John D. Matyjas
Air Force Research Laboratory
Featured researches published by John D. Matyjas.
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | 2010
Lei Ding; Tommaso Melodia; Stella N. Batalama; John D. Matyjas; Michael J. Medley
Throughput maximization is one of the main challenges in cognitive radio ad hoc networks, where the availability of local spectrum resources may change from time to time and hop by hop. For this reason, a cross-layer opportunistic spectrum access and dynamic routing algorithm for cognitive radio networks is proposed, which is called the routing and dynamic spectrum-allocation (ROSA) algorithm. Through local control actions, ROSA aims to maximize the network throughput by performing joint routing, dynamic spectrum allocation, scheduling, and transmit power control. Specifically, the algorithm dynamically allocates spectrum resources to maximize the capacity of links without generating harmful interference to other users while guaranteeing a bounded bit error rate (BER) for the receiver. In addition, the algorithm aims to maximize the weighted sum of differential backlogs to stabilize the system by giving priority to higher capacity links with a high differential backlog. The proposed algorithm is distributed, computationally efficient, and has bounded BER guarantees. ROSA is shown through numerical model-based evaluation and discrete-event packet-level simulations to outperform baseline solutions, leading to a high throughput, low delay, and fair bandwidth allocation.
sensor mesh and ad hoc communications and networks | 2010
Lei Ding; Tommaso Melodia; Stella N. Batalama; John D. Matyjas
Throughput maximization is one of the main challenges in cognitive radio ad hoc networks, where the availability of local spectrum resources may change from time to time and hop-by-hop. Cooperative transmission exploits spatial diversity without multiple antennas at each node to increase capacity with reliability guarantees. This idea is particularly attractive in wireless environments due to the diverse channel quality and the limited energy and bandwidth resources. With cooperation, source node and relay node cooperatively transmit data to the destination. In such a virtual multiple antenna transmission system, the capacity of the cooperative link is much larger than that of the direct link from source to destination. In this paper, we will study decentralized and localized algorithms for joint dynamic routing, relay assignment, and spectrum allocation under a distributed and dynamic environment.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | 2010
Sangkook Lee; Weifeng Su; Stella N. Batalama; John D. Matyjas
In this paper we develop a new analytical methodology for the evaluation of the outage probability of cooperative decode-and-forward (DF) automatic-repeat-request (ARQ) relaying under packet-rate fading (fast fading or block fading) channels, where the channels remain fixed within each ARQ transmission round, but change independently from one round to another. We consider a single relay forwarding Alamouti-based retransmission signals in the cooperative ARQ scheme. In particular, (i) we derive a closed-form asymptotically tight (as SNR → ∞) approximation of the outage probability; (ii) we show that the diversity order of the DF cooperative ARQ relay scheme is equal to 2L-1, where L is the maximum number of ARQ (re)transmissions; and (iii) we develop the optimum power allocation for the DF cooperative ARQ relay scheme. The closed-form expression clearly shows that the achieved diversity is partially due to the DF cooperative relaying and partially due to the fast fading nature of the channels (temporal diversity). With respect to power allocation, it turns out that the proposed optimum allocation scheme depends only on the link quality of the channels related to the relay, and compared to the equal power allocation scheme it leads to SNR performance gains of more than 1 dB. Numerical and simulation studies illustrate the theoretical developments.
IEEE Transactions on Communications | 2011
Weifeng Su; Sangkook Lee; Dimitrios A. Pados; John D. Matyjas
We address the fundamental problem of identifying the optimal power assignment sequence for hybrid automatic-repeat-request (H-ARQ) communications over quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels. For any targeted H-ARQ link outage probability, we find the sequence of power values that minimizes the average total expended transmission power. We first derive a set of equations that describe the optimal transmission power assignment and enable its exact recursive calculation. To reduce calculation complexity, we also develop an approximation to the optimal power sequence that is close to the numerically calculated exact result. The newly founded power allocation solution reveals that conventional equal-power H-ARQ assignment is far from optimal. For example, for targeted outage probability of 10-3 with a maximum of two transmissions, the average total transmission power with the optimal assignment is 9 dB lower than the equal-power protocol. The difference in average total power cost grows further when the number of allowable retransmissions increases (for example, 11 dB gain with a cap of 5 transmissions) or the targeted outage probability decreases (27 dB gain with outage probability 10-5 and transmissions capped at 5). Interestingly, the optimal transmission power assignment sequence is neither increasing nor decreasing; its form depends on given total power budget and targeted outage performance levels. Extensive numerical and simulation results are presented to illustrate the theoretical development.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | 2014
Zijian Mo; Weifeng Su; Stella N. Batalama; John D. Matyjas
Cooperative communication has emerged as a new wireless network communication concept, in which parameter optimization such as power budget and time allocation plays an important role in cooperative relaying protocol designs. While most existing works on cooperative relaying protocol designs considered equal-time allocation scenario, i.e., equal time duration is assigned to each source and each relay, in this work we intend to design and optimize cooperative communication protocols by exploring all possible variations in time and power domains. We consider a cooperative relaying network in which no channel state information (CSI) is available at the transmitter side and the protocol optimization is based on channel statistics (i.e., mean and variance) and it does not depend on instantaneous channel information. First, we consider an ideal cooperative relaying protocol where the system can use arbitrary re-encoding methods at the relay and adjust time allocation arbitrarily. We obtain an optimum strategy of power and time allocations to minimize the outage probability of the ideal cooperative protocol. Specifically, for any given time allocation, we are able to determine the corresponding optimum power allocation analytically with a closed-form expression. We also show that to minimize the outage probability of the protocol, one should always allocate more energy and time to the source than the relay. Second, with more realistic consideration, we design a practical cooperative relaying protocol based on linear mapping, i.e., using linear mapping as the re-encoding method at the relay and considering integer time slots in the two phases. The theoretical results from the ideal cooperative protocol serve as a guideline and benchmark in the practical cooperative protocol design. We also develop an optimum linear mapping to minimize the outage probability of the linear-mapping based cooperative protocol. Extensive numerical and simulation studies illustrate our theoretical developments and show that the performance of the proposed cooperative relaying protocol based on the optimum linear mapping is close to the performance benchmark of the ideal cooperative protocol.
ieee sarnoff symposium | 2010
Annamalai Annamalai; Ramesh Chembil Palat; John D. Matyjas
Upper bounds on link spectral efficiency of amplify-and-forward cooperative diversity networks with independent but non-identically distributed wireless fading statistics are studied by deriving the Shannon capacity of three distinct adaptive source transmission techniques: (i) constant power with optimal rate adaptation (ORA); (ii) optimal joint power and rate adaptation (OPRA); and (iii) fixed rate with truncated channel inversion (TCIFR). Asymptotic capacity bound is also derived which show that optimal rate adaptation with constant power policy provides roughly the same ergodic capacity as the optimal joint power and rate adaptation policy at high mean signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Different previous related studies, we advocate a simple numerical procedure for unified analysis of ergodic channel capacity in a myriad of fading environments. This framework allows us to gain insights as to how fade distributions and dissimilar fading statistics across the diversity paths affect the Shannon capacity, without imposing any restrictions on the fading parameters.
personal, indoor and mobile radio communications | 2010
Annamalai Annamalai; Bhuvan Modi; Ramesh Chembil Palat; John D. Matyjas
Tight bounds for the Shannon capacity of amplify-and-forward cooperative diversity networks are derived for three different adaptive source transmission policies in a myriad of fading environments: (i) constant power with optimal rate adaptation (ORA); (ii) optimal joint power and rate adaptation (OPRA); and (iii) fixed rate with truncated channel inversion (TCIFR). Our unified framework based on the moment-generating function (MGF) approach allows us to gain insights as to how fade distributions and dissimilar fading statistics across the distinct communication links will affect the Shannon capacity, without imposing any restrictions on the fading parameters.
IEEE Transactions on Communications | 2013
Yongpeng Wu; Chengshan Xiao; Xiqi Gao; John D. Matyjas; Zhi Ding
This paper investigates the linear precoder design for K-user interference channels of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transceivers under finite alphabet inputs. We first obtain general explicit expressions of the achievable rate for users in the MIMO interference channel systems. We study optimal transmission strategies in both low and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regions. Given finite alphabet inputs, we show that a simple power allocation design achieves optimal performance at high SNR whereas the well-known interference alignment technique for Gaussian inputs only utilizes a partial interference-free signal space for transmission and leads to a constant rate loss when applied naively to finite-alphabet inputs. Moreover, we establish necessary conditions for the linear precoder design to achieve weighted sum-rate maximization. We also present an efficient iterative algorithm for determining precoding matrices of all the users. Our numerical results demonstrate that the proposed iterative algorithm achieves considerably higher sum-rate under practical QAM inputs than other known methods.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | 2014
Yeqing Wu; Sunil Kumar; Fei Hu; Yingying Zhu; John D. Matyjas
The unequal error protection (UEP) has shown promising results for transmitting video over error-prone wireless channels. In this paper, we investigate the cross-layer design of forward error correction (FEC) schemes by using the UEP Raptor codes at the application layer (AL) and UEP rate compatible punctured convolutional (RCPC) codes at physical layer (PHY) for prioritized video packets. The video packets are prioritized based on their contribution to the received video quality. A genetic algorithm (GA)-based optimization algorithm is proposed to find the optimal parameters for both Raptor and RCPC codes, to minimize the video distortion and maximize the peak signal-to-noise-ratio for the given video bit rates and channel constraints (i.e., SNR and available bandwidth). We evaluate the performance of four combinations of the UEP schemes for H.264/AVC encoded video sequences over the AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels and show the superiority of the optimized cross-layer UEP FEC scheme. For Rayleigh fading channel, the proposed cross-layer optimization uses two different time-scales at AL and PHY which allows PHY to adapt faster to the changing channel quality.
consumer communications and networking conference | 2009
Annamalai Annamalai; C. Tellambura; John D. Matyjas
A new exponential-type integral for the generalized M-th order Marcum Q-function QM(α,β) is obtained when M is not necessarily an integer. This new representation includes a classical formula due to Helstrom for the special case of positive integer order M and an additional integral correction term that vanishes when M assumes an integer value. The new form has both computational utility (numerous existing computational algorithms for QM(α,β) are limited to integer M) and analytical utility (e.g., performance evaluation of selection diversity receiver in correlated Nakagami-m fading with arbitrary fading severity index, unified analysis of binary and quaternary modulations over generalized fading channels, and development of a Markovian threshold model for block errors in correlated Nakagami-m fading channels). Tight upper and lower bounds for QM(α,β) that holds for any arbitrary real order M≥0.5 are also derived.