Joanna Antoszewska
Wrocław Medical University
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics | 2011
Piotr Fudalej; Joanna Antoszewska
INTRODUCTION Our objective was to perform a systematic review of studies pertaining to the distalization of teeth with appliances reinforced with temporary skeletal anchorage devices. METHODS PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Knowledge, Ovid, and Scopus were searched until the second week of August 2010 to identify all articles reporting on the use of orthodontic implants or miniplates in distalization of teeth. The quality of the relevant studies was ranked on an 11-point scale, from low to high quality. RESULTS Twelve relevant articles were identified. The distal movement of the maxillary molars was from 3.3 to 6.4 mm; the concomitant molar distal tipping was from 0.80° to 12.20°. The maxillary incisors remained stable during molar distalization. The assessment of study quality showed that 8 studies were of low and 4 of medium quality. CONCLUSIONS Molar distalizers reinforced with the temporary skeletal anchorage devices seem to effectively move molars distally without unwanted mesial incisor tipping. Because of the lack of high-quality studies, however, the findings of this study should be interpreted with caution.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics | 2009
Joanna Antoszewska; Moschos A. Papadopoulos; Hyo-Sang Park; Ludwig B
INTRODUCTION Anchorage control is important for efficient orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances. Successful osseointegration encouraged many orthodontists to use dental implants as stationary anchorage units for force application. However, their use has some drawbacks, which led to the development of miniscrew implants (MIs). Our aim was to investigate factors significantly contributing to the success rates of MIs in various orthodontic treatment procedures in white patients. METHODS In total, 350 self-tapping (187 Abso Anchor [Dentos, Daegu, South Korea] and 163 Ortho Easy Pin [Forestadent, Pforzheim, Germany]) MIs used to reinforce orthodontic anchorage and placed in 130 consecutively chosen patients were assessed retrospectively. Clinical variables possibly influencing the success rates of MIs were categorized into patient-related, implant-related, location-related, and orthodontic-related. Statistical evaluation included descriptive statistics and survival analysis. The survival curves of the MIs with respect to the various factors were estimated and plotted by using the Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimate. The MI survival distributions for each factor were compared with the log rank test for simple comparisons or the Cox regression for multiple variables. RESULTS The overall success rates of MIs that remained stable during a mean treatment time of 19.2 +/- 2.3 months was 93.43%; this was considerably higher than in previous reports. Only a few factors were found to be associated with statistically significant higher success rates of MIs, including deep bites, placement in the attached gingiva of the maxilla, and en-masse distalization of teeth. CONCLUSIONS The success rates of MIs in white patients were greater than the corresponding rates reported for Asian patients. Our results confirm the effectiveness of orthodontic MIs as temporary anchorage reinforcement devices and suggest various clinical factors as potential causes of failure.
Archivum Immunologiae Et Therapiae Experimentalis | 2010
Joanna Antoszewska; Katarzyna Raftowicz-Wójcik; Beata Kawala; Teresa Matthews-Brzozowska
During the past few years, the application of orthodontic miniscrews and dental implants has been expanded. However, failures have necessitated ongoing investigation of potential risk factors. The aim of this overview was to conduct an assessment of the immunological response following application of cortical temporary anchorage devices—titanium miniscrew implants—in orthodontic patients. A scrupulous search of the database revealed only two matching items; therefore studies evaluating the immune response subsequent to insertion of dental implants were reviewed. Thorough assessment revealed the following as factors associated with dental implant rejection: (1) correlation of the volume of gingival and peri-implant crevicular fluid and the amount of interleukin (IL)-1β with mucosal inflammation, thus serving as a peri-implantitis evaluation index; (2) significantly more frequent marginal bone loss around implants in patients with IL-1B-511 2/2 genotype; (3) humoral response to Staphylococcus aureus. However, since there is almost no evidence-based evaluation of the allergic/inflammatory reaction either to orthodontic titanium miniscrews themselves or in adolescents and young adults, who comprise the largest group of orthodontic patients, this issue requires further investigation. It is essential in order to achieve successful, sophisticated and modern treatment of malocclusions.
Pediatria polska | 2009
Alicja Szwedowska; Joanna Antoszewska; Beata Kawala
Streszczenie Plodowy zespol alkoholowy jest nastepstwem oddzialywania alkoholu na plod. Zespol ten moze przybierac rozny obraz kliniczny, w zalezności od okresu ciązy oraz dawki alkoholu spozytego przez ciezarną. Przegląd dostepnego piśmiennictwa dotyczy zaburzen struktur twarzoczaszki u plodu, powstalych w wyniku spozywania etanolu przez kobiety w ciązy.
journal of orthodontic science | 2012
Ludwig B; Holger Zipprich; Britta Gebel; Ben Piller; Joanna Antoszewska
Objectives: To investigate the reliability of mechanical and adhesive methods of fixing rectangular wires in the cross-slot of a mini-implant. Materials and Methods: A twin-hooked wire element was placed and fixed in the slot of a mini-implant via a NiTi spring under tension, or by means of an adhesive. For the purpose of mechanical anchorage, the wire was crimped with a special crimping tool to increase its thickness and prevent it from slipping through the slot. Before applying the adhesive, there were four possible methods of preparation: Untreated Wire (Adh. 1); ROCATEC-Pre (Adh. 2); ROCATEC-PRE + Espe Sil (Adh. 3); ROCATEC-PRE + ROCATEC-PLUS + Espe Sil (Adh. 4). The mechanical fixing and two adhesive fixings were aged by means of temperature change (500 cycles). A Zwick universal testing machine was used to measure the maximum strength of the coupling. Results: In all tests, the untreated wire + adhesive withstood the lowest maximum load (Ø 3 N and 10.8 N respectively) and failed the aging test after a maximum of eight cycles. The wires in test group Adh. 4 withstood the highest maximum load (Ø 43.3 N; 41.5 N; 45.9 N after aging) in all tests. The average load withstood by the crimped ligature was 38.7 N. Conclusion: The adhesive method of fixation performs best when the rectangular wire is sand blasted and silanized before application. The mechanical coupling using the crimped ligature is reliable.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics | 2009
Joanna Antoszewska; Moschos A. Papadopoulos; Hyo-Sang Park; Ludwig B
Czasopismo stomatologiczne | 2013
Beata Kawala; Joanna Antoszewska; Michał Sarul; Anna Kozanecka
Korean Journal of Orthodontics | 2011
Joanna Antoszewska; Paulina Trześniewska; Beata Kawala; Ludwig B; Hyo-Sang Park
Dental and Medical Problems | 2013
Liwia Minch; Michał Chrobak; Joanna Antoszewska
Dental and Medical Problems | 2012
Joanna Antoszewska; Marlena Kosior