John Czelusniak
Wayne State University
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Featured researches published by John Czelusniak.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology | 1996
Horacio Schneider; Iracilda Sampaio; M. L. Harada; C. M. L. Barroso; Maria Paula Cruz Schneider; John Czelusniak; Morris Goodman
Nuclear sequences of the 1.8 kilobase (kb) long intron 1 of the interstitial retinol-binding protein gene (IRBP), previously determined for 11 of the 16 extant genera of New World monkeys (superfamily Ceboidea, infraorder Platyrrhini), have now been determined for the remaining 5 genera. The maximum parsimony trees found, first with IRBP sequences alone and then with tandemly combined IRBP and epsilon-globin gene sequences from the same species, supported a provisional cladistic classification with the following clusters. Subtribes Callitrichina (Callithrix, Cebuella), Callimiconina (Callimico), Leontopithecina (Leontopithecus) and Saguina (Saguinus) constitute subfamily Callitrichinae, and subfamilies Callitrichinae, Aotinae (Aotus), and Cebinae (Cebus, Saimiri) constitute family Cebidae. Subtribes Chiropotina (Chiropotes, Cacajao) and Pitheciina (Pithecia) constitute tribe Pitheciini; and tribes Pitheciini and Callicebini (Callicebus) constitute subfamily Pitheciinae. Subtribes Brachytelina (Brachyteles, Lagothrix) and Atelina (Ateles) constitute tribe Atelini, and tribes Atelini and Alouattini (Alouatta) constitute subfamily Atelinae. The parsimony results were equivocal as to whether Pitheciinae should be grouped with Atelinae in family Atelidae or have its own family Pitheciidae. The cladistic groupings of extant ceboids were also examined by different stochastic evolutionary models that employed the same stochastic process of nucleotide substitutions but alternative putative phylogenetic trees on which the nucleotide substitutions occurred. Each model, i.e., each different tree, predicted a different multinomial distribution of nucleotide character patterns for the contemporary sequences. The predicted distributions that were closest to the actual observed distributions identified the best fitting trees. The cladistic relationships depicted in these best fitting trees agreed in almost all cases with those depicted in the maximum parsimony trees.
Journal of Molecular Evolution | 1990
Morris Goodman; Danilo A. Tagle; David H. A. Fitch; Wendy J. Bailey; John Czelusniak; Ben F. Koop; Philip D. Benson; Jerry L. Slightom
SummaryThe genetic distances among primate lineages estimated from orthologous noncoding nucleotide sequences of β-type globin loci and their flanking and intergenic DNA agree closely with the distances (delta T50H values) estimated by cross hybridization of total genomic single-copy DNAs. These DNA distances and the maximum parsimony tree constructed for the nucleotide sequence orthologues depict a branching pattern of primate lineages that is essentially congruent with the picture from phylogenetic analyses of morphological characters. The molecular evidence, however, resolves ambiguities in the morphological picture and provides an objective view of the cladistic position of humans among the primates. The molecular data group humans with chimpanzees in subtribe Hominina, with gorillas in tribe Hominini, orangutans in subfamily Homininae, gibbons in family Hominidae, Old World monkeys in infraorder Catarrhini, New World monkeys in semisuborder Anthropoidea, tarsiers in suborder Haplorhini, and strepsirhines (lemuriforms and lorisiforms) in order Primates. A seeming incongruency between organismal and molecular levels of evolution, namely that morphological evolution appears to have speeded up in higher primates, especially in the lineage to humans, while molecular evolution has slowed down, may have the trivial explanation that relatively small genetic changes may sometimes result in marked phenotypic changes.
Journal of Molecular Evolution | 1988
Morris Goodman; Janet Pedwaydon; John Czelusniak; Tomohiko Suzuki; Toshio Gotoh; Luc Moens; Fumio Shishikura; Daniel A. Walz; Serge N. Vinogradov
SummaryA phylogenetic tree was constructed from 245 globin amino acid sequences. Of the six plant globins, five represented the Leguminosae and one the Ulmaceae. Among the invertebrate sequences, 7 represented the phylum Annelida, 13 represented Insecta and Crustacea of the phylum Arthropoda, and 6 represented the phylum Mollusca. Of the vertebrate globins, 4 represented the Agnatha and 209 represented the Gnathostomata. A common alignment was achieved for the 245 sequences using the parsimony principle, and a matrix of minimum mutational distances was constructed. The most parsimonious phylogenetic tree, i.e., the one having the lowest number of nucleotide substitutions that cause amino acid replacements, was obtained employing clustering and branch-swapping algorithms. Based on the available fossil record, the earliest split in the ancestral metazoan lineage was placed at 680 million years before present (Myr BP), the origin of vertebrates was placed at 510 Myr BP, and the separation of the Chondrichthyes and the Osteichthyes was placed at 425 Myr BP. Local “molecular clock” calculations were used to date the branch points on the descending branches of the various lineages within the plant and invertebrate portions of the tree. The tree divided the 245 sequences into five distinct clades that corresponded exactly to the five groups plants, annelids, arthropods, molluscs, and vertebrates. Furthermore, the maximum parsimony tree, in contrast to the unweighted pair group and distance Wagner trees, was consistent with the available fossil record and supported the hypotheses that the primitive hemoglobin of metazoans was monomeric and that the multisubunit extracellular hemoglobins found among the Annelida and the Arthropoda represent independently derived states.
International Journal of Primatology | 1997
Calvin A. Porter; Scott L. Page; John Czelusniak; Horacio Schneider; Maria Paula Cruz Schneider; Iracilda Sampaio; Morris Goodman
We studied phylogenetic relationships of 39 primate species using sequences of the ε-globin gene. For 13 species, we also included flanking sequences 5′ of this locus. Parsimony analyses support the association of tarsiers with the anthropoids. Our analysis of New World monkeys supports the model in which the callitrichines form a clade with Aotus, Cebus, and Saimiri, with Cebus and Saimiri being sister taxa. However, analysis of the 5′ flanking sequences did not support grouping the atelines with Callicebus and the pitheciins. Our data support the classification of platyrrhines into three families, Cebidae (consisting of Cebus, Saimiri, Aotus, and the callitrichines; Atelidae—the atelines; and Pitheciidae—Callicebus and the pithiciins. The strepsirhines form well-defined lemuroid and lorisoid clades, with the cheirogaleids (dwarf and mouse lemurs) and Daubentonia (aye-aye) in the lemuroids, and the aye-aye being the most anciently derived. These results support the hypothesis that nonhuman primates of Madagascar descended from a single lineage. Local molecular clock calculations indicate that the divergence of lemuroid and lorisoid lineages, and the earliest diversification of lemuroids, occurred during the Eocene. The divergence of major lorisoid lineages was probably considerably more recent, possibly near the Miocene–Oligocene boundary. Within hominoids some estimated dates differ somewhat from those found with more extensive noncoding sequences in the β-globin cluster.
International Journal of Primatology | 1997
C. M. L. Barroso; Horacio Schneider; Maria Paula Cruz Schneider; Iracilda Sampaio; Maria Lúcia Harada; John Czelusniak; Morris Goodman
We determined DNA sequences spanning the 1.8-kb long intron 1 of the interstitial retinol-binding protein nuclear gene (IRBP) for Callithrix geoffroyi, Callithrix humeralifer, and Callithrix argentata. With the 22 previously determined IRBP intron 1 sequences—21 from the 16 currently recognized genera of New World monkeys—the enlarged IRBP data represent for the marmoset genus Callithrix both its argentata and its jacchus species groups. Maximum-parsimony and neighbor-joining trees, constructed for the 25 aligned IRBP intron 1 sequences, support a provisional phylogenetic classification with three families: Atelidae, containing subfamily Atelinae; Pitheciidae, containing subfamily Pitheciinae; and Cebidae, containing subfamilies Cebinae, Aotinae, and Callitrichinae. In order to have taxa at the same hierarchical rank at equivalent age, this classification has all living callitrichines in a single tribe, Callitrichini, with four subtribes: Saguinina (Saguinus), Callimiconina (Callimico), Leontopithecina (Leontopithecus), and Callitrichina (Callithrix with the pygmy marmoset, Cebuella pygmaea, merged into it). The DNA evidence shows not only that Callithrix must include C. pygmaea to be monophyletic but also that the times of separation of pygmaea and the argentata and jacchus species groups from one another are to be expected (<5 Ma—million years ago) for species in a single genus. On relating the time course of the ceboid radiation to biogeographic information, it appears that in mid-Miocene times (10–11 Ma) a basal callitrichin stock branched into the ancestral population of Saguinus in one clade and the ancestral population of Leontopithecus and Callimico–Callithrix (or Leontopithecus–Callimico and Callithrix) in another clade. The proto-lion tamarins migrated south and eastward, where they were isolated in refugia, becoming the genus Leontopithecus. The stock remaining in Amazonia gave rise to present-day Callimico and Callithrix. The latter genus occupied a vast geographic area, giving rise to the argentata and pygmaea groups in Amazonia and to the jacchus group in central and eastern Brazil.
Journal of Molecular Evolution | 1981
Marietta L. Baba; Linda L. Darga; Morris Goodman; John Czelusniak
SummaryRates of evolution for cytochromec over the past one billion years were calculated from a maximum parsimony dendrogram which approximates the phylogeny of 87 lineages. Two periods of evolutionary acceleration and deceleration apparently occurred for the cytochromec molecule. The tempo of evolutionary change indicated by this analysis was compared to the patterns of acceleration and deceleration in the ancestry of several other proteins The synchrony of these tempos of molecular change supports the notion that rapid genetic evolution accompanied periods of major adaptive radiations.Rates of change at different times in several structural-functional areas of cytochromec were also investigated in order to test the Darwinian hypothesis that during periods of rapid evolution, functional sites accumulate proportionately more substitutions than areas with no known function. Rates of change in four proposed functional groupings of sites were therefore compared to rates in areas of unknown function for several different time periods. This analysis revealed a significant increase in the rate of evolution for sites associated with the regions of cytochromec oxidase and reductase interaction during the period between the emergence of the eutherian ancestor to the emergence of the anthropoid ancestor.
Archive | 1982
Morris Goodman; Alejo E. Romero-Herrera; Howard Dene; John Czelusniak; Richard E. Tashian
The biomolecular approach to systematic and evolutionary biology is in a state of transition. Laboratories that had been determining the amino acid sequences of proteins are now caught up by the excitement of the new recombinant DNA gene cloning and sequencing technology. The possibilities for advancing knowledge in systematic and evolutionary biology by application of this new technology seem almost boundless. It is obvious that knowing the actual nucleotide sequences of genes, rather than having to infer them from the amino acid sequences of encoded proteins, allows more accurate data to be used in figuring out the genealogic relationships of organisms (see Hewett-Emmett et al., this volume, Chapter 9; also Scott and Smith, this volume, Chapter 8). During the transition, while laboratories engaged in studying molecular evolution are retooling in order to engage in nucleotide sequencing, it is worth preparing for the impending flood of these gene sequence data by taking stock of what has already been learned about phylogeny from the substantial body of amino acid sequence data. With that objective in mind, this chapter focuses attention on the phylogeny of the order Primates, both on the subbranching within the order and on the genealogic position of Primates within the subclass Eutheria as well as on the broader pattern of vertebrate branching. We will concentrate on these groups because more species are represented in them by amino acid sequence data than in any other eukaryotic branch.
Journal of Molecular Evolution | 1995
Calvin A. Porter; Iracilda Sampaio; Horacio Schneider; Maria Paula Cruz Schneider; John Czelusniak; Morris Goodman
Phylogenetic relationships among various primate groups were examined based on sequences of ε-globin genes. ε-globin genes were sequenced from five species of strepsirhine primates. These sequences were aligned and compared with other known primate ε-globin sequences, including data from two additional strepsirhine species, one species of tarsier, 19 species of New World monkeys (representing all extant genera), and five species of catarrhines. In addition, a 2-kb segment upstream of the ε-globin gene was sequenced in two of the five strepsirhines examined. This upstream sequence was aligned with five other species of primates for which data are available in this segment. Domestic rabbit and goat were used as outgroups. This analysis supports the monophyly of order Primates but does not support the traditional prosimian grouping of tarsiers, lorisoids, and lemuroids; rather it supports the sister grouping of tarsiers and anthropoids into Haplorhini and the sister grouping of lorisoids and lemuroids into Strepsirhini. The mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) and dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius) appear to be most closely related to each other, forming a clade with the lemuroids, and are probably not closely related to the lorisoids, as suggested by some morphological studies. Analysis of the ε-globin data supports the hypothesis that the aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) shares a sister-group relationship with other Malagasy strepsirhines (all being classified as lemuroids). Relationships among ceboids agree with findings from a previous ε-globin study in which fewer outgroup taxa were employed. Rates of molecular evolution were higher in lorisoids than in lemuroids.
Cladistics | 1985
Morris Goodman; John Czelusniak; Judith E. Beeber
Abstract— Genealogical reconstructions carried out by the parsimony method on protein amino acid and DNA nucleotide sequence data are providing fresh evidence on cladistic branching patterns at taxonomic levels from the classes of Vertebrata and orders of Eutheria to the genera of Hominoidea. Minimum length trees constructed from amino acid sequence data group Mammalia with Archosauria (i.e., Aves plus Crocodilia), Amniota with Amphibia, and Tetrapoda with Teleostei. Within Mammalia, Edentata and Paenungulata (e.g., Proboscidea) appear as the most anciently separated from other eutherians. Another superordinal eutherian clade consists of Artiodactyla, Cetacea, and Perissodactyla. A third consistently contains Primates, Lagomorpha, and Tupaia. The cladistic positions of such orders as Carnivora, Chiroptera, Insectivora, and Rodentia are not well resolved by the currently still sparse body of sequence data. However, recent dramatic progress in the technology of gene cloning and nucleotide sequencing has opened the way for so enlarging the body of sequence data that it should become possible to solve almost any problem concerning the phylogenetic systematice of extant mammals. An example is provided by hominoid genera. Minimum length trees constructed from mitochondrial DNA nucleotide sequence data very strongly group Pan, Homo, and Gorilla into Homininae and then join Homininae and Ponginae (pongo) into Hominidae as the sister family of Hylobatidae (Hylobates). Resolution of the hominine trichotomy into two dichotomous branchings should be forthcoming as kilobase sequencing of nuclear genes progresses.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | 1984
David Hewett-Emmett; Penelope J. Hopkins; Richard E. Tashian; John Czelusniak
Work on membrane-bound and subcellular forms of CA at the protein level, and the possibility of multiple forms of the mouse CA II gene at the DNA level, indicate that CA may represent an extensive multigene family. A method for classifying newly sequenced CA molecules, or genes encoding them, is discussed. Phylogenetic trees based on the existing sequence data are presented and discussed in terms of gene evolution. The active-site residues of CA II have been more conserved in evolution than those of CA I or CA III. After the gene duplications, CA III and CA I initially evolved more rapidly than CA II. Since the mammalian radiation, the CA II molecule as a whole has been accepting substitutions more frequently than CA I, which in turn is evolving more rapidly than CA III. These findings can be explained if external regions of CA I and CA III have been conserved in evolution owing to interactions with other molecules. Two such regions appear to be residues 18-37 in CA I and 231-250 in CA III. Spinach CA was purified and a small amount of sequence data collected. The difficulty in aligning it with animal CAs suggests that a plant CA may not be suitable to shed light on the active site and character of the ancestral eukaryote CA.