
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2007

Transition of Escherichia coli from Aerobic to Micro-aerobic Conditions Involves Fast and Slow Reacting Regulatory Components

Jonathan D. Partridge; Guido Sanguinetti; David P. Dibden; Ruth E. Roberts; Robert K. Poole; Jeffrey Green

Understanding life at a systems level is a major aim of biology. The bacterium Escherichia coli offers one of the best opportunities to achieve this goal. It is a metabolically versatile bacterium able to respond to changes in oxygen availability. This ability is a crucial component of its lifestyle, allowing it to thrive in aerobic external environments and under the oxygen-starved conditions of a host gut. The controlled growth conditions of chemostat culture were combined with transcript profiling to investigate transcriptome dynamics during the transition from aerobic to micro-aerobic conditions. In addition to predictable changes in transcripts encoding proteins of central metabolism, the abundances of transcripts involved in homeostasis of redox-reactive metals (Cu and Fe), and cell envelope stress were significantly altered. To gain further insight into the responses of the regulatory networks, the activities of key transcription factors during the transition to micro-aerobic conditions were inferred using a probabilistic modeling approach, which revealed that the response of the direct oxygen sensor FNR was rapid and overshot, whereas the indirect oxygen sensor ArcA reacted more slowly. Similarly, the cell envelope stress sensors RpoE and CpxR reacted rapidly and more slowly, respectively. Thus, it is suggested that combining rapid and slow reacting components in regulatory networks might be a feature of systems in which a signal is perceived by two or more functionally related transcription factors controlling overlapping regulons.

Molecular Microbiology | 2009

NsrR targets in the Escherichia coli genome: new insights into DNA sequence requirements for binding and a role for NsrR in the regulation of motility

Jonathan D. Partridge; Diane M. Bodenmiller; Michael S. Humphrys; Stephen Spiro

The Escherichia coli NsrR protein is a nitric oxide‐sensitive repressor of transcription. The NsrR‐binding site is predicted to comprise two copies of an 11 bp motif arranged as an inverted repeat with 1 bp spacing. By mutagenesis we confirmed that both 11 bp motifs are required for maximal NsrR repression of the ytfE promoter. We used chromatin immunoprecipitation and microarray analysis (ChIP‐chip) to show that NsrR binds to 62 sites close to the 5′ ends of genes. Analysis of the ChIP‐chip data suggested that a single 11 bp motif (with the consensus sequence AANATGCATTT) can function as an NsrR‐binding site in vivo. NsrR binds to sites in the promoter regions of the fliAZY, fliLMNOPQR and mqsR‐ygiT transcription units, which encode proteins involved in motility and biofilm development. Reporter fusion assays confirmed that NsrR negatively regulates the fliA and fliL promoters. A mutation in the predicted 11 bp NsrR‐binding site in the fliA promoter impaired repression by NsrR and prevented detectable binding in vivo. Assays on soft‐agar confirmed that NsrR is a negative regulator of motility in E. coli K12 and in a uropathogenic strain; surface attachment assays revealed decreased levels of attached growth in the absence of NsrR.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2006

Escherichia coli Transcriptome Dynamics during the Transition from Anaerobic to Aerobic Conditions

Jonathan D. Partridge; Colin Scott; Yue Tang; Robert K. Poole; Jeffrey Green

Escherichia coli is a metabolically versatile bacterium that is able to grow in the presence and absence of oxygen. Several previous transcript-profiling experiments have compared separate anaerobic and aerobic cultures. Here the process of adaptation was investigated by determining changes in transcript profiles when anaerobic steady-state cultures were perturbed by the introduction of air. Within 5 min of culture aeration the abundances of transcripts associated with anaerobic metabolism were decreased, whereas transcripts associated with aerobic metabolism were increased. In addition to the rapid switch to aerobic central metabolism, transcript profiling, supported by experiments with relevant mutants, revealed transient changes suggesting that the peroxide stress response, methionine biosynthesis, and degradation of putrescine play important roles during the adaptation to aerobic conditions.

Nature Communications | 2015

Swarming bacteria migrate by Lévy Walk.

Gil Ariel; Amit Rabani; Sivan Benisty; Jonathan D. Partridge; Rasika M. Harshey; Avraham Be'er

Individual swimming bacteria are known to bias their random trajectories in search of food and to optimize survival. The motion of bacteria within a swarm, wherein they migrate as a collective group over a solid surface, is fundamentally different as typical bacterial swarms show large-scale swirling and streaming motions involving millions to billions of cells. Here by tracking trajectories of fluorescently labelled individuals within such dense swarms, we find that the bacteria are performing super-diffusion, consistent with Lévy walks. Lévy walks are characterized by trajectories that have straight stretches for extended lengths whose variance is infinite. The evidence of super-diffusion consistent with Lévy walks in bacteria suggests that this strategy may have evolved considerably earlier than previously thought.

Journal of Bacteriology | 2008

Escherichia coli NsrR Regulates a Pathway for the Oxidation of 3-Nitrotyramine to 4-Hydroxy-3-Nitrophenylacetate

Linda D. Rankin; Diane M. Bodenmiller; Jonathan D. Partridge; Shirley F. Nishino; Jim C. Spain; Stephen Spiro

Chromatin immunoprecipitation and microarray (ChIP-chip) analysis showed that the nitric oxide (NO)-sensitive repressor NsrR from Escherichia coli binds in vivo to the promoters of the tynA and feaB genes. These genes encode the first two enzymes of a pathway that is required for the catabolism of phenylethylamine (PEA) and its hydroxylated derivatives tyramine and dopamine. Deletion of nsrR caused small increases in the activities of the tynA and feaB promoters in cultures grown on PEA. Overexpression of nsrR severely retarded growth on PEA and caused a marked repression of the tynA and feaB promoters. Both the growth defect and the promoter repression were reversed in the presence of a source of NO. These results are consistent with NsrR mediating repression of the tynA and feaB genes by binding (in an NO-sensitive fashion) to the sites identified by ChIP-chip. E. coli was shown to use 3-nitrotyramine as a nitrogen source for growth, conditions which partially induce the tynA and feaB promoters. Mutation of tynA (but not feaB) prevented growth on 3-nitrotyramine. Growth yields, mutant phenotypes, and analyses of culture supernatants suggested that 3-nitrotyramine is oxidized to 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenylacetate, with growth occurring at the expense of the amino group of 3-nitrotyramine. Accordingly, enzyme assays showed that 3-nitrotyramine and its oxidation product (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenylacetaldehyde) could be oxidized by the enzymes encoded by tynA and feaB, respectively. The results suggest that an additional physiological role of the PEA catabolic pathway is to metabolize nitroaromatic compounds that may accumulate in cells exposed to NO.

FEBS Letters | 2003

DNA target sequence and FNR-dependent gene expression

Colin Scott; Jonathan D. Partridge; James R Stephenson; Jeffrey Green

FNR proteins are global transcription regulators that respond to fluctuations in environmental oxygen. They recognise a DNA target consisting of an inverted repeat, TTGATN1N2N3N4ATCAA (where N1–4 represents a non‐conserved tetrad, NCT). Analysis of 68 known and predicted FNR sites from the Escherichia coli K12 genome revealed a bias toward A or T at positions N2 and N3 of the NCT. The effect of the NCT sequence on FNR‐dependent transcription in vivo was assessed using a series of class II and class I model promoters with different NCT sequences. Changing the NCT sequence did not affect basal activity but altered anaerobic induction by as much as an order of magnitude. Thus, the NCT sequence is a fundamental component in setting the dynamic range of the FNR switch.

Journal of Molecular Biology | 2015

Shelter in a Swarm

Rasika M. Harshey; Jonathan D. Partridge

Flagella propel bacteria during both swimming and swarming, dispersing them widely. However, while swimming bacteria use chemotaxis to find nutrients and avoid toxic environments, swarming bacteria appear to suppress chemotaxis and to use the dynamics of their collective motion to continuously expand and acquire new territory, barrel through lethal chemicals in their path, carry along bacterial and fungal cargo that assists in exploration of new niches, and engage in group warfare for niche dominance. Here, we focus on two aspects of swarming, which, if understood, hold the promise of revealing new insights into microbial signaling and behavior, with ramifications beyond bacterial swarming. These are as follows: how bacteria sense they are on a surface and turn on programs that promote movement and how they override scarcity and adversity as dense packs.

Microbiology | 2008

Characterization of the Escherichia coli K-12 ydhYVWXUT operon: regulation by FNR, NarL and NarP

Jonathan D. Partridge; Douglas F. Browning; Meng Xu; Louise J. Newnham; Colin Scott; Ruth E. Roberts; Robert K. Poole; Jeffrey Green

In Escherichia coli K-12 the expression of many genes is controlled by the oxygen-responsive transcription factor FNR and the nitrate- and nitrite-responsive two-component systems NarXL and NarPQ. Here, the ydhY gene is shown to be the first gene of a six-gene operon (ydhYVWXUT) that encodes proteins predicted to be components of an oxidoreductase. Mapping the ydhY-T transcript start and site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that the ydhY-T genes are transcribed from an FNR-dependent class II promoter and showed that the FNR site is centred at -42.5. In the presence of nitrate or nitrite, NarXL and NarPQ repressed ydhY-T expression. Analysis of the DNA sequence of the ydhY promoter region (PydhY) revealed the presence of four heptameric sequences similar to NarL/P binding sites centred at -42, -16, +6 and +15. The latter heptamers are arranged as a 7-2-7 inverted repeat, which is required for recognition by NarP. Accordingly, NarP protected the 7-2-7 region in DNase I footprints, and mutation of either heptamer +6 or heptamer +15 impaired nitrite-mediated repression, whereas mutation of heptamer -42 and heptamer -16 did not affect the response to nitrite. The NarL protein also protected the 7-2-7 region, but in contrast to NarP, the NarL footprint extended further upstream to encompass the -16 heptamer. The extended NarL footprint was consistent with the presence of multiple NarL-PydhY complexes in gel retardation assays. Mutation of heptamer -42, which is located within the FNR binding site, or heptamer +6 (but not heptamers -16 or +15) impaired nitrate-mediated repression. Thus, although the region of the ydhY-T promoter containing the -16 and +15 heptamers was recognized by NarL in vitro, mutation of these heptamers did not affect NarL-mediated repression in vivo.

Mbio | 2015

A New Player at the Flagellar Motor: FliL Controls both Motor Output and Bias

Jonathan D. Partridge; Vincent Nieto; Rasika M. Harshey

ABSTRACT The bacterial flagellum is driven by a bidirectional rotary motor, which propels bacteria to swim through liquids or swarm over surfaces. While the functions of the major structural and regulatory components of the flagellum are known, the function of the well-conserved FliL protein is not. In Salmonella and Escherichia coli, the absence of FliL leads to a small defect in swimming but complete elimination of swarming. Here, we tracked single motors of these bacteria and found that absence of FliL decreases their speed as well as switching frequency. We demonstrate that FliL interacts strongly with itself, with the MS ring protein FliF, and with the stator proteins MotA and MotB and weakly with the rotor switch protein FliG. These and other experiments show that FliL increases motor output either by recruiting or stabilizing the stators or by increasing their efficiency and contributes additionally to torque generation at higher motor loads. The increased torque enabled by FliL explains why this protein is essential for swarming on an agar surface expected to offer increased resistance to bacterial movement. IMPORTANCE FliL is a well-conserved bacterial flagellar protein whose absence leads to a variety of motility defects, ranging from moderate to complete inhibition of swimming in some bacterial species, inhibition of swarming in others, structural defects that break the flagellar rod during swarming in E. coli and Salmonella, and failure to eject the flagellar filament during the developmental transition of a swimmer to a stalk cell in Caulobacter crescentus. Despite these many phenotypes, a specific function for FliL has remained elusive. Here, we established a central role for FliL at the Salmonella and E. coli motors, where it interacts with both rotor and stator proteins, increases motor output, and contributes to the normal rotational bias of the motor. FliL is a well-conserved bacterial flagellar protein whose absence leads to a variety of motility defects, ranging from moderate to complete inhibition of swimming in some bacterial species, inhibition of swarming in others, structural defects that break the flagellar rod during swarming in E. coli and Salmonella, and failure to eject the flagellar filament during the developmental transition of a swimmer to a stalk cell in Caulobacter crescentus. Despite these many phenotypes, a specific function for FliL has remained elusive. Here, we established a central role for FliL at the Salmonella and E. coli motors, where it interacts with both rotor and stator proteins, increases motor output, and contributes to the normal rotational bias of the motor.

Scientific Reports | 2018

The 3D architecture of a bacterial swarm has implications for antibiotic tolerance

Jonathan D. Partridge; Gil Ariel; Orly Schvartz; Rasika M. Harshey; Avraham Be’er

Swarming bacteria are an example of a complex, active biological system, where high cell density and super-diffusive cell mobility confer survival advantages to the group as a whole. Previous studies on the dynamics of the swarm have been limited to easily observable regions at the advancing edge of the swarm where cells are restricted to a plane. In this study, using defocused epifluorescence video imaging, we have tracked the motion of fluorescently labeled individuals within the interior of a densely packed three-dimensional (3D) region of a swarm. Our analysis reveals a novel 3D architecture, where bacteria are constrained by inter-particle interactions, sandwiched between two distinct boundary conditions. We find that secreted biosurfactants keep bacteria away from the swarm-air upper boundary, and added antibiotics at the lower swarm-surface boundary lead to their migration away from this boundary. Formation of the antibiotic-avoidance zone is dependent on a functional chemotaxis signaling system, in the absence of which the swarm loses its high tolerance to the antibiotics.

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