebrates studied so far. The MHC genomic regions of the human and the chicken (B locus) have been fully sequenced and mapped, and the mouse MHC sequence is almost finished. Information on the MHC genomic structures (size, complexity, genic and intergenic composition and organization, gene order and number) of other vertebrates is largely limited or nonexistent. Therefore, we are mapping, sequencing and analyzing the MHC genomic regions of different human haplotypes and at least eight nonhuman species. Here, we review our progress with these sequences and compare the human MHC structure with that of the nonhuman primates (chimpanzee and rhesus macaque), other mammals (pigs, mice and rats) and nonmammalian vertebrates such as birds (chicken and quail), bony fish (medaka, pufferfish and zebrafish) and cartilaginous fish (nurse shark). This comparison reveals a complex MHC structure for mammals and a relatively simpler design for nonmammalian animals with a hypothetical prototypic structure for the shark. In the mammalian MHC, there are two to five different class I duplication blocks embedded within a framework of conserved nonclass I and/or nonclass II genes. With a few exceptions, the class I framework genes are absent from the MHC of birds, bony fish and sharks. Comparative genomics of the MHC reveal a highly plastic region with major structural differences between the mammalian and nonmammalian vertebrates. Additional genomic data are needed on animals of the reptilia, crocodilia and marsupial classes to find the origins of the class I framework genes and examples of structures that may be intermediate between the simple and complex MHC organizations of birds and mammals, respectively.
Trends in Immunology | 2002
A. Martin; Jerzy K. Kulski; C. Witt; Pierre Pontarotti; Frank T. Christiansen
Here, we compare the architecture of membrane receptors with extracellular Ig-like domains located within the leukocyte Ig-like receptor complex (LRC) of humans and mice. The receptors can be classified broadly into four groups, based on the homology of their Ig-like domains and gene architecture. Receptors in the first group are characterized by the presence of the Ig constant type 2-1 (IgC2-1) and variant Ig (vlg) domains, and include the leukocyte Ig-like receptors (LILRs) and murine paired Ig-activating receptors (PIRs). The second group of receptors possess an IgC2-2 domain and comprise the killer-cell Ig-like receptors (KIRs) and platelet collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI). The third group consists of receptors with IgC2-1, and IgC2-3 or IgC2-4 domains, and includes the receptor for IgA Fc (FCAR), NKp46 and murine Ly94. The fourth group, with a single extracellular IgC2-1 domain, consists of the leukocyte-associated Ig-like receptors (LAIRs). The genomic organization of and evolutionary associations between these receptors and their domains are examined.
Journal of Immunology | 2004
Takashi Shiina; Sayoko Shimizu; Kazuyoshi Hosomichi; Sakae Kohara; Seiki Watanabe; Kei Hanzawa; Stephan Beck; Jerzy K. Kulski; Hidetoshi Inoko
We mapped two different quail Mhc haplotypes and sequenced one of them (haplotype A) for comparative genomic analysis with a previously sequenced haplotype of the chicken Mhc. The quail haplotype A spans 180 kb of genomic sequence, encoding a total of 41 genes compared with only 19 genes within the 92-kb chicken Mhc. Except for two gene families (B30 and tRNA), both species have the same basic set of gene family members that were previously described in the chicken “minimal essential” Mhc. The two Mhc regions have a similar overall organization but differ markedly in that the quail has an expanded number of duplicated genes with 7 class I, 10 class IIB, 4 NK, 6 lectin, and 8 B-G genes. Comparisons between the quail and chicken Mhc class I and class II gene sequences by phylogenetic analysis showed that they were more closely related within species than between species, suggesting that the quail Mhc genes were duplicated after the separation of these two species from their common ancestor. The proteins encoded by the NK and class I genes are known to interact as ligands and receptors, but unlike in the quail and the chicken, the genes encoding these proteins in mammals are found on different chromosomes. The finding of NK-like genes in the quail Mhc strongly suggests an evolutionary connection between the NK C-type lectin-like superfamily and the Mhc, providing support for future studies on the NK, lectin, class I, and class II interaction in birds.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2003
Tatsuya Anzai; Takashi Shiina; Natsuki Kimura; Kazuyo Yanagiya; Sakae Kohara; Atsuko Shigenari; Tetsushi Yamagata; Jerzy K. Kulski; Taeko Naruse; Yoshifumi Fujimori; Yasuhito Fukuzumi; Masaaki Yamazaki; Hiroyuki Tashiro; Chie Iwamoto; Yumi Umehara; Tadashi Imanishi; Alice Meyer; Kazuho Ikeo; Takashi Gojobori; Seiamak Bahram; Hidetoshi Inoko
Despite their high degree of genomic similarity, reminiscent of their relatively recent separation from each other (≈6 million years ago), the molecular basis of traits unique to humans vs. their closest relative, the chimpanzee, is largely unknown. This report describes a large-scale single-contig comparison between human and chimpanzee genomes via the sequence analysis of almost one-half of the immunologically critical MHC. This 1,750,601-bp stretch of DNA, which encompasses the entire class I along with the telomeric part of the MHC class III regions, corresponds to an orthologous 1,870,955 bp of the human HLA region. Sequence analysis confirms the existence of a high degree of sequence similarity between the two species. However, and importantly, this 98.6% sequence identity drops to only 86.7% taking into account the multiple insertions/deletions (indels) dispersed throughout the region. This is functionally exemplified by a large deletion of 95 kb between the virtual locations of human MICA and MICB genes, which results in a single hybrid chimpanzee MIC gene, in a segment of the MHC genetically linked to species-specific handling of several viral infections (HIV/SIV, hepatitis B and C) as well as susceptibility to various autoimmune diseases. Finally, if generalized, these data suggest that evolution may have used the mechanistically more drastic indels instead of the more subtle single-nucleotide substitutions for shaping the recently emerged primate species.
Genetics | 2006
Takashi Shiina; Masao Ota; Sayoko Shimizu; Yoshihiko Katsuyama; Nami Hashimoto; Miwa Takasu; Tatsuya Anzai; Jerzy K. Kulski; Eri Kikkawa; Taeko Naruse; Natsuki Kimura; Kazuyo Yanagiya; Atsushi Watanabe; Kazuyoshi Hosomichi; Sakae Kohara; Chie Iwamoto; Yumi Umehara; Alice Meyer; Valérie Wanner; Kazumi Sano; Cécile Macquin; Kazuho Ikeo; Katsushi Tokunaga; Takashi Gojobori; Hidetoshi Inoko; Seiamak Bahram
A plausible explanation for many MHC-linked diseases is lacking. Sequencing of the MHC class I region (coding units or full contigs) in several human and nonhuman primate haplotypes allowed an analysis of single nucleotide variations (SNV) across this entire segment. This diversity was not evenly distributed. It was rather concentrated within two gene-rich clusters. These were each centered, but importantly not limited to, the antigen-presenting HLA-A and HLA-B/-C loci. Rapid evolution of MHC-I alleles, as evidenced by an unusually high number of haplotype-specific (hs) and hypervariable (hv) (which could not be traced to a single species or haplotype) SNVs within the classical MHC-I, seems to have not only hitchhiked alleles within nearby genes, but also hitchhiked deleterious mutations in these same unrelated loci. The overrepresentation of a fraction of these hvSNV (hv1SNV) along with hsSNV, as compared to those that appear to have been maintained throughout primate evolution (trans-species diversity; tsSNV; included within hv2SNV) tends to establish that the majority of the MHC polymorphism is de novo (species specific). This is most likely reminiscent of the fact that these hsSNV and hv1SNV have been selected in adaptation to the constantly evolving microbial antigenic repertoire.
Journal of Immunology | 2008
Kazuyoshi Hosomichi; Marcia M. Miller; Ronald M. Goto; Yujun Wang; Shingo Suzuki; Jerzy K. Kulski; Masahide Nishibori; Hidetoshi Inoko; Kei Hanzawa; Takashi Shiina
The Mhc is a highly conserved gene region especially interesting to geneticists because of the rapid evolution of gene families found within it. High levels of Mhc genetic diversity often exist within populations. The chicken Mhc is the focus of considerable interest because of the strong, reproducible infectious disease associations found with particular Mhc-B haplotypes. Sequence data for Mhc-B haplotypes have been lacking thereby hampering efforts to systematically resolve which genes within the Mhc-B region contribute to well-defined Mhc-B-associated disease responses. To better understand the genetic factors that generate and maintain genomic diversity in the Mhc-B region, we determined the complete genomic sequence for 14 Mhc-B haplotypes across a region of 59 kb that encompasses 14 gene loci ranging from BG1 to BF2. We compared the sequences using alignment, phylogenetic, and genome profiling methods. We identified gene structural changes, synonymous and non-synonymous polymorphisms, insertions and deletions, and allelic gene rearrangements or exchanges that contribute to haplotype diversity. Mhc-B haplotype diversity appears to be generated by a number of mutational events. We found evidence that some Mhc-B haplotypes are derived by whole- and partial-allelic gene conversion and homologous reciprocal recombination, in addition to nucleotide mutations. These data provide a framework for further analyses of disease associations found among these 14 haplotypes and additional haplotypes segregating and evolving in wild and domesticated populations of chickens.
Journal of Molecular Evolution | 1997
Jerzy K. Kulski; Silvana Gaudieri; M. Bellgard; Lois Balmer; Keith M. Giles; Hidetoshi Inoko; Roger L. Dawkins
Re: J Mol Evol (1997) 45(6):599–609. The address of Matthew Bellgard should be Centre for Molecular Immunology and Instrumentation, the University of Western Australia, Perth, and Department of Information Technology, Murdoch University, Murdoch, Western Australia. In the first paragraph of Materials and Methods (p. 600), ‘‘a YAC clone (T109) . . .’’ should read ‘‘. . . a YAC clone (Y109) . . .’’ On p. 607, first paragraph, lines 16 and 17, ‘‘. . . more than 25 mya (Shih et al. 1989)’’ should read as ‘‘. . . more than 25 mya (Shih et al. 1991).’’ On p. 609 of the References, Shih A, Misra R, Rush MG (1989) etc. should be replaced with Shih A, Coutavas EE, Rush MG (1991) Evolutionary implications of primate endogenous retroviruses. Virology 182:495–502. J Mol Evol (1998) 46:734
Nature Protocols | 2007
Masao Ota; Hirofumi Fukushima; Jerzy K. Kulski; Hidetoshi Inoko
Accurate analysis of DNA sequence variation in not only humans and animals but also other organisms has played a significant role in expanding our knowledge about genetic variety and diversity in a number of different biological areas. The search for an understanding of the causes of genetic variants and mutations has resulted in the development of a simple laboratory technique, known as the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method, for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). PCR-RFLP allows rapid detection of point mutations after the genomic sequences are amplified by PCR. The mutation is discriminated by digestion with specific restriction endonucleases and is identified by gel electrophoresis after staining with ethidium bromide (EtBr). This convenient and simple method is inexpensive and accurate for SNP genotyping and especially useful in small basic research studies of complex genetic diseases. The whole protocol takes only a day to carry out.