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Work & Stress | 1998

The impact of a stress management programme on staff well-being and performance at work

John Rose; Fiona Jones; Ben Fletcher

Abstract Stress management programmes were implemented for direct care staff in two group homes for people with learning disabilities. Staff working in three similar homes were used as controls. Assessments were made of anxiety and depression levels and demands, supports and constraints at work. Staff in the intervention houses were also observed at work to determine who they were interacting with, the nature and type of the interaction and the amount of time spent on different aspects of the job. This information was used to inform and develop an intervention aimed at the groups of staff involved. Goals were set with the aim of reducing levels of anxiety and depression in staff and these were subject to review. Reassessment in intervention houses showed reductions in anxiety and increased perceived support when compared to controls. There were also changes in some observational measures, particularly increased positive interactions and assistance given to clients, and formal education programmes. These r...

Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities | 1996

Anger management: A group treatment program for people with mental retardation

John Rose

This paper describes the development of anger management groups for people with moderate to severe mental retardation. The group was based on work developed by Novaco (1976) and extended to people with mild mental retardation. Modifications to group techniques, such as participants being accompanied by a support worker in the group and more effort to help participants label emotions, were required for this more disabled group. An evaluation of the group is described and it was found that a reduction in aggressive behavior occurred after group treatment. Suggestions are made for future efforts in this area.

Tizard Learning Disability Review | 1997

Stress & Stress Management Among Residential Care Staff

John Rose

Evidence is mounting to suggest that stress not only influences an individuals well‐being, but can also have an impact on the quality of work they perform. This paper starts with a consideration of some important issues relating to stress in staff who work with people who have learning disabilities, particularly those who work in community group homes. Current research indicates a number of common themes. A model is presented that attempts to summarise some of these. However, it is also clear that there is considerable variability between organisations. This variability must be assessed when considering the needs of individuals and groups of staff. Some groups of staff seem to Report higher levels of stress and can benefit from stress management interventions. For stress management to be effective, assessments that take into account individual and organisational issues are necessary. An example of a successful intervention package is provided. This is based on the assessment of staff teams and implemented within a problem‐solving framework.

Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities | 1993

A day center for elderly persons with learning difficulties: The consumers' views

Kathryn Foote; John Rose

Research with older people who have a learning disability has flourished in recent years. One of the issues being considered is the way in which the needs of this client group can be met by service providers. In addition, there has been an increasing awarences of the right of clients to express their views regarding services. This study investigates consumer satisfaction with a day center for older people with a learning disability. Interviews were conducted with 15 clients. Results revealed that all participants were satisfied with some aspect of the service. The major sources of satisfaction were the social contact and the activities facilitated by the center.

Journal of Intellectual Disability Research | 1997

Psychological well-being of staff working with people who have challenging behaviour

R. Jenkins; John Rose; C. Lovell

Journal of Intellectual Disability Research | 1998

Investigating the relationship between stress and worker behaviour

John Rose; Fiona Jones; Ben Fletcher

Mental Handicap Research | 2010


John Rose

Journal of Intellectual Disability Research | 1999

Stress and residential staff who work with people who have an intellectual disability: a factor analytic study

John Rose

Mental Handicap Research | 2010


John Rose

Mental Handicap Research | 2010

Changing staff attitudes to the sexuality of people with mental handicaps: an evaluative comparison of one and three day workshops

John Rose; Sophie Holmes


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Ben Fletcher

University of Hertfordshire

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