
Bragantia | 2005

Diferentes épocas de colheita, secagem e armazenamento na qualidade de grãos de trigo comum e duro

Luciana Maria Terra Alves Carneiro; João Domingos Biagi; José Guilherme de Freitas; Marcelo Cristiano Carneiro; João Carlos Felício

The objective of the present work was to analyse the effects of initial moisture content, drying parameters and storage period in grain quality. The experiment was installed in Campinas Agronomic Institute (IAC), using two genotypes of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L), one with spike dormancy (IAC 24), harvested with 30.0%; 21.4% and 12.2% moisture content and the other without it (IAC 289), harvested with 35.0%; 23.4% and 12.5% moisture content; additionally, one hard wheat genotype (Triticum durum L.) without dormancy (IAC 1003), harvested with 31.6%, 22.2% and 11.7% moisture content was also analysed. Drying operations were performed at 40, 60 and 80 oC under an air flow of 20m3 min-1.m-2. Dried grains were then stored in polyethylene packets for a period of 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8-months at 20±2oC. Grain quality parameters analysed were number of falls, viscosity, general force of gluten and hectolitre weight. The genotype IAC 289 presented an increase on alpha-amylase activity due to harvest delay. Harvest anticipation and drying process had no effect on grain quality, whereas storage period improved the technological quality of the wheat flour.

SciELO | 2010

Projeto e construção de reômetro capilar para caracterização de alimentos para animais

Marcos Fraiha; João Domingos Biagi; Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Ferraz; Claudio Bianor Sverzut

The fundaments of rheometry are relatively simple, and the construction of equipments to measure the rheological behavior of materials can be accomplished with small investment. The aim of this paper is to describe the design and construction of a capillary rheometer to characterize feed ingredients. The force required to extrude and maintain sample flow was 986.02±52.05; 559.60±52.24 and 338.25±45.86N for the samples with 29.04±0.08, 31.91±1.01 and 34.98±0.30% moisture, respectively, with negligible (0.20 to 0.01% of total force) friction among moving parts, neither any mass reflux between piston and cylinder. Based on the fundaments of rheology, it was possible to build a capillary rheometer using simple materials and operations usually available in an engineering laboratory at a total cost of R

SciELO | 2010

Determination of thermobacteriological parameters and size of Bacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 7953 spores

Marcos Fraiha; Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Ferraz; João Domingos Biagi


Arquivos do Instituto Biológico | 2016

Efeito do tratamento com óleos essenciais sobre a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária das sementes de milho (Zea mays)

Maria Paula Domene; Eduardo Micotti da Gloria; João Domingos Biagi; Benedito Carlos Benedetti; Leila Martins

Este experimento objetivou determinar os parâmetros de destruicao termica de esporos de Bacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 7953 e a estimativa de suas dimensoes. Os esporos foram suspensos em solucao salina e em mistura de graos de milho e soja moidos, distribuidos em tubos TDT, e submetidos ao calor por tempo variavel, seguido de incubacao e contagem direta. Determinou-se o valor D (tempo necessario para reducao da viabilidade do micro-organismo em 1 ciclo logaritmico sob determinada temperatura) e o valor z (intervalo de temperatura que ocasiona variacao de 10 vezes no valor D). Os esporos suspensos em solucao salina foram observados em microscopio eletronico de varredura, para estimativa das dimensoes. Os valores de D121,1 oC e z para os esporos suspensos em solucao salina foram 8,8 minutos e 12,8 oC, respectivamente. Para aqueles suspensos em mistura milho e soja, D121,1 oC e z foram 14,2 minutos e 23,7 oC, respectivamente. As micrografias indicaram que os esporos apresentam-se como bastonetes, homogeneos em forma e dimensao, com comprimento e diâmetro estimados em 2 e 1 µm, respectivamente. Os resultados confirmam a elevada resistencia termica do esporo e indicam que este e um bom indicador biologico para avaliacao do processo de extrusao como esterilizante de alimentos.

Engenharia Agricola | 2014

Efeito do lignossulfonato de cálcio e magnésio na resistência mecânica e consumo de energia na fabricação de alimento extrusado para cães

Thiago do Nascimento; Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Ferraz; João Domingos Biagi

The development of pesticides is a constant in the agricultural sector in order to offer products less aggressive to the environment and new active ingredients, preventing the emergence of resistance. The alternative study to fungicides used for seed treatment has the essential oils field for prospecting. This research aimed to evaluate the effects of essential oils from leaves of C. citriodora and E. camaldulensis in maize seed variety AL Bandeirante, from different locations. The physiological and sanitary quality of the seeds were evaluated when treated samples using the oils individually, equal mixture of these oils and treatment with a commercial antifungal. It was observed that the treatment with the oils C. citriodora , E. camaldulensis and the mixture of oils did not affect the immediate germination of seeds Avare. In the batch Bernardino de Campos, treatment with C. citriodora was harmful and E. camualdulensis , although not statistically differ from the others, decreased germination which would prevent its use as seed, according to the standard regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), 85%. The E. camaldulensis oil showed phytotoxic effect decreasing the length of seedlings, acetone used as a solvent had no effect on germination but showed phytotoxic effect after accelerated aging. The application of oils alone was able to reduce the incidence of fungi of the genus Penicillium and Fusarium, Aspergillus but the behavior was similar to commercial antifungal, showing no effect when compared to the control treatment.Arq. Inst. Biol., v.83, 1-6, e0072014, 2016 ABSTRACT: The development of pesticides is a constant in the agricultural sector in order to offer products less aggressive to the environment and new active ingredients, preventing the emergence of resistance. The alternative study to fungicides used for seed treatment has the essential oils field for prospecting. This research aimed to evaluate the effects of essential oils from leaves of C. citriodora and E. camaldulensis in maize seed variety AL Bandeirante, from different locations. The physiological and sanitary quality of the seeds were evaluated when treated samples using the oils individually, equal mixture of these oils and treatment with a commercial antifungal. It was observed that the treatment with the oils C. citriodora, E. camaldulensis and the mixture of oils did not affect the immediate germination of seeds Avare. In the batch Bernardino de Campos, treatment with C. citriodora was harmful and E. camualdulensis, although not statistically differ from the others, decreased germination which would prevent its use as seed, according to the standard regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), 85%. The E. camaldulensis oil showed phytotoxic effect decreasing the length of seedlings, acetone used as a solvent had no effect on germination but showed phytotoxic effect after accelerated aging. The application of oils alone was able to reduce the incidence of fungi of the genus Penicillium and Fusarium, Aspergillus but the behavior was similar to commercial antifungal, showing no effect when compared to the control treatment.

Journal of Seed Science | 2013

Viability of Inga vera Willd. subsp. affinis (DC.) T. D. Penn. embryos according to the maturation stage, fungal incidence, chemical treatment and storage 1

João José Dias Parisi; João Domingos Biagi; Claudio José Barbedo; Priscila Fratin Medina

Utiliza-se a extrusao termoplastica na producao de alimento animal para obter extrusados que se mantenham integros, pois sua desintegracao resulta em oneroso reprocessamento. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar o efeito da adicao de lignossulfonato de calcio e magnesio, nas concentracoes de 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 e 4,0%, em massa, em formulacao generica para caes adultos em manutencao, na resistencia mecânica do extrusado e medir o consumo de energia eletrica da extrusora, em escala industrial. Nao houve diferencas na resistencia mecânica do extrusado, quando avaliado atraves de penetracao com ponteira cilindrica. Porem, utilizando a compressao entre pratos planos rigidos e paralelos, discriminou-se a resistencia dos extrusados que continham lignossulfonato em sua formulacao daqueles da testemunha. A adicao do lignossulfonato nao afetou a durabilidade do extrusado. O tempo de processamento diminuiu com o aumento da quantidade de lignossulfonato presente na formulacao da racao.

Food Science and Technology International | 2011

Rheological behavior of corn and soy mix as feed ingredients

Marcos Fraiha; João Domingos Biagi; Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Ferraz

Seed Science and Technology | 1999

Effect of drying processes on peroba-rosa (Aspidosperma polyneuron M. Arg.) seed germination

S. R. De T. Valentini; João Domingos Biagi; R. A. R. Gomes

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2015

Modelagem matemática da secagem convectiva com radiação infravermelha de grãos de Moringa oleifera

Vânia R. G. Nascimento; João Domingos Biagi; Rafael Augustus de Oliveira

Food Science and Technology International | 2011

Pre-treatment of thermoduric spores in CO2 modified atmosphere and their survivability during food extrusion

Marcos Fraiha; Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Ferraz; João Domingos Biagi

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