John G. Hattersley
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
Journal of The American Society of Nephrology | 2007
Colin A. Hutchison; Paul Cockwell; Steven D. Reid; Katie Chandler; Graham P. Mead; John Harrison; John G. Hattersley; Neil D. Evans; Michael J. Chappell; Mark Cook; Hermann Goehl; Markus Storr; Arthur R. Bradwell
Of patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma, approximately 10% have dialysis-dependent acute renal failure, with cast nephropathy, caused by monoclonal free light chains (FLC). Of these, 80 to 90% require long-term renal replacement therapy. Early treatment by plasma exchange reduces serum FLC concentrations, but randomized, controlled trials have shown no evidence of renal recovery. This outcome can be explained by the low efficiency of the procedure. A model of FLC production, distribution, and metabolism in patients with myeloma indicated that plasma exchange might remove only 25% of the total amount during a 3-wk period. For increasing FLC removal, extended hemodialysis with a protein-leaking dialyzer was used. In vitro studies indicated that the Gambro HCO 1100 dialyzer was the most efficient of seven tested. Model calculations suggested that it might remove 90% of FLC during 3 wk. This dialyzer then was evaluated in eight patients with myeloma and renal failure. Serum FLC reduced by 35 to 70% within 2 hr, but reduction rates slowed as extravascular re-equilibration occurred. FLC concentrations rebounded on successive days unless chemotherapy was effective. Five additional patients with acute renal failure that was caused by cast nephropathy then were treated aggressively, and three became dialysis independent. A total of 1.7 kg of FLC was removed from one patient during 6 wk. Extended hemodialysis with the Gambro HCO 1100 dialyzer allowed continuous, safe removal of FLC in large amounts. Proof of clinical value now will require larger studies.
Clinical Journal of The American Society of Nephrology | 2009
Colin A. Hutchison; Arthur R. Bradwell; Mark Cook; Kolitha Basnayake; Supratik Basu; Stephen Harding; John G. Hattersley; Neil D. Evans; Mike J. Chappel; Paul Sampson; Lukas Foggensteiner; Dwomoa Adu; Paul Cockwell
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Extended hemodialysis using a high cut-off dialyzer (HCO-HD) removes large quantities of free light chains in patients with multiple myeloma. However, the clinical utility of this method is uncertain. This study assessed the combination of chemotherapy and HCO-HD on serum free light chain concentrations and renal recovery in patients with myeloma kidney (cast nephropathy) and dialysis-dependent acute renal failure. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS An open-label study of the relationship between free light chain levels and clinical outcomes in 19 patients treated with standard chemotherapy regimens and HCO-HD. RESULTS There were sustained early reductions in serum free light chain concentrations (median 85% [range 50 to 97]) in 13 patients. These 13 patients became dialysis independent at a median of 27 d (range 13 to 120). Six patients had chemotherapy interrupted because of early infections and did not achieve sustained early free light chain reductions; one of these patients recovered renal function (at 105 d) the remaining 5 patients did not recover renal function. Patients who recovered renal function had a significantly improved survival (P < 0.012). CONCLUSION In dialysis-dependent acute renal failure secondary to myeloma kidney, patients who received uninterrupted chemotherapy and extended HCO-HD had sustained reductions in serum free light chain concentrations and recovered independent renal function.
Journal of Applied Physiology | 2015
Scott L. Robinson; John G. Hattersley; Gary Frost; Edward S. Chambers; Gareth A. Wallis
Disturbances in fat oxidation have been associated with an increased risk of obesity and metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance. There is large intersubject variability in the capacity to oxidize fat when a person is physically active, although the significance of this for metabolic health is unclear. We investigated whether the maximal capacity to oxidize fat during exercise is related to 24-h fat oxidation and insulin sensitivity. Maximal fat oxidation (MFO; indirect calorimetry during incremental exercise) and insulin sensitivity (Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index) were measured in 53 young, healthy men (age 24 ± 7 yr, V̇o2max 52 ± 6 ml·kg(-1)·min(-1)). Fat oxidation over 24 h (24-h FO; indirect calorimetry) was assessed in 16 young, healthy men (age 26 ± 8 yr, V̇o2max 52 ± 6 ml·kg(-1)·min(-1)) during a 36-h stay in a whole-room respiration chamber. MFO (g/min) was positively correlated with 24-h FO (g/day) (R = 0.65, P = 0.003; R = 0.46, P = 0.041 when controlled for V̇o2max [l/min]), 24-h percent energy from FO (R = 0.58, P = 0.009), and insulin sensitivity (R = 0.33, P = 0.007). MFO (g/min) was negatively correlated with 24-h fat balance (g/day) (R = -0.51, P = 0.021) but not significantly correlated with 24-h respiratory quotient (R = -0.29, P = 0.142). Although additional investigations are needed, our data showing positive associations between MFO and 24-h FO, and between MFO and insulin sensitivity in healthy young men suggests that a high capacity to oxidize fat while one is physically active could be advantageous for the maintenance of metabolic health.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism | 2014
John G. Hattersley; Andreas F.H. Pfeiffer; Michael Roden; Klaus-Jürgen Petzke; D Hoffmann; Natalia Rudovich; Harpal S. Randeva; Manu Vatish; M Osterhoff; Özlem Goegebakan; S Hornemann; Peter Nowotny; Jürgen Machann; Johannes Hierholzer; Christian von Loeffelholz; Matthias Möhlig; Ayman M. Arafat; Martin O. Weickert
CONTEXT Amino-acid (AA) metabolic signatures differ in insulin-resistant (IR) obese vs normal-weight subjects, improve after weight loss, and seem to predict the risk of type 2 diabetes. It is unknown whether weight-maintaining dietary measures aimed at influencing IR alter AA signatures of high-risk subjects. SETTING AND DESIGN In the randomized controlled Protein, Fiber and Metabolic Syndrome (ProFiMet) trial we investigated effects of four isoenergetic, moderately fat-reduced diets varying in protein and cereal-fiber contents on complete AA metabolic signatures in 76 group-matched overweight or obese high-risk subjects. We analyzed the relation of whole-body and hepatic IR with AA signatures, body fat composition and liver fat, after 0, 6, and 18 weeks of dietary intervention. Discrimination between diets was further enhanced by providing tailored dietary supplements for twice-daily consumption over 18 weeks in all groups. RESULTS Baseline AA, including branched-chain signatures significantly related to IR, liver fat, and visceral fat mass. Isoenergetic variation of protein and cereal-fiber dietary contents, but not fat restriction, significantly influenced IR, whereas the relation of AA with IR changed with all diets. The tryptophan ratio was significantly suppressed in obese vs overweight participants, but increased after 6 weeks of high cereal-fiber intake to a nonobese phenotype. Modeling analyses revealed diet-induced alterations of complex AA profiles to relate to 70% and 62% of changes in whole-body and hepatic IR. CONCLUSIONS We demonstrate that relatively short-term isoenergetic changes in the diet significantly alter the relation of AA signatures with IR, with possible implications on the determination and treatment of diabetes risk.
PLOS ONE | 2012
John G. Hattersley; Matthias Möhlig; Michael Roden; Ayman M. Arafat; Christian von Loeffelholz; Peter Nowotny; Jürgen Machann; Johannes Hierholzer; M Osterhoff; Michael Khan; Andreas F.H. Pfeiffer; Martin O. Weickert
We evaluated the ability of simple and complex surrogate-indices to identify individuals from an overweight/obese cohort with hepatic insulin-resistance (HEP-IR). Five indices, one previously defined and four newly generated through step-wise linear regression, were created against a single-cohort sample of 77 extensively characterised participants with the metabolic syndrome (age 55.6±1.0 years, BMI 31.5±0.4 kg/m2; 30 males). HEP-IR was defined by measuring endogenous-glucose-production (EGP) with [6–62H2] glucose during fasting and euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps and expressed as EGP*fasting plasma insulin. Complex measures were incorporated into the model, including various non-standard biomarkers and the measurement of body-fat distribution and liver-fat, to further improve the predictive capability of the index. Validation was performed against a data set of the same subjects after an isoenergetic dietary intervention (4 arms, diets varying in protein and fiber content versus control). All five indices produced comparable prediction of HEP-IR, explaining 39–56% of the variance, depending on regression variable combination. The validation of the regression equations showed little variation between the different proposed indices (r 2 = 27–32%) on a matched dataset. New complex indices encompassing advanced measurement techniques offered an improved correlation (r = 0.75, P<0.001). However, when validated against the alternative dataset all indices performed comparably with the standard homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (r = 0.54, P<0.001). Thus, simple estimates of HEP-IR performed comparable to more complex indices and could be an efficient and cost effective approach in large epidemiological investigations.
Clinical Endocrinology | 2015
Narendra Reddy; Chenjing Peng; Marcos C. Carreira; L. Halder; John G. Hattersley; Milan K. Piya; Gyanendra Tripathi; Harpal S. Randeva; Felipe F. Casanueva; Philip G. McTernan; S. Kumar; Thomas M. Barber
Meal duration may influence cardiometabolic health. The aim of this study was to explore postprandial effects of meal duration on human metabolism and appetite.
Water Science and Technology | 2010
Virginia Stovin; I. Guymer; Michael J. Chappell; John G. Hattersley
Mixing and dispersion processes affect the timing and concentration of contaminants transported within urban drainage systems. Hence, methods of characterising the mixing effects of specific hydraulic structures are of interest to drainage network modellers. Previous research, focusing on surcharged manholes, utilised the first-order Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE) and Aggregated Dead Zone (ADZ) models to characterise dispersion. However, although systematic variations in travel time as a function of discharge and surcharge depth have been identified, the first order ADE and ADZ models do not provide particularly good fits to observed manhole data, which means that the derived parameter values are not independent of the upstream temporal concentration profile. An alternative, more robust, approach utilises the systems Cumulative Residence Time Distribution (CRTD), and the solute transport characteristics of a surcharged manhole have been shown to be characterised by just two dimensionless CRTDs, one for pre- and the other for post-threshold surcharge depths. Although CRTDs corresponding to instantaneous upstream injections can easily be generated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models, the identification of CRTD characteristics from non-instantaneous and noisy laboratory data sets has been hampered by practical difficulties. This paper shows how a deconvolution approach derived from systems theory may be applied to identify the CRTDs associated with urban drainage structures.
BMJ Open | 2016
Sheharyar A Qureshi; N E Burch; Maralyn Druce; John G. Hattersley; Saboor Khan; Kishore Gopalakrishnan; Catherine Darby; John Lin Hieng Wong; Louise Davies; Simon Fletcher; William Shatwell; Sharmila Sothi; Harpal S. Randeva; Georgios K. Dimitriadis; Martin O. Weickert
Objectives To investigate whether screening for malnutrition using the validated malnutrition universal screening tool (MUST) identifies specific characteristics of patients at risk, in patients with gastro-entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (GEP-NET). Design Cross-sectional study. Setting University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust; European Neuroendocrine Tumour Society Centre of Excellence. Participants Patients with confirmed GEP-NET (n=161) of varying primary tumour sites, functioning status, grading, staging and treatment modalities. Main outcome measure To identify disease and treatment-related characteristics of patients with GEP-NET who score using MUST, and should be directed to detailed nutritional assessment. Results MUST score was positive (≥1) in 14% of outpatients with GEP-NET. MUST-positive patients had lower faecal elastase concentrations compared to MUST-negative patients (244±37 vs 383±20 µg/g stool; p=0.018), and were more likely to be on treatment with long-acting somatostatin analogues (65 vs 38%, p=0.021). MUST-positive patients were also more likely to have rectal or unknown primary NET, whereas, frequencies of other GEP-NET including pancreatic NET were comparable between MUST-positive and MUST-negative patients. Conclusions Given the frequency of patients identified at malnutrition risk using MUST in our relatively large and diverse GEP-NET cohort and the clinical implications of detecting malnutrition early, we recommend routine use of malnutrition screening in all patients with GEP-NET, and particularly in patients who are treated with long-acting somatostatin analogues.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine | 2011
John G. Hattersley; Judith Pérez-Velázquez; Michael J. Chappell; Daniel Bearup; David I. Roper; Christopher G. Dowson; Neil D. Evans
An important question in Systems Biology is the design of experiments that enable discrimination between two (or more) competing chemical pathway models or biological mechanisms. In this paper analysis is performed between two different models describing the kinetic mechanism of a three-substrate three-product reaction, namely the MurC reaction in the cytoplasmic phase of peptidoglycan biosynthesis. One model involves ordered substrate binding and ordered release of the three products; the competing model also assumes ordered substrate binding, but with fast release of the three products. The two versions are shown to be distinguishable; however, if standard quasi-steady-state assumptions are made distinguishability cannot be determined. Once model structure uniqueness is ensured the experimenter must determine if it is possible to successfully recover rate constant values given the experiment observations, a process known as structural identifiability. Structural identifiability analysis is carried out for both models to determine which of the unknown reaction parameters can be determined uniquely, or otherwise, from the ideal system outputs. This structural analysis forms an integrated step towards the modelling of the full pathway of the cytoplasmic phase of peptidoglycan biosynthesis.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes | 2006
N.D. Evans; John G. Hattersley; Colin A. Hutchison; Y. Hu; Arthur R. Bradwell; Graham P. Mead; Michael J. Chappell
Abstract A mathematical model for the in vivo kinetics of free light chains is developed. The model consists of two compartments, one containing the plasma and the other the interstitial fluid. It is used to examine the effects of dialysis on myeloma, a form of cancer that results in high free light chain concentrations. The structural identifiability of the model is analysed using the Taylor series approach, and it is confirmed that the model is structurally globally identifiable provided data are collected both during dialysis and after it. The model is then used to fit clinical data from a myeloma patient suffering chronic renal failure. The data show that dialysis causes a reduction in free light chain concentrations, and this is reflected in the model responses.