
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2009

Recent speciation of Capsella rubella from Capsella grandiflora, associated with loss of self-incompatibility and an extreme bottleneck

Ya-Long Guo; Jesper Bechsgaard; Tanja Slotte; Barbara Neuffer; Martin Lascoux; Detlef Weigel; Mikkel H. Schierup

Flowering plants often prevent selfing through mechanisms of self-incompatibility (S.I.). The loss of S.I. has occurred many times independently, because it provides short-term advantages in situations where pollinators or mates are rare. The genus Capsella, which is closely related to Arabidopsis, contains a pair of closely related diploid species, the self-incompatible Capsella grandiflora and the self-compatible Capsella rubella. To elucidate the transition to selfing and its relationship to speciation of C. rubella, we have made use of comparative sequence information. Our analyses indicate that C. rubella separated from C. grandiflora recently (≈30,000–50,000 years ago) and that breakdown of S.I. occurred at approximately the same time. Contrasting the nucleotide diversity patterns of the 2 species, we found that C. rubella has only 1 or 2 alleles at most loci, suggesting that it originated through an extreme population bottleneck. Our data are consistent with diploid speciation by a single, selfing individual, most likely living in Greece. The new species subsequently colonized the Mediterranean by Northern and Southern routes, at a time that also saw the spread of agriculture. The presence of phenotypic diversity within modern C. rubella suggests that this species will be an interesting model to understand divergence and adaptation, starting from very limited standing genetic variation.

Nature Communications | 2014

Spider genomes provide insight into composition and evolution of venom and silk

Kristian W. Sanggaard; Jesper Bechsgaard; Xiaodong Fang; Jinjie Duan; Thomas F. Dyrlund; Vikas Gupta; Xuanting Jiang; Ling Cheng; Dingding Fan; Yue Feng; Lijuan Han; Zhiyong Huang; Zongze Wu; Li Liao; Virginia Settepani; Ida B. Thøgersen; Bram Vanthournout; Tobias Wang; Yabing Zhu; Peter Funch; Jan J. Enghild; Leif Schauser; Stig U. Andersen; Palle Villesen; Mikkel H. Schierup; Trine Bilde; Jun Wang

Spiders are ecologically important predators with complex venom and extraordinarily tough silk that enables capture of large prey. Here we present the assembled genome of the social velvet spider and a draft assembly of the tarantula genome that represent two major taxonomic groups of spiders. The spider genomes are large with short exons and long introns, reminiscent of mammalian genomes. Phylogenetic analyses place spiders and ticks as sister groups supporting polyphyly of the Acari. Complex sets of venom and silk genes/proteins are identified. We find that venom genes evolved by sequential duplication, and that the toxic effect of venom is most likely activated by proteases present in the venom. The set of silk genes reveals a highly dynamic gene evolution, new types of silk genes and proteins, and a novel use of aciniform silk. These insights create new opportunities for pharmacological applications of venom and biomaterial applications of silk.

PLOS Genetics | 2008

Repeated Adaptive Introgression at a Gene under Multiallelic Balancing Selection

Vincent Castric; Jesper Bechsgaard; Mikkel H. Schierup; Xavier Vekemans

Recently diverged species typically have incomplete reproductive barriers, allowing introgression of genetic material from one species into the genomic background of the other. The role of natural selection in preventing or promoting introgression remains contentious. Because of genomic co-adaptation, some chromosomal fragments are expected to be selected against in the new background and resist introgression. In contrast, natural selection should favor introgression for alleles at genes evolving under multi-allelic balancing selection, such as the MHC in vertebrates, disease resistance, or self-incompatibility genes in plants. Here, we test the prediction that negative, frequency-dependent selection on alleles at the multi-allelic gene controlling pistil self-incompatibility specificity in two closely related species, Arabidopsis halleri and A. lyrata, caused introgression at this locus at a higher rate than the genomic background. Polymorphism at this gene is largely shared, and we have identified 18 pairs of S-alleles that are only slightly divergent between the two species. For these pairs of S-alleles, divergence at four-fold degenerate sites (K = 0.0193) is about four times lower than the genomic background (K = 0.0743). We demonstrate that this difference cannot be explained by differences in effective population size between the two types of loci. Rather, our data are most consistent with a five-fold increase of introgression rates for S-alleles as compared to the genomic background, making this study the first documented example of adaptive introgression facilitated by balancing selection. We suggest that this process plays an important role in the maintenance of high allelic diversity and divergence at the S-locus in flowering plant families. Because genes under balancing selection are expected to be among the last to stop introgressing, their comparison in closely related species provides a lower-bound estimate of the time since the species stopped forming fertile hybrids, thereby complementing the average portrait of divergence between species provided by genomic data.

Journal of Evolutionary Biology | 2004

Uneven segregation of sporophytic self-incompatibility alleles in Arabidopsis lyrata

Jesper Bechsgaard; Thomas Bataillon; Mikkel H. Schierup

Self‐incompatibility in Arabidopsis lyrata is sporophytically controlled by the multi‐allelic S‐locus. Self‐incompatibility alleles (S‐alleles) are under strong negative frequency dependent selection because pollen carrying common S‐alleles have fewer mating opportunities. Population genetics theory predicts that deleterious alleles can accumulate if linked to the S‐locus. This was tested by studying segregation of S‐alleles in 11 large full sib families in A. lyrata. Significant segregation distortion leading to an up to fourfold difference in transmission rates was found in six families. Differences in transmission rates were not significantly different in reciprocal crosses and the distortions observed were compatible with selection acting at the gametic stage alone. The S‐allele with the largest segregation advantage is also the most recessive, and is very common in natural populations concordant with its apparent segregation advantage. These results imply that frequencies of S‐alleles in populations of A. lyrata cannot be predicted based on simple models of frequency‐dependent selection alone.

Genetics | 2005

Selection at Work in Self-Incompatible Arabidopsis Lyrata: Mating Patterns in a Natural Population

Mikkel H. Schierup; Jesper Bechsgaard; Lene H. Nielsen; Freddy Bugge Christiansen

Identification and characterization of the self-incompatibility genes in Brassicaceae species now allow typing of self-incompatibility haplotypes in natural populations. In this study we sampled and mapped all 88 individuals in a small population of Arabidopsis lyrata from Iceland. The self-incompatibility haplotypes at the SRK gene were typed for all the plants and some of their progeny and used to investigate the realized mating patterns in the population. The observed frequencies of haplotypes were found to change considerably from the parent generation to the offspring generation around their deterministic equilibria as determined from the known dominance relations among haplotypes. We provide direct evidence that the incompatibility system discriminates against matings among adjacent individuals. Multiple paternity is very common, causing mate availability among progeny of a single mother to be much larger than expected for single paternity.

BMC Biology | 2017

The house spider genome reveals an ancient whole-genome duplication during arachnid evolution.

Evelyn E. Schwager; Prashant P. Sharma; Thomas H. Clarke; Daniel J. Leite; Torsten Wierschin; Matthias Pechmann; Yasuko Akiyama-Oda; Lauren Esposito; Jesper Bechsgaard; Trine Bilde; Alexandra D. Buffry; Hsu Chao; Huyen Dinh; HarshaVardhan Doddapaneni; Shannon Dugan; Cornelius Eibner; Cassandra G. Extavour; Peter Funch; Jessica E. Garb; Luis B. Gonzalez; Vanessa L. González; Sam Griffiths-Jones; Yi Han; Cheryl Y. Hayashi; Maarten Hilbrant; Daniel S.T. Hughes; Ralf Janssen; Sandra L. Lee; Ignacio Maeso; Shwetha C. Murali

BackgroundThe duplication of genes can occur through various mechanisms and is thought to make a major contribution to the evolutionary diversification of organisms. There is increasing evidence for a large-scale duplication of genes in some chelicerate lineages including two rounds of whole genome duplication (WGD) in horseshoe crabs. To investigate this further, we sequenced and analyzed the genome of the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum.ResultsWe found pervasive duplication of both coding and non-coding genes in this spider, including two clusters of Hox genes. Analysis of synteny conservation across the P. tepidariorum genome suggests that there has been an ancient WGD in spiders. Comparison with the genomes of other chelicerates, including that of the newly sequenced bark scorpion Centruroides sculpturatus, suggests that this event occurred in the common ancestor of spiders and scorpions, and is probably independent of the WGDs in horseshoe crabs. Furthermore, characterization of the sequence and expression of the Hox paralogs in P. tepidariorum suggests that many have been subject to neo-functionalization and/or sub-functionalization since their duplication.ConclusionsOur results reveal that spiders and scorpions are likely the descendants of a polyploid ancestor that lived more than 450 MYA. Given the extensive morphological diversity and ecological adaptations found among these animals, rivaling those of vertebrates, our study of the ancient WGD event in Arachnopulmonata provides a new comparative platform to explore common and divergent evolutionary outcomes of polyploidization events across eukaryotes.

Genetics | 2009

Expression of Distinct Self-Incompatibility Specificities in Arabidopsis thaliana

Nathan A. Boggs; Kathleen G. Dwyer; Paurush Shah; Amanda A. McCulloch; Jesper Bechsgaard; Mikkel H. Schierup; Mikhail E. Nasrallah; June B. Nasrallah

The interplay of balancing selection within a species and rapid gene evolution between species can confound our ability to determine the functional equivalence of interspecific and intergeneric pairs of alleles underlying reproduction. In crucifer plants, mating specificity in the barrier to self-fertilization called self-incompatibility (SI) is controlled by allele-specific interactions between two highly polymorphic and co-evolving proteins, the S-locus receptor kinase (SRK) and its S-locus cysteine rich (SCR) ligand. These proteins have diversified both within and between species such that it is often difficult to determine from sequence information alone if they encode the same or different SI specificity. The self-fertile Arabidopsis thaliana was derived from an obligate outbreeding ancestor by loss of self-incompatibility, often in conjunction with inactivation of SRK or SCR. Nevertheless, some accessions of A. thaliana can express self-incompatibility upon transformation with an SRK–SCR gene pair isolated from its self-incompatible close relative A. lyrata. Here we show that several additional and highly diverged SRK/SCR genes from A. lyrata and another crucifer plant, Capsella grandiflora, confer self-incompatibility in A. thaliana, either as intact genes isolated from genomic libraries or after manipulation to generate chimeric fusions. We describe how the use of this newly developed chimeric protein strategy has allowed us to test the functional equivalence of SRK/SCR gene pairs from different taxa and to assay the functionality of endogenous A. thaliana SRK and SCR sequences.

Genetics | 2006

Linkage disequilibrium between incompatibility locus region genes in the plant Arabidopsis lyrata.

Jenny Hagenblad; Jesper Bechsgaard; Deborah Charlesworth

We have studied diversity in Arabidopsis lyrata of sequences orthologous to the ARK3 gene of A. thaliana. Our main goal was to test for recombination in the S-locus region. In A. thaliana, the single-copy ARK3 gene is closely linked to the non-functional copies of the self-incompatibility loci, and the ortholog in A. lyrata (a self-incompatible species) is in the homologous genome region and is known as Aly8. It is thus of interest to test whether Aly8 sequence diversity is elevated due to close linkage to the highly polymorphic incompatibility locus, as is theoretically predicted. However, Aly8 is not a single-copy gene, and the presence of paralogs could also lead to the appearance of elevated diversity. We established a typing approach based on different lengths of Aly8 PCR products and show that most A. lyrata haplotypes have a single copy, but some have two gene copies, both closely linked to the incompatibility locus, one being a pseudogene. We determined the phase of multiple haplotypes in families of plants from Icelandic and other populations. Different Aly8 sequence types are associated with different SRK alleles, while haplotypes with the same SRK sequences tend to have the same Aly8 sequence. There is evidence of some exchange of sequences between different Aly8 sequences, making it difficult to determine which ones are allelic or to estimate the diversity. However, the homogeneity of the Aly8 sequences of each S-haplotype suggests that recombination between the loci has been very infrequent over the evolutionary history of these populations. Overall, the results suggest that recombination rarely occurs in the interval between the S-loci and Aly8 and that linkage to the S-loci can probably account for the observed high Aly8 diversity.

BMC Genomics | 2012

Orthologous genes identified by transcriptome sequencing in the spider genus Stegodyphus

Tiina M Mattila; Jesper Bechsgaard; Troels T. Hansen; Mikkel H. Schierup; Trine Bilde

BackgroundThe evolution of sociality in spiders involves a transition from an outcrossing to a highly inbreeding mating system, a shift to a female biased sex ratio, and an increase in the reproductive skew among individuals. Taken together, these features are expected to result in a strong reduction in the effective population size. Such a decline in effective population size is expected to affect population genetic and molecular evolutionary processes, resulting in reduced genetic diversity and relaxed selective constraint across the genome. In the genus Stegodyphus, permanent sociality and regular inbreeding has evolved independently three times from periodic-social (outcrossing) ancestors. This genus is therefore an ideal model for comparative studies of the molecular evolutionary and population genetic consequences of the transition to a regularly inbreeding mating system. However, no genetic resources are available for this genus.ResultsWe present the analysis of high throughput transcriptome sequencing of three Stegodyphus species. Two of these are periodic-social (Stegodyphus lineatus and S.tentoriicola) and one is permanently social (S. mimosarum). From non-normalized cDNA libraries, we obtained on average 7,000 putative uni-genes for each species. Three-way orthology, as predicted from reciprocal BLAST, identified 1,792 genes that could be used for cross-species comparison. Open reading frames (ORFs) could be deduced from 1,345 of the three-way alignments. Preliminary molecular analyses suggest a five- to ten-fold reduction in heterozygosity in the social S. mimosarum compared with the periodic-social species. Furthermore, an increased ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous polymorphisms in the social species indicated relaxed efficiency of selection. However, there was no sign of relaxed selection on the phylogenetic branch leading to S. mimosarum.ConclusionsThe 1,792 three-way ortholog genes identified in this study provide a unique resource for comparative studies of the eco-genomics, population genetics and molecular evolution of repeated evolution of inbreeding sociality within the Stegodyphus genus. Preliminary analyses support theoretical expectations of depleted heterozygosity and relaxed selection in the social inbreeding species. Relaxed selection could not be detected in the S. mimosarum lineage, suggesting that there has been a recent transition to sociality in this species.

Molecular Biology and Evolution | 2010

Molecular Evolution within and between Self-Incompatibility Specificities

Vincent Castric; Jesper Bechsgaard; S. Grenier; R. Noureddine; Mikkel H. Schierup; Xavier Vekemans

Genes under multiallelic balancing selection have sharply contrasted evolutionary dynamics across timescales, with much longer coalescence time among functionally distinct allelic lines but much shorter coalescence time among gene copies within allelic lines as compared with the genomic background. In this paper, we combine theoretical and empirical approaches to investigate patterns of molecular evolution within and between self-incompatibility (SI) specificities. We first use numerical simulations to investigate coalescence times within allelic lines in a subdivided population for a sporophytic SI system. We then report on a comprehensive analysis of nucleotide polymorphism among gene copies within five distinct allelic lines in the closely related Arabidopsis halleri and Arabidopsis lyrata. In line with our model predictions, we find that the observed level of polymorphism among gene copies was generally low but differed among allelic lines. The data provide compelling direct evidence for recombination and/or gene conversion not only within the two most recessive allelic lines but also between two closely related but distinct allelic lines, suggesting that recombination at the Arabidopsis SI locus is possible in the absence of large sequence divergence among haplotypes. We observed shared polymorphic sites between the two species in one allelic line and strikingly similar haplotypes in another allelic line. We discuss whether convergent evolution may have led to this pattern and suggest that these observations are consistent with ongoing or very recent introgression, as previously documented.

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