
Featured researches published by John A. Barth.

Science | 2008

Emergence of Anoxia in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem

Francis Chan; John A. Barth; Jane Lubchenco; Anthony R. Kirincich; H. Weeks; William T. Peterson; Bruce A. Menge

Eastern boundary current systems are among the worlds most productive large marine ecosystems. Because upwelling currents transport nutrient-rich but oxygen-depleted water onto shallow seas, large expanses of productive continental shelves can be vulnerable to the risk of extreme low-oxygen events. Here, we report the novel rise of water-column shelf anoxia in the northern California Current system, a large marine ecosystem with no previous record of such extreme oxygen deficits. The expansion of anoxia highlights the potential for rapid and discontinuous ecosystem change in productive coastal systems that sustain a major portion of the worlds fisheries.

Nature | 2004

Upwelling-driven nearshore hypoxia signals ecosystem and oceanographic changes in the northeast Pacific.

Brian A. Grantham; Francis Ka-Ming Chan; Karina J. Nielsen; David S. Fox; John A. Barth; Adriana Huyer; Jane Lubchenco; Bruce A. Menge

Seasonal development of dissolved-oxygen deficits (hypoxia) represents an acute system-level perturbation to ecological dynamics and fishery sustainability in coastal ecosystems around the globe. Whereas anthropogenic nutrient loading has increased the frequency and severity of hypoxia in estuaries and semi-enclosed seas, the occurrence of hypoxia in open-coast upwelling systems reflects ocean conditions that control the delivery of oxygen-poor and nutrient-rich deep water onto continental shelves. Upwelling systems support a large proportion of the worlds fisheries, therefore understanding the links between changes in ocean climate, upwelling-driven hypoxia and ecological perturbations is critical. Here we report on the unprecedented development of severe inner-shelf (<70 m) hypoxia and resultant mass die-offs of fish and invertebrates within the California Current System. In 2002, cross-shelf transects revealed the development of abnormally low dissolved-oxygen levels as a response to anomalously strong flow of subarctic water into the California Current System. Our findings highlight the sensitivity of inner-shelf ecosystems to variation in ocean conditions, and the potential impacts of climate change on marine communities.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2007

Delayed upwelling alters nearshore coastal ocean ecosystems in the northern California current

John A. Barth; Bruce A. Menge; Jane Lubchenco; Francis Chan; John M. Bane; Anthony R. Kirincich; Margaret A. McManus; Karina J. Nielsen; Stephen D. Pierce; Libe Washburn

Wind-driven coastal ocean upwelling supplies nutrients to the euphotic zone near the coast. Nutrients fuel the growth of phytoplankton, the base of a very productive coastal marine ecosystem [Pauly D, Christensen V (1995) Nature 374:255–257]. Because nutrient supply and phytoplankton biomass in shelf waters are highly sensitive to variation in upwelling-driven circulation, shifts in the timing and strength of upwelling may alter basic nutrient and carbon fluxes through marine food webs. We show how a 1-month delay in the 2005 spring transition to upwelling-favorable wind stress in the northern California Current Large Marine Ecosystem resulted in numerous anomalies: warm water, low nutrient levels, low primary productivity, and an unprecedented low recruitment of rocky intertidal organisms. The delay was associated with 20- to 40-day wind oscillations accompanying a southward shift of the jet stream. Early in the upwelling season (May–July) off Oregon, the cumulative upwelling-favorable wind stress was the lowest in 20 years, nearshore surface waters averaged 2°C warmer than normal, surf-zone chlorophyll-a and nutrients were 50% and 30% less than normal, respectively, and densities of recruits of mussels and barnacles were reduced by 83% and 66%, respectively. Delayed early-season upwelling and stronger late-season upwelling are consistent with predictions of the influence of global warming on coastal upwelling regions.

Molecular Ecology | 2004

Strong genetic clines and geographical variation in gene flow in the rocky intertidal barnacle Balanus glandula

Erik E. Sotka; John P. Wares; John A. Barth; Richard K. Grosberg; Stephen R. Palumbi

A long‐standing issue in marine biology is identifying spatial scales at which populations of sessile adults are connected by planktonic offspring. We examined the genetic continuity of the acorn barnacle Balanus glandula, an abundant member of rocky intertidal communities of the northeastern Pacific Ocean, and compared these genetic patterns to the nearshore oceanography described by trajectories of surface drifters. Consistent with its broad dispersal potential, barnacle populations are genetically similar at both mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I) and nuclear (elongation factor 1‐alpha) loci across broad swaths of the species’ range. In central California, however, there is a striking genetic cline across 475 km of coastline between northern and southern populations. These patterns indicate that gene flow within central California is far more restricted spatially than among other populations. Possible reasons for the steep cline include the slow secondary introgression of historically separated populations, a balance between diversifying selection and dispersal, or some mix of both. Geographic trajectories of oceanic drifters closely parallel geographical patterns of gene flow. Drifters placed to the north (Oregon; ∼44°N) and south (Santa Barbara, California; ∼34° N) of the cline disperse hundreds of kilometres within 40 days, yet over the long‐term their trajectories never overlapped. The lack of communication between waters originating in Oregon and southern California probably helps to maintain strong genetic differentiation between these regions. More broadly, the geographical variation in gene flow implies that focusing on species‐level averages of gene flow can mask biologically important variance within species which reflects local environmental conditions and historical events.

Journal of Physical Oceanography | 1986

On the Continuity of Mean Flow between the Scotian Shelf and the Middle Atlantic Bight

David C. Chapman; John A. Barth; Robert C. Beardsley; Richard G. Fairbanks

Abstract Oxygen-isotope tracer data combined with results from two linear barotropic coastal models are used to argue that the observed equatorward mean alongshelf flow in the Middle Atlantic Bight is a downstream extension of the mean alongshelf flow over the Scotian Shelf. Qualitative agreement between model results and observations supports the concept that the alongshelf pressure gradient associated with the mean alongshelf flow in the Middle Atlantic Bight has an upstream or downstream and not an offshelf origin. The role of the local large-scale general circulation is apparently to help keep the shelf water on the shelf rather than to drive the shelf mean flow.

Geophysical Research Letters | 1998

Secondary circulation associated with a shelfbreak front

John A. Barth; Darek J. Bogucki; Stephen D. Pierce; P. Michael Kosro

Evidence for secondary circulation associated with a shelfbreak front is obtained from a high-resolution, cross-shelf section of hydrographic, optical and velocity fields. Convergence in the bottom boundary layer on the inshore side of the front and subsequent upwelling into the interior is evident by a mid-water region of suspended bottom material emanating from the foot of the front and extending to within 35 m of the surface, 80 m above bottom. Downwelling on the offshore side of the front in the upper water column is inferred from a 20-m downward bend of the subsurface phytoplankton layer. These observations are in agreement with recent model predictions for secondary circulation near an idealized shelfbreak front. Convergence in measured cross-shelf velocity at the foot of the front is consistent with upwelling of bottom material detected there. An estimate of 9±2 m day−1 of upwelling on the inshore side of the shelfbreak front is obtained, implying a transit time from the bottom to the surface of 10–16 days.

Journal of Physical Oceanography | 2012

Declining Oxygen in the Northeast Pacific

Stephen D. Pierce; John A. Barth; R. Kipp Shearman; A. Y. Erofeev

AbstractClimate models predict a decrease in oceanic dissolved oxygen and a thickening of the oxygen minimum zone, associated with global warming. Comprehensive observational analyses of oxygen decline are challenging, given generally sparse historical data. The Newport hydrographic (NH) line off central Oregon is one of the few locations in the northeast Pacific with long oxygen records. Good quality data are available here primarily in two time blocks: 1960–71 and 1998–present. Standard sampling extends from midshelf (bottom depth of 58 m) to 157 km offshore (bottom depth of 2880 m). Shipboard measurements have been supplemented in recent years (2006–present) with data from autonomous underwater gliders. Oxygen declines significantly over this 50-yr period across the entire NH line. In addition to decrease in the vicinity of the oxygen minimum depth (~800 m), oxygen decreases across a range of density surfaces σθ = 26–27 within the thermocline, in the depth range 100–550 m. A core of decreasing oxygen (...

Journal of Physical Oceanography | 1999

Diagnosis of the Three-Dimensional Circulation Associated with Mesoscale Motion in the California Current

R. Kipp Shearman; John A. Barth; P. Michael Kosro

A high-resolution upper-ocean survey of a cyclonic jet meander and an adjacent cyclonic eddy in the California Current region near 388N, 1268W was conducted as part of the summer of 1993 Eastern Boundary Currents program. Temperature and salinity were measured from a SeaSoar vehicle, and velocity was measured by shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). SeaSoar data show a density front at a depth of 70‐100 m with strong cyclonic curvature. The geostrophic velocity fields, referenced to the ADCP data at 200 m, show a strong surface-intensified jet (maximum speed of 0.9 m s 21) that follows the density front along a cyclonic meander. Relative vorticities within the jet are large, ranging from 20.8 f to 11.2 f, where f is the local Coriolis parameter. The SeaSoar density and ADCP velocity data are used to diagnose the vertical velocity via the Q-vector form of the quasigeostrophic omega equation. The diagnosed vertical velocity field shows a maximum speed of 40‐45 m d21. The lateral distribution of vertical velocity is characterized by two length scales: a large (;75 km) pattern where there is downwelling upstream and upwelling downstream of the cyclonic bend, and smaller patches arrayed along the jet core with diameters of 20‐30 km. Geostrophic streamline analysis of vertical velocity indicates that water parcels make net vertical excursions of 20‐30 m over 2‐3 days, resulting in net vertical velocities of 7‐15 m d21. Water parcels moving along geostrophic streamlines experience maximum vertical velocities in the regions of maximum alongstream change in relative vorticity, an indication of potential vorticity conservation.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2009

Northern Monterey Bay upwelling shadow front: Observations of a coastally and surface-trapped buoyant plume

C. B. Woodson; Libe Washburn; John A. Barth; Daniel Hoover; Anthony R. Kirincich; Margaret A. McManus; John P. Ryan; Joe Tyburczy

(1) During the upwelling season in central California, northwesterly winds along the coast produce a strong upwelling jet that originates at Point Ano Nuevo and flows southward across the mouth of Monterey Bay. A convergent front with a mean temperature change of 3.77 ± 0.29C develops between the warm interior waters and the cold offshore upwelling jet. To examine the forcing mechanisms driving the location and movement of the upwelling shadow front and its effects on biological communities in northern Monterey Bay, oceanographic conditions were monitored using cross-shelf mooring arrays, drifters, and hydrographic surveys along a 20 km stretch of coast extending northwestward from Santa Cruz, California, during the upwelling season of 2007 (May-September). The alongshore location of the upwelling shadow front at the northern edge of the bay was driven by: regional wind forcing, through an alongshore pressure gradient; buoyancy forces due to the temperature change across the front; and local wind forcing (the diurnal sea breeze). The upwelling shadow front behaved as a surface-trapped buoyant current, which is superimposed on a poleward barotropic current, moving up and down the coast up to several kilometers each day. We surmise that the front is advected poleward by a preexisting northward barotropic current of 0.10 m s � 1 that arises due to an alongshore pressure gradient caused by focused upwelling at Point Ano Nuevo. The frontal circulation (onshore surface currents) breaks the typical two-dimensional wind-driven, cross-shelf circulation (offshore surface currents) and introduces another way for water, and the material it contains (e.g., pollutants, larvae), to go across the shelf toward shore.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2001

Mesoscale physical and bio‐optical structure of the Antarctic Polar Front near 170°W during austral spring

John A. Barth; Timothy J. Cowles; Stephen D. Pierce

As part of the U.S. Joint Global Ocean Flux Study Southern Ocean program, high-resolution surveys of the Antarctic Polar Front near 170°W were conducted during October-November 1997 with a towed undulating system equipped with conductivity-temperature-depth and bio-optical sensors. Transects along 170°W and two successive mapping surveys revealed zonal bands with sharp meridional gradients in east-west velocity. The Polar Front (PF) was characterized by a sea surface temperature drop from 1.6° to −1.6°C between 60.35° and 61.10°S, with eastward velocities of 0.4–0.5 m s−1 in the core of the PF jet. Deep mixed layers (>200 m) were found within and north of the PF, but mixed layers shoaled to 100–125 m south of the PF to the edge of loose ice at 62.3°S. Highest mixed layer chlorophyll concentrations (0.35 mg m−3) in late October along 170°W were to the south of the PF and associated with cold, fresh water. A large meander of the PF was observed with an alongfront wavelength of 175 km, a cross-front peak-to-peak amplitude of 100 km, and an eastward phase propagation of 0.05–0.08 m s−1, all of which are consistent with its formation via hydrodynamic instability of the PF jet. Highest-phytoplankton biomass was located just poleward of the center of the PF jet. A high-chlorophyll (up to 1.1 mg m−3) 50 by 50 km region was found downstream of the cyclonic bend associated with the meander. A survey 7.5 days later revealed growth of this high biomass region so that chlorophyll was in excess of 0.8 mg m−3 over an 80 km cross front by (at least) 80 km alongfront region. High biomass was observed to grow in place with respect to the meander rather than being displaced far downstream as would be expected from advection. This pattern is consistent with meander-driven upwelling of nutrients and/or trace metals, which in turn stimulates phytoplankton growth. Detailed cross sections of the PF reveal narrow 10–20 km wide bands or filaments of phytoplankton biomass that have temperature/salinity properties distinct from surrounding water and are coherent for at least 120 km alongfront.

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