John Paget
Radboud University Nijmegen
Featured researches published by John Paget.
BMC Public Health | 2006
Richard L Marquet; A.I.M. Bartelds; Sander P. van Noort; Carl Koppeschaar; John Paget; F.G. Schellevis; Jouke van der Zee
BackgroundAn internet-based survey of influenza-like illness (ILI) – the Great Influenza Survey or GIS – was launched in the Netherlands in the 2003–2004 influenza season. The aim of the present study was to validate the representativeness of the GIS population and to compare the GIS data with the official ILI data obtained by Dutch GPs participating in the Dutch Sentinel Practice Network.MethodDirect mailings to schools and universities, and repeated interviews on television and radio, and in newspapers were used to kindle the enthusiasm of a broad section of the public for GIS. Strict symptomatic criteria for ILI were formulated with the assistance of expert institutes and only participants who responded at least five times to weekly e-mails asking them about possible ILI symptoms were included in the survey. Validation of GIS was done at different levels: 1) some key demographic (age distribution) and public health statistics (prevalence of asthma and diabetes, and influenza vaccination rates) for the Dutch population were compared with corresponding figures calculated from GIS; 2) the ILI rates in GIS were compared with the ILI consultation rates reported by GPs participating in the Dutch Sentinel Practice Network.Results13,300 persons (53% of total responders), replied at least five times to weekly e-mails and were included in the survey. As expected, there was a marked under-representation of the age groups 0–10 years and 81->90 years in the GIS population, although the similarities were remarkable for most other age groups, albeit that the age groups between 21 and 70 years were slightly overrepresented. There were striking similarities between GIS and the Dutch population with regard to the prevalence of asthma (6.4% vs. 6.9%) and the influenza vaccination rates, and to a lesser degree for diabetes (2.4% vs. 3.5%). The vaccination rates in patients with asthma or diabetes, and persons older than 65 years were 68%, 85%, and 85% respectively in GIS, while the corresponding percentages in the Dutch population were 73%, 85% and 87%. There was also a marked similarity between the seasonal course of ILI measured by GIS and the GPs. Although the ILI rate in GIS was about 10 times higher, the curves followed an almost similar pattern, with peak incidences occurring in the same week.ConclusionThe current study demonstrates that recruitment of a high number of persons willing to participate in on-line health surveillance is feasible. The information gathered proved to be reliable, as it paralleled the information obtained via an undisputed route. We believe that the interactive nature of GIS and the appealing subject were keys to its success.
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses | 2015
Saverio Caini; Q. Sue Huang; Meral Ciblak; Gabriela Kusznierz; Rhonda Owen; Sonam Wangchuk; Cláudio Maierovitch Pessanha Henriques; Richard Njouom; Rodrigo Fasce; Hongjie Yu; Luzhao Feng; Maria Zambon; Alexey Wilfrido Clara; Herman Kosasih; Simona Puzelli; Hervé Kadjo; Gideon O. Emukule; Jean-Michel Heraud; Li Wei Ang; Marietjie Venter; Alla Mironenko; Lynnette Brammer; Le Thi Quynh Mai; F.G. Schellevis; Stanley A. Plotkin; John Paget
Literature on influenza focuses on influenza A, despite influenza B having a large public health impact. The Global Influenza B Study aims to collect information on global epidemiology and burden of disease of influenza B since 2000.
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal | 2009
Tamara J. Meerhoff; John Paget; Jan L. L. Kimpen; F.G. Schellevis
Background: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most important viral agent causing severe respiratory disease in infants and children. In temperate climates, RSV activity typically peaks during winter. We have described the seasonal variation in RSV activity and investigated which meteorological variables are related to RSV outbreaks for different time lags. Methods: Eleven laboratories in the Netherlands collected data on RSV during the period 1998–2005. Meteorological data were obtained from the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute. General linear methods were used to determine the relative contribution of meteorological conditions to reported RSV cases in the winter period. Time lags up to 4 weeks were included to assess a possible delayed weather effect in relation to RSV activity. Results: Onset of RSV activity occurred around week 44 and activity peaked around week 52. Timing of peak activity was very consistent over the study period. Relative humidity was positively associated with RSV activity for all time lags, indicating more RSV when relative humidity increased. Minimum temperature was negatively associated with RSV activity and cloud cover was positively related with RSV activity. Interaction (P < 0.06) between minimum temperature and relative humidity was observed for a lag of 0, 1, and 2 weeks, indicating that the combination of low temperature and high humidity contributes more to RSV activity than temperature and humidity alone. Conclusions: Relative humidity, minimum temperature, and cloud cover are important predictors of RSV activity in the Netherlands, with the effect of relative humidity being most consistent.
PLOS ONE | 2016
Siddhivinayak Hirve; Laura P. Newman; John Paget; Eduardo Azziz-Baumgartner; Julia Fitzner; Niranjan Bhat; Katelijn Vandemaele; Wenqing Zhang
Background The timing of the biannual WHO influenza vaccine composition selection and production cycle has been historically directed to the influenza seasonality patterns in the temperate regions of the northern and southern hemispheres. Influenza activity, however, is poorly understood in the tropics with multiple peaks and identifiable year-round activity. The evidence-base needed to take informed decisions on vaccination timing and vaccine formulation is often lacking for the tropics and subtropics. This paper aims to assess influenza seasonality in the tropics and subtropics. It explores geographical grouping of countries into vaccination zones based on optimal timing of influenza vaccination. Methods Influenza seasonality was assessed by different analytic approaches (weekly proportion of positive cases, time series analysis, etc.) using FluNet and national surveillance data. In case of discordance in the seasonality assessment, consensus was built through discussions with in-country experts. Countries with similar onset periods of their primary influenza season were grouped into geographical zones. Results The number and period of peak activity was ascertained for 70 of the 138 countries in the tropics and subtropics. Thirty-seven countries had one and seventeen countries had two distinct peaks. Countries near the equator had secondary peaks or even identifiable year-round activity. The main influenza season in most of South America and Asia started between April and June. The start of the main season varied widely in Africa (October and December in northern Africa, April and June in Southern Africa and a mixed pattern in tropical Africa). Eight “influenza vaccination zones” (two each in America and Asia, and four in Africa and Middle East) were defined with recommendations for vaccination timing and vaccine formulation. The main limitation of our study is that FluNet and national surveillance data may lack the granularity to detect sub-national variability in seasonality patterns. Conclusion Distinct influenza seasonality patterns, though complex, could be ascertained for most countries in the tropics and subtropics using national surveillance data. It may be possible to group countries into zones based on similar recommendations for vaccine timing and formulation.
PLOS ONE | 2016
Saverio Caini; Winston Andrade; Selim Badur; Angel Balmaseda; Amal Barakat; Antonino Bella; Abderrahman Bimohuen; Lynnette Brammer; Joseph S. Bresee; Alfredo Bruno; Leticia Castillo; Meral Ciblak; Alexey Wilfrido Clara; Cheryl Cohen; Jeffery Cutter; Coulibaly Daouda; Celina de Lozano; Doménica de Mora; Kunzang Dorji; Gideon O. Emukule; Rodrigo Fasce; Luzhao Feng; Walquiria Aparecida Ferreira de Almeida; Raquel Guiomar; Jean-Michel Heraud; Olha Holubka; Q. Sue Huang; Hervé Kadjo; Lyazzat Kiyanbekova; Herman Kosasih
Introduction Determining the optimal time to vaccinate is important for influenza vaccination programmes. Here, we assessed the temporal characteristics of influenza epidemics in the Northern and Southern hemispheres and in the tropics, and discuss their implications for vaccination programmes. Methods This was a retrospective analysis of surveillance data between 2000 and 2014 from the Global Influenza B Study database. The seasonal peak of influenza was defined as the week with the most reported cases (overall, A, and B) in the season. The duration of seasonal activity was assessed using the maximum proportion of influenza cases during three consecutive months and the minimum number of months with ≥80% of cases in the season. We also assessed whether co-circulation of A and B virus types affected the duration of influenza epidemics. Results 212 influenza seasons and 571,907 cases were included from 30 countries. In tropical countries, the seasonal influenza activity lasted longer and the peaks of influenza A and B coincided less frequently than in temperate countries. Temporal characteristics of influenza epidemics were heterogeneous in the tropics, with distinct seasonal epidemics observed only in some countries. Seasons with co-circulation of influenza A and B were longer than influenza A seasons, especially in the tropics. Discussion Our findings show that influenza seasonality is less well defined in the tropics than in temperate regions. This has important implications for vaccination programmes in these countries. High-quality influenza surveillance systems are needed in the tropics to enable decisions about when to vaccinate.
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses | 2016
Siddhivinayak Hirve; Philipp Lambach; John Paget; Katelijn Vandemaele; Julia Fitzner; Wenqing Zhang
The evidence needed for tropical countries to take informed decisions on influenza vaccination is scarce. This article reviews policy, availability, use and effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccine in tropical and subtropical countries.
PLOS ONE | 2015
Evelien M. E. van Bijnen; John Paget; Elly S. M. de Lange-de Klerk; Casper D. J. den Heijer; Ann Versporten; Ellen E. Stobberingh; Herman Goossens; F.G. Schellevis
Objectives Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has become a global public health concern which threatens the effective treatment of bacterial infections. Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (including MRSA) increasingly appears in individuals with no healthcare associated risks. Our study assessed risk factors for nasal carriage of resistant S. aureus in a multinational, healthy, community-based population, including ecological exposure to antibiotics. Methods Data were collected in eight European countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden). Commensal AMR patterns were assessed by collecting 28,929 nasal swabs from healthy persons (aged 4+). Ecological exposure to antibiotics was operationalized as systemic antibiotic treatment patterns, extracted from electronic medical records of primary care practices in which the participants were listed (10–27 per country). A multilevel analysis related AMR in nasal commensal S. aureus to antibiotic exposure and other risk factors (e.g. age and profession). Results Of the 6,093 S. aureus isolates, 77% showed resistance to at least one antibiotic. 7.1% exhibited multidrug resistance (defined as resistance to 3 or more antibiotic classes), and we found 78 cases MRSA (1.3%). A large variation in antibiotic exposure was found between and within countries. Younger age and a higher proportion of penicillin prescriptions in a practice were associated with higher odds for carriage of a resistant S. aureus. Also, we found higher multidrug resistance rates in participants working in healthcare or nurseries. Conclusions This study indicates that in a population with no recent antibiotic use, the prescription behavior of the general practitioner affects the odds for carriage of a resistant S. aureus, highlighting the need for cautious prescribing in primary care. Finally, since variation in AMR could partly be explained on a national level, policy initiatives to decrease AMR should be encouraged at the national level within Europe.
PLOS ONE | 2015
Gideon O. Emukule; John Paget; Koos van der Velden; Joshua A. Mott
Background In Kenya data on the burden of influenza disease are needed to inform influenza control policies. Methods We conducted a systematic review of published data describing the influenza disease burden in Kenya using surveillance data collected until December 2013. We included studies with laboratory confirmation of influenza, well-defined catchment populations, case definitions used to sample patients for testing and a description of the laboratory methods used for influenza testing. Studies with or without any adjustments on the incidence rates were included. Results Ten studies reporting the incidence of medically-attended and non-medically attended influenza were reviewed. For all age groups, the influenza positive proportion ranged from 5–10% among hospitalized patients, and 5–27% among all medically-attended patients (a combination of in- and outpatients). The adjusted incidence rate of hospitalizations with influenza among children <5 years ranged from 2.7–4.7 per 1,000 [5.7 per 1,000 in children <6 months old], and were 7–10 times higher compared to persons aged ≥5 years. The adjusted incidence of all medically-attended influenza among children aged <5 years ranged from 13.0–58.0 per 1,000 compared to 4.3–26.0 per 1,000 among persons aged ≥5 years. Conclusions Our review shows an expanding set of literature on disease burden associated with influenza in Kenya, with a substantial burden in children under five years of age. Hospitalizations with influenza in these children were 2–3 times higher than reported in the United States. These findings highlight the possible value of an influenza vaccination program in Kenya, with children <5 years and pregnant women being potentially important targets.
PLOS ONE | 2015
Jean Cohen; Maria Laura Silva; Saverio Caini; Meral Ciblak; Anne Mosnier; Isabelle Daviaud; Gonçalo Matias; Selim Badur; Martine Valette; Vincent Enouf; John Paget; Douglas M. Fleming; Ibgp study team
Influenza B represents a high proportion of influenza cases in some seasons (even over 50%). The Influenza B study in General Practice (IBGP) is a multicenter study providing information about the clinical, demographic and socio-economic characteristics of patients affected by lab-confirmed influenza A or B. Influenza B patients and age-matched influenza A patients were recruited within the sentinel surveillance networks of France and Turkey in 2010–11 and 2011–12 seasons. Data were collected for each patient at the swab test day, after 9±2 days and, if not recovered, after 28±5 days. It was related to patients characteristics, symptoms at presentation, vaccination status, prescriptions of antibiotics and antivirals, duration of illness, follow-up consultations in general practice or emergency room. We performed descriptive analyses and developed a multiple regression model to investigate the effect of patients and disease characteristics on the duration of illness. Overall, 774 influenza cases were included in the study: 419 influenza B cases (209 in France and 210 in Turkey) and 355 influenza A cases (205 in France and 150 in Turkey). There were no differences between influenza A and B patients in terms of clinical presentation and number of consultations with a practitioner; however, the use of antivirals was higher among influenza B patients in both countries. The average (median) reported duration of illness in the age groups 0–14 years, 15–64 years and 65+ years was 7.4 (6), 8.7 (8) and 10.5 (9) days in France, and 6.3 (6), 8.2 (7) and 9.2 (6) days in Turkey; it increased with age but did not differ by virus type; increased duration of illness was associated with antibiotics prescription. In conclusion, our findings show that influenza B infection appears not to be milder disease than influenza A infection.
PLOS ONE | 2015
John Paget; Helen Aangenend; Malte Kühn; Jeannine La Hautvast; Desiree van Oorschot; Alphons Olde Loohuis; Koos van der Velden; Alexander W. Friedrich; Andreas Voss; Robin Köck
Objectives MRSA poses a considerable public health threat to the community. The objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of MRSA carriage and determine factors that were associated with MRSA carriage among outpatients who had used antibiotics in the previous three months and who lived in a high-density livestock farming area along the Dutch-German border. Methods Cross-sectional prevalence study carried out between November 2011 and June 2012. Nasal swabs and questionnaires were collected in patients (>4 years) who had used antibiotics in the previous three months from twelve Dutch General Practitioners (GPs), seven German GPs and two German outpatient urologists. To assess nasal carriage, swabs were analyzed using selective MRSA agars after broth enrichment. MRSA positive samples were spa typed. Results Data were collected from 513 GP outpatients in the Netherlands, 261 GP outpatients in Germany and 200 urologist outpatients in Germany. The overall prevalence of MRSA carriage was 0.8%, 1.1% and 2.0%, respectively. In the GP outpatient populations, the prevalence was similar in both countries (0.8% and 1.1%, respectively, p = 0.879), all spa types were indicative for livestock-associated MRSA (4xt011 in the Netherlands; 2xt034 and t011 in Germany) and being a farmer, living on or near (<5km) to a farm were associated with MRSA carriage. In the urologist outpatient population, the prevalence was higher (2.0%), all spa types were indicative for healthcare-associated MRSA (t068, t032, t003, t10231) and being a farmer, living on or near to a farm were factors not associated with MRSA carriage. Conclusions The prevalence of MRSA carriage in these community outpatient populations along the Dutch-German border was low. There were striking similarities in livestock-associated MRSA carriage and clonal spread in the outpatient populations seeing their GP in both countries. In contrast, urologist outpatients in Germany were colonized with spa types indicative of healthcare-associated MRSA.