Joël Ouaknine
University of Oxford
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Featured researches published by Joël Ouaknine.
logic in computer science | 2005
Joël Ouaknine; James Worrell
Metric temporal logic (MTL) is a prominent specification formalism for real-time systems. In this paper, we show that the satisfiability problem for MTL over finite timed words is decidable, with non-primitive recursive complexity. We also consider the model-checking problem for MTL: whether all words accepted by a given Alur-Dill timed automaton satisfy a given MTL formula. We show that this problem is decidable over finite words. Over infinite words, we show that model checking the safety fragment of MTL-which includes invariance and time-bounded response properties-is also decidable. These results are quite surprising in that they contradict various claims to the contrary that have appeared in the literature. The question of the decidability of MTL over infinite words remains open.
tools and algorithms for construction and analysis of systems | 2007
Randal E. Bryant; Daniel Kroening; Joël Ouaknine; Sanjit A. Seshia; Ofer Strichman; Bryan A. Brady
We present a new decision procedure for finite-precision bitvector arithmetic with arbitrary bit-vector operations. Our procedure alternates between generating under- and over-approximations of the original bit-vector formula. An under-approximation is obtained by a translation to propositional logic in which some bit-vector variables are encoded with fewer Boolean variables than their width. If the under-approximation is unsatisfiable, we use the unsatisfiable core to derive an over-approximation based on the subset of predicates that participated in the proof of unsatisfiability. If this over-approximation is satisfiable, the satisfying assignment guides the refinement of the previous under-approximation by increasing, for some bit-vector variables, the number of Boolean variables that encode them. We present experimental results that suggest that this abstraction-based approach can be considerably more efficient than directly invoking the SAT solver on the original formula as well as other competing decision procedures.
formal modeling and analysis of timed systems | 2008
Joël Ouaknine; James Worrell
Metric Temporal Logic ( MTL ) is a widely-studied real-time extension of Linear Temporal Logic. In this paper we survey results about the complexity of the satisfiability and model checking problems for fragments of MTL with respect to different semantic models. We show that these fragments have widely differing complexities: from polynomial space to non-primitive recursive and even undecidable. However we show that the most commonly occurring real-time properties, such as invariance and bounded response, can be expressed in fragments of MTL for which model checking, if not satisfiability, can be decided in polynomial or exponential space.
Logical Methods in Computer Science | 2007
Joël Ouaknine; James Worrell
Metric Temporal Logic (MTL) is a prominent specification formalism for real-time systems. In this paper, we show that the satisfiability problem for MTL over finite timed words is decidable, with non-primitive recursive complexity. We also consider the model-checking problem for MTL: whether all words accepted by a given Alur-Dill timed automaton satisfy a given MTL formula. We show that this problem is decidable over finite words. Over infinite words, we show that model checking the safety fragment of MTL--which includes invariance and time-bounded response properties--is also decidable. These results are quite surprising in that they contradict various claims to the contrary that have appeared in the literature.
integrated formal methods | 2005
Sagar Chaki; Edmund M. Clarke; Joël Ouaknine; Natasha Sharygina; Nishant Sinha
We present a framework for model checking concurrent software systems which incorporates both states and events. Contrary to other state/event approaches, our work also integrates two powerful verification techniques, counterexample-guided abstraction refinement and compositional reasoning. Our specification language is a state/event extension of linear temporal logic, and allows us to express many properties of software in a concise and intuitive manner. We show how standard automata-theoretic LTL model checking algorithms can be ported to our framework at no extra cost, enabling us to directly benefit from the large body of research on efficient LTL verification.We also present an algorithm to detect deadlocks in concurrent message-passing programs. Deadlock- freedom is not only an important and desirable property in its own right, but is also a prerequisite for the soundness of our model checking algorithm. Even though deadlock is inherently non-compositional and is not preserved by classical abstractions, our iterative algorithm employs both (non-standard) abstractions and compositional reasoning to alleviate the state-space explosion problem. The resulting framework differs in key respects from other instances of the counterexample-guided abstraction refinement paradigm found in the literature.We have implemented this work in the magic verification tool for concurrent C programs and performed tests on a broad set of benchmarks. Our experiments show that this new approach not only eases the writing of specifications, but also yields important gains both in space and in time during verification. In certain cases, we even encountered specifications that could not be verified using traditional pure event-based or state-based approaches, but became tractable within our state/event framework. We also recorded substantial reductions in time and memory consumption when performing deadlock-freedom checks with our new abstractions. Finally, we report two bugs (including a deadlock) in the source code of Micro-C/OS versions 2.0 and 2.7, which we discovered during our experiments.
international conference on concurrency theory | 2009
Christoph Haase; Stephan Kreutzer; Joël Ouaknine; James Worrell
One-counter automata are a fundamental and widely-studied class of infinite-state systems. In this paper we consider one-counter automata with counter updates encoded in binary--which we refer to as the succinct encoding. It is easily seen that the reachability problem for this class of machines is in PSpace and is NP -hard. One of the main results of this paper is to show that this problem is in fact in NP , and is thus NP -complete. We also consider parametric one-counter automata, in which counter updates be integer-valued parameters. The reachability problem asks whether there are values for the parameters such that a final state can be reached from an initial state. Our second main result shows decidability of the reachability problem for parametric one-counter automata by reduction to existential Presburger arithmetic with divisibility.
applications and theory of petri nets | 2007
Ranko Lazić; Thomas Christopher Newcomb; Joël Ouaknine; A. W. Roscoe; James Worrell
We study data nets, a generalisation of Petri nets in which tokens carry data from linearlyordered infinite domains and in which whole-place operations such as resets and transfers are possible. Data nets subsume several known classes of infinite-state systems, including multiset rewriting systems and polymorphic systems with arrays. We show that coverability and termination are decidable for arbitrary data nets, and that boundedness is decidable for data nets in which whole-place operations are restricted to transfers. By providing an encoding of lossy channel systems into data nets without whole-place operations, we establish that coverability, termination and boundedness for the latter class have non-primitive recursive complexity. The main result of the paper is that, even for unordered data domains (i.e., with only the equality predicate), each of the three verification problems for data nets without whole-place operations has non-elementary complexity.
international colloquium on automata languages and programming | 2008
Patricia Bouyer; Nicolas Markey; Joël Ouaknine; James Worrell
Metric Interval Temporal Logic ( MITL ) is a popular formalism for expressing real-time specifications. This logic achieves decidability by restricting the precision of timing constraints, in particular, by banning so-called punctualspecifications. In this paper we introduce a significantly more expressive logic that can express a wide variety of punctual specifications, but whose model-checking problem has the same complexity as that of MITL . We conclude that for model checking the most commonly occurring specifications, such as invariance and bounded response, punctuality can be accommodated at no cost.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer | 2005
Edmund M. Clarke; Daniel Kroening; Joël Ouaknine; Ofer Strichman
We describe several observations regarding the completeness and the complexity of bounded model checking and propose techniques to solve some of the associated computational challenges. We begin by defining the completeness threshold, we prove that the complexity of standard SAT-based BMC is doubly exponential and that, consequently, there is a complexity gap of an exponent between this procedure and standard LTL model checking. We discuss ways to bridge this gap.
foundations of software science and computation structure | 2014
Timos Antonopoulos; Nikos Gorogiannis; Christoph Haase; Max I. Kanovich; Joël Ouaknine
We establish foundational results on the computational complexity of deciding entailment in Separation Logic with general inductive predicates whose underlying base language allows for pure formulas, pointers and existentially quantified variables. We show that entailment is in general undecidable, and ExpTime-hard in a fragment recently shown to be decidable by Iosif et al. Moreover, entailment in the base language is \(\Pi_2^{\text{P}}\)-complete, the upper bound even holds in the presence of list predicates. We additionally show that entailment in essentially any fragment of Separation Logic allowing for general inductive predicates is intractable even when strong syntactic restrictions are imposed.