Jingi Yoo
Kyungpook National University
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Featured researches published by Jingi Yoo.
Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology | 2018
Kyoung-ook Kim; Jingi Yoo; Jinwook Lee; Nay Myo Win; Seulgi Ryu; Jeung-Sul Han; Hee-Young Jung; Myoung-Gun Choung; Yong-Deuk Kwon; Dong-Hoon Lee; In-Kyu Kang
AbstractWe evaluated the effects of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) treatment and polyethylene (PE) film liner application on the fruit quality attributes of cold-stored ‘Gamhong’ apples. Flesh firmness was better retained with 1-MCP treatment than by PE film liner treatment, regardless of 1-MCP treatment time. Titratable acidity was also well-maintained during cold storage. In contrast, the soluble solids contents were not consistent during storage. The 1-MCP treatment greatly reduced the internal ethylene concentration, when compared with the control and PE film liner treatments, irrespective of the 1-MCP treatment time. The weight loss of the fruit was greatly reduced by the PE film liner treatments, as well as by the 1-MCP treatments. The fruit peel color variables were not affected by the 1-MCP or PE film liner treatments during cold storage. Nevertheless, the peel color variables were greatly different in the shaded tissue than in the sunny side during cold storage. Our results indicate that 1-MCP treatment, as well as PE film liner application, should be highly recommended for retaining the fruit quality of cold-stored ‘Gamhong’ apples.
Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology | 2016
Jingi Yoo; Bong Kook Kang; Dae Hyun Kim; Jinwook Lee; Dong-Hoon Lee; Hun-Joong Kweon; In Myung Choi; Hee Young Jung; Myoung-Gun Choung; Dong Geun Choi; In-Kyu Kang
This study investigated the effects of flower and fruit thinning agents on fruit set and harvested fruit quality attributes in ‘Gamhong’ apples. Lime sulfur, MaxCel (1.9% BA), and Fruitone (3.5% NAA) were applied either at post-bloom or fruitlet stages to mature ‘Gamhong/M.9’ trees. In 2011, the numbers of fruits per cluster in terminal flowers were 1.74, 0.82, and 1.15 for the control, lime sulfur, and Maxcel (applied at 10-mm fruit stage) treatments, respectively. The percentages of single fruit per cluster were 36.0, 47.9, and 48.7% for the control, lime sulfur, and Maxcel (10 mm) treatments, respectively, while the percentages of clusters with three fruits per cluster were 22.9, 1.4, and 5.8%. In lateral flowers, fruit numbers per cluster were 1.20, 0.36, and 0.50 for the control, lime sulfur, and Maxcel (10 mm) treatments, respectively. In 2012, all the thinning treatments showed a positive effect on flower and fruit thinning, compared with the control. Moreover, the treatment with thinning agents did not affect fruit quality. Overall, the results suggest that a single application of flower or fruit thinning agents would be sufficient, rather than the mixed application of thinning agents, based on the observed decrease in fruit setting. Additional key words: benzyladenine, fruit set ratio, lateral flowers, lime sulfur, naphthaleneacetic acid, terminal flowers Received: August 5, 2015 Revised: October 13, 2015 Accepted: January 25, 2016 Copyrightc2016 Korean Society for Horticultural Science. 본 연구는 농촌진흥청 공동연구사업(PJ01048102) 의 지원에 의해 수행되었음. Korean J. Hortic. Sci. Technol. 34(1):24-31, 2016 http://dx.doi.org/10.12972/kjhst.20160006 pISSN : 1226-8763 eISSN : 2465-8588 적화제 및 적과제가 ‘감홍’ 사과의 착과와 과실 품질에 미치는 영향 Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology 25 서 언 ‘감홍’ 사과(Malus×domestica Borkh.)는 국립원예특작과학원에서 1981년에 ‘Spur EarliBlaze’에 ‘Spur Golden Delicious’ 를 교배하여 1992년에 육성된 중만생종 품종이다(Shin et al., 1993). ‘감홍’ 과실의 특성을 보면 과실의 크기는 400-450g으로 대과종이고, 수확기는 10월 초ᆞ중순이며, 과즙의 당도는 15°Brix 이상, 산도는 0.40% 정도로 식미가 매우 우수한 품종으로 평 가받고 있다(Shin et al., 1993). 따라서 최근 국내 소비시장에서 인기가 높아지면서 재배면적이 점차 확대되고 있는 실정이다. 사과의 경우 격년결실 방지와 적정 착과 및 과실 비대 촉진을 위하여 적과작업을 필수적으로 실시하고 있다(Childer et al., 1995; Dennis, 2000; Kim and Guak, 2010; Kook et al., 2009; Yoo et al., 2014). 그러나 최근 국내 농촌에는 고령화에 따른 노 동력 부족현상이 심화되고 있고 그에 따른 인건비 상승이 심각한 문제로 대두되고 있다. 우리나라의 경우 사과원 경영에 있어 노동력 투입비율을 보면 적과 작업이 총 노동투입의 12-16%를 차지하고 있으며(Park et al., 1998, Yoo et al., 2014), 일본의 경 우 우리나라보다 높은 24%에 달한다고 한다(Koike and One, 1998). 그러므로 인력 적과를 대체할 수 있는 약제를 이용한 적화 및 적과 기술개발이 필요하다(Jang et al., 1998). 지금까지 사용되어온 적과제인 Carbaryl은 적과 효과가 있지만(Batjer and Billingsley, 1964) 화분 매개곤충, 특히 꿀벌을 죽 이는 부작용으로 사용에 제한을 받고 있어 이를 대체할 적과제의 필요성이 대두되고 있다(Dennis, 2000). 최근 호주, 미국, 한 국 등에서 사과나무의 적화제로 석회유황합제(Lime sulfur)와 ammonium thiosulfate(ATS)를, 적과제로 6-benzyladenine(BA) 와 naphthaleneacetic acid(NAA)를 이용하고 있다(Bound et al., 1997; Greene and Autio, 1989; Greene et al., 1992; Guak et al., 2002; Kim and Guak, 2010; Robinson et al., 1998; Stover et al., 2001; Wismer et al., 1995). 국내에서는 ‘후지’와 ‘홍로’ 사 과에서 ATS, BA, NAA 등이 적과제로서 효과가 있고, 익년 개화율에도 영향이 없는 것으로 보고되어 있다(Guak et al., 2002; Kim and Guak, 2010; Yoo et al., 2014). 그러나 ‘감홍’ 사과에 대한 적화제 및 적과제의 효과에 대한 연구는 없는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 ‘감홍’ 품종을 대상으로 화학적 약제 적용이 과실의 착과에 미치는 영향을 구명함으로써 노동력을 절감할 수 있는 적화제 및 적과제의 실용화 가능성을 검토하고자 실시되었다.
Protected horticulture and Plant Factory | 2013
Jingi Yoo; Dae Hyun Kim; Jinwook Lee; In-Kyu Kang
Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology | 2015
Jingi Yoo; Bong Kook Kang; Jinwook Lee; Dae Hyun Kim; Dong-Hoon Lee; Hee-Young Jung; Dong-Geun Choi; Myoung-Gun Choung; In Myung Choi; In-Kyu Kang
Journal of Plant Biotechnology | 2015
Soon-Il Kwon; Jingi Yoo; Jinwook Lee; Yong-Sun Moon; Cheol Ho Choi; Hee Young Jung; Dong-Hoon Lee; Chang Kil Kim; In-Kyu Kang
Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology | 2018
Yeong-Ha Kwon; In-Kyu Kang; Jingi Yoo; Hyong Woo Choi; Sang-Wook Koh; Su Jin Kim; Kyo-Sun Park; Cheol Ho Choi
Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology | 2018
Nay Myo Win; Jinwook Lee; Jingi Yoo; Seulgi Ryu; Kyoung-ook Kim; Dae Hyun Kim; Hee-Young Jung; Myoung-Gun Choung; Kyeung-Il Park; Young-Je Cho; In-Kyu Kang
한국원예학회 학술발표요지 | 2016
Nay Myo Win; Jun-yeun Park; Kyung-ook Kim; Seolgi Ryu; Jingi Yoo; Dae Hyun Kim; In-Kyu Kang; Jinwook Lee
한국원예학회 학술발표요지 | 2016
Nay Myo Win; Jun-yeun Park; Kyung-ook Kim; Seolgi Ryu; Jingi Yoo; Dae Hyun Kim; In-Kyu Kang; Jinwook Lee
Protected Horticulture and Plant Factory | 2016
Jingi Yoo; In-Kyu Kang; Jun-yeun Park; Kyoung-ook Kim; Nay Myo Win; Seulgi Ryu; Dae Hyun Kim; Myoung-Gun Choung; Jinwook Lee