Jon W. Wong
University of California, Davis
Separation and Purification Methods | 1991
Jon W. Wong; Robert Lee Albright; Nien-Hwa Linda Wang
Abstract This review discusses the principles of immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) and its applications to protein separations. IMAC functions by binding the accessible electron-donating pendant groups of a protein - such as histidine, cysteine, and tryptophan - to a metal ion which is held by a chelating group covalently attached on a stationary support. A common chelating group is iminodiacetate. The ions commonly used are of borderline or soft metals, such as Cu2+, Ni2+, Co2+, and Zn2+. Protein retention in IMAC depends on the number and type of pendant groups which can interact with the metal. The interaction is affected by a variety of independent variables such as pH, temperature, solvent type, salt type, salt concentration, nature of immobilized metal and chelate, ligand density, and protein size. Proteins are usually eluted by a decreasing pH gradient or by an increasing gradient of a competitive agent, such as imidazole, in a buffer. There are still several unresolved issues in...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 2010
Jon W. Wong; Kai Zhang; Katherine Tech; Douglas G. Hayward; Carolyn M. Makovi; Alexander J. Krynitsky; Frank J. Schenck; Kaushik Banerjee; Soma Dasgupta; Don Brown
A multiresidue method for the analysis of pesticides in fresh produce has been developed using salt-out acetonitrile extraction, solid-phase dispersive cleanup with octadecyl-bonded silica (C(18)), and graphitized carbon black/primary-secondary amine (GCB/PSA) sorbents and toluene, followed by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode (GC-MS/SIM) or -tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Quantitation was determined from calibration curves using matrix-matched standards ranging from 3.3 to 6667 ng/mL with r(2) > 0.99, and geometric mean limits of quantitation were typically 8.4 and 3.4 microg/kg for GC-MS/SIM and GC-MS/MS, respectively. Identification was determined by using target and qualifier ions and qualifier-to-target ratios for GC-MS/SIM and two ion transitions for GC-MS/MS. Fortification studies (10, 25, 100, and 500 microg/kg) were performed on 167 organohalogen, organophosphorus, and pyrethroid pesticides in 10 different commodities (apple, broccoli, carrot, onion, orange, pea, peach, potato, spinach, and tomato). The mean percent recoveries were 90 +/- 14, 87 +/- 14, 89 +/- 14, and 92 +/- 14% for GC-MS/SIM and 95 +/- 22, 93 +/- 14, 93 +/- 13, and 97 +/- 13% for GC-MS/MS at 10, 25, 100, and 500 microg/kg, respectively. GC-MS/MS was shown to be more effective than GC-MS/SIM due to its specificity and sensitivity in detecting pesticides in fresh produce samples. The method, based on concepts from the multiresidue procedure used by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe), was shown to be efficient in screening, identifying, and quantitating pesticides in fresh produce samples.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 2011
Kai Zhang; Jon W. Wong; Paul Yang; Katherine Tech; Alex L. DiBenedetto; Nathaniel S. Lee; Douglas G. Hayward; Carolyn M. Makovi; Alexander J. Krynitsky; Kaushik Banerjee; Lillian Jao; Soma Dasgupta; Michael Smoker; Roger Simonds; André Schreiber
A multiresidue method analyzing 209 pesticides in 24 agricultural commodities has been developed and validated using the original Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe (QuEChERS) procedure and high performance liquid chromatography-positive electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis. Using solvent-only calibration standards (SOCSs) and matrix-matched calibration standards (MMCSs), it was demonstrated that a minimal concentration of 5-10 μg/kg (part per billion, ppb) of analytes in matrix is required for the consistent identification of targeted pesticides with two MRM transitions. Method performance was validated by the precision and accuracy results obtained from fortification studies at 10, 25, 100, and 500 ppb and MMCSs. The method was demonstrated to achieve an average recovery of 100 ± 20% (n = 4) for >75% of evaluated pesticides at the low fortification level (10 ppb) and improved to >84% at the higher fortification concentrations in all 24 matrices. Matrix effects in LC-MS/MS analysis were studied by evaluating the slope ratios of calibration curves (1.0-100 ng/mL) obtained from the SOCSs and MMCSs. Principal component analysis (PCA) of LC-MS/MS and method validation data confirmed that each matrix exerts its specific effect during the sample preparation and LC-MS/MS analysis. The matrix effect is primarily dependent on the matrix type, pesticide type and concentration. Some caution is warranted when using matrix matched calibration curves for the quantitation of pesticides to alleviate concerns on matrix effects. The QuEChERS method with LC-MS/MS was used to identify and quantitate pesticides residues, with concentrations ranging from 2.5 to >1000 ppb in a variety of agricultural samples, demonstrating fitness for screening and surveillance applications.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 2010
Jon W. Wong; Chunyan Hao; Kai Zhang; Paul Yang; Kaushik Banerjee; Douglas G. Hayward; Imran Iftakhar; André Schreiber; Katherine Tech; Chris Sack; Michael Smoker; Xiangru Chen; Sagar C. Utture; Dasharath P. Oulkar
A high-throughput, QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, Safe) sample preparation and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analytical method has been developed and validated for the determination of 191 pesticides in vegetation and fruit samples. Using identical LC analytical column and MS/MS instrumentation and operation parameters, this method was evaluated at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Research Centre for Grapes (NRCG), India, and Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) laboratories. Method validation results showed that all but 1 of these 191 pesticides can be analyzed by LC-MS/MS with instrument detection limits (IDL) in the parts per trillion (ppt) range. Matrix-dependent IDL studies showed that due to either the low ionization efficiency or matrix effect exerted, 14 of these 191 pesticides could not be analyzed by this method. Method recovery (%R) and method detection limits (MDLs) were determined by the three laboratories using four sample matrices in replicates (N = 4). With >79% of %R data from the fortification studies in the range from 80 to 120%, MDLs were determined in the low parts per billion range with >94% of MDLs in the range from 0.5 to 5 ppb. Applying this method to the analysis of incurred samples showed that two multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) transitions may not be enough to provide 100% true positive identification of target pesticides; however, quantitative results obtained from the three laboratories had an excellent match with only a few discrepancies in the low parts per billion levels. The %R data from the fortification studies were subjected to principal component analysis and showed the majority of %R fell into the cluster of 80% < %R < 120%. Due to the matrix effect exerted by ginseng and peach, outliers were observed at the lowest spiking levels of 10 and 25 ppb. The study also showed that QuEChERS samples should be analyzed as soon as prepared or stored in a freezer to avoid any adverse affect on the analytes evaluated.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 2010
Jon W. Wong; Kai Zhang; Katherine Tech; Douglas G. Hayward; Alexander J. Krynitsky; Irene Cassias; Frank J. Schenck; Kaushik Banerjee; Soma Dasgupta; Don Brown
A multiresidue method for the analysis of 168 pesticides in dried powdered ginseng has been developed using acetonitrile or acetone mixture (acetone/cyclohexane/ethyl acetate, 2:1:1 v/v/v) extraction, solid-phase extraction (SPE) cleanup with octyl-bonded silica (C(8)), graphitized carbon black/primary-secondary amine (GCB/PSA) sorbents and toluene, and capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/selective ion monitoring (GC-MS/SIM) or -tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). The geometric mean limits of quantitation (LOQs) were 53 and 6 microg/kg for the acetonitrile extraction and 48 and 7 microg/kg for the acetone-based extraction for GC-MS/SIM and GC-MS/MS, respectively. Mean percent recoveries and standard deviations from the ginseng fortified at 25, 100, and 500 microg/kg using GC-MS/SIM were 87 +/- 10, 88 +/- 8, and 86 +/- 10% from acetonitrile extracts and 88 +/- 13, 88 +/- 12, and 88 +/- 14% from acetone mixture extracts, respectively. The mean percent recoveries from the ginseng at the 25, 100, and 500 microg/kg levels using GC-MS/MS were 83 +/- 19, 90 +/- 13, and 89 +/- 11% from acetonitrile extracts and 98 +/- 20, 91 +/- 13, and 88 +/- 14% from acetone extracts, respectively. Twelve dried ginseng products were found to contain one or more of the following pesticides and their metabolites: BHCs (benzene hexachlorides, alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-), chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, DDT (dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane), dacthal, diazinon, iprodione, quintozene, and procymidone ranging from <1 to >4000 microg/kg. No significant differences were found between the two extraction solvents, and GC-MS/MS was found to be more specific and sensitive than GC-MS/SIM. The procedures described were shown to be effective in screening, identifying, confirming, and quantitating pesticides in commercial ginseng products.
Analytical Chemistry | 2009
Douglas G. Hayward; Jon W. Wong
A method has been developed for the analysis of 170 organohalogen and organophosphorous pesticides, isomers, and metabolites in dried ground ginseng root. Pesticides were extracted with ethyl acetate and purified with gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and primary/secondary amine modified silica (PSA)/graphitized carbon black (GCB) combination SPE column. Each purified pesticide extract was determined by both gas chromatography single quadrupole mass spectrometry using selected ion monitoring (GC-qMS-SIM) and by gas chromatography high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-HR-TOFMS). The geometric mean LOQs using the qMS and TOFMS were 4 and 3 ng/g ginseng, respectively. Mean recoveries from ginseng were 83, 79, and 75% with standard deviations of 4, 5, and 3%, respectively, for 25, 100, and 500 ng/g using GC-qMS-SIM. Mean recoveries using GC-HR-TOFMS were 93, 85, and 81% with mean standard deviations of 7, 7, and 8% for 25, 100, and 500 ng/g, respectively. Seven dried ginseng root products were found to contain combinations of the following pesticides: dacthal, diazinon, DDT, hexachlorobenzene, iprodione, lindane, procymidone, and quintozene (1-460 ng/g). No significant differences were found in the concentrations measured for these pesticides on commercial ginsengs using either of the two GC/MS techniques.
Journal of Chromatography A | 1997
Elena E. Stashenko; María Constanza Ferreira; Luis Gonzalo Sequeda; Jairo René Martínez; Jon W. Wong
High-resolution gas chromatography (HRGC) with electron-capture detection (ECD), nitrogen-phosphorus detection (NPD), flame ionization detection (FID) or with mass spectrometry-selected ion monitoring (MS-SIM) was used in the analysis of volatile carbonyl compounds. Eighteen carbonyl compounds that are typically produced during lipid peroxidation were derivatized quantitatively with pentafluorophenylhydrazine (PFPH) at room temperature, to afford their corresponding water-insoluble hydrazones. These derivatives were extracted into non-polar phases by means of either liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) (hexane) or solid-phase extraction (SPE) on 3 ml C18 octadecyl-bonded phase cartridges. Detection limits of 10(-14) and 10(-12) mol/ml per aldehyde were achieved with the ECD and MS-SIM systems, respectively. The effects of extraction conditions on sensitivity and recovery were determined by performing parallel HRGC-ECD and HRGC-MS-SIM analyses of pentafluorophenylhydrazones of the eighteen compounds under study. Recoveries of 51.4-78.9 +/- 1.2-4.5 and 80.9-98.3 +/- 1.0-3.5% were obtained with LLE and SPE, respectively. The method was applied to the analysis of the volatile carbonyl compounds in various heated vegetable oils (corn, palm or sunflower) and to the analysis of volatile aldehydes in human urine.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 2014
Jian Wang; Willis Chow; James Chang; Jon W. Wong
This paper presents an application of ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization quadrupole Orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC/ESI Q-Orbitrap MS) for the determination of 451 pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables. Pesticides were extracted from samples using the QuEChERS (quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe) procedure. UHPLC/ESI Q-Orbitrap MS in full MS scan mode acquired full MS data for quantification, and UHPLC/ESI Q-Orbitrap Full MS/dd-MS(2) (i.e., data-dependent scan mode) obtained product ion spectra for identification. UHPLC/ESI Q-Orbitrap MS quantification was achieved using matrix-matched standard calibration curves along with the use of isotopically labeled standards or a chemical analogue as internal standards to achieve optimal method accuracy. The method performance characteristics include overall recovery, intermediate precision, and measurement uncertainty evaluated according to a nested experimental design. For the 10 matrices studied, 94.5% of the pesticides in fruits and 90.7% in vegetables had recoveries between 81 and 110%; 99.3% of the pesticides in fruits and 99.1% of the pesticides in vegetables had an intermediate precision of ≤20%; and 97.8% of the pesticides in fruits and 96.4% of the pesticides in vegetables showed measurement uncertainty of ≤50%. Overall, the UHPLC/ESI Q-Orbitrap MS demonstrated acceptable performance for the quantification of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables. The UHPLC/ESI Q-Orbitrap Full MS/dd-MS(2) along with library matching showed great potential for identification and is being investigated further for routine practice.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 2009
Kai Zhang; Jon W. Wong; Douglas G. Hayward; Piyush Sheladia; Alexander J. Krynitsky; Frank J. Schenck; Michael G. Webster; Jeffrey A. Ammann; Susan E. Ebeler
A multiresidue pesticide method is described for the determination of 72 pesticides in wines. Pesticides were extracted using acetonitrile saturated with magnesium sulfate and sodium chloride, followed by solid-phase dispersive cleanup using primary-secondary amine and graphitized carbon black sorbents. Analysis is performed by ultraperformance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The limits of quantitation (LOQs) for most of the pesticides ranged from 0.3 to 3.3 μg/L with the exception of cyromazine, fenhexamid, and acibenzolar S-methyl (LOQ > 10 μg/L), and quantitation was determined from calibration curves of standards containing 5.0-2500 μg/L with r(2) > 0.99. Recovery studies were performed by fortifying wine samples with the pesticides to concentrations of 10, 100, and 1000 μg/L, resulting in recoveries of >80% for most of the pesticides. Lower (<70%) and higher (>120%) recoveries were most likely from complications of pesticide lability or volatility, matrix interference, or inefficient desorption from the solid-phase sorbents. The method was used to analyze 10 wines collected from a market basket survey, and 19 different pesticides, primarily fungicides, were present at concentrations ranging from <1.0 to 1000 μg/L.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 2012
Yang Chen; Fadwa Al-Taher; Rima Juskelis; Jon W. Wong; Kai Zhang; Douglas G. Hayward; Jerry Zweigenbaum; Joan Stevens; Jack Cappozzo
An automated dispersive solid phase extraction (dSPE) cleanup procedure as part of the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS) method, coupled with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry using electrospray ionization in positive mode, was used for the simultaneous analysis of 236 pesticides in three dried powdered botanical dietary supplements (ginseng, saw palmetto, and gingko biloba). The procedure involved extraction of the dried powdered botanical samples with salt-out acetonitrile/water extraction using anhydrous magnesium sulfate and sodium chloride, followed by an automated dSPE cleanup using a mixture of octadodecyl- (C18) and primary-secondary amine (PSA)-linked silica sorbents and anhydrous MgSO4 and online LC-MS/MS analysis. Dynamic multiple-reaction monitoring (DMRM) based on the collection of two precursor-to-product ion transitions with their retention time windows was used for all of the targeted pesticides and the internal standard. Matrix-matched calibration standards were used for quantitation, and standard calibration curves showed linearity (r(2) > 0.99) across a concentration range of 0.2-400 ng/mL for the majority of the 236 pesticides evaluated in the three botanical matrices. Mean recoveries (average %RSD, n = 4) were 91 (6), 93 (4), 96 (3), and 99 (3)% for ginseng, 101 (9), 98 (6), 99 (4), and 102 (3)% for gingko biloba, and 100 (9), 98 (6), 96 (4), and 96 (3)% for saw palmetto at fortification concentrations of 25, 100, 250, and 500 μg/kg, respectively. The geometric mean matrix-dependent instrument detection limits were 0.17, 0.09, and 0.14 μg/kg on the basis of the studies of 236 pesticides tested in ginseng roots, gingko biloba leaves, and saw palmetto berries, respectively. The method was used to analyze incurred ginseng samples that contained thermally labile pesticides with a concentration range of 2-200 μg/kg, indicating different classes of pesticides are being applied to these botanicals other than the traditional pesticides that are commonly used and analyzed by gas chromatography techniques. The method demonstrates the use of an automated cleanup procedure and the LC-MS/MS detection of multiple pesticide residues in dried, powdered botanical dietary supplements.