Johanna K. Sandling
Uppsala University
Nature Genetics | 2009
Vesela Gateva; Johanna K. Sandling; Geoff Hom; Kimberly E. Taylor; Sharon A. Chung; Xin Sun; Ward Ortmann; Roman Kosoy; Ricardo C. Ferreira; Gunnel Nordmark; Iva Gunnarsson; Elisabet Svenungsson; Leonid Padyukov; Gunnar Sturfelt; Andreas Jönsen; Anders Bengtsson; Solbritt Rantapää-Dahlqvist; Emily C. Baechler; Elizabeth E. Brown; Graciela S. Alarcón; Jeffrey C. Edberg; Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman; Gerald McGwin; John D. Reveille; Luis M. Vilá; Robert P. Kimberly; Susan Manzi; Michelle Petri; Annette Lee; Peter K. Gregersen
Genome-wide association studies have recently identified at least 15 susceptibility loci for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). To confirm additional risk loci, we selected SNPs from 2,466 regions that showed nominal evidence of association to SLE (P < 0.05) in a genome-wide study and genotyped them in an independent sample of 1,963 cases and 4,329 controls. This replication effort identified five new SLE susceptibility loci (P < 5 × 10−8): TNIP1 (odds ratio (OR) = 1.27), PRDM1 (OR = 1.20), JAZF1 (OR = 1.20), UHRF1BP1 (OR = 1.17) and IL10 (OR = 1.19). We identified 21 additional candidate loci with P≤ 1 × 10−5. A candidate screen of alleles previously associated with other autoimmune diseases suggested five loci (P < 1 × 10−3) that may contribute to SLE: IFIH1, CFB, CLEC16A, IL12B and SH2B3. These results expand the number of confirmed and candidate SLE susceptibility loci and implicate several key immunologic pathways in SLE pathogenesis.
The Lancet | 2014
Katherine J. Dick; Christopher P. Nelson; Loukia Tsaprouni; Johanna K. Sandling; Dylan Aïssi; Simone Wahl; Eshwar Meduri; Pierre-Emmanuel Morange; Harald Grallert; Melanie Waldenberger; Annette Peters; Jeanette Erdmann; Christian Hengstenberg; François Cambien; Alison H. Goodall; Willem H. Ouwehand; Heribert Schunkert; John R. Thompson; Tim D. Spector; Christian Gieger; David-Alexandre Trégouët; Panos Deloukas; Nilesh J. Samani
BACKGROUND Obesity is a major health problem that is determined by interactions between lifestyle and environmental and genetic factors. Although associations between several genetic variants and body-mass index (BMI) have been identified, little is known about epigenetic changes related to BMI. We undertook a genome-wide analysis of methylation at CpG sites in relation to BMI. METHODS 479 individuals of European origin recruited by the Cardiogenics Consortium formed our discovery cohort. We typed their whole-blood DNA with the Infinium HumanMethylation450 array. After quality control, methylation levels were tested for association with BMI. Methylation sites showing an association with BMI at a false discovery rate q value of 0·05 or less were taken forward for replication in a cohort of 339 unrelated white patients of northern European origin from the MARTHA cohort. Sites that remained significant in this primary replication cohort were tested in a second replication cohort of 1789 white patients of European origin from the KORA cohort. We examined whether methylation levels at identified sites also showed an association with BMI in DNA from adipose tissue (n=635) and skin (n=395) obtained from white female individuals participating in the MuTHER study. Finally, we examined the association of methylation at BMI-associated sites with genetic variants and with gene expression. FINDINGS 20 individuals from the discovery cohort were excluded from analyses after quality-control checks, leaving 459 participants. After adjustment for covariates, we identified an association (q value ≤0·05) between methylation at five probes across three different genes and BMI. The associations with three of these probes--cg22891070, cg27146050, and cg16672562, all of which are in intron 1 of HIF3A--were confirmed in both the primary and second replication cohorts. For every 0·1 increase in methylation β value at cg22891070, BMI was 3·6% (95% CI 2·4-4·9) higher in the discovery cohort, 2·7% (1·2-4·2) higher in the primary replication cohort, and 0·8% (0·2-1·4) higher in the second replication cohort. For the MuTHER cohort, methylation at cg22891070 was associated with BMI in adipose tissue (p=1·72 × 10(-5)) but not in skin (p=0·882). We observed a significant inverse correlation (p=0·005) between methylation at cg22891070 and expression of one HIF3A gene-expression probe in adipose tissue. Two single nucleotide polymorphisms--rs8102595 and rs3826795--had independent associations with methylation at cg22891070 in all cohorts. However, these single nucleotide polymorphisms were not significantly associated with BMI. INTERPRETATION Increased BMI in adults of European origin is associated with increased methylation at the HIF3A locus in blood cells and in adipose tissue. Our findings suggest that perturbation of hypoxia inducible transcription factor pathways could have an important role in the response to increased weight in people. FUNDING The European Commission, National Institute for Health Research, British Heart Foundation, and Wellcome Trust.
American Journal of Human Genetics | 2013
Elin Grundberg; Eshwar Meduri; Johanna K. Sandling; Åsa K. Hedman; Sarah Keildson; Alfonso Buil; Stephan Busche; Wei Yuan; James Nisbet; Magdalena Sekowska; Alicja Wilk; Amy Barrett; Kerrin S. Small; Bing Ge; Maxime Caron; So-Youn Shin; Mark Lathrop; Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis; Mark I. McCarthy; Tim D. Spector; Jordana T. Bell; Panos Deloukas
Epigenetic modifications such as DNA methylation play a key role in gene regulation and disease susceptibility. However, little is known about the genome-wide frequency, localization, and function of methylation variation and how it is regulated by genetic and environmental factors. We utilized the Multiple Tissue Human Expression Resource (MuTHER) and generated Illumina 450K adipose methylome data from 648 twins. We found that individual CpGs had low variance and that variability was suppressed in promoters. We noted that DNA methylation variation was highly heritable (h(2)median = 0.34) and that shared environmental effects correlated with metabolic phenotype-associated CpGs. Analysis of methylation quantitative-trait loci (metQTL) revealed that 28% of CpGs were associated with nearby SNPs, and when overlapping them with adipose expression quantitative-trait loci (eQTL) from the same individuals, we found that 6% of the loci played a role in regulating both gene expression and DNA methylation. These associations were bidirectional, but there were pronounced negative associations for promoter CpGs. Integration of metQTL with adipose reference epigenomes and disease associations revealed significant enrichment of metQTL overlapping metabolic-trait or disease loci in enhancers (the strongest effects were for high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and body mass index [BMI]). We followed up with the BMI SNP rs713586, a cg01884057 metQTL that overlaps an enhancer upstream of ADCY3, and used bisulphite sequencing to refine this region. Our results showed widespread population invariability yet sequence dependence on adipose DNA methylation but that incorporating maps of regulatory elements aid in linking CpG variation to gene regulation and disease risk in a tissue-dependent manner.
Journal of Medical Genetics | 2008
Gudlaug Kristjansdottir; Johanna K. Sandling; Alessandro Bonetti; Izaura M. Roos; Lili Milani; Chuan Wang; Sigrun M. Gustafsdottir; Snaevar Sigurdsson; Anders Lundmark; Pentti J. Tienari; Keijo Koivisto; Irina Elovaara; Tuula Pirttilä; Mauri Reunanen; Leena Peltonen; Janna Saarela; Jan Hillert; Tomas Olsson; Ulf Landegren; Oscar Fernández; Laura Leyva; Miguel G. Guerrero; Miguel Lucas; Guillermo Izquierdo; Fuencisla Matesanz; Ann-Christine Syvänen
Background: IRF5 is a transcription factor involved both in the type I interferon and the toll-like receptor signalling pathways. Previously, IRF5 has been found to be associated with systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel diseases. Here we investigated whether polymorphisms in the IRF5 gene would be associated with yet another disease with features of autoimmunity, multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods: We genotyped nine single nucleotide polymorphisms and one insertion-deletion polymorphism in the IRF5 gene in a collection of 2337 patients with MS and 2813 controls from three populations: two case–control cohorts from Spain and Sweden, and a set of MS trio families from Finland. Results: Two single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) (rs4728142, rs3807306), and a 5 bp insertion-deletion polymorphism located in the promoter and first intron of the IRF5 gene, showed association signals with values of p<0.001 when the data from all cohorts were combined. The predisposing alleles were present on the same common haplotype in all populations. Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays we observed allele specific differences in protein binding for the SNP rs4728142 and the 5 bp indel, and by a proximity ligation assay we demonstrated increased binding of the transcription factor SP1 to the risk allele of the 5 bp indel. Conclusion: These findings add IRF5 to the short list of genes shown to be associated with MS in more than one population. Our study adds to the evidence that there might be genes or pathways that are common in multiple autoimmune diseases, and that the type I interferon system is likely to be involved in the development of these diseases.
PLOS Genetics | 2011
Ulla Sovio; Dennis O. Mook-Kanamori; Nicole M. Warrington; Robert W. Lawrence; Laurent Briollais; Colin N. A. Palmer; Joanne E. Cecil; Johanna K. Sandling; Ann-Christine Syvänen; Marika Kaakinen; L. J. Beilin; Iona Y. Millwood; Amanda J. Bennett; Jaana Laitinen; Anneli Pouta; John Molitor; George Davey Smith; Yoav Ben-Shlomo; Vincent W. V. Jaddoe; Lyle J. Palmer; Craig E. Pennell; T. J. Cole; Mark I. McCarthy; Marjo-Riitta Järvelin; Nicholas J. Timpson
An age-dependent association between variation at the FTO locus and BMI in children has been suggested. We meta-analyzed associations between the FTO locus (rs9939609) and BMI in samples, aged from early infancy to 13 years, from 8 cohorts of European ancestry. We found a positive association between additional minor (A) alleles and BMI from 5.5 years onwards, but an inverse association below age 2.5 years. Modelling median BMI curves for each genotype using the LMS method, we found that carriers of minor alleles showed lower BMI in infancy, earlier adiposity rebound (AR), and higher BMI later in childhood. Differences by allele were consistent with two independent processes: earlier AR equivalent to accelerating developmental age by 2.37% (95% CI 1.87, 2.87, p = 10−20) per A allele and a positive age by genotype interaction such that BMI increased faster with age (p = 10−23). We also fitted a linear mixed effects model to relate genotype to the BMI curve inflection points adiposity peak (AP) in infancy and AR. Carriage of two minor alleles at rs9939609 was associated with lower BMI at AP (−0.40% (95% CI: −0.74, −0.06), p = 0.02), higher BMI at AR (0.93% (95% CI: 0.22, 1.64), p = 0.01), and earlier AR (−4.72% (−5.81, −3.63), p = 10−17), supporting cross-sectional results. Overall, we confirm the expected association between variation at rs9939609 and BMI in childhood, but only after an inverse association between the same variant and BMI in infancy. Patterns are consistent with a shift on the developmental scale, which is reflected in association with the timing of AR rather than just a global increase in BMI. Results provide important information about longitudinal gene effects and about the role of FTO in adiposity. The associated shifts in developmental timing have clinical importance with respect to known relationships between AR and both later-life BMI and metabolic disease risk.
Human Molecular Genetics | 2015
Ellen W. Demerath; Weihua Guan; Megan L. Grove; Stella Aslibekyan; Michael M. Mendelson; Yi Hui Zhou; Åsa K. Hedman; Johanna K. Sandling; Li An Li; Marguerite R. Irvin; Degui Zhi; Panos Deloukas; Liming Liang; Chunyu Liu; Jan Bressler; Tim D. Spector; Kari E. North; Yun Li; Devin Absher; Daniel Levy; Donna K. Arnett; Myriam Fornage; James S. Pankow; Eric Boerwinkle
Obesity is an important component of the pathophysiology of chronic diseases. Identifying epigenetic modifications associated with elevated adiposity, including DNA methylation variation, may point to genomic pathways that are dysregulated in numerous conditions. The Illumina 450K Bead Chip array was used to assay DNA methylation in leukocyte DNA obtained from 2097 African American adults in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study. Mixed-effects regression models were used to test the association of methylation beta value with concurrent body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC), and BMI change, adjusting for batch effects and potential confounders. Replication using whole-blood DNA from 2377 White adults in the Framingham Heart Study and CD4+ T cell DNA from 991 Whites in the Genetics of Lipid Lowering Drugs and Diet Network Study was followed by testing using adipose tissue DNA from 648 women in the Multiple Tissue Human Expression Resource cohort. Seventy-six BMI-related probes, 164 WC-related probes and 8 BMI change-related probes passed the threshold for significance in ARIC (P < 1 × 10(-7); Bonferroni), including probes in the recently reported HIF3A, CPT1A and ABCG1 regions. Replication using blood DNA was achieved for 37 BMI probes and 1 additional WC probe. Sixteen of these also replicated in adipose tissue, including 15 novel methylation findings near genes involved in lipid metabolism, immune response/cytokine signaling and other diverse pathways, including LGALS3BP, KDM2B, PBX1 and BBS2, among others. Adiposity traits are associated with DNA methylation at numerous CpG sites that replicate across studies despite variation in tissue type, ethnicity and analytic approaches.
Circulation-cardiovascular Genetics | 2015
Liliane Pfeiffer; Simone Wahl; Luke C. Pilling; Eva Reischl; Johanna K. Sandling; Sonja Kunze; Lesca M. Holdt; Anja Kretschmer; Katharina Schramm; Jerzy Adamski; Norman Klopp; Thomas Illig; Åsa K. Hedman; Michael Roden; Dena Hernandez; Andrew Singleton; Wolfgang E. Thasler; Harald Grallert; Christian Gieger; Christian Herder; Daniel Teupser; Christa Meisinger; Tim D. Spector; Florian Kronenberg; Holger Prokisch; David Melzer; Annette Peters; Panos Deloukas; Luigi Ferrucci; Melanie Waldenberger
Background—Epigenetic mechanisms might be involved in the regulation of interindividual lipid level variability and thus may contribute to the cardiovascular risk profile. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between genome-wide DNA methylation and blood lipid levels high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, and total cholesterol. Observed DNA methylation changes were also further analyzed to examine their relationship with previous hospitalized myocardial infarction. Methods and Results—Genome-wide DNA methylation patterns were determined in whole blood samples of 1776 subjects of the Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg F4 cohort using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (Illumina). Ten novel lipid-related CpG sites annotated to various genes including ABCG1, MIR33B/SREBF1, and TNIP1 were identified. CpG cg06500161, located in ABCG1, was associated in opposite directions with both high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (&bgr; coefficient=−0.049; P=8.26E-17) and triglyceride levels (&bgr;=0.070; P=1.21E-27). Eight associations were confirmed by replication in the Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg F3 study (n=499) and in the Invecchiare in Chianti, Aging in the Chianti Area study (n=472). Associations between triglyceride levels and SREBF1 and ABCG1 were also found in adipose tissue of the Multiple Tissue Human Expression Resource cohort (n=634). Expression analysis revealed an association between ABCG1 methylation and lipid levels that might be partly mediated by ABCG1 expression. DNA methylation of ABCG1 might also play a role in previous hospitalized myocardial infarction (odds ratio, 1.15; 95% confidence interval=1.06–1.25). Conclusions—Epigenetic modifications of the newly identified loci might regulate disturbed blood lipid levels and thus contribute to the development of complex lipid-related diseases.
Neurology | 2014
Laura L. Kilarski; Sefanja Achterberg; William J. Devan; Matthew Traylor; Rainer Malik; Arne Lindgren; Guillame Pare; Pankaj Sharma; Agniesczka Slowik; Vincent Thijs; Matthew Walters; Bradford B. Worrall; Michèle M. Sale; Ale Algra; L. Jaap Kappelle; Cisca Wijmenga; Bo Norrving; Johanna K. Sandling; Lars Rönnblom; An Goris; Andre Franke; C. Sudlow; Peter M. Rothwell; Christopher Levi; Elizabeth G. Holliday; Myriam Fornage; Bruce M. Psaty; Solveig Gretarsdottir; Unnar Thorsteinsdottir; Sudha Seshadri
Objectives: To perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using the Immunochip array in 3,420 cases of ischemic stroke and 6,821 controls, followed by a meta-analysis with data from more than 14,000 additional ischemic stroke cases. Methods: Using the Immunochip, we genotyped 3,420 ischemic stroke cases and 6,821 controls. After imputation we meta-analyzed the results with imputed GWAS data from 3,548 cases and 5,972 controls recruited from the ischemic stroke WTCCC2 study, and with summary statistics from a further 8,480 cases and 56,032 controls in the METASTROKE consortium. A final in silico “look-up” of 2 single nucleotide polymorphisms in 2,522 cases and 1,899 controls was performed. Associations were also examined in 1,088 cases with intracerebral hemorrhage and 1,102 controls. Results: In an overall analysis of 17,970 cases of ischemic stroke and 70,764 controls, we identified a novel association on chromosome 12q24 (rs10744777, odds ratio [OR] 1.10 [1.07–1.13], p = 7.12 × 10−11) with ischemic stroke. The association was with all ischemic stroke rather than an individual stroke subtype, with similar effect sizes seen in different stroke subtypes. There was no association with intracerebral hemorrhage (OR 1.03 [0.90–1.17], p = 0.695). Conclusion: Our results show, for the first time, a genetic risk locus associated with ischemic stroke as a whole, rather than in a subtype-specific manner. This finding was not associated with intracerebral hemorrhage.
European Journal of Human Genetics | 2013
Chuan Wang; Annika Ahlford; Tiina M. Järvinen; Gunnel Nordmark; Maija-Leena Eloranta; Iva Gunnarsson; Elisabet Svenungsson; Leonid Padyukov; Gunnar Sturfelt; Andreas Jönsen; Anders Bengtsson; Lennart Truedsson; Catharina Eriksson; Solbritt Rantapää-Dahlqvist; Christopher Sjöwall; Heikki Julkunen; Lindsey A. Criswell; Robert R. Graham; Timothy W. Behrens; Juha Kere; Lars Rönnblom; Ann-Christine Syvänen; Johanna K. Sandling
Recent genome-wide association studies (GWASs) conducted in Asian populations have identified novel risk loci for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Here, we genotyped 10 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in eight such loci and investigated their disease associations in three independent Caucasian SLE case–control cohorts recruited from Sweden, Finland and the United States. The disease associations of the SNPs in ETS1, IKZF1, LRRC18-WDFY4, RASGRP3, SLC15A4, TNIP1 and 16p11.2 were replicated, whereas no solid evidence of association was observed for the 7q11.23 locus in the Caucasian cohorts. SLC15A4 was significantly associated with renal involvement in SLE. The association of TNIP1 was more pronounced in SLE patients with renal and immunological disorder, which is corroborated by two previous studies in Asian cohorts. The effects of all the associated SNPs, either conferring risk for or being protective against SLE, were in the same direction in Caucasians and Asians. The magnitudes of the allelic effects for most of the SNPs were also comparable across different ethnic groups. On the contrary, remarkable differences in allele frequencies between Caucasian and Asian populations were observed for all associated SNPs. In conclusion, most of the novel SLE risk loci identified by GWASs in Asian populations were also associated with SLE in Caucasian populations. We observed both similarities and differences with respect to the effect sizes and risk allele frequencies across ethnicities.
European Journal of Human Genetics | 2011
Johanna K. Sandling; Sophie Garnier; Snaevar Sigurdsson; Chuan Wang; Gunnel Nordmark; Iva Gunnarsson; Elisabet Svenungsson; Leonid Padyukov; Gunnar Sturfelt; Andreas Jönsen; Anders Bengtsson; Lennart Truedsson; Catharina Eriksson; Solbritt Rantapää-Dahlqvist; Anders Mälarstig; Rona J. Strawbridge; Anders Hamsten; Lindsey A. Criswell; Robert R. Graham; Timothy W. Behrens; Maija-Leena Eloranta; Gunnar V. Alm; Lars Rönnblom; Ann-Christine Syvänen
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic autoimmune disease in which the type I interferon pathway has a crucial role. We have previously shown that three genes in this pathway, IRF5, TYK2 and STAT4, are strongly associated with risk for SLE. Here, we investigated 78 genes involved in the type I interferon pathway to identify additional SLE susceptibility loci. First, we genotyped 896 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in these 78 genes and 14 other candidate genes in 482 Swedish SLE patients and 536 controls. Genes with P<0.01 in the initial screen were then followed up in 344 additional Swedish patients and 1299 controls. SNPs in the IKBKE, TANK, STAT1, IL8 and TRAF6 genes gave nominal signals of association with SLE in this extended Swedish cohort. To replicate these findings we extracted data from a genomewide association study on SLE performed in a US cohort. Combined analysis of the Swedish and US data, comprising a total of 2136 cases and 9694 controls, implicates IKBKE and IL8 as SLE susceptibility loci (Pmeta=0.00010 and Pmeta=0.00040, respectively). STAT1 was also associated with SLE in this cohort (Pmeta=3.3 × 10−5), but this association signal appears to be dependent of that previously reported for the neighbouring STAT4 gene. Our study suggests additional genes from the type I interferon system in SLE, and highlights genes in this pathway for further functional analysis.