John F. Mustard
Brown University
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Featured researches published by John F. Mustard.
Nature | 2008
John F. Mustard; Scott L. Murchie; Shannon Pelkey; B. L. Ehlmann; Ralph E. Milliken; John A. Grant; Jean-Pierre Bibring; F. Poulet; Jack B. Bishop; E. Z. Noe Dobrea; L. H. Roach; F. P. Seelos; Raymond E. Arvidson; Sandra Margot Wiseman; Robert O. Green; C. D. Hash; David Carl Humm; Erick R. Malaret; J. A. McGovern; Kimberly D. Seelos; Thomas E. Clancy; Roger N. Clark; D. J. Des Marais; Noam R. Izenberg; Amy T. Knudson; Yves Langevin; Terry Z. Martin; Patrick C. McGuire; Richard V. Morris; Mark S. Robinson
Phyllosilicates, a class of hydrous mineral first definitively identified on Mars by the OMEGA (Observatoire pour la Mineralogie, L’Eau, les Glaces et l’Activitié) instrument, preserve a record of the interaction of water with rocks on Mars. Global mapping showed that phyllosilicates are widespread but are apparently restricted to ancient terrains and a relatively narrow range of mineralogy (Fe/Mg and Al smectite clays). This was interpreted to indicate that phyllosilicate formation occurred during the Noachian (the earliest geological era of Mars), and that the conditions necessary for phyllosilicate formation (moderate to high pH and high water activity) were specific to surface environments during the earliest era of Mars’s history. Here we report results from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) of phyllosilicate-rich regions. We expand the diversity of phyllosilicate mineralogy with the identification of kaolinite, chlorite and illite or muscovite, and a new class of hydrated silicate (hydrated silica). We observe diverse Fe/Mg-OH phyllosilicates and find that smectites such as nontronite and saponite are the most common, but chlorites are also present in some locations. Stratigraphic relationships in the Nili Fossae region show olivine-rich materials overlying phyllosilicate-bearing units, indicating the cessation of aqueous alteration before emplacement of the olivine-bearing unit. Hundreds of detections of Fe/Mg phyllosilicate in rims, ejecta and central peaks of craters in the southern highland Noachian cratered terrain indicate excavation of altered crust from depth. We also find phyllosilicate in sedimentary deposits clearly laid by water. These results point to a rich diversity of Noachian environments conducive to habitability.
Nature | 2011
B. L. Ehlmann; John F. Mustard; Scott L. Murchie; Jean-Pierre Bibring; Alain Meunier; Abigail A. Fraeman; Y. Langevin
Clay minerals, recently discovered to be widespread in Mars’s Noachian terrains, indicate long-duration interaction between water and rock over 3.7 billion years ago. Analysis of how they formed should indicate what environmental conditions prevailed on early Mars. If clays formed near the surface by weathering, as is common on Earth, their presence would indicate past surface conditions warmer and wetter than at present. However, available data instead indicate substantial Martian clay formation by hydrothermal groundwater circulation and a Noachian rock record dominated by evidence of subsurface waters. Cold, arid conditions with only transient surface water may have characterized Mars’s surface for over 4 billion years, since the early-Noachian period, and the longest-duration aqueous, potentially habitable environments may have been in the subsurface.
Science | 2009
Carle M. Pieters; Jitendra Nath Goswami; Roger N. Clark; M. Annadurai; Joseph W. Boardman; Bonnie J. Buratti; J.-P. Combe; M. D. Dyar; Robert O. Green; James W. Head; Charles Arthur Hibbitts; Michael D. Hicks; Peter Jonas Isaacson; R. L. Klima; G. Kramer; S. Kumar; E. Livo; Stephen R. Lundeen; E. Malaret; T. B. McCord; John F. Mustard; Jeffrey Wyatt Nettles; Noah E. Petro; Cassandra Runyon; M. Staid; Jessica M. Sunshine; L. A. Taylor; Stefanie Tompkins; Patanjali Varanasi
Lunar Water The Moon has been thought to be primarily anhydrous, although there has been some evidence for accumulated ice in permanently shadowed craters near its poles (see the Perspective by Lucey, published online 24 September). By analyzing recent infrared mapping by Chandrayaan-1 and Deep Impact, and reexamining Cassini data obtained during its early flyby of the Moon, Pieters et al. (p. 568, published online 24 September), Sunshine et al. (p. 565, published online 24 September), and Clark et al. (p. 562, published online 24 September) reveal a noticeable absorption signal for H2O and OH across much of the surface. Some variability in water abundance is seen over the course of the lunar day. The data imply that solar wind is depositing and/or somehow forming water and OH in minerals near the lunar surface, and that this trapped water is dynamic. Space-based spectroscopic measurements provide evidence for water or hydroxyl (OH) on the surface of the Moon The search for water on the surface of the anhydrous Moon had remained an unfulfilled quest for 40 years. However, the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) on Chandrayaan-1 has recently detected absorption features near 2.8 to 3.0 micrometers on the surface of the Moon. For silicate bodies, such features are typically attributed to hydroxyl- and/or water-bearing materials. On the Moon, the feature is seen as a widely distributed absorption that appears strongest at cooler high latitudes and at several fresh feldspathic craters. The general lack of correlation of this feature in sunlit M3 data with neutron spectrometer hydrogen abundance data suggests that the formation and retention of hydroxyl and water are ongoing surficial processes. Hydroxyl/water production processes may feed polar cold traps and make the lunar regolith a candidate source of volatiles for human exploration.
Remote Sensing of Environment | 2000
Andrew J. Elmore; John F. Mustard; Sara J. Manning; David B. Lobell
Abstract Because in situ techniques for determining vegetation abundance in semiarid regions are labor intensive, they usually are not feasible for regional analyses. Remotely sensed data provide the large spatial scale necessary, but their precision and accuracy in determining vegetation abundance and its change through time have not been quantitatively determined. In this paper, the precision and accuracy of two techniques, Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) applied to Landsat TM data, are assessed quantitatively using high-precision in situ data. In Owens Valley, California we have 6 years of continuous field data (1991–1996) for 33 sites acquired concurrently with six cloudless Landsat TM images. The multitemporal remotely sensed data were coregistered to within 1 pixel, radiometrically intercalibrated using temporally invariant surface features, and geolocated to within 30 m. These procedures facilitated the accurate location of field-monitoring sites within the remotely sensed data. Formal uncertainties in the registration, radiometric alignment, and modeling were determined. Results show that SMA absolute percent live cover (%LC) estimates are accurate to within ±4.0%LC and estimates of change in live cover have a precision of ±3.8%LC. Furthermore, even when applied to areas of low vegetation cover, the SMA approach correctly determined the sense of change (i.e., positive or negative) in 87% of the samples. SMA results are superior to NDVI, which, although correlated with live cover, is not a quantitative measure and showed the correct sense of change in only 67% of the samples.
Science | 2008
Janice L. Bishop; Eldar Zeev Noe Dobrea; Nancy K. McKeown; Mario Parente; B. L. Ehlmann; Joseph R. Michalski; Ralph E. Milliken; F. Poulet; Gregg A. Swayze; John F. Mustard; Scott L. Murchie; Jean-Pierre Bibring
Observations by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter/Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars in the Mawrth Vallis region show several phyllosilicate species, indicating a wide range of past aqueous activity. Iron/magnesium (Fe/Mg)–smectite is observed in light-toned outcrops that probably formed via aqueous alteration of basalt of the ancient cratered terrain. This unit is overlain by rocks rich in hydrated silica, montmorillonite, and kaolinite that may have formed via subsequent leaching of Fe and Mg through extended aqueous events or a change in aqueous chemistry. A spectral feature attributed to an Fe2+ phase is present in many locations in the Mawrth Vallis region at the transition from Fe/Mg-smectite to aluminum/silicon (Al/Si)–rich units. Fe2+-bearing materials in terrestrial sediments are typically associated with microorganisms or changes in pH or cations and could be explained here by hydrothermal activity. The stratigraphy of Fe/Mg-smectite overlain by a ferrous phase, hydrated silica, and then Al-phyllosilicates implies a complex aqueous history.
Remote Sensing of Environment | 1997
Stefanie Tompkins; John F. Mustard; Carle M. Pieters; Donald W. Forsyth
Abstract Linear spectral mixture analysis can be used to model the spectral variability in multi- or h yperspectral images and to relate the results to the physical abundance of surface constituents represented by the spectral endmembers. The most difficult step in. this analytical approach lies in the selection of spectral endmembers, which are chosen to represent surface components. A new approach to endhnember selection is presented here, which may be used to augment existing methods, in which the endmembers are derived -mathematically from the image data subject to a set of user-defined constraints. The constraints take the form of a starting -model and allowable deviations from that starting model, which incorporate any a priori knowledge of the data and physical properties of the scene. These constraints are applied to the basic mixing equations, which are then- solved iteratively to derive a set of spectral endmembers that t inintize the residual error. Because the input to the model is quantitative, the derivation. process is repeatable, and endmembers derived with different sets of constraints may be compared to each other directly. Three examples are presented, in which spectral endmembers are derived according to this nwdel for a series of images: a synthetic image cube whose endmembers are already known a natural terrestrial scene, and a natural lunar scene. Detailed analysis of the model inputs and results reveal that this modified approach to endinernber selection provides physically realistic spectral endmembers that in many cases represent purer components than could be found in any pixel in. the image scene.
Geology | 2008
Ralph E. Milliken; Gregg A. Swayze; Raymond E. Arvidson; Janice L. Bishop; Roger N. Clark; B. L. Ehlmann; Robert O. Green; John P. Grotzinger; Richard V. Morris; Scott L. Murchie; John F. Mustard; Catherine M. Weitz
High spatial and spectral resolution reflectance data acquired by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) instrument reveal the presence of H_2O- and SiOH-bearing phases on the Martian surface. The spectra are most consistent with opaline silica and glass altered to various degrees, confirming predictions based on geochernicall experiments and models that amorphous silica should be a common weathering product of the basaltic Martian crust. These materials are associated with hydrated Fe sulfates, including H_3O-bearing jarosite, and are found in finely stratified deposits exposed on the floor of and on the plains surrounding the Valles Marineris canyon system. Stratigraphic relationships place the formation age of these deposits in the late Hesperian or possibly the Amazonian, implying that aqueous alteration continued to be an important and regionally extensive process on Mars during that time.
Nature | 2002
Jacques Laskar; Benjamin Levrard; John F. Mustard
Since the first images of polar regions on Mars revealed alternating bright and dark layers, there has been speculation that their formation might be tied to the planets orbital climate forcing. But uncertainties in the deposition timescale exceed two orders of magnitude: estimates based on assumptions of dust deposition, ice formation and sublimation, and their variations with orbital forcing suggest a deposition rate of 10-3 to 10-2 cm yr-1 (refs 5, 6), whereas estimates based on cratering rate result in values as high as 0.1 to 0.2 cm yr-1 (ref. 7). Here we use a combination of high-resolution images of the polar layered terrains, high-resolution topography and revised calculations of the orbital and rotational parameters of Mars to show that a correlation exists between ice-layer radiance as a function of depth (obtained from photometric data of the images of the layered terrains) and the insolation variations in summer at the martian north pole, similar to what has been shown for palaeoclimate studies of the Earth. For the best fit between the radiance profile and the simulated insolation parameters, we obtain an average deposition rate of 0.05 cm yr-1 for the top 250 m of deposits on the ice cap of the north pole of Mars.
Nature | 2004
Jean-Pierre Bibring; Y. Langevin; F. Poulet; A. Gendrin; B. Gondet; Michel Berthé; Alain Soufflot; P. Drossart; M. Combes; G. Belluci; V.I. Moroz; N. Mangold; Bernard Schmitt; Stephane Erard; Olivier Forni; N. Manaud; G. Poulleau; Th. Encrenaz; Thierry Fouchet; Riccardo Melchiorri; F. Altieri; V. Formisano; G. Bonello; S. Fonti; F. Capaccioni; P. Cerroni; Angioletta Coradini; V. Kottsov; Nikolay Ignatiev; Dmitri Titov
The inventory of water and carbon dioxide reservoirs on Mars are important clues for understanding the geological, climatic and potentially exobiological evolution of the planet. From the early mapping observation of the permanent ice caps on the martian poles, the northern cap was believed to be mainly composed of water ice, whereas the southern cap was thought to be constituted of carbon dioxide ice. However, recent missions (NASA missions Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey) have revealed surface structures, altimetry profiles, underlying buried hydrogen, and temperatures of the south polar regions that are thermodynamically consistent with a mixture of surface water ice and carbon dioxide. Here we present the first direct identification and mapping of both carbon dioxide and water ice in the martian high southern latitudes, at a resolution of 2 km, during the local summer, when the extent of the polar ice is at its minimum. We observe that this south polar cap contains perennial water ice in extended areas: as a small admixture to carbon dioxide in the bright regions; associated with dust, without carbon dioxide, at the edges of this bright cap; and, unexpectedly, in large areas tens of kilometres away from the bright cap.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2003
Ralph E. Milliken; John F. Mustard; David L. Goldsby
(10 5 –10 7 years) of the material. Our shear stress estimates of 10 � 1.5 –10 � 2.5 MPa yield strain rates on the order of 10 � 11 –10 � 16 s � 1 , which are within the superplastic flow regime of ice. Mean annual surface temperatures, age constraints, and strain estimates show that it is possible for a meters-thick ice-dust mixture to undergo viscous deformation under past or present surface conditions for ice grain sizes >10 mm. The meters-thick layer in which the viscous flow features formed is morphologically similar to a degraded meters-thick ice-dust surface deposit (dissected mantle terrain). Locations of the viscous flow features, dissected mantle terrain, and recent gullies are concentrated in the midlatitude regions, and all three show identical distributions as a function of latitude, with the maximum frequency of occurrence at � 40� N and S. The strong association between these small-scale flow features and the dissected mantle terrain, large-scale viscous flow features, and recent gullies imply that deposition, deformation, and removal of ice-rich materials has played an important role in the modification of the surface in the midlatitudes of Mars during the Amazonian and possibly longer. INDEX TERMS: 5470 Planetology: Solid Surface Planets: Surface materials and properties; 5416 Planetology: Solid Surface Planets: Glaciation; 1863 Hydrology: Snow and ice (1827); 1823 Hydrology: Frozen ground; 8168 Tectonophysics: Stresses—general; KEYWORDS: viscous flow, viscous creep, dissected mantle terrain, ice-rich deposits, Mars climate, recent gullies