Jonathan S. Carp
New York State Department of Health
Featured researches published by Jonathan S. Carp.
Trends in Neurosciences | 1990
Jonathan R. Wolpaw; Jonathan S. Carp
The complexity and inaccessibility of the vertebrate CNS impede the localization and description of memory traces and the definition of the processes that create them. Recent work has shown that the spinal stretch reflex (SSR), which is produced by a monosynaptic two-neuron pathway, can be operantly conditioned, and that memory traces responsible for this behavioral change reside in the spinal cord. The probable locations are the terminal of the Ia affernt neuron on the motoneuron and/or the motoneuron itself. Because it modifies a simple well-defined and accessible pathway, SSR conditioning may be a valuable experimental model for studying vertebrate memory.
Experimental Brain Research | 2002
Xiang Yang Chen; Jonathan S. Carp; Lu Chen; Jonathan R. Wolpaw
Operant conditioning of the H-reflex, the electrical analog of the spinal stretch reflex, in freely moving rats is a relatively simple model for studying long-term supraspinal control over spinal cord function. Motivated by food reward, rats can gradually increase (i.e., up-condition) or decrease (i.e., down-condition) the soleus H-reflex. Earlier work showed that corticospinal tract transection prevents acquisition and maintenance of H-reflex down-conditioning while transection of other major spinal cord tracts does not. This study explores the effects on acquisition of up-conditioning of the right soleus H-reflex of mid-thoracic transection of: the right lateral column (LC, five rats) (containing the rubrospinal, vestibulospinal, and reticulospinal tracts); the entire dorsal column (DC, six rats) [containing the main corticospinal tract (CST) and the dorsal ascending tract (DA)]; the CST alone (five rats); or the DA alone (seven rats). After initial (i.e., control) H-reflex amplitude was determined, the rat was exposed for 50 days to the up-conditioning mode in which reward was given when the H-reflex was above a criterion value. H-reflex amplitude at the end of up-conditioning was compared to initial H-reflex amplitude. An increase ≥20% was defined as successful up-conditioning. In intact rats, H-reflex amplitude at the end of up-conditioning averaged 164% (±10%, SE), and 81% were successful. In the present study, LC and DA rats were similar to intact rats in final H-reflex amplitude and percent successful. In contrast, results for DC and CST rats were significantly different from those of intact rats. In the six DC rats, final H-reflex amplitude averaged 105% (±3)% of control and none was successful; and in the five CST rats, final H-reflex amplitude averaged 94% (±3)% and none was successful. The results indicate that the main CST, located in the dorsal column, is essential for H-reflex up-conditioning as it is for down-conditioning, while the dorsal column ascending tract and the ipsilateral lateral column (containing the main rubrospinal, vestibulospinal, and reticulospinal tracts) do not appear to be essential.
Experimental Brain Research | 1993
Jonathan R. Wolpaw; Patricia A. Herchenroder; Jonathan S. Carp
Primates can gradually increase or decrease H-reflex amplitude in one leg when reward depends on that amplitude. The magnitude of change varies greatly from animal to animal. This study sought to define the factors that control this magnitude. It evaluated the influence of animal age, muscle size (absolute and relative), background electromyographic activity (EMG) level, M response amplitude, initial H-reflex amplitude, performance intensity, and behavior of the contralateral leg.Fifty-four animals (Macaca nemestrina) underwent operant conditioning of the triceps surae H-reflex in one leg (the trained leg). Twenty-eight were rewarded for larger H-reflexes (HRup animals), and 26 were rewarded for smaller H-reflexes (HRdown animals). In the HRup animals, H-reflex amplitude in the trained leg rose to an average final value of 177% of its initial amplitude. Magnitude of increase varied widely across animals. Nine animals rose to 120–140%, 11 to 160–240%, three to 300% or more, and five remained within 20% of initial amplitude. In the HRdown animals, H-reflex amplitude in the trained leg decreased to an average of 69% of initial amplitude. Magnitude of decrease varied widely. Five animals decreased to 20–40%, seven to 40–60%, six to 60–80%, and eight remained within 20% of initial amplitude.Animal age, as assessed by weight, markedly affected HRdown conditioning, but not HRup conditioning. Heavy HRdown animals (≥6 kg) were more successful than light HRdown animals (< 6kg). Thirteen of 14 heavy animals and only five of 12 light animals decreased to less than 80% of initial amplitude. One heavy animal and seven light animals remained within 20% of initial amplitude. Established correlations between weight and age indicate that heavy animals were young adults, while many light animals were adolescents. This striking difference in HRdown performance was not attributable to weight-related differences in other factors.Initial H-reflex amplitude varied considerably across animals and affected the magnitude of change. In HRup animals, H-reflex amplitude in the trained leg tended to increase more if initial H-reflex amplitude was small, while in HRdown animals it decreased more if initial amplitude was large. The inter-animal variation in initial H-reflex amplitude was probably largely attributable to variation in Ia afferent excitation by the stimulating electrode pairs and to variation in motoneuron recruitment.Performance intensity, measured as trials per day, had no significant effect on the magnitude of change in either HRup or HRdown animals. Together with available human data, this finding suggests either that the chronic descending influence responsible for the gradual H-reflex change need only be present for a relatively brief period each day, or that it persists between periods of task performance.Final H-reflex amplitude in the control leg varied greatly across animals. It averaged 131% of its initial amplitude in HRup animals and 108% in HRdown animals. Within each group, final control leg amplitude did not correlate with the magnitude of change in the trained leg. Its wide variation and lack of correlation with final amplitude in the trained leg is consistent with evidence that operant conditioning of the H-reflex produces plasticity at multiple spinal and supraspinal sites both ipsilateral and contralateral to the trained leg.
Journal of Neurophysiology | 2008
Jonathan S. Carp; Ann M. Tennissen; Donna L. Mongeluzi; Christopher J. Dudek; Xiang Yang Chen; Jonathan R. Wolpaw
In vitro slice preparations of CNS tissue are invaluable for studying neuronal function. However, up to now, slice protocols for adult mammal spinal motoneurons--the final common pathway for motor behaviors--have been available for only limited portions of the spinal cord. In most cases, these preparations have not been productive due to the poor viability of motoneurons in vitro. This report describes and validates a new slice protocol that for the first time provides reliable intracellular recordings from lumbar motoneurons of adult rats. The key features of this protocol are: preexposure to 100% oxygen; laminectomy prior to perfusion; anesthesia with ketamine/xylazine; embedding the spinal cord in agar prior to slicing; and, most important, brief incubation of spinal cord slices in a 30% solution of polyethylene glycol to promote resealing of the many motoneuron dendrites cut during sectioning. Together, these new features produce successful recordings in 76% of the experiments and an average action potential amplitude of 76 mV. Motoneuron properties measured in this new slice preparation (i.e., voltage and current thresholds for action potential initiation, input resistance, afterhyperpolarization size and duration, and onset and offset firing rates during current ramps) are comparable to those recorded in vivo. Given the mechanical stability and precise control over the extracellular environment afforded by an in vitro preparation, this new protocol can greatly facilitate electrophysiological and pharmacological study of these uniquely important neurons and other delicate neuronal populations in adult mammals.
Neuroscience Letters | 1989
Jonathan R. Wolpaw; Jonathan S. Carp; Chong Lam Lee
Operant conditioning of the wholly spinal, largely monosynaptic triceps surae H-reflex in monkeys causes changes in lumbosacral spinal cord that persist after removal of supraspinal influence. We evaluated the interaction between post-tetanic potentiation and these memory traces. Animals in which the triceps surae H-reflex in one leg had been increased or decreased by conditioning were deeply anesthetized, and monosynaptic reflexes to L6-S1 dorsal root stimulation were recorded before and after tetanization from both legs for 3 days after thoracic cord transection. Animals remained anesthetized throughout and were sacrificed by overdose. Reflex asymmetries consistent with the effect of H-reflex conditioning were present after transection and persisted through the 3 days of study. Tetanization affected conditioned leg and control leg reflexes similarly. This finding suggests that, while post-tetanic potentiation and probably H-reflex conditioning alter Ia synaptic transmission, the two phenomena have different mechanisms.
Experimental Brain Research | 1992
Xiang Yang Chen; Jonathan S. Carp; Jonathan R. Wolpaw
SummaryAxon conduction distance, conduction velocity, and conduction time were measured for individual triceps surae motoneurons in Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 230–630 g (i.e., age range 6–16 weeks). Both conduction distance (nerve length) and velocity were closely correlated with weight (r=0.95 and r=0.82, respectively). In contrast, conduction time did not change as weight increased nearly threefold. This striking constancy is probably due to a corresponding increase in axon diameter. It could contribute to maintenance of stable motor performance during rapid growth.
Journal of Neurophysiology | 2010
Jonathan S. Carp; Ann M. Tennissen; Jennifer E. Liebschutz; Xiang Yang Chen; Jonathan R. Wolpaw
The external urethral sphincter (EUS) muscle plays a crucial role in lower urinary tract function: its activation helps maintain continence, whereas its relaxation contributes to micturition. To determine how the intrinsic properties of its motoneurons contribute to its physiological function, we have obtained intracellular current-clamp recordings from 49 EUS motoneurons in acutely isolated spinal cord slices from adult female rats. In all, 45% of EUS motoneurons fired spontaneously and steadily (average rate = 12-27 pulses/s). EUS motoneurons were highly excitable, having lower rheobase, higher input resistance, and smaller threshold depolarization than those of rat hindlimb motoneurons recorded in vitro. Correlations between these properties and afterhyperpolarization half-decay time are consistent with EUS motoneurons having characteristics of both fast and slow motor unit types. EUS motoneurons with a slow-like spectrum of properties exhibited spontaneous firing more often than those with fast-like characteristics. During triangular current ramp-induced repetitive firing, recruitment typically occurred at lower current levels than those at derecruitment, although the opposite pattern occurred in 10% of EUS motoneurons. This percentage was likely underestimated due to firing rate adaptation. These findings are consistent with the presence of a basal level of persistent inward current (PIC) in at least some EUS motoneurons. The low EUS motoneuron current and voltage thresholds make them readily recruitable, rendering them well suited to their physiological role in continence. The expression of firing behaviors consistent with PIC activation in this highly reduced preparation raises the possibility that in the intact animal, PICs contribute to urinary function not only through neuromodulator-dependent but also through neuromodulator-independent mechanisms.
Journal of Neurotrauma | 2017
Brandon K. LaPallo; Jonathan R. Wolpaw; Xiang Yang Chen; Jonathan S. Carp
The rat is a commonly used model for the study of lower urinary tract function before and after spinal cord injury. We have previously reported that in unanesthetized freely moving rats, although phasic external urethral sphincter (EUS) activity (bursting) is most common during micturition, productive voiding can occur in the absence of bursting, which differs from results seen in anesthetized or unanesthetized restrained animals. The purpose of the present study was to characterize EUS behavior in unanesthetized, freely moving rats before and after mid-thoracic (T8) or thoraco-lumbar (T13-L1) spinal transection to determine how EUS behavior after spinal cord injury differs from that seen in anesthetized or unanesthetized restrained rats. Several abnormalities became evident that were comparable after transection at either level, including the following: repetitive non-voiding EUS contractions; increased prevalence, intensity, and duration of EUS bursting; decreased rate of urine evacuation during bursting; increased void size and decreased number of daily voids; shorter inter-burst silent period and increased frequency of bursting; and loss of the direct linear relationships that are evident in intact animals between void size and bursting silent period. These data suggest that transection-induced delayed initiation of EUS bursting allows co-contraction of the bladder and the EUS that prevents or limits urine evacuation, resulting in a detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia-like phenomenon. In addition, the higher-than-normal frequency at which EUS bursting occurs after transection is associated with shorter silent periods during which urine typically flows, which interferes with voiding by slowing the rate of urine evacuation. That results were comparable after either transection suggests that the central pattern generator responsible for EUS bursting is located caudal to the L1 spinal segment.
Progress in Neurobiology | 2006
Jonathan R. Wolpaw; Jonathan S. Carp
Experimental Brain Research | 2001
Jonathan S. Carp; Xiang-Yang Chen; Hesham Sheikh; Jonathan R. Wolpaw