Jon W. Tolle
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Acta Numerica | 1995
Paul T. Boggs; Jon W. Tolle
Since its popularization in the late 1970s, Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) has arguably become the most successful method for solving nonlinearly constrained optimization problems. As with most optimization methods, SQP is not a single algorithm, but rather a conceptual method from which numerous specific algorithms have evolved. Backed by a solid theoretical and computational foundation, both commercial and public-domain SQP algorithms have been developed and used to solve a remarkably large set of important practical problems. Recently large-scale versions have been devised and tested with promising results.
Siam Journal on Control and Optimization | 1982
Paul T. Boggs; Jon W. Tolle; Pyng Wang
We consider the application of a general class of quasi-Newton methods to the solution of the classical equality constrained nonlinear optimization problem. Specifically, we develop necessary and sufficient conditions for the Q-superlinear convergence of such methods and present a companion linear convergence theorem. The essential conditions relate to the manner in which the Hessian of the Lagrangian function is approximated.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | 2000
Paul T. Boggs; Jon W. Tolle
The sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithm has been one of the most successful general methods for solving nonlinear constrained optimization problems. We provide an introduction to the general method and show its relationship to recent developments in interior-point approaches, emphasizing large-scale aspects.
Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics | 1971
Floyd J. Gould; Jon W. Tolle
A weak qualification is given which insures that a broad class of constrained optimization problems satisfies the analogue of the Kuhn–Tucker conditions at optimality. The qualification is shown to be necessary and sufficient for these conditions to be valid for any objective function which is differentiable at the optimum.
Mathematical Programming | 1973
James P. Evans; Floyd J. Gould; Jon W. Tolle
In this paper some new theoretic results on piecewise differentiable exact penalty functions are presented. Sufficient conditions are given for the existence of exact penalty functions for inequality constrained problems more general than concave and several classes of such functions are presented.
Mathematical Programming | 1972
Floyd J. Gould; Jon W. Tolle
Certain types of necessary optimality conditions for mathematical programming problems are equivalent to corresponding regularity conditions on the constraint set. For any problem, a certain natural optimality condition, dependent upon the particular constraint set, is always satisfied. This condition can be strengthened in numerous ways by invoking appropriate regularity assumptions on the constraint set. Results are presented for Euclidean spaces and some extensions to Banach spaces are given.
Siam Journal on Optimization | 1999
Paul T. Boggs; Anthony J. Kearsley; Jon W. Tolle
We provide an effective and efficient implementation of a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithm for the general large scale nonlinear programming problem. In this algorithm the quadratic programming subproblems are solved by an interior point method that can be prematurely halted by a trust region constraint. Numerous computational enhancements to improve the numerical performance are presented. These include a dynamic procedure for adjusting the merit function parameter and procedures for adjusting the trust region radius. Numerical results and comparisons are presented.
Mathematical Programming | 1991
Eugene K. Yang; Jon W. Tolle
In this paper we analyze conjugate gradient-type algorithms for solving convex quadratic programs subject only to box constraints (i.e., lower and upper bounds on the variables). Programs of this type, which we denote by BQP, play an important role in many optimization models and algorithms. We propose a new class of finite algorithms based on a nonfinite heuristic for solving a large, sparse BQP. The numerical results suggest that these algorithms are competitive with Dembo and Tulowitzskis (1983) CRGP algorithm in general, and perform better than CRGP for problems that have a low percentage of free variables at optimality, and for problems with only nonnegativity constraints.
Siam Journal on Optimization | 1999
Paul T. Boggs; Anthony J. Kearsley; Jon W. Tolle
In this paper we give a global convergence analysis of a basic version of an SQP algorithm described in [P. T. Boggs, A. J. Kearsley, and J. W. Tolle, SIAM J. Optim., 9 (1999), pp. 755--778] for the solution of large-scale nonlinear inequality-constrained optimization problems. Several procedures and options have been added to the basic algorithm to improve the practical performance; some of these are also analyzed. The important features of the algorithm include the use of a constrained merit function to assess the progress of the iterates and a sequence of approximate merit functions that are less expensive to evaluate. It also employs an interior point quadratic programming solver that can be terminated early to produce a truncated step.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis | 1989
Paul T. Boggs; Jon W. Tolle
n a previous work [P. Boggs and J. Tolle, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 21 (1984), pp. 1146–1161], the authors introduced a merit function for use with the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithm for solving nonlinear programming problems. Here, further theoretical justification, including a global convergence theorem, is provided. In addition, modifications are suggested that allow the efficient implementation of the merit function while maintaining the important convergence properties. Numerical results are presented demonstrating the effectiveness of the procedure.