
Ageing & Society | 2010

Being physically active in old age: relationships with being active earlier in life, social status and agents of socialisation

Jesús Martínez del Castillo; José Emilio Jiménez-Beatty Navarro; José Luis Graupera Sanz; Maria Martin Rodriguez; Antonio Campos Izquierdo; David del Hierro Pinés

ABSTRACT Critical reviews of the literature on the factors that influence physical activity among older adults have argued that existing theoretical frameworks should be extended by integrating those that deal with the complex processes of socialisation and social learning. This paper explores some of the social processes that influence older peoples participation in physical activity (beyond that associated with everyday domestic tasks). A questionnaire with items on personal, social and environmental characteristics was completed by a random sample of older adults in the Madrid Autonomous Region (Spain). Significant relationships were found between the type of physical activity participation and: being physically active at earlier life stages, socio-economic status, the encouragement of others or social support in being active, and the knowledge and availability of local facilities. Some cases were observed of re-socialisation into physical activity among those who had been inactive earlier in life, and both appropriate environmental and supportive social conditions appeared instrumental. The findings could usefully inform the design of future social programmes to promote active lifestyles in later life, but given the complexity of the socialisation processes, it would be advisable for future studies to examine other than the four factors featured in the presented analysis, such as the role of cultural differences.

Canadian Journal on Aging-revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement | 2012

Associations among Physician Advice, Physical Activity, and Socio-demographic Groups in Older Spanish Adults

Maria Martin Rodriguez; Jesús Martínez del Castillo; José Antonio Serrano Sánchez; José Emilio Jiménez-Beatty Navarro; José Antonio Santacruz; Antonio Rivero Herráiz

Cette étude a examiné la relation entre l’avis médicale pour s’engager dans ld’activité physique avec, le type de demande d’activité physique et les variables démographiques. Une étude transversale a été élaborécréé. Un questionnaire avec des items sur l’avis médicale, le niveau de demande pour l’activité physique, et les variables démographiques a été complété par une échantillon national de personnes âgées en Espagne (N = 933, M = 74,1, range de 65 à 93), sélectionnées de manière aléatoire à plusieurs étapes. Les personnes âgées actifs actives physiquement ont plus souvent reçu des avis médicale médicaux à la pratiquepour s’engager dans ld’activité physique que les personnes non activefs. Il existe une relation significative entre l’avis médicale et le type de demande (p <.01) et l’âge (p <.05). Cependant, aucune relation n’a été trouvée déterminée entre l’avis médicale d’activité physique et le sexe, la classe sociale, ou le revenu. Les médécins peuvent effectivement favoriserencourager l’activité physique chez les adultes âgés sédentaires par des conseils d’activité physiqueavec un résultat efficace. Donc, les autorités sanitaires devraient promouvoir encourager aux médécins de conseiller à leurs patients plus âgés de s’engager dans l’activité physiqueles conseils médicaux de l’activité physique à leurs patients âgés. This study examined the relationship between medical advice to engage in physical activity with type of demand required by physical activity and demographic variables. A cross-sectional study was developed, featuring a questionnaire on physicians’ advice, and type of demand. The questionnaire was completed by a probability and nationwide sample of older adults in Spain (n = 933, M = 74.1, range 65–93), randomly selected using multistage sampling. More physically active older adults have, more often than the less active, received physicians’ advice to engage in physical activity. There is a significant relationship between medical advice and type of demand (p < .01) and age (p < .05). However, no relationship was found between physician medical advice and gender, social class, or income. Physicians can effectively promote physical activity among sedentary older adults through appropriate advice. Consequently, health authorities should promote physicians’ advising older patients to pursue physical activity.

Journal of Aging and Physical Activity | 2007

Motivational Factors and Physician Advice for Physical Activity in Older Urban Adults

José Emilio Jiménez-Beatty Navarro; José Luis Graupera Sanz; Jesús Martínez del Castillo; Antonio Campos Izquierdo; Maria Martin Rodriguez

Addiction | 2011

Factores motivacionales, actitudes y hábitos de práctica de actividad física en las mujeres mayores

José Luis Graupera Sanz; Jesús Martínez del Castillo; Beatriz Martín Novo

Revista Internacional De Sociologia | 2006

Condiciones de vida, socialización y actividad física en la vejez

Jesús Martínez del Castillo; José Emilio Jiménez-Beatty; José Luis Graupera; María Luisa Rodríguez

Ricyde. Revista Internacional De Ciencias Del Deporte | 2009

Los hábitos de actividad física de las mujeres mayores en España

Jesús Martínez del Castillo; María Dolores González Rivera; José Emilio Jiménez-Beatty Navarro; José Luis Graupera Sanz; Maria Martin Rodriguez; Antonio Campos Izquierdo; David del Hierro Pinés

Ricyde. Revista Internacional De Ciencias Del Deporte | 2007

Los profesionales de la organización y gestión de actividad física y deporte en las instalaciones deportivas y entidades: características socio-demográficas y formativas

Antonio Campos Izquierdo; Jesús Martínez del Castillo; Juan A. Mestre Sancho; Carlos Pablos Abella

Ricyde. Revista Internacional De Ciencias Del Deporte | 2007

Calidad de vida y estrés laboral: la incidencia del Burnout en el deporte de alto rendimiento madrileño

Maria Martin Rodriguez; Antonio Campos Izquierdo; José Emilio Jiménez-Beatty; Jesús Martínez del Castillo

Addiction | 2011

Hábitos y demandas deportivas de las mujeres mayores en el municipio de Madrid

José Emilio Jiménez-Beatty Navarro; Jesús Martínez del Castillo; José Luis Graupera Sanz

Ricyde. Revista Internacional De Ciencias Del Deporte | 2009

Los hábitos de actividad física de las mujeres mayores en España. (The habits of physical activity of the older women in Spain).

Jesús Martínez del Castillo; María Dolores González Rivera; José Emilio Jiménez-Beatty Navarro; José Luis Graupera Sanz; Maria Martin Rodriguez; Antonio Campos Izquierdo; David del Hierro Pinés

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