
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2013

Bacterial Community Response to Petroleum Hydrocarbon Amendments in Freshwater, Marine, and Hypersaline Water-Containing Microcosms

Diogo Jurelevicius; Vanessa Marques Alvarez; Joana Montezano Marques; Laryssa Ribeiro Fonseca de Sousa Lima; Felipe A. Dias; Lucy Seldin

ABSTRACT Hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial communities from freshwater, marine, and hypersaline Brazilian aquatic ecosystems (with water salinities corresponding to 0.2%, 4%, and 5%, respectively) were enriched with different hydrocarbons (heptadecane, naphthalene, or crude oil). Changes within the different microcosms of bacterial communities were analyzed using cultivation approaches and molecular methods (DNA and RNA extraction, followed by genetic fingerprinting and analyses of clone libraries based on the 16S rRNA-coding gene). A redundancy analysis (RDA) of the genetic fingerprint data and a principal component analysis (PCA) of the clone libraries revealed hydrocarbon-enriched bacterial communities specific for each ecosystem studied. However, within the same ecosystem, different bacterial communities were selected according to the petroleum hydrocarbon used. In general, the results demonstrated that Acinetobacter and Cloacibacterium were the dominant genera in freshwater microcosms; the Oceanospirillales order and the Marinobacter, Pseudomonas, and Cycloclasticus genera predominated in marine microcosms; and the Oceanospirillales order and the Marinobacter genus were selected in the different hydrocarbon-containing microcosms in hypersaline water. Determination of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) in all microcosms after 32 days of incubation showed a decrease in the hydrocarbon concentration compared to that for the controls. A total of 50 (41.3%) isolates from the different hydrocarbon-contaminated microcosms were associated with the dominant operational taxonomic units (OTUs) obtained from the clone libraries, and their growth in the hydrocarbon contaminating the microcosm from which they were isolated as the sole carbon source was observed. These data provide insight into the general response of bacterial communities from freshwater, marine, and hypersaline aquatic ecosystems to petroleum hydrocarbon contamination.

FEMS Microbiology Ecology | 2014

Plant age and genotype affect the bacterial community composition in the tuber rhizosphere of field-grown sweet potato plants.

Joana Montezano Marques; Thais Freitas da Silva; Renata Estebanez Vollú; Arie Fitzgerald Blank; Guo-Chun Ding; Lucy Seldin; Kornelia Smalla

The hypothesis that sweet potato genotypes containing different starch yields in their tuberous roots can affect the bacterial communities present in the rhizosphere (soil adhering to tubers) was tested in this study. Tuberous roots of field-grown sweet potato of genotypes IPB-149 (commercial genotype), IPB-052, and IPB-137 were sampled three and six months after planting and analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and pyrosequencing analysis of 16S rRNA genes PCR-amplified from total community DNA. The statistical analysis of the DGGE fingerprints showed that both plant age and genotypes influenced the bacterial community structure in the tuber rhizosphere. Pyrosequencing analysis showed that the IPB-149 and IPB-052 (both with high starch content) displayed similar bacterial composition in the tuber rhizosphere, while IPB-137 with the lowest starch content was distinct. In comparison with bulk soil, higher 16S rRNA gene copy numbers (qPCR) and numerous genera with significantly increased abundance in the tuber rhizosphere of IPB-137 (Sphingobium, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Stenotrophomonas, Chryseobacterium) indicated a stronger rhizosphere effect. The genus Bacillus was strongly enriched in the tuber rhizosphere samples of all sweet potato genotypes studied, while other genera showed a plant genotype-dependent abundance. This is the first report on the molecular identification of bacteria being associated with the tuber rhizosphere of different sweet potato genotypes.

Applied and Environmental Soil Science | 2011

Comparative Bioremediation of Crude Oil-Amended Tropical Soil Microcosms by Natural Attenuation, Bioaugmentation, or Bioenrichment

Vanessa Marques Alvarez; Joana Montezano Marques; Elisa Korenblum; Lucy Seldin

Bioremediation is an efficient strategy for cleaning up sites contaminated with organic pollutants. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of monitored natural attenuation, bioenrichment, and bioaugmentation using a consortium of three actinomycetes strains in remediating two distinct typical Brazilian soils from the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes that were contaminated with crude oil, with or without the addition of NaCl. Microcosms were used to simulate bioremediation treatments over a 120-day period. During this period, we monitored total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) and n-alkanes degradation and changes in bacterial communities. Over time, we found the degradation rate of n-alkanes was higher than TPH in both soils, independent of the treatment used. In fact, our data show that the total bacterial community in the soils was mainly affected by the experimental period of time, while the type of bioremediation treatment used was the main factor influencing the actinomycetes populations in both soils. Based on these data, we conclude that monitored natural attenuation is the best strategy for remediation of the two tropical soils studied, with or without salt addition.

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | 2015

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens TSBSO 3.8, a biosurfactant-producing strain with biotechnological potential for microbial enhanced oil recovery

Vanessa Marques Alvarez; Diogo Jurelevicius; Joana Montezano Marques; Pamella Macedo de Souza; Livia Vieira de Araujo; Thalita G. Barros; Rodrigo O. M. A. de Souza; Denise Maria Guimarães Freire; Lucy Seldin

A screening for biosurfactant-producing bacteria was conducted with 217 strains that were isolated from environmental samples contaminated with crude oil and/or petroleum derivatives. Although 19 promising biosurfactant producers were detected, strain TSBSO 3.8, which was identified by molecular methods as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, drew attention for its production of a high-activity compound that presented an emulsification activity of 63% and considerably decreased surface (28.5 mN/m) and interfacial (11.4 mN/m) tensions in Trypticase Soy Broth culture medium. TSBSO 3.8 growth and biosurfactant production were tested under different physical and chemical conditions to evaluate its biotechnological potential. Biosurfactant production occurred between 0.5% and 7% NaCl, at pH values varying from 6 to 9 and temperatures ranging from 28 to 50 °C. Moreover, biosurfactant properties remained the same after autoclaving at 121 °C for 15 min. The biosurfactant was also successful in a test to simulate microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR). Mass spectrometry analysis showed that the surface active compound was a surfactin, known as a powerful biosurfactant that is commonly produced by Bacillus species. The production of a high-efficiency biosurfactant, under some physical and chemical conditions that resemble those experienced in an oil production reservoir, such as high salinities and temperatures, makes TSBSO 3.8 an excellent candidate and creates good expectations for its application in MEOR.

BMC Microbiology | 2014

Endophytic microbial community in two transgenic maize genotypes and in their near-isogenic non-transgenic maize genotype

Débora Alves Ferreira da Silva; Simone Raposo Cotta; Renata Estebanez Vollú; Diogo Jurelevicius; Joana Montezano Marques; I. E. Marriel; Lucy Seldin

BackgroundDespite all the benefits assigned to the genetically modified plants, there are still no sufficient data available in literature concerning the possible effects on the microbial communities associated with these plants. Therefore, this study was aimed at examining the effects of the genetic modifications of two transgenic maize genotypes (MON810 – expressing the insecticidal Bt-toxin and TC1507 – expressing the insecticidal Bt-toxin and the herbicide resistance PAT [phosphinothricin-N-acetyltransferase]) on their endophytic microbial communities, in comparison to the microbial community found in the near-isogenic non-transgenic maize (control).ResultsThe structure of the endophytic communities (Bacteria, Archaea and fungi) and their composition (Bacteria) were evaluated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and the construction of clone libraries, respectively. DGGE analysis and the clone libraries of the bacterial community showed that genotype TC1507 slightly differed from the other two genotypes. Genotype TC1507 showed a higher diversity within its endophytic bacterial community when compared to the other genotypes. Although some bacterial genera were found in all genotypes, such as the genera Burkholderia, Achromobacer and Stenotrophomonas, some were unique to genotype TC1507. Moreover, OTUs associated with Enterobacter predominated only in TC1507 clone libraries.ConclusionThe endophytic bacterial community of the maize genotype TC1507 differed from the communities of the maize genotype MON810 and of their near-isogenic parental genotypes (non-Bt or control). The differences observed among the maize genotypes studied may be associated with insertion of the gene coding for the protein PAT present only in the transgenic genotype TC1507.

BMC Microbiology | 2015

Exploiting the aerobic endospore-forming bacterial diversity in saline and hypersaline environments for biosurfactant production

Camila Rattes de Almeida Couto; Vanessa Marques Alvarez; Joana Montezano Marques; Diogo Jurelevicius; Lucy Seldin

BackgroundBiosurfactants are surface-active biomolecules with great applicability in the food, pharmaceutical and oil industries. Endospore-forming bacteria, which survive for long periods in harsh environments, are described as biosurfactant producers. Although the ubiquity of endospore-forming bacteria in saline and hypersaline environments is well known, studies on the diversity of the endospore-forming and biosurfactant-producing bacterial genera/species in these habitats are underrepresented.MethodsIn this study, the structure of endospore-forming bacterial communities in sediment/mud samples from Vermelha Lagoon, Massambaba, Dois Rios and Abraão Beaches (saline environments), as well as the Praia Seca salterns (hypersaline environments) was determined via denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Bacterial strains were isolated from these environmental samples and further identified using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Strains presenting emulsification values higher than 30 % were grouped via BOX-PCR, and the culture supernatants of representative strains were subjected to high temperatures and to the presence of up to 20 % NaCl to test their emulsifying activities in these extreme conditions. Mass spectrometry analysis was used to demonstrate the presence of surfactin.ResultsA diverse endospore-forming bacterial community was observed in all environments. The 110 bacterial strains isolated from these environmental samples were molecularly identified as belonging to the genera Bacillus, Thalassobacillus, Halobacillus, Paenibacillus, Fictibacillus and Paenisporosarcina. Fifty-two strains showed emulsification values of at least 30%, and they were grouped into18 BOX groups. The stability of the emulsification values varied when the culture supernatants of representative strains were subjected to high temperatures and to the presence of up to 20% NaCl. The presence of surfactin was demonstrated in one of the most promising strains.ConclusionThe environments studied can harbor endospore-forming bacteria capable of producing biosurfactants with biotechnological applications. Various endospore-forming bacterial genera/species are presented for the first time as biosurfactant producers.

Plant and Soil | 2017

The bacterial community associated with rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) leaves responds to anthracnose symptoms

Thais Freitas da Silva; Renata Estebanez Vollú; Joana Montezano Marques; Joana Falcão Salles; Lucy Seldin

BackgroundThe fungus Colletotrichum is a plant pathogen that causes the anthracnose disease, resulting in huge losses in various crops including the rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium graveolens). Although the bacterial community associated with plants has an important role in the establishment of plant diseases, little is known about what happens in P. graveolens.AimsTo increase the knowledge about the bacterial community associated with P. graveolens and its relationship with anthracnose disease symptoms.MethodsQuantitative PCR and high-throughput sequencing were combined to determine the presence of the fungus Colletotrichum and to reveal the bacterial communities associated with different plant parts – root, stem and leaf – and in the rhizosphere and bulk soil, and also to determine the respective bacterial communities associated with P. graveolens leaves symptomatic and asymptomatic for anthracnose disease.ResultsThe fungus Colletotrichum was detected in all plant parts and in the surrounding soil. Bacterial communities varied spatially in plants, and the disease symptoms also influenced the composition of the bacterial community. Abundances of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) assigned to the phylum Actinobacteria and to the genus Streptococcus were greatly increased in asymptomatic leaves.ConclusionsThe bacterial community associated to geranium leaves responds to anthracnose symptoms.

Molecules | 2017

Growth inhibition of sulfate-reducing bacteria in produced water from the petroleum industry using essential oils

Pamella Macedo de Souza; Fátima Regina de Vasconcelos Goulart; Joana Montezano Marques; Humberto R. Bizzo; Arie Fitzgerald Blank; Claudia Groposo; Maíra Paula de Sousa; Vanessa Vólaro; Celuta Sales Alviano; Daniela Sales Alviano Moreno; Lucy Seldin

Strategies for the control of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the oil industry involve the use of high concentrations of biocides, but these may induce bacterial resistance and/or be harmful to public health and the environment. Essential oils (EO) produced by plants inhibit the growth of different microorganisms and are a possible alternative for controlling SRB. We aimed to characterize the bacterial community of produced water obtained from a Brazilian petroleum facility using molecular methods, as well as to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of EO from different plants and their major components against Desulfovibrio alaskensis NCIMB 13491 and against SRB growth directly in the produced water. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of the genera Pelobacter and Marinobacterium, Geotoga petraea, and the SRB Desulfoplanes formicivorans in our produced water samples. Sequencing of dsrA insert-containing clones confirmed the presence of sequences related to D. formicivorans. EO obtained from Citrus aurantifolia, Lippia alba LA44 and Cymbopogon citratus, as well as citral, linalool, eugenol and geraniol, greatly inhibited (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) = 78 µg/mL) the growth of D. alaskensis in a liquid medium. The same MIC was obtained directly in the produced water with EO from L. alba LA44 (containing 82% citral) and with pure citral. These findings may help to control detrimental bacteria in the oil industry.

Brazilian Journal of Microbiology | 2016

Streptomyces lunalinharesii 235 prevents the formation of a sulfate-reducing bacterial biofilm

Juliana Pacheco da Rosa; Samyra Raquel Gonçalves Tibúrcio; Joana Montezano Marques; Lucy Seldin; R. R. R. Coelho

Streptomyces lunalinharesii strain 235 produces an antimicrobial substance that is active against sulfate reducing bacteria, the major bacterial group responsible for biofilm formation and biocorrosion in petroleum reservoirs. The use of this antimicrobial substance for sulfate reducing bacteria control is therefore a promising alternative to chemical biocides. In this study the antimicrobial substance did not interfere with the biofilm stability, but the sulfate reducing bacteria biofilm formation was six-fold smaller in carbon steel coupons treated with the antimicrobial substance when compared to the untreated control. A reduction in the most probable number counts of planktonic cells of sulfate reducing bacteria was observed after treatments with the sub-minimal inhibitory concentration, minimal inhibitory concentration, and supra-minimal inhibitory concentration of the antimicrobial substance. Additionally, when the treated coupons were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, the biofilm formation was found to be substantially reduced when the supra-minimal inhibitory concentration of the antimicrobial substance was used. The coupons used for the biofilm formation had a small weight loss after antimicrobial substance treatment, but corrosion damage was not observed by scanning electron microscopy. The absence of the dsrA gene fragment in the scraped cell suspension after treatment with the supra-minimal inhibitory concentration of the antimicrobial substance suggests that Desulfovibrio alaskensis was not able to adhere to the coupons. This is the first report on an antimicrobial substance produced by Streptomyces active against sulfate reducing bacteria biofilm formation. The application of antimicrobial substance as a potential biocide for sulfate reducing bacteria growth control could be of great interest to the petroleum industry.

Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology | 2018

Response of the microbial community associated with sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) to Bacillus safensis and Bacillus velezensis strains

Jackeline Rossetti Mateus; Joana Montezano Marques; Isabella Dal’Rio; Renata Estebanez Vollú; Marcia Reed Rodrigues Coelho; Lucy Seldin

AbstractSweet potato is a subsistence crop cultivated worldwide. Although it is generally considered tolerant to different diseases, it is quite susceptible to the fungus Plenodomus destruens that causes foot-rot disease. Plant growth-promoting bacteria associated with sweet potato remain poorly studied, but some Bacillus strains may have potential as biological control agents. Here, we evaluate the persistence of two bacterial strains—Bacillus safensis T052-76 and Bacillus velezensis T149-19—in pot experiments and assess their impact on indigenous bacterial and fungal communities associated with sweet potato. Numbers of cells of both strains introduced into pots remained stable in the rhizosphere of sweet potato over the 180-day experiment. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis based on the rrs gene encoding bacterial 16S rRNA and the fungal ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region showed that bands corresponding to the introduced strains were not detected in plant endosphere. PERMANOVA and non-metric multidimensional scaling statistical analyses showed that: (1) strain T052-76 altered the structure of the indigenous bacterial community (rhizosphere and soil) more than strain T149-19; (2) T052-76 slightly altered the structure of the indigenous fungal community (rhizosphere and soil) and (3) strain T149-19 did not disturb the fungal community. Our results demonstrate the stability of both Bacillus strains in the sweet potato rhizosphere and, apart from the influence of B. safensis T052-76 on the bacterial community, their limited impact on the microbial community associated with this important crop plant.

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