Joëlle Gaymu
Institut national d'études démographiques
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Featured researches published by Joëlle Gaymu.
Ageing & Society | 2010
Joëlle Gaymu; Sabine Springer
ABSTRACT This study focuses on the influence of objective living conditions on the life satisfaction of older Europeans living alone from a gender and cross-national perspective. The data were drawn from the first wave of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), which includes a single-item question for life satisfaction and a large set of health, family and socio-economic indicators. From a descriptive point of view, a lower proportion of women living alone declared themselves to be satisfied with life compared to men. When inequalities in living conditions were controlled for, the difference disappeared, but some determinants of life satisfaction differed for men and women and varied among countries. No limitations in daily activities, a high level of education, participation in leisure activities and an older age increased life satisfaction for both men and women living alone, but the existence of a child influenced only the life satisfaction of men, while income level (or home ownership) had an impact only for women. Moreover, a North–South gradient was clearly observable only for women living alone: all other things being equal, women had a higher probability of declaring themselves satisfied with life in northern European countries than in the South, and their determinants of life satisfaction were strongly linked to the socio-cultural context.
European Journal of Ageing | 2008
Joëlle Gaymu; Peter Ekamper; Gijs Beets
This article presents the results of projections of older people’s living arrangements in 2030 in nine European countries. It analyses expected changes due to future trends in health and marital status. Future changes in the marital status of the older people will result in a higher proportion living in their own homes: women in each age group will more often grow old living with their partner, and this will also apply, to a lesser extent, to men aged 85 and over. Both men and women will be less likely to live alone, with people other than a partner, or in institutions. But for men aged 74–84 the likelihood of choosing one or another type of living arrangement will remain remarkably stable in the future. Further, an improvement in health will lead to older people living alone slightly more often, and they will also more often do so in good health. A comparison of two health scenarios shows that changes in marital status have a major impact on overall trends in living arrangements whereas an improvement in health—which is not certain to occur—will affect them only marginally.
Population | 1997
Christiane Delbès; Joëlle Gaymu
Delbes (Christiane), Gaymu (Joelle).- El otoňo del amor: la vida sexual despues de los cincuenta Tradicionalmente, la sociedad concibe la vejez como una etapa sin sexualidad. Sin embargo, el estudio de los comportamientos sexuales muestra que ciertas personas de edad avanzada, y hasta muy avanzada, siguen teniendo una vida sexual activa y satisfactoria. Existen diferencias evidentes entre el comportamiento de los jovenes y el de los mayores (estos ultimos tienen pareja menos a menudo, relaciones sexuales menos frecuentes y su « arte de amar » es menos variado). Pero una comparacion de las encuestas Simon (1970) y ACSF (1992) permite mostrar que el efecto de la edad (empeoramiento del estado de salud y en particular aumento de las disfunciones sexuales) о del ciclo de vida (perdida del conyuge, deterioro de la relacion de pareja...) no son las unicas causas de taies diferencias. La mejora en la vida sexual de las personas de edad avanzada entre 1970 y 1992 prueba que existe, tanto en el pasado como en la actualidad, un efecto de generacion. La evolucion de las cohortes 1921-40, que sin duda se beneficiaron del contexto de liberalizacion de las cos- tumbres, muestra que, al contrario de lo que se deduce de la observacion transversal, el aba- nico de practicas amorosas no se reduce con la edad ; la aptitud para alcanzar el orgasmo a traves de caricias manuales о bucales mejora y la satisfaccion general con la vida sexual au- menta. Las diferencias que se observan en 1992 entre los jovenes y los mayores se deben en parte a que estos ultimos han vivido toda о parte de su vida amorosa en una epoca en la cual las expresiones sexuales estaban mas controladas ; y la liberacion de costumbres llego de- masiado tarde para cambiar los habitos de gran parte de los sexagenarios.
Population | 2002
Christiane Delbès; Joëlle Gaymu; O. Chimere-Dan
Abstract In France today nearly 4 million people are widowed. This marital status is a characteristic of the elderly but also of women: 84% of the widowed are widows.The present longitudinal study describes the context of widowhood between ages 62 and 75 and the subsequent reorganization of life, on the basis of a comparison between widowed and married respondents. It shows how the adaptation to widowhood can be more or less difficult for men and women. The main areas of retired life (family and leisure activities) are examined. A substantial part of the study focuses on the psychological consequences of widowhood.All the indicators suggest that the widows’ life is more difficult. They have a more negative view of life and of retirement, suffer more frequently from loneliness, and are more subject to depressive tendencies. Their lesser involvement in leisure activities and their greater social isolation show how much they are disadvantaged.Although excess mortality following the loss of a spouse is much higher for men than for women, those who avoid death appear to adapt better than women to the loss of their spouse.
Population | 2007
Joëlle Gaymu; Peter Ekamper; Gijs Beets
Cet article presente les resultats de projections demographiques des modes de vie des personnes dependantes âgees de 75 ans ou plus, a l’horizon 2030, dans neuf pays europeens. Les donnees nationales ont ete collectees dans le cadre du projet Felicie. L’objectif est de decrire comment l’evolution des principales caracteristiques socio-demographiques des personnes âgees (la situation matrimoniale, l’etat de sante, avoir ou non un enfant survivant) va changer leurs modes de vie et par-la meme les besoins de prise en charge de la dependance tant dans sa forme que dans son intensite. Les resultats montrent que durant les vingt-cinq prochaines annees, quelle que soit l’evolution de l’etat de sante, le vivier des aidants familiaux potentiels, compose des conjoints et enfants, va s’elargir et les populations les plus tributaires d’aide professionnelle – personnes vivant seules sans soutien possible de la part d’un descendant ou susceptibles d’entrer en institution – vont croitre moins vite que l’ensemble de la population dependante. Toutefois, le vieillissement de cette population, la croissance de la population masculine confrontee a la dependance d’une conjointe et la survie plus frequente de couples dont les deux membres souffrent d’incapacites laissent presager un important surcroit de besoins d’aide d’ordre professionnel. Ces resultats soulignent la necessite d’orienter prioritairement les politiques de prise en charge de la dependance vers un soutien aux aidants familiaux.
Ageing & Society | 2017
Sophie Pennec; Joëlle Gaymu; Elisabeth Morand; Françoise Riou; Silvia Pontone; Régis Aubry; Chantal Cases
ABSTRACT This paper examines some demographic and medical factors associated with the likelihood of residing in a care home during the last month of life for persons aged 70 and over in France and, if so, of remaining in the care home throughout or being transferred to hospital. The data are from the Fin de vie en France (End of Life in France) survey undertaken in 2010. During the last month of life, very old people are more likely to be living in a care home but are not less likely to be transferred to hospital. Medical conditions and residential trajectories are closely related. People with dementia or mental disorders are more likely to live in a care home and, if so, to stay there until they die. Compared to care homes, a more technical and medication-based approach is taken in hospitals and care home residents who are transferred to hospital more often receive medication while those remaining in care homes more often receive support from a psychologist. In hospitals as in care homes, few older persons had recourse to advance directives and hospice programmes were not widespread. Promoting these two factors may help to increase the quality of end of life and facilitate an ethical approach to end-of-life care.
Presse Medicale | 2015
Sophie Pennec; Françoise Riou; Joëlle Gaymu; Silvia Pontone; Régis Aubry
La Presse Medicale - In Press.Proof corrected by the author Available online since jeudi 4 juin 2015
European Journal of Population-revue Europeenne De Demographie | 2006
Joëlle Gaymu; Christiane Delbès; Sabine Springer; Adrian Binet; Aline Désesquelles; Stamatis Kalogirou; Uta Ziegler
Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques INED | 2008
Joëlle Gaymu; P. Ekamper; S. Springer; Sophie Pennec; G. Beets; A. Desesquelles; van Leonardus Wissen
Population | 2007
Joëlle Gaymu; Peter Ekamper; Gijs Beets