
Nature Protocols | 2007

Metabolic profiling, metabolomic and metabonomic procedures for NMR spectroscopy of urine, plasma, serum and tissue extracts

Olaf Beckonert; Hector C. Keun; Timothy M. D. Ebbels; Jacob G. Bundy; Elaine Holmes; John C. Lindon; Jeremy K. Nicholson

Metabolic profiling, metabolomic and metabonomic studies mainly involve the multicomponent analysis of biological fluids, tissue and cell extracts using NMR spectroscopy and/or mass spectrometry (MS). We summarize the main NMR spectroscopic applications in modern metabolic research, and provide detailed protocols for biofluid (urine, serum/plasma) and tissue sample collection and preparation, including the extraction of polar and lipophilic metabolites from tissues. 1H NMR spectroscopic techniques such as standard 1D spectroscopy, relaxation-edited, diffusion-edited and 2D J-resolved pulse sequences are widely used at the analysis stage to monitor different groups of metabolites and are described here. They are often followed by more detailed statistical analysis or additional 2D NMR analysis for biomarker discovery. The standard acquisition time per sample is 4–5 min for a simple 1D spectrum, and both preparation and analysis can be automated to allow application to high-throughput screening for clinical diagnostic and toxicological studies, as well as molecular phenotyping and functional genomics.

Nature | 2008

Systems biology: Metabonomics.

Jeremy K. Nicholson; John C. Lindon

Organisms often respond in complex and unpredictable ways to stimuli that cause disease or injury. By measuring and mathematically modelling changes in the levels of products of metabolism found in biological fluids and tissues, metabonomics offers fresh insight into the effects of diet, drugs and disease.

Molecular Systems Biology | 2008

Probiotic modulation of symbiotic gut microbial–host metabolic interactions in a humanized microbiome mouse model

François-Pierre Martin; Yulan Wang; Norbert Sprenger; Ivan K. S. Yap; Torbjörn Lundstedt; Per Lek; Serge Rezzi; Ziad Ramadan; Peter J. van Bladeren; Laurent B. Fay; Sunil Kochhar; John C. Lindon; Elaine Holmes; Jeremy K. Nicholson

The transgenomic metabolic effects of exposure to either Lactobacillus paracasei or Lactobacillus rhamnosus probiotics have been measured and mapped in humanized extended genome mice (germ‐free mice colonized with human baby flora). Statistical analysis of the compartmental fluctuations in diverse metabolic compartments, including biofluids, tissue and cecal short‐chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in relation to microbial population modulation generated a novel top‐down systems biology view of the host response to probiotic intervention. Probiotic exposure exerted microbiome modification and resulted in altered hepatic lipid metabolism coupled with lowered plasma lipoprotein levels and apparent stimulated glycolysis. Probiotic treatments also altered a diverse range of pathways outcomes, including amino‐acid metabolism, methylamines and SCFAs. The novel application of hierarchical‐principal component analysis allowed visualization of multicompartmental transgenomic metabolic interactions that could also be resolved at the compartment and pathway level. These integrated system investigations demonstrate the potential of metabolic profiling as a top‐down systems biology driver for investigating the mechanistic basis of probiotic action and the therapeutic surveillance of the gut microbial activity related to dietary supplementation of probiotics.

Chemical Research in Toxicology | 2008

NMR-Based Metabolic Profiling and Metabonomic Approaches to Problems in Molecular Toxicology

Muireann Coen; Elaine Holmes; John C. Lindon; Jeremy K. Nicholson

We have reviewed the main contributions to the development of NMR-based metabonomic and metabolic profiling approaches for toxicological assessment, biomarker discovery, and studies on toxic mechanisms. The metabonomic approach, (defined as the quantitative measurement of the multiparametric metabolic response of living systems to pathophysiological stimuli or genetic modification) was originally developed to assist interpretation in NMR-based toxicological studies. However, in recent years there has been extensive fusion with metabolomic and other metabolic profiling approaches developed in plant biology, and there is much wider coverage of the biomedical and environmental fields. Specifically, metabonomics involves the use of spectroscopic techniques with statistical and mathematical tools to elucidate dominant patterns and trends directly correlated with time-related metabolic fluctuations within spectral data sets usually derived from biofluids or tissue samples. Temporal multivariate metabolic signatures can be used to discover biomarkers of toxic effect, as general toxicity screening aids, or to provide novel mechanistic information. This approach is complementary to proteomics and genomics and is applicable to a wide range of problems, including disease diagnosis, evaluation of xenobiotic toxicity, functional genomics, and nutritional studies. The use of biological fluids as a source of whole organism metabolic information enhances the use of this approach in minimally invasive longitudinal studies.

Reviews in Analytical Chemistry | 2008

Spectroscopic and Statistical Techniques for Information Recovery in Metabonomics and Metabolomics

John C. Lindon; Jeremy K. Nicholson

Methods for generating and interpreting metabolic profiles based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, mass spectrometry (MS), and chemometric analysis methods are summarized and the relative strengths and weaknesses of NMR and chromatography-coupled MS approaches are discussed. Given that all data sets measured to date only probe subsets of complex metabolic profiles, we describe recent developments for enhanced information recovery from the resulting complex data sets, including integration of NMR- and MS-based metabonomic results and combination of metabonomic data with data from proteomics, transcriptomics, and genomics. We summarize the breadth of applications, highlight some current activities, discuss the issues relating to metabonomics, and identify future trends.

Molecular Systems Biology | 2008

Top‐down systems biology integration of conditional prebiotic modulated transgenomic interactions in a humanized microbiome mouse model

François-Pierre Martin; Yulan Wang; Norbert Sprenger; Ivan K. S. Yap; Serge Rezzi; Ziad Ramadan; Emma Peré-Trepat; Florence Rochat; Christine Cherbut; Peter J. van Bladeren; Laurent B. Fay; Sunil Kochhar; John C. Lindon; Elaine Holmes; Jeremy K. Nicholson

Gut microbiome–host metabolic interactions affect human health and can be modified by probiotic and prebiotic supplementation. Here, we have assessed the effects of consumption of a combination of probiotics (Lactobacillus paracasei or L. rhamnosus) and two galactosyl‐oligosaccharide prebiotics on the symbiotic microbiome–mammalian supersystem using integrative metabolic profiling and modeling of multiple compartments in germ‐free mice inoculated with a model of human baby microbiota. We have shown specific impacts of two prebiotics on the microbial populations of HBM mice when co‐administered with two probiotics. We observed an increase in the populations of Bifidobacterium longum and B. breve, and a reduction in Clostridium perfringens, which were more marked when combining prebiotics with L. rhamnosus. In turn, these microbial effects were associated with modulation of a range of host metabolic pathways observed via changes in lipid profiles, gluconeogenesis, and amino‐acid and methylamine metabolism associated to fermentation of carbohydrates by different bacterial strains. These results provide evidence for the potential use of prebiotics for beneficially modifying the gut microbial balance as well as host energy and lipid homeostasis.

Journal of Proteome Research | 2009

Topographical variation in murine intestinal metabolic profiles in relation to microbiome speciation and functional ecological activity.

François-Pierre Martin; Yulan Wang; Ivan K. S. Yap; Norbert Sprenger; John C. Lindon; Serge Rezzi; Sunil Kochhar; Elaine Holmes; Jeremy K. Nicholson

Symbiotic gut microbes can have a significant influence on host health and disease etiology. Here, we assessed the effects of inoculating germfree mice with human baby microbiota (HBM, n=17) on the biochemical composition of intact intestinal tissues (duodenum, jejunum, ileum, proximal and distal colon) using magic-angle-spinning 1H NMR spectroscopy. We compared the HBM tissue metabolite profiles with those from conventional (n=9) and conventionalized (n=10) mice. Each topographical intestinal region showed a specific metabolic profile that was altered differentially by the various microbiomes, especially for osmolytes. In each animal model, duodenum had higher ethanolamine and myo-inositol, and ileum higher taurine and betaine than other gut regions. HBM mice showed lower taurine and myo-inositol in the colon, and all ex-germfree animals had higher taurine, choline and ethanolamine in the jejunum. Interestingly, the jejunum of HBM mice was marked by a higher glutathione level and lower concentrations of its precursor methionine when compared to other groups. Proximal and distal colon tissues were differentiated in the different microbiome models by the concentrations of bacterial products (higher in conventional animals). These studies show the depth of gut microbiome modulations of the intestinal biochemistry.

Journal of Proteome Research | 2008

Temporal metabonomic modeling of l-arginine-induced exocrine pancreatitis.

Eszter Bohus; Muireann Coen; Hector C. Keun; Timothy M. D. Ebbels; Olaf Beckonert; John C. Lindon; Elaine Holmes; Béla Noszál; Jeremy K. Nicholson

The time-related metabolic responses to l-arginine (ARG)-induced exocrine pancreatic toxicity were investigated using single ip doses of 1,000 and 4,000 mg/kg body weight over a 7 day experimental period in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Sequential timed urine and plasma samples were analyzed using high resolution (1)H NMR spectroscopy together with complementary clinical chemistry and histopathology analyses. Principal components analysis (PCA) and orthogonal projection on latent structures discriminant analysis (O-PLS-DA) were utilized to analyze the (1)H NMR data and to extract and identify candidate biomarkers and to construct metabolic trajectories post ARG administration. Low doses of ARG resulted in virtually no histopathological damage and distinct reversible metabolic response trajectories. High doses of ARG caused pancreatic acinar degeneration and necrosis and characteristic metabolic trajectory profiles with several distinct phases. The initial trajectory phase (0-8 h) involved changes in the urea cycle and transamination indicating a homeostatic response to detoxify excess ammonia generated from ARG catabolism. By 48 h, there was a notable enhancement of the excretion of the gut microbial metabolites, phenylacetylglycine (PAG), 4-cresol-glucuronide and 4-cresol-sulfate, suggesting that compromised pancreatic function impacts on the activity of the gut microbiota giving potential rise to a novel class of surrogate extragenomic biomarkers of pancreatic injury. The implied compromise of microbiotal function may also contribute to secondary hepatic and pancreatic toxic responses. We show here for the first time the value of metabonomic studies in investigating metabolic disruption due to experimental pancreatitis. The variety of observed systemic responses suggests that this approach may be of general value in the assessment of other animal models or human pancreatitis.

Analytical Chemistry | 2009

Cluster analysis statistical spectroscopy using nuclear magnetic resonance generated metabolic data sets from perturbed biological systems.

Steven L. Robinette; Kirill Veselkov; Eszter Bohus; Muireann Coen; Hector C. Keun; Timothy M. D. Ebbels; Olaf Beckonert; Elaine Holmes; John C. Lindon; Jeremy K. Nicholson

We present a new approach for analysis, information recovery, and display of biological (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectral data, cluster analysis statistical spectroscopy (CLASSY), which profiles qualitative and quantitative changes in biofluid metabolic composition by utilizing a novel local-global correlation clustering scheme to identify structurally related spectral peaks and arrange metabolites by similarity of temporal dynamic variation. Underlying spectral data sets are presented in a novel graphical format to represent high-dimensionality biochemical information conveying both statistical metabolite relationships and their responses to experimental perturbation simultaneously in a high-throughput and intuitive manner. The method is exemplified using multiple 600 MHz (1)H NMR spectra of rat (n = 40) urine samples collected over 160 h following the development of experimental pancreatitis induced by L-arginine (ARG) and a wider range of model toxins including acetaminophen, galactosamine, and 2-bromoethanamine. The CLASSY approach deconvolutes complex biofluid mixture spectra into quantitative fold-change metabolic trajectories and clusters metabolites by commonalities of coexpression patterns. We demonstrate that the developing pathological processes cause coordinated changes in the levels of many compounds which share similar pathway connectivities. Variability in individual responses to toxin exposure is also readily detected and visualized allowing the assessment of interanimal variability. As an untargeted, unsupervised approach, CLASSY provides significant advantages in biological information recovery in terms of increased throughput, interpretability, and robustness and has wide potential metabonomic/metabolomic applications in clinical, toxicological, and nutritional studies of biofluids as well as in studies of cellular biochemistry, microbial fermentation monitoring, and functional genomics.

Analytical Chemistry | 2008

Kinetic and J-Resolved Statistical Total Correlation NMR Spectroscopy Approaches to Structural Information Recovery in Complex Reacting Mixtures : Application to Acyl Glucuronide Intramolecular Transacylation Reactions

Caroline H. Johnson; Toby J. Athersuch; Ian D. Wilson; Lisa Iddon; Xiaoli Meng; Andrew V. Stachulski; John C. Lindon; Jeremy K. Nicholson

We demonstrate here a new variant on a statistical spectroscopic method for recovering structural information on unstable intermediates formed in reaction mixtures. We exemplify this approach with respect to the internal acyl migration reactions of 1-beta-O-acyl glucuronides (AGs), which rearrange at neutral or slightly alkaline pH on a minute to hour time scale to yield a series of positional glucuronide ring isomers and alpha/beta anomers from the 1-beta (starting material), i.e. 2-beta, 2-alpha, 1-alpha, 3-beta, 3-alpha, and 4-beta, 4-alpha isomers together with the aglycon and alpha- and beta-glucuronic acid hydrolysis products. Multiple sequential 800 MHz cryoprobe (1)H NMR spectra (1D and 2D J-resolved, JRES) were collected on a 5.1 mM solution of a synthetic model drug glucuronide, 1-beta-O-acyl (S)-alpha-methyl phenylacetyl glucuronide (MPG) in 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer in D2O at pD 7.4 over 18 h to monitor the reaction which leads to the formation of the eight positional isomers and hydrolysis products. As the reaction proceeds and new isomers form, the NMR signal intensities vary accordingly allowing the application of a novel kinetic variant on statistical total correlation spectroscopy (K-STOCSY) method to recover the connectivities between proton signals on the same reacting molecule based on their intensity covariance through time. We performed K-STOCSY analysis on both the standard 1D NMR spectra and the skyline projected singlets of the (1)H-(1)H JRES NMR spectra through time, i.e. the K-JRES-STOCSY experimental variant, which increases the effective spectral dispersion and is ideally suited for the analysis of heavily overlapped spin systems. High statistical correlations were observed between mutarotated alpha- and beta-anomers of individual positional isomers, as well as directly acyl migrated products and anticorrelation observed between signals from compounds that were being depleted as others increased, e.g. between the 1-beta and 2-alpha/2-beta isomers. This statistical kinetic approach enabled the recovery of structural connectivity information on all isomers allowing unequivocal resonance assignment, and this approach to spectroscopic information recovery has wider potential uses in the study of reactions that occur on the second-to-minute time scale in conditions where multiple sequential NMR spectra can be collected. JRES-STOCSY is also of potential use as a method for recovering spectroscopic information in highly overlapped NMR signals and spin systems in other types of complex mixture analysis.

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