John A. Stanturf
United States Forest Service
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Featured researches published by John A. Stanturf.
Forest Ecology and Management | 1997
James S. Meadows; John A. Stanturf
Abstract Silvicultural systems integrate both regeneration and intermediate operations in an orderly process for managing forest stands. The clearcutting method of regeneration favors the development of species that are moderately intolerant to intolerant of shade. In fact, clearcutting is the most proven and widely used method of successfully regenerating bottomland oak species in the South. The seed-tree method of regeneration favors the establishment of light-seeded species. Mechanical soil scarification may be necessary if the desired species requires bare mineral soil for establishment. The shelterwood method of regeneration can provide for the development of heavy-seeded species, but has produced highly variable results with southern bottomland oaks. The single-tree selection method of regeneration favors the development of shade-tolerant species. When single-tree selection is applied repeatedly to stands containing commercially valuable shade-intolerant species, composition will gradually shift to less-valuable, more-tolerant species. Consequently, the single-tree selection method of regeneration is not recommended for any commercially valuable bottomland hardwood tree species. Group selection, in its strictest application, creates only small openings that usually fail to allow sufficient light to the forest floor for satisfactory establishment and development of shade-intolerant bottomland species. Patch cutting, a combination of uneven-aged (group selection) and even-aged (clearcutting) silviculture, designed to create larger openings, has been successfully used to produce an uneven-aged stand that consists of many small, irregularly shaped, even-aged groups. Silvicultural systems should include a planned program of intermediate operations designed to enhance the growth and development of those species favored during the regeneration process. Improvement cutting and commercial thinning are increasingly common in southern bottomland hardwood forests. Other partial cuttings employed today in bottomland hardwood forests typically involve some form of crop-tree release. Specific recommendations for the selection of silvicultural systems are presented for the eight most important species groups found in southern bottomland hardwood forests.
Plant Biosystems | 2002
John A. Stanturf; Palle Madsen
ABSTRACT Throughout the boreal and temperate zones, forest restoration efforts attempt to counteract negative effects of conversion to other land use (afforestation and remediation) and disturbance and stress on existing forests (rehabilitation). Appropriate silvicultural practices can be designed for any forest restoration objective. Most common objectives include timber, wildlife habitat for game species, or aesthetics. Increasingly other objectives are considered, including carbon sequestration, biological diversity, non-game mammals and birds, endangered animals and plants, protection of water quality and aquatic resources, and recreation. Plantation forestry remains the most effective approach to restoration of forest cover to large areas, and recent trends toward more complex plantations are explored. Rehabilitation of degraded forests increasingly relies on re-establishing natural disturbance regimes and emphasizes “close-to-nature” approaches to regeneration and stand management. The objectives of this paper are to clarify concepts of forest restoration and to present examples of restoration activities in temperate and boreal forests of North America and Western Europe.
Soil Science Society of America Journal | 2002
Terrell T. Baker; William H. Conner; H. B. Graeme Lockaby; John A. Stanturf; Marianne K. Burke
The highly dynamic, fine root component of forested wetland ecoi&g fine root dynamics is a challenging endeavor in any system, but the dilficulties are particularly evident in forested floodplains where frequent hydrologic fluctuations directly influence fine root dynamics. Fine root (53 mm) biomass, production, and turnover were estimated for three soils exhibiting different drainage patterns within a mixedoak community on the Coosawhatchie River floodplain, Jasper County, South Carolina. Within a 45cm-deep vertical profile, 74% of total fine root biomass was restricted to the upper 15 cm of the soil surface. Fine root biomass decreased as the soil became less well drained (e.g., tine root biomass in well-drained soil > intermediately drained soil > poorly drained soil). Fine root productivity was measured for 1 yr using minirhiitrons and in situ screens. Both methods suggested higher fine root production in better drained soils but showed frequent fluctuations in fine root growth and mortality, suggesting the need for frequent sampling at short intervals (e.g., monthly) to accurately assess fine root growth and turnover. Fine root production, estimated with in situ screens, was 1.5, l-g, and 0.9 Mg ha-’ yr-’ in the well-drained, intermediately drained, and poorly drained soils, respectively. Results from minirhizotrons indicated (hat fine roots in well-drained soils grew to greater depths while fine roots in poorly drained soils were restricted to surface soils. Minimizotrons also revealed that the distribution of fine roots among morphological dasses changed between well-drained and poorly drained soils. P WETLAND ECOSYSTEMS has been the focus of numerous studies. Most commonly, productivity is estimated using aboveground parameters such as litterfall and stemwood production (B&son et al., 1980; Conner and Day, 1992; Conner et al., 1993; Conner, 1994; Megonigal et al., 1997). Many investigators have acknowledged, however, that failure to include belowground data will seriously underestimate forest ecosystem productivity (Vogt et al., 1986a; Day and Megonigal, 1993). It has been suggested that fine root production accounts for up to 75% of total net primary production (NPP) in some forests (Nadelhoffer and Raich, 1992). Similar to aboveground foliage, large amounts of fine roots die annually and can contribute a quantity of litter similar in magnitude to foliar litter (McClaugherty et al., 1984). Fine root dynamics, therefore, represent a significant source of energy and nutrient flow through forested systems, particularly for those TerreU T. Baker III, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, New Mexico State Univ., Box 30003, MSC 3AE, Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003; William H. Conner, Baruch Forest Science Institute, P.O. Box 596, Georgetown, SC 29442; B. Graeme Lockaby, School of Forestry, Auburn Univ., 108 M.W. Smith Hall, Auburn, AL 36849. 5418; John A. Stanturf, USDA-Forest Service, Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research, P.O. Box 227, Stoneville, MS 38776; Marianne K. Burke, USDA-Forest Service, Southern Research Station Center for Forested Wetlands Research, 2730 Savannah Hwy., Charleston, SC 29414. Received 11 Mar. 1999. *Corresponding author (ttbaker@
Ecological Restoration | 2004
John A. Stanturf; William H. Conner; Emile S. Gardiner; Callie J. Schweitzer; Andrew W. Ezell
SEPTEMBER 2004 183 In the last decade, about 370,000 acres (150,000 ha) of economically marginal farmland in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley (LMAV) have been restored to bottomland hardwood forests (Stanturf and others 1998, King and Keeland 1999, Schoenholtz and others 2001). Planting of this considerable acreage is due to several federal programs, such as the Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP), that assist landowners by financing afforestation (Figure 1). Unfortunately, these operational plantings have not performed as well as smaller plantings or research plots (Stanturf and others 2001a). For example, a recent survey of WRP plantings in westcentral Mississippi revealed that more than 90 percent of the sites failed to meet the criteria of 100 woody stems per acre (247 stems per ha) three years after planting or direct seeding. While planting 1-0 bareroot seedlings of oak was more successful than direct-seeding acorns, only 23 percent of the land planted with seedlings met the criteria (C.J. Schweitzer unpublished data). Planting and direct seeding oak (Quercus spp.) on public land in the same area has been more successful. Meanwhile, Allen (1990) found 70 percent of the planted bottomland hardwood stands on the national wildlife refuges he evaluated had more than 200 trees per acre (494 stems per ha). We believe that the recurring problems in operational plantings on private lands are due in part to the failure of planters to recognize adverse site conditions and their failure to use appropriate methods for overcoming site limitations. Our objectives in this paper are to synthesize research and experience into guidelines for recognizing adverse site conditions due to hydroperiod, soil, competing vegetation, and herbivory. We describe techniques for overcoming these conditions and suggest promising research areas.
Ecosystems | 2008
Chi Zhang; Hanqin Tian; Shufen Pan; Mingliang Liu; Graeme Lockaby; Erik B. Schilling; John A. Stanturf
Forest regrowth after cropland abandonment and urban sprawl are two counteracting processes that have influenced carbon (C) sequestration in the southeastern United States in recent decades. In this study, we examined patterns of land-use/land-cover change and their effect on ecosystem C storage in three west Georgia counties (Muscogee, Harris, and Meriwether) that form a rural–urban gradient. Using time series Landsat imagery data including MSS for 1974, TM for 1983 and 1991, and ETM for 2002, we estimate that from 1974 to 2002, urban land use in the area has increased more than 380% (that is, 184 km2). Most newly urbanized land (63%) has been converted from forestland. Conversely, cropland and pasture area has decreased by over 59% (that is, 380 km2). Most of the cropland area was converted to forest. As a result, the net change in forest area was small over the past 29 years. Based on Landsat imagery and agricultural census records, we reconstructed an annual gridded data set of land-cover change for the three counties for the period 1850 to 2002. These data sets were then used as input to the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) to simulate land-use effects on C fluxes and storage for the study area. Simulated results suggest that C uptake by forest regrowth (approximately 23.0 g C m−2 y−1) was slightly greater than the amount of C released due to deforestation (approximately 18.4 g C m−2 y−1), thus making the three counties a weak C sink. However, the relative importance of different deforestation processes in this area changed significantly through time. Although agricultural deforestation was generally the most important C-release process, the amount of C release attributable to urbanization has increased over time. Since 1990, urbanization has accounted for 29% of total C loss from the study area. We conclude that balancing urban development and forest protection is critically important for C management and policy making in the southeastern United States.
Journal of Sustainable Forestry | 2014
John A. Stanturf; Brian J. Palik; Mary I. Williams; R. Kasten Dumroese
An estimated 2 billion ha of forests are degraded globally and global change suggests even greater need for forest restoration. Four forest restoration paradigms are identified and discussed: revegetation, ecological restoration, functional restoration, and forest landscape restoration. Restoration is examined in terms of a degraded starting point and an ending point of an idealized natural forest. Global change, climate variability, biotechnology, and synthetic biology pose significant challenges to current restoration paradigms, underscoring the importance of clearly defined goals focused on functional ecosystems. Public debate is needed on acceptable goals; one role for science is to inform and help frame the debate and describe feasibility and probable consequences.
Forest Ecology and Management | 1997
B.G. Lockaby; John A. Stanturf; Michael G. Messina
Activities associated with timber harvesting have occurred within floodplain forests in the southern United States for nearly two hundred years. However, it is only in the last ten years that any information has become available about the effects of harvesting on the ecological functions of this valuable resource. Hydrology is the driving influence behind all ecological processes in floodplains, and timber harvesting alone usually has little long-term effect on hydroperiod. However, logging roads, built in association with harvest sites, can sometimes alter hydroperiod to the extent that vegetation productivity is raised or lowered. There is no evidence that harvesting followed by natural regeneration represents a threat to ground or surface water quality on flood plain sites, as long as “best management practices” are followed. Harvested floodplains may increase or have little effect on decomposition rates of surface organic matter. The nature of the effect seems to be controlled by site wetness. Data from recently harvested sites (i.e. within the last ten years) suggest that vegetation productivity is maintained at levels similar to those observed prior to harvests. During the early stages of stand development, tree species composition is heavily influenced by harvest method. Similarly, amphibian populations (monitored as bioindicators of ecosystem recovery) seem to rebound rapidly following harvests, although species composition may be different from that of unharvested stands.
New Forests | 2015
R. Kasten Dumroese; Mary I. Williams; John A. Stanturf; J. Bradley St. Clair
Tomorrow’s forests face extreme pressures from contemporary climate change, invasive pests, and anthropogenic demands for other land uses. These pressures, collectively, demand land managers to reassess current and potential forest management practices. We discuss three considerations, functional restoration, assisted migration, and bioengineering, which are currently being debated in the literature and have the potential to be applied independently or concurrently across a variety of scales. The emphasis of functional restoration is to reestablish or maintain functions provided by the forest ecosystem, such as water quality, wildlife habitat, or carbon sequestration. Maintaining function may call upon actions such as assisted migration—moving tree populations within a species current range to aid adaptation to climate change or moving a species far outside its current range to avoid extinction—and we attempt to synthesize an array of assisted migration terminology. In addition, maintenance of species and the functions they provide may also require new technologies, such as genetic engineering, which, compared with traditional approaches to breeding for pest resistance, may be accomplished more rapidly to meet and overcome the challenges of invasive insect and disease pests. As managers develop holistic adaptive strategies to current and future anthropogenic stresses, functional restoration, assisted migration, and bioengineering, either separately or in combinations, deserve consideration, but must be addressed within the context of the restoration goal.
Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-72. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 21 p. | 2004
Mark D. Coleman; David R. Coyle; J. Blake; Kerry O. Britton; Marilyn Buford; R.G. Campbell; J. Cox; B. Cregg; D. Daniels; M. Jacobson; Kurt Johnsen; Timothy McDonald; Kenneth W. McLeod; Eric A. Nelson; D.J. Robison; Robert B. Rummer; Felipe G. Sanchez; John A. Stanturf; Bryce J. Stokes; Carl C. Trettin; J. Tuskan; L. Wright; Stan D. Wullschleger
Coleman, M.D., et. al. 2003. Production of Short-Rotation Woody Crops Grown with a Range of Nutrient and Water Availability: Establishment Report and First-Year Responses. Report. USDA Forest Service, Savannah River, Aiken, SC. 26 pp. Abstract: Many researchers have studied the productivity potential of intensively managed forest plantations. However, we need to learn more about the effects of fundamental growth processes on forest productivity; especially the influence of aboveground and belowground resource acquisition and allocation. This report presents installation, establishment, and first-year results of four tree species (two cottonwood clones, sycamore, sweetgum, and loblolly pine) grown with fertilizer and irrigation treatments. At this early stage of development, irrigation and fertilization were additive only in cottonwood clone ST66 and sweetgum. Leaf area development was directly related to stem growth, but root production was not always consistent with shoot responses, suggesting that allocation of resources varies among treatments. We will evaluate the consequences of these early responses on resource availability in subsequent growing seasons. This information will be used to: (1) optimize fiber and bioenergy production; (2) understand carbon sequestration; and (3) develop innovative applications such as phytoremediation; municipal, industrial, and agricultural wastes management; and protection of soil, air, and water resources.
Forest Ecology and Management | 2001
Emile S. Gardiner; Callie J. Schweitzer; John A. Stanturf
Abstract An afforestation system which utilizes the pioneer species eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.) as a nurse for slower growing, disturbance-dependent species is under evaluation as a forest rehabilitation tool on former agricultural land in the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, USA. The primary objectives of this study were to quantify understory light availability in the eastern cottonwood plantation, and describe the photosynthetic light response of interplanted Nuttall oak (Quercus nuttallii Palm.) seedlings. Photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) measured in the understory of a 3-year-old, cottonwood plantation was 43% of full sunlight, and was sufficient to meet leaf saturation requirements over 29% of the diurnal cycle. Oak seedlings established in the cottonwood understory showed no change in blade area, and minimal shifts (