
Medical and Biological Sciences | 2016

Assessment of health behaviour of school-age youth

Joanna Siminska; Katarzyna Pietkun; Piotr Porzych; Iwona Głowacka; Krystyna Nowacka; Małgorzata Banaszkiewicz; Wojciech Hagner

I n t r o d u c t i o n . Adolescence is a very important period for young people as it is the time when the patterns of health behaviour stabilize and in such form may be adopted for the rest of one’s life. This age group is also most prone to behaviour posing a risk to health and lacking behaviour good for health. The period of education is the most suitable to make teenagers aware of how much depends on themselves. Adolescence is often the time of rebellion and independent decision making which influence both the diet, way of spending fee time, personal and mental hygiene as well as abusing dangerous substance. The aim of the study was to assess the health behaviour of lower secondary school attendees in the scope of diet and physical activity by means of a questionnaire. The materials were based on research regarding health behaviour. The study group consisted of 90 students (60% male, 40% female). A questionnaire was chosen as the study method. The study was performed in 2012, from May until September. The results were comparable with HBSC results from 2006 in which 64.4% of the adolescents did not achieve the recommended physical activity minimum. The research has shown that adolescents prefer passive ways of spending their free time. Studies which monitor the state of behaviour linked with the health of the youth are carried out both internationally, nationally and locally. Poland achieves poor results in comparison to other countries when it comes to level of physical activity and amount of time spent on passive leisure.

Archive | 2016

Przegląd wybranych metod rehabilitacji kończyny górnej u pacjentów po przebytym udarze niedokrwiennym mózgu = A review of selected methods for the rehabilitation of the upper extremity in patients after undergone brain ischemic stroke

Joanna Siminska; Iwona Głowacka; Karol Ogurkowski; Piotr Porzych; Sebastian Grzyb; Anna Świątkowska; Krystyna Nowacka; Wojciech Beuth; Katarzyna Pietkun

Archive | 2016

The comparison of the therapeutic massage with the craniosacral method in treating the pain syndrome of the cranial part of the spine

Waldemar Miszewski; Maciej Śniegocki; Agnieszka Miszewska; Iwona Głowacka; Wojciech Hagner; Sebastian Grzyb; Joanna Siminska; Zygmunt Siedlecki; Krystyna Nowacka; Katarzyna Pietkun

Archive | 2016

Przegląd zaleceń postępowania fizjoterapeutycznego stosowanego w bólu kręgosłupa w odcinku lędźwiowym = Overview of recommendations physiotherapy used for spinal pain in the lumbar region

Joanna Siminska; Wojciech Beuth; Iwona Głowacka; Wojciech Hagner; Zygmunt Siedlecki; Krystyna Nowacka; Katarzyna Pietkun

Archive | 2016

Udar niedokrwienny mózgu - postępowanie przedszpitalne i wczesnoszpitalne = Ischemic stroke - the procedure prehospital and hospital

Joanna Siminska; Iwona Głowacka; Piotr Porzych; Wojciech Hagner; Sebastian Grzyb; Kinga Grobelska; Krystyna Nowacka; Katarzyna Pietkun

Journal of Education, Health and Sport | 2016

Pielęgnacja i usprawnianie osób z paraplegią i tetraplegią = Care and improvement of people with paraplegią and tetraplegią

Katarzyna Pietkun; Jolanta Dejewska; Piotr Porzych; Justyna Stępowska; Anna Lewandowska; Joanna Siminska; Krystyna Nowacka; Wojciech Beuth

Archive | 2015

Rehabilitacja i ratownictwo = Rehabilitation and rescue

Katarzyna Pietkun; Iwona Głowacka; Krystyna Nowacka; JoannaI Red. Siminska; Joanna Siminska; Iwona Red. Głowacka

Journal of Education, Health and Sport | 2015

Znaczenie terapii zajęciowej w domach pomocy społecznej = The importance of occupational therapy in social welfare homes

Katarzyna Pietkun; Joanna Siminska; Karol Ogurskowski; Krystyna Nowacka

Journal of Education, Health and Sport | 2015

Przegląd metody leczenia i najczęstszych przyczyn amputacji otwartych i zamkniętych w obrębie kończyny górnej = Review of the methods of treatment and the most common causes of open and closed amputations within areas upper extremity

Katarzyna Pietkun; Joanna Siminska; Joanna Stocka; Karol Ogurkowski; Wojciech Hagner; Krystyna Nowacka

Journal of Education, Health and Sport | 2015

Łokieć tenisisty - przegląd wybranych metod fizykalnych, metod zaopatrzenia ortopedycznego i masażu = Tennis elbow ty - review of selected physical methods, methods of orthopaedic supplies and massage

Joanna Siminska; Katarzyna Pietkun; Joanna Stocka; Małgorzata Giermakowska; Krystyna Nowacka; Wojciech Hagner

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