Jiong Qiu
Montana State University
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Featured researches published by Jiong Qiu.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Jiong Qiu; Qiang Hu; T. A. Howard; Vasyl Yurchyshyn
Wepresentthefirstquantitativecomparisonbetweenthetotalmagneticreconnectionfluxinthelowcoronainthe wake of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and the magnetic flux in magnetic clouds (MCs) that reach 1 AU 2Y3 days after CME onset. The total reconnection flux is measured from flare ribbons, and the MC flux is computed using in situ observations at 1 AU, all ranging from 10 20 to 10 22 Mx. It is found that for the nine studied events in which the association between flares, CMEs,and MCs isidentified, the MCflux iscorrelatedwiththe total reconnection flux! r. Further, the poloidal (azimuthal) MC flux ! p is comparable with the reconnection flux ! r, and the toroidal (axial) MC flux ! t is a fraction of ! r. Events associated with filament eruption do not exhibit a different ! t, p-! r relation from events not accompanied by erupting filaments. The relations revealed between these independently measured physical quantities suggest that for the studied samples, the magnetic flux and twist of interplanetary magnetic flux ropes, reflected by MCs, are highly relevant to low-corona magnetic reconnection during the eruption. We discuss the implications of this result for the formation mechanism of twisted magnetic flux ropes, namely, whether the helical structure of themagnetic flux ropeis largelypre-existing or formed in situ by low-coronamagnetic reconnection.We alsomeasuremagneticfluxencompassedincoronaldimmingregions(! d)anddiscussitsrelationtothereconnection flux inferred from flare ribbons and MC flux.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2001
Jongchul Chae; Haimin Wang; Jiong Qiu; Philip R. Goode; Louis H. Strous; H. S. Yun
We have studied the evolution of the photospheric magnetic —eld in active region NOAA 8668 for 3 days while the formation of a reverse S-shaped —lament proceeded. From a set of full-disk line-of-sight magnetograms taken by the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), we have found a large canceling magnetic feature that was closely associated with the formation of the —lament. The positive —ux of the magnetic feature was initially 1.5 ] 1021 Mx and exponentially decreased with an e-folding time of 28 hr throughout the period of observations. We also have determined the transverse velocities of the magnetic —ux concentrations in the active region by applying local correlation tracking. As a result, a persistent pattern of shear motion was identi—ed in the neighborhood of the —lament. The shear motion had a speed of 0.2¨0.5 km s~1 and fed negative magnetic helicity of [3 ] 1042 Mx2 into the coronal volume during an observing run of 50 hr at an average rate of [6 ] 1040 Mx2 hr~1. This rate is an order of magnitude higher than the rate of helicity change due to the solar diUerential rotation. The magnetic —ux of the —eld lines created by magnetic reconnection and the magnetic helicity generated by the photospheric shear motion are much more than enough for the formation of the —lament. Based on this result, we conjecture that the —lament formation may be the visible manifestation of the creation of a much bigger magnetic structure that may consist of a —ux rope and an overlying sheared arcade.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2002
Jiong Qiu; Jeongwoo Lee; Dale E. Gary; Haimin Wang
A systematic motion of Hα kernels during solar flares can be regarded as the chromospheric signature of progressive magnetic reconnection in the corona, in that the magnetic field lines swept through by the kernel motion are those connected to the diffusion region at the reconnection point. In this paper, we present high-cadence and high-resolution Hα-1.3 A observations of an impulsive flare that exhibits a systematic kernel motion and relate them to the reconnecting current sheet (RCS) in the corona. Through analyses of X-ray and microwave observations, we further examine the role of the macroscopic electric field inside the RCS in accelerating electrons. We measure the velocity of the kernel motion to be 20-100 km s-1. This is used together with the longitudinal magnetic field to infer an electric field as high as 90 V cm-1 at the flare maximum. This event shows a special magnetic field configuration and motion pattern of Hα kernels, in that a light bridge divides a flare kernel into two parts that move in different manners: one moving into the stronger magnetic field and the other moving along the isogauss contour of the longitudinal magnetic field. The temporal variation of the electric field inferred from the former type of kernel motion is found to be correlated with 20-85 keV hard X-ray light curves during the rise of the major impulsive phase. This would support the scenario of magnetic energy release via current dissipation inside the RCS, along with the hypothesis of the DC electric field acceleration of X-ray-emitting electrons below 100 keV. However, there is no good temporal correlation between the hard X-ray emission and the inferred electric field from the other motion pattern. Furthermore, the microwave emission, which supposedly comes from higher energy electrons, shows a time profile and electron spectrum that differs from those of the X-ray bursts. We conclude that either the two-dimensional magnetic reconnection theory related to the Hα kernel motion is applicable to only some part of the flare region due to its special magnetic geometry, or the electron acceleration is dominated by other mechanisms depending on the electron energy.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2004
Jiong Qiu; Haimin Wang; C. Z. Cheng; Dale E. Gary
An observational relationship has been well established among magnetic reconnection, high-energy flare emissions and the rising motion of erupting flux ropes. In this paper, we verify that the rate of magnetic reconnection in the low corona is temporally correlated with the evolution of flare nonthermal emissions in hard X-rays and microwaves, all reaching their peak values during the rising phase of the soft X-ray emission. In addition, however, our new observations reveal a temporal correlation between the magnetic reconnection rate and the directly observed acceleration of the accompanying coronal mass ejection (CME) and filament in the low corona, thus establishing a correlation with the rising flux rope. These results are obtained by examining two well-observed two-ribbon flare events, for which we have good measurements of the rise motion of filament eruption and CMEs associated with the flares. By measuring the magnetic flux swept through by flare ribbons as they separate in the lower atmosphere, we infer the magnetic reconnection rate in terms of the reconnection electric field Erec inside the reconnecting current sheet (RCS) and the rate of magnetic flux convected into the diffusion region. For the X1.6 flare event, the inferred Erec is ~5.8 V cm-1 and the peak mass acceleration is ~3 km s-2, while for the M1.0 flare event Erec is ~0.5 V cm-1 and the peak mass acceleration is 0.2-0.4 km s-2.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2003
Haimin Wang; Jiong Qiu; Ju Jing; Hongqi Zhang
In this paper, we present a detailed study of a two-ribbon flare in the plage region observed by Kanzelhohe Solar Observatory (KSO), which is one of the stations in our global Hα network. We select this event due to its very clear filament eruption, two-ribbon separation, and association with a fast coronal mass ejection (CME). We study the separation between the two ribbons seen in Hα as a function of time and find that the separation motion consisted of a fast stage of rapid motion at a speed of about 15 km s-1 in the first 20 minutes and a slow stage with a separation speed of about 1 km s-1 lasting for 2 hr. We then estimate the rate of the magnetic reconnection in the corona, as represented by the electric fields Ec in the reconnecting current sheet, by measuring the ribbon motion speed and the magnetic fields obtained from MDI. We find that there were two stages as well in evolution of the electric fields: Ec = 1 V cm-1 averaged over 20 minutes in the early stage, followed by Ec = 0.1 V cm-1 in the subsequent 2 hr. The two stages of the ribbon motion and electric fields coincide with the impulsive and decaying phases of the flare, respectively, yielding clear evidence that the impulsive flare energy release is governed by the fast magnetic reconnection in the corona. We also measure the projected heights of the erupting filament from KSO Hα and SOHO/EIT images. The filament started to rise 20 minutes before the flare. After the flare onset, it was accelerated quickly at a rate of 300 m s-2, and in 20 minutes, reached a speed of at least 540 km s-1, when it disappeared beyond the limb in the EIT observations. The acceleration rate of the CME is estimated to be 58 m s-2 during the decay phase of the flare. The comparison of the height and velocity profiles between the filament and CME suggests that fast acceleration of mass ejections occurred during the impulsive phase of the flare, when the magnetic reconnection rate was also large, with Ec = 1 V cm-1.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2002
Haimin Wang; Thomas J. Spirock; Jiong Qiu; Haisheng Ji; Vasyl Yurchyshyn; Yong-Jae Moon; Carsten J. Denker; Philip R. Goode
In this paper, we present the results of the study of six X-class flares. We found significant changes in the photospheric magnetic fields associated with all of the events. For the five events in 2001, when coronagraph data were available, all were associated with halo coronal mass ejections. Based on the analyses of the line-of-sight magnetograms, all six events had an increase in the magnetic flux of the leading polarity of order of a few times 1020 Mx while each event had some degree of decrease in the magnetic flux of the following polarity. The flux changes are considered impulsive because the changeover time, which we defined as the time to change from preflare to postflare state, ranged from 10 to 100 minutes. The observed changes are permanent. Therefore, the changes are not due to changes in the line profile caused by flare emissions. For the three most recent events, when vector magnetograms were available, two showed an impulsive increase of the transverse field strength and magnetic shear after the flares, as well as new sunspot area in the form of penumbral structure. One of the events in this study was from the previous solar cycle. This event showed a similar increase in all components of the magnetic field, magnetic shear, and sunspot area. We present three possible explanations to explain the observed changes: (1) the emergence of very inclined flux loops, (2) a change in the magnetic field direction, and (3) the expansion of the sunspot, which moved some flux out of Zeeman saturation. However, we have no explanation for the polarity preference; i.e., the flux of leading polarity tends to increase while the flux of following polarity tends to decrease slightly.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2002
Sarah E. Gibson; Lyndsay Fletcher; G. Del Zanna; C. D. Pike; H. E. Mason; Cristina Hemilse Mandrini; P. Démoulin; Holly R. Gilbert; Joan T. Burkepile; Thomas E. Holzer; D. M. Alexander; Yang Liu; Nariaki V. Nitta; Jiong Qiu; B. Schmieder; B. J. Thompson
Solar coronal sigmoidal active regions have been shown to be precursors to some coronal mass ejections. Sigmoids, or S-shaped structures, may be indicators of twisted or helical magnetic structures, having an increased likelihood of eruption. We present here an analysis of a sigmoidal regions three-dimensional structure and how it evolves in relation to its eruptive dynamics. We use data taken during a recent study of a sigmoidal active region passing across the solar disk (an element of the third Whole Sun Month campaign). While S-shaped structures are generally observed in soft X-ray (SXR) emission, the observations that we present demonstrate their visibility at a range of wavelengths including those showing an associated sigmoidal filament. We examine the relationship between the S-shaped structures seen in SXR and those seen in cooler lines in order to probe the sigmoidal regions three-dimensional density and temperature structure. We also consider magnetic field observations and extrapolations in relation to these coronal structures. We present an interpretation of the disk passage of the sigmoidal region, in terms of a twisted magnetic flux rope that emerges into and equilibrates with overlying coronal magnetic field structures, which explains many of the key observed aspects of the regions structure and evolution. In particular, the evolving flux rope interpretation provides insight into why and how the region moves between active and quiescent phases, how the regions sigmoidicity is maintained during its evolution, and under what circumstances sigmoidal structures are apparent at a range of wavelengths.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2001
Philip R. Goode; Jiong Qiu; Vasyl Yurchyshyn; J. Hickey; M.-C. Chu; E. Kolbe; C. T. Brown; S. E. Koonin
Regular photometric observations of the moons “ashen light” (earthshine) from the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) since December 1998 have quantified the earths optical reflectance. We find large (∼5%) daily variations in the reflectance due to large-scale weather changes on the other side of the globe. Separately, we find comparable hourly variations during the course of many nights as the earths rotation changes that portion of the earth in view. Our data imply an average terrestrial albedo of 0.297±0.005, which agrees with that from simulations based upon both changing snow and ice cover and satellite-derived cloud cover (0.296±0.002). However, we find seasonal variations roughly twice those of the simulation, with the earth being brightest in the spring. Our results suggest that long-term earthshine observations are a useful monitor of the earths albedo. Comparison with more limited earthshine observations during 1994–1995 show a marginally higher albedo then.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2003
Jiong Qiu; Dale E. Gary
In this paper we report a significant magnetic anomaly, specifically an apparent sign reversal of magnetic polarities in small areas of Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) magnetograms during the impulsive phase of an X5.6 flare on 2001 April 6. Three flare kernels were observed to emit ?50 keV hard X-rays, which are located in strong magnetic fields of order ?1000-1500 G. We find that the apparent sign reversal began and persisted for a few minutes in all three kernels, in precise temporal and spatial correspondence with the hard X-ray sources. We search for a combination of instrumental and flare-induced line profile effects that can account for this behavior. Our studies provide a viable scenario that the observed transient sign reversal is likely to be produced by distorted measurements when the Ni I 6768 ? line comes into emission or strong central reversal as a result of nonthermal beam impact on the atmosphere in regions of strong magnetic fields.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
Ju Jing; Jiong Qiu; Jun Lin; Ming Qu; Yan Xu; Haimin Wang
Forbes & Lin derived simple equations to link the properties of magnetic reconnection in the corona to observed signatures of solar flares. We measured the photospheric magnetic fields and the flare ribbon separation speeds then applied these equations to derive two physical terms for the magnetic reconnection rates: the rate of magnetic flux change rec involved in magnetic reconnection in the low corona and the electric field Erec inside the reconnecting current sheet (RCS) that is generated during magnetic reconnection. The central interest in this work is to investigate and quantify the statistical correlation between the magnetic reconnection rate and the corresponding flux-rope acceleration. From a sample of 13 well-observed two-ribbon flares, which are associated with filament eruptions or coronal mass ejections (CMEs), the acceleration of erupting filaments is found mainly in the range of 0.05-0.4 km s-2, up to 3 km s-2. Correspondingly, the maximum Erec and rec mostly occur in the range of 0.2-5 V cm-1 and 0.5-6 × 1018 Mx s-1, respectively. A positive and strong correlation is found with a cross-correlation coefficient of 0.94-0.97 between the magnetic reconnection rate and the acceleration of erupting filaments that represents the early stages of flux-rope eruptions in the low corona. However, the inferred reconnection rate is not correlated to the acceleration of CME fronts measured by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) observations in the range of 2-30 solar radii (the correlation coefficient is less than 0.2). A reasonable correlation is found between the reconnection rate and the velocity of CMEs, which indicates the cumulative acceleration of CMEs from the low corona to the LASCO C2 field of view. The temporal correlation between the magnetic reconnection rate and the flare nonthermal emissions has also been verified in this paper.