Strength and Conditioning Journal | 2011
John F. Graham
STARTING POSITION Select 2 dumbbells of equal weight (Figure 1a). Pick up the 2 dumbbells from the rack, the floor or have them handed by a trainer or training partner. Maintain consistent spacing between knees throughout the movement; do not allow knees to move outward or inward. Arms should hang at the side with dumbbells held firmly in the hands. Torso should remain erect. Keep chest out and up. Shoulders are back. Keep head and neck straight with eyes looking straight ahead.
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 2002
John F. Graham
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 2002
John F. Graham
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 2001
John F. Graham
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 2008
John F. Graham
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 2004
John F. Graham
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 2000
John F. Graham
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 2009
John F. Graham
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 2007
John F. Graham
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 2007
John F. Graham