Archives of Dermatology | 1929
John E. Lane; Paul E. Bechet
Mycosis Fungoides. Presented by Dr. Wise. L. S., a single woman, aged 44, a clerk, presented an eruption which had begun as an erythematous pruritic plaque on the lower part of the back two years before presentation. Shortly after, similar red and violaceous, somewhat elevated patches appeared on both thighs from the groins to the knees. More recently, a group of irregular, somewhat firm, flat, discoid lesions developed on the inner aspect of the left upper arm. The eruption consisted of numerous erythematous plaques of irregular outline from 1 to 8 inches (2.5 to 20.32 cm.) in diameter. They were located chiefly on the anterior, outer and inner aspects of the thighs, with scattered lesions on the groins and upper arms, and on both hips. The lesions were elevated, sharply defined and slightly scaly; the color varied from pink to violaceous. In some of the lesions on the thighs, infiltration
Archives of Dermatology | 1921
John E. Lane
EXTENSIVE VERRUCAE OF FEET. Presented by Dr. Trimble. T. L., aged 36, a Porto Rican, had a negative family history. His personal history was negative. Present Condition: The lesions began on the dorsum of the left foot twenty-five years ago as small warts. The patient at that time was working barefooted in the tobacco and sugar fields of Porto Rico. The lesions gradually increased in size, and at the end of six months spread to the dorsum of the right foot. The lesions have continued to enlarge and spread until they have attained their present size. A few years ago after scratching the feet and getting blood on the fingers, the patient noticed lesions on the fingers. The eruption consisted of discrete and confluent brownish, verrucous lesions, varying in size from that of a small pea to that of a pigeons egg, covering the feet and extending up the leg;
Archives of Dermatology | 1929
John E. Lane
Archives of Dermatology | 1921
John E. Lane
Archives of Dermatology | 1923
John E. Lane
Archives of Dermatology | 1928
John E. Lane
Archives of Dermatology | 1933
John E. Lane
Archives of Dermatology | 1934
John E. Lane
Archives of Dermatology | 1929
John E. Lane
Archives of Dermatology | 1921
John E. Lane; Robert A. Lambert