Jonilda Kushta
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Featured researches published by Jonilda Kushta.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2014
Jonilda Kushta; George Kallos; Marina Astitha; Stavros Solomos; C. Spyrou; Christina Mitsakou; J. Lelieveld
This paper addresses the aerosol effects on radiation and the feedback on meteorology and photochemical activity, applying the online model RAMS/ICLAMS. The model treats meteorology and chemical pollutants on an interactive way. Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), giant cloud condensation nuclei, and ice nuclei are treated as predictive quantities. The calculation of the aerosol optical properties accounts for size-resolved mineral dust and size- and humidity-dependent optical properties of sea salt. The simulations with and without aerosol impacts reveal the complex direct and indirect mechanisms through which the alteration of radiation fluxes influences meteorology and photochemical processes. For the specific dust event, the reduction in the surface shortwave radiation over cloudless regions affected by dust averages at ~ −75 W m−2 at 12:00 UTC per unit dust loading (1 g m−2). The increase on downwelling longwave radiation over the same areas and time averages at ~ 40 W m−2 per unit dust loading (1 g m−2). Surface upwelling longwave radiation over Mediterranean exhibits a complex daytime behavior. During midnight, the inclusion of dust leads to larger upwelling longwave radiation fluxes over the African continent. The net downward longwave radiation over cloudless areas exhibits an increase both during noon and midnight with the inclusion of dust. The results show that the vertical structure of the dust layer governs the magnitude of the feedback on radiation. The activation of natural particles as CCN causes small changes in radiation fluxes and temperature. Precipitation is influenced more by the indirect rather than the direct and semidirect effects.
Science of The Total Environment | 2014
George Kallos; Stavros Solomos; Jonilda Kushta; Christina Mitsakou; C. Spyrou; Nikolaos Bartsotas; Christina Kalogeri
The physical and chemical properties of airborne particles have significant implications on the microphysical cloud processes. Maritime clouds have different properties than polluted ones and the final amounts and types of precipitation are different. Mixed phase aerosols that contain soluble matter are efficient cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and enhance the liquid condensate spectrum in warm and mixed phase clouds. Insoluble particles such as mineral dust and black carbon are also important because of their ability to act as efficient ice nuclei (IN) through heterogeneous ice nucleation mechanisms. The relative contribution of aerosol concentrations, size distributions and chemical compositions on cloud structure and precipitation is discussed in the framework of RAMS/ICLAMS model. Analysis of model results and comparison with measurements reveals the complexity of the above links. Taking into account anthropogenic emissions and all available aerosol-cloud interactions the model precipitation bias was reduced by 50% for a storm simulation over eastern Mediterranean.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2009
George Kallos; C. Spyrou; Marina Astitha; Christina Mitsakou; Stavros Solomos; Jonilda Kushta; I. Pytharoulis; P. Katsafados; Elias Mavromatidis; Nikitas Papantoniou; Georgia Vlastou
The Sahara desert is one of the major sources of mineral dust on Earth, producing up to 2x108 t yr-1. A combined effort has been devoted during the last ten years at the University of Athens (UOA) from the Atmospheric Modeling and Weather Forecasting Group (AM&WFG) to the development of an analysis and forecasting tool that will provide early warning of Saharan dust outbreaks. The developed tool is the SKIRON limited-area forecasting system, based on the Eta limited area modeling system with embedded algorithms describing the dust cycle. A new version of the model is currently available, with extra features like eight-size particle bins, radiative transfer corrections, new dust source identification and utilization of rocky soil characterization and incorporation of more accurate deposition schemes. The new version of SKIRON modeling system is coupled with the photochemical model CAMx in order to study processes like the shading effect of dust particles on photochemical processes and the production of second and third generation of aerosols. Moreover, another new development in the AM&WFG is based on the RAMS model, with the incorporation of processes like dust and sea-salt production, gas and aqueous phase chemistry and particle formation. In this study, the major characteristics of the developed (and under development) modeling systems are presented, as well as the spatiotemporal distribution of the transported dust amounts, the interaction with anthropogenically-produced particles and the potential implications on radiative transfer.
Archive | 2013
George Kallos; Christina Mitsakou; Andrés Alastuey; John van Aardenne; Marina Astitha; Michael Cusack; U. M. Doering; E. Gerasopoulos; N. Hatzianastassiou; M. Kanakidou; Jonilda Kushta; J. Lelieveld; Zev Levin; N. Mihalopoulos; Millán Millán; J. L. Palau; Natalia Perez; Jorge Pey; Xavier Querol; Stavros Solomos; C. Spyrou; Chris Theodosi; Christos Zerefos
This chapter describes the physicochemical mechanisms that formulate the air quality over the Mediterranean region and the resulted impacts on the regional climate. At first, a detailed description of the teleconnections and regional flow patterns that dominate in the region is provided. The dominant flow patterns during the different seasons of the year determine the transport paths of air pollutants and aerosols towards and across the study area. The analysis on the characteristics of the air pollution transport is separated for the different parts of the Mediterranean region (eastern, western and entire), since the sources of pollutants that reach at different points in the region vary, while specific pollutant transport paths may influence the wider Mediterranean area. Similarities and differences in patterns are discussed. The air quality over the region, as recorded from black/organic carbon, ozone, aerosol observations, is extensively discussed, along with seasonal variabilities and annual trends. There is particular discussion on the suspension of naturally-produced aerosols and especially desert dust particles in the region and their spatial influence on the aerosol levels. At the last part of the chapter, the major impacts of the transport and transformation processes (natural and anthropogenic pollutants) on the regional climate are discussed. The impacts of aerosols are distinguished in direct (the impacts on radiation budget), health (the amounts of inhaled particles and impacts on health) and indirect effects (impacts on clouds and precipitation), are discussed on qualitative and quantitative way.
Archive | 2011
Stavros Solomos; Jonilda Kushta; George Kallos
The amount, size distribution and chemical properties of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), depend on the type of the prevailing air mass and also on local production and transportation of natural and anthropogenic particles. The aerosol properties vary in both space and time and impose significant amount of uncertainty on atmospheric research and also on future climatic projections. Cloud microphysics are very complex in nature and most of the times it is difficult to separate and identify the links and feedbacks between air quality and atmospheric processes under real atmospheric conditions. This presentation focuses on the interactions between air quality, clouds and precipitation for the area of greater Mediterranean. Mixtures of Saharan desert dust with sea-salt or with particles of anthropogenic origin, mainly sulphates and nitrates, may lead to the formation of new aerosols with different physiochemical properties. The effectiveness of airborne particles to act as CCN is examined towards their chemical composition and size distribution. Several modeling experiments, in-situ and airborne observations are analyzed and first results on the role of natural and anthropogenic particles on cloud formation and precipitation are discussed.
Archive | 2016
George Kallos; Jonilda Kushta; Nikolaos Bartsotas; Platon Patlakas; Marina Astitha; Jumaan Al Qahtani
Airborne particles of anthropogenic and/or natural origin have certain direct and indirect effects in the atmosphere. Radiative transfer is the category of processes related to aerosols and clouds (direct effects). Indirect effects are always associated with condensates at various atmospheric layers. Condensation within the tropospheric layers is mainly related to aerosol physical and chemical properties, thermodynamical and dynamical processes. As it was found in various studies, there is a strong relationship between aerosols and extreme weather events such as deep convection and extreme rainfall. Low-level condensation is associated with low-cloud formation and fog. In this presentation we will discuss the condensation processes within the lower and upper troposphere and how they are affected by the various types of aerosols. New model development related to nucleation processes and condensation at different levels is discussed. The model used for development and application is the fully-coupled atmospheric modeling system RAMS/ICLAMS. Model simulations have been performed for selected cases related to (i) extreme precipitation events and (ii) low-level condensation and fog formation in the Euro-Mediterranean and Arabian Peninsula. The sensitivity tests showed that the explicit activation of aerosols as CCN and IN causes changes in the precipitation distribution as well as in its spatiotemporal patterns. Fog formation near the coastline and low-cloud formation mechanisms are controlled by the thermal cooling and moisture evaporation by the surface. The accurate simulation of the microphysical processes involved in formation and dissipation of fog depends on several variables.
International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application | 2016
Platon Patlakas; Jonilda Kushta; E. Drakaki; J. Al Qahtani; I. Alexiou; Nikolaos Bartsotas; Chris Spyrou; George Kallos
The dust cycle plays an important role in the atmospheric processes. The levels of dust concentration in the Arabian cities are quite high, a fact that affects air quality. A better understanding of this phenomenon may lead in reduced impacts. Towards this direction, an integrated modeling approach has been selected and applied in SW Saudi Arabia. More specifically, we discuss the characteristics of the dust production processes using the RAMS/ICLAMS multiscale model. A series of very high resolution simulations have been performed and potential mitigation actions are discussed. A reduction in dust concentration is evident by changing the landscape characteristics. Extreme dust events affect the study areas despite the tested activities and changes. A characteristic example is the “haboobs”.
International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application | 2016
Eleni Drakaki; Stavros Solomos; C. Spyrou; Jonilda Kushta; George Kallos
Highly hygroscopic aerosols, such as sodium chloride or sulphates are often present in the atmosphere. They can be produced through several natural or anthropogenic processes (ocean spray, fires, volcanoes, anthropogenic emissions). Their hygroscopicity depends on their chemical properties and thus some of them can serve as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) easier than others having different impacts on the cloud formation. While the interactions of hygroscopic aerosols with water in the atmosphere is more clearly understood, the impact of aerosols in the resulting precipitation remains inconclusive (Rosenfeld et al. 2008). The thermodynamic state, the background aerosol composition of the atmosphere and the topographical variation of the region can modify these impacts. In this study we use a fully coupled modeling system (atmospheric and chemical—RAMS/ICLAMS) in order to study the impact of highly hygroscopic particles in a cloud system, representing the average thermodynamic conditions of winter convective clouds in the eastern Mediterranean. Of particular interest is the analysis of the level of background pollution in such sensitivity studies. For this reason we applied the material dispersion processes to two characteristic air masses with different pollution levels: clean air masses and highly polluted. This study focuses on the contribution of the material dispersion on the size and number of cloud droplets as well as the liquid and ice mass of the respective cloud system. The dispersion of NaCl (Material 1) resulted in decrease of the amount of ground precipitation, while the background pollution affected the distribution of liquid and ice masses as well as the size of the hydrometeors. In respect to the time of cloud development the effect of the material dispersion was more evident in the mature phase of the cloud system.
Archive | 2014
Jonilda Kushta; Marina Astitha; Stavros Solomos; George Kallos
The online approach consists of the coupled treatment of chemical parameters, simultaneously with the meteorological parameters, in a single integrated modeling system that is referred to as chemical weather modeling. This approach offers the possibility to simulate the links and feedbacks between atmospheric processes that are traditionally neglected in air quality models. Both meteorological and chemical components are expected to benefit from this approach. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages that make their use appropriate for different applications. This study discusses and evaluates the performance of the online Integrated Community Limited Area Modeling System (RAMS/ICLAMS) and the offline model, Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx), for a month long retrospective summertime text period, over Europe and the Greater Mediterranean Area (GMR). The implementation of the same chemical mechanisms, meteorological fields, emissions, initial and boundary conditions makes it easier to compare the results from the two models. However, there are some differences in the physical parameterizations utilized in the two models that are expected to result in differences between them. The feedback mechanisms are not activated in order to evaluate the performance of the two models regarding the advantages that the online approach offers (same projection, no interpolation in time and space, explicit calculation of the meteorological components, availability of the meteorological fields at each time step etc.). Results showed that the online approach gave better results regarding ground 1 h ozone and 24 h sulfate aerosol concentrations improving the main statistical parameters by roughly 20 % and increased correlation from 0.51 to 0.70. The differences may be mainly the outcome of the utilization of different methods for the calculation of the photolysis rates and the interpolation of the meteorological data for use in the offline model.
Archive | 2014
Stavros Solomos; George Kallos; Jonilda Kushta; Athanasios Nenes; D. Barahona; Nikolaos Bartsotas
The clouds that develop in maritime or polluted environments have significant differences in their properties. A number of modeling sensitivity tests have been performed to describe the physical processes related to aerosol – cloud interactions at various stages of cloud development. Precipitation amounts and cloud structure were found to be very sensitive to changes in the size distribution and number concentrations of the aerosols. Certain combinations of CCN/IN properties and atmospheric properties may lead to significant enhancement of convection and precipitation. These interactions are not linear and it is the synergetic effects between meteorology and atmospheric chemistry that are responsible for the variation of precipitation.