Jonathan C. Lamb
University of Missouri
Featured researches published by Jonathan C. Lamb.
Molecular Cell | 2009
Yulia V. Surovtseva; Dmitri Churikov; Kara A. Boltz; Xiangyu Song; Jonathan C. Lamb; Ross Warrington; Katherine Leehy; Michelle L. Heacock; Carolyn M. Price; Dorothy E. Shippen
Orthologs of the yeast telomere protein Stn1 are present in plants, but other components of the Cdc13/Stn1/Ten1 (CST) complex have only been found in fungi. Here we report the identification of conserved telomere maintenance component 1 (CTC1) in plants and vertebrates. CTC1 encodes an approximately 140 kDa telomere-associated protein predicted to contain multiple OB-fold domains. Arabidopsis mutants null for CTC1 display a severe telomere deprotection phenotype accompanied by a rapid onset of developmental defects and sterility. Telomeric and subtelomeric tracts are dramatically eroded, and chromosome ends exhibit increased G overhangs, recombination, and end-to-end fusions. AtCTC1 both physically and genetically interacts with AtSTN1. Depletion of human CTC1 by RNAi triggers a DNA damage response, chromatin bridges, increased G overhangs, and sporadic telomere loss. These data indicate that CTC1 participates in telomere maintenance in diverse species and that a CST-like complex is required for telomere integrity in multicellular organisms.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2006
Weichang Yu; Jonathan C. Lamb; Fangpu Han; James A. Birchler
Direct repeats of Arabidopsis telomeric sequence were constructed to test telomere-mediated chromosomal truncation in maize. Two constructs with 2.6 kb of telomeric sequence were used to transform maize immature embryos by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. One hundred seventy-six transgenic lines were recovered in which 231 transgene loci were revealed by a FISH analysis. To analyze chromosomal truncations that result in transgenes located near chromosomal termini, Southern hybridization analyses were performed. A pattern of smear in truncated lines was seen as compared with discrete bands for internal integrations, because telomeres in different cells are elongated differently by telomerase. When multiple restriction enzymes were used to map the transgene positions, the size of the smears shifted in accordance with the locations of restriction sites on the construct. This result demonstrated that the transgene was present at the end of the chromosome immediately before the integrated telomere sequence. Direct evidence for chromosomal truncation came from the results of FISH karyotyping, which revealed broken chromosomes with transgene signals at the ends. These results demonstrate that telomere-mediated chromosomal truncation operates in plant species. This technology will be useful for chromosomal engineering in maize as well as other plant species.
The Plant Cell | 2005
Weiwei Jin; Jonathan C. Lamb; Juan M. Vega; R. Kelly Dawe; James A. Birchler; Jiming Jiang
The centromere of the maize (Zea mays) B chromosome contains several megabases of a B-specific repeat (ZmBs), a 156-bp satellite repeat (CentC), and centromere-specific retrotransposons (CRM elements). Here, we demonstrate that only a small fraction of the ZmBs repeats interacts with CENH3, the histone H3 variant specific to centromeres. CentC, which marks the CENH3-associated chromatin in maize A centromeres, is restricted to an ∼700-kb domain within the larger context of the ZmBs repeats. The breakpoints of five B centromere misdivision derivatives are mapped within this domain. In addition, the fraction of this domain remaining after misdivision correlates well with the quantity of CENH3 on the centromere. Thus, the functional boundaries of the B centromere are mapped to a relatively small CentC- and CRM-rich region that is embedded within multimegabase arrays of the ZmBs repeat. Our results demonstrate that the amount of CENH3 at the B centromere can be varied, but with decreasing amounts, the function of the centromere becomes impaired.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2008
Xiangyu Song; Katherine Leehy; Ross Warrington; Jonathan C. Lamb; Yulia V. Surovtseva; Dorothy E. Shippen
Telomeres shield the natural ends of chromosomes from nucleolytic attack, recognition as double-strand breaks, and inappropriate processing by DNA repair machinery. The trimeric Stn1/Ten1/Cdc13 complex is critical for chromosome end protection in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, while vertebrate telomeres are protected by shelterin, a complex of six proteins that does not include STN1 or TEN1. Recent studies demonstrate that Stn1 and Ten1 orthologs in Schizosaccharomyces pombe contribute to telomere integrity in a complex that is distinct from the shelterin components, Pot1 and Tpp1. Thus, chromosome-end protection may be mediated by distinct subcomplexes of telomere proteins. Here we report the identification of a STN1 gene in Arabidopsis that is essential for chromosome-end protection. AtSTN1 encodes an 18-kDa protein bearing a single oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding fold with significant sequence similarity to the yeast Stn1 proteins. Plants null for AtSTN1 display an immediate onset of growth and developmental defects and reduced fertility. These outward phenotypes are accompanied by catastrophic loss of telomeric and subtelomeric DNA, high levels of end-to-end chromosome fusions, increased G-overhang signals, and elevated telomere recombination. Thus, AtSTN1 is a crucial component of the protective telomere cap in Arabidopsis, and likely in other multicellular eukaryotes.
Chromosoma | 2005
Jonathan C. Lamb; Akio Kato; James A. Birchler
Maize chromosome spreads containing the supernumerary B chromosome were hybridized with probes from various repetitive elements including CentC, CRM, and CentA, which have been localized to centromeric regions on the A chromosomes. Repetitive elements that are enriched or found exclusively near the centromeres of A chromosomes hybridized to many sites distinct from the centromere on the B chromosome. To examine whether these elements recruit kinetochore proteins at locations other than the canonical B centromere, cells were labeled with antibodies against CENH3, a key kinetochore protein. No labeling was detected outside the normal centromere and no evidence of B chromosome holocentromeric activity was observed. This finding suggests that, as in other higher eukaryotes, DNA sequence alone is insufficient to dictate kinetochore location in plants. Additionally, examination of the B centromere region in pachytene chromosomes revealed that the B-specific element ZmBs hybridizes to a much larger region than the site of hybridization of CentC, CRM, and CentA and the labeling by anti-CENH3 antibodies.
Genetics | 2006
Jonathan C. Lamb; Tatiana V. Danilova; Matthew J. Bauer; Julie M. Meyer; Jennifer J. Holland; Michael D. Jensen; James A. Birchler
Combined with a system for identifying each of the chromosomes in a genome, visualizing the location of individual genetic loci by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) would aid in assembling physical and genetic maps. Previously, large genomic clones have been successfully used as FISH probes onto somatic chromosomes but this approach is complicated in species with abundant repetitive elements. In this study, repeat-free portions of sequences that were anchored to particular chromosomes including genes, gene clusters, large cDNAs, and portions of BACs obtained from public databases were used to label the corresponding physical location using FISH. A collection of probes that includes at least one marker on each chromosome in the maize complement was assembled, allowing a small-target karyotyping system to be developed. This set provides the foundation onto which additional loci could be added to strengthen further the ability to perform chromosomal identification in maize and its relatives. The probes were demonstrated to produce signals in several wild relatives of maize, including Zea luxurians, Z. diploperennis, and Tripsacum dactyloides.
Chromosome Research | 2008
Weiwei Jin; Jonathan C. Lamb; Wenli Zhang; Bozena Kolano; James A. Birchler; Jiming Jiang
We report the distribution of several histone modifications along the arms and in centromeric regions of somatic chromosomes of maize, including the supernumerary B chromosome. Acetylated H3 and H4 as well as H3K4me2, modifications associated with euchromatin, were enriched in the distal parts of the A chromosomes, but were progressively depleted toward the centromeres of the A chromosomes and were depleted in the heterochromatic portions of the B chromosome. Classical histone modifications associated with heterochromatin, including H3K9me2, H3K27me1 and H3K27me2, were distributed throughout both A and B chromosomes. However, H3K27me2 showed a reduced level on the B chromosome compared with the A chromosomes and was not associated with some classes of constitutive heterochromatin. We monitored the presence of each histone modification in the centromeric regions using a YFP-tagged centromere-specific histone, CENH3. We observed the presence of H3K9me2 and absence of H3K4me2 in the centromeric regions of both A and B chromosomes of maize, which is in contrast to the presence of H3K4me2 and absence of H3K9me2 in animal centromeres. These results show a diversity of epigenetic modifications associated with centromeric chromatin in different eukaryotes.
Genetics | 2006
Jonathan C. Lamb; James A. Birchler
Divergence of abundant genomic elements among the Zea and Tripsacum genera was examined cytologically and a tool kit established for subsequent studies. The LTR regions from the CRM, Huck, Grande, Prem1, Prem2/Ji, Opie, Cinful-1, and Tekay retroelement families were used as FISH probes on mitotic chromosome spreads from a “trispecies” hybrid containing chromosomes from each of three species: Zea mays (2n = 20), Z. diploperennis (2n = 20), and Tripsacum dactyloides (2n = 36). Except for Tekay, which painted both Zea and Tripsacum chromosomes with nearly equal intensity, the retroelement probes hybridized strongly to the Zea chromosomes, allowing them to be distinguished from those of Tripsacum. Huck and Grande hybridized more intensely to maize than to Z. diploperennis chromosomes. Tripsacum genomic clones containing retroelement sequences were isolated that specifically paint Tripsacum chromosomes. The retroelement paints proved effective for distinguishing different genomes in interspecific hybrids and visualizing alien chromatin from T. dactyloides introgressed into maize lines. Other FISH probes (180-bp knob, TR-1, 5S, NOR, Cent4, CentC, rp1, rp3, and α-ZeinA) could be simultaneously visualized with the retroelement probes, emphasizing the value of the retroelement probes for cytogenetic studies of Zea and Tripsacum.
Genes & Development | 2009
Jianbo Zhang; Chuanhe Yu; Vinay Pulletikurti; Jonathan C. Lamb; Tatiana V. Danilova; Daniel F. Weber; James A. Birchler; Thomas Peterson
Barbara McClintock reported that the Ac/Ds transposable element system can generate major chromosomal rearrangements (MCRs), but the underlying mechanism has not been determined. Here, we identified a series of chromosome rearrangements derived from maize lines containing pairs of closely linked Ac transposable element termini. Molecular and cytogenetic analyses showed that the MCRs in these lines comprised 17 reciprocal translocations and two large inversions. The breakpoints of all 19 MCRs are delineated by Ac termini and characteristic 8-base-pair target site duplications, indicating that the MCRs were generated by precise transposition reactions involving the Ac termini of two closely linked elements. This alternative transposition mechanism may have contributed to chromosome evolution and may also occur during V(D)J recombination resulting in oncogenic translocations.
Genetics | 2008
Ashley N. Lough; Leah M. Roark; Akio Kato; Thomas S. Ream; Jonathan C. Lamb; James A. Birchler; Kathleen J. Newton
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) insertions into nuclear chromosomes have been documented in a number of eukaryotes. We used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to examine the variation of mtDNA insertions in maize. Twenty overlapping cosmids, representing the 570-kb maize mitochondrial genome, were individually labeled and hybridized to root tip metaphase chromosomes from the B73 inbred line. A minimum of 15 mtDNA insertion sites on nine chromosomes were detectable using this method. One site near the centromere on chromosome arm 9L was identified by a majority of the cosmids. To examine variation in nuclear mitochondrial DNA sequences (NUMTs), a mixture of labeled cosmids was applied to chromosome spreads of ten diverse inbred lines: A188, A632, B37, B73, BMS, KYS, Mo17, Oh43, W22, and W23. The number of detectable NUMTs varied dramatically among the lines. None of the tested inbred lines other than B73 showed the strong hybridization signal on 9L, suggesting that there is a recent mtDNA insertion at this site in B73. Different sources of B73 and W23 were examined for NUMT variation within inbred lines. Differences were detectable, suggesting either that mtDNA is being incorporated or lost from the maize nuclear genome continuously. The results indicate that mtDNA insertions represent a major source of nuclear chromosomal variation.