
Current Biology | 2004

A Noncoding RNA Is Required for the Repression of RNApolII-Dependent Transcription in Primordial Germ Cells

Rui Gonçalo Martinho; Prabhat S. Kunwar; Jordi Casanova; Ruth Lehmann

RNApolII-dependent transcription is repressed in primordial germ cells of many animals during early development and is thought to be important for maintenance of germline fate by preventing somatic differentiation. Germ cell transcriptional repression occurs concurrently with inhibition of phosphorylation in the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of RNApolII, as well as with chromatin remodeling. The precise mechanisms involved are unknown. Here, we present evidence that a noncoding RNA transcribed by the gene polar granule component (pgc) regulates transcriptional repression in Drosophila germ cells. Germ cells lacking pgc RNA express genes important for differentiation of nearby somatic cells and show premature phosphorylation of RNApolII. We further show that germ cells lacking pgc show increased levels of K4, but not K9 histone H3 methylation, and that the chromatin remodeling Swi/Snf complex is required for a second stage in germ cell transcriptional repression. We propose that a noncoding RNA controls transcription in early germ cells by blocking the transition from preinitiation to transcriptional elongation. We further show that repression of somatic differentiation signals mediated by the Torso receptor-tyrosine kinase is important for germline development.

Development | 1990

Expression and regulation of the abd-A gene of Drosophila

Ana Macías; Jordi Casanova; Ginés Morata

The homeobox gene extradenticle (exd) acts as a cofactor of the homeotic genes in the specification of larval patterns during embryogenesis. To study its role in adult patterns, we have generated clones of mutant exd- cells and examined their effect on the different body parts. In some regions, exd- clones exhibit homeotic transformations similar to those produced by known homeotic mutations such as Ultrabithorax (Ubx), labial (lab), spineless-aristapedia (ssa) or Antennapedia (Antp). In other regions, the lack of exd causes novel homeotic transformations producing ectopic eyes and legs. Moreover, exd is also required for functions normally not associated with homeosis, such as the maintenance of the dorsoventral pattern, the specification of subpatterns in adult appendages or the arrangement of bristles in the mesonotum and genitalia. Our findings indicate that exd is critically involved in adult morphogenesis, not only in the homeotic function but also in several other developmental processes.Previously published experiments have shown that the endogenous Dfd gene can be ectopically activated by its own (heat-shock-driven) product in a subset of cells of different segments. This results in the differentiation of maxillary structures like cirri and mouth hooks in places where they normally do not appear, and represents a phenomenon of autocatalysis of homeotic gene function that differs from the normal activation process. We show that this out-of-context activation occurs in cells belonging to the anterior compartments of the three thoracic and the A1 to A8 abdominal segments and that it requires the normal function of the polarity genes wingless (wg) and engrailed (en). The wg product, in addition to that of Dfd, appears to be sufficient to activate the endogenous Dfd gene in many embryonic cells. We have studied the effect of several homeotic genes on Dfd activation and phenotypic expression: Scr, Antp, Ubx and Abd-B repress Dfd both transcriptionally and at the phenotypic level, if their products are in sufficient amounts. The endogenous abd-A gene does not have a noticeable effect, but when it is replaced by an hsp70-abd-A gene, which produces a high and uniform level of expression, the phenotypic expression of Dfd is suppressed. Our results also suggest that the differentiation of cirri is induced by Dfd-expressing cells in non-expressing neighboring cells, and that this interaction occurs across the parasegmental border.During evolution, many animal groups have developed specialised outgrowths of the body wall, limbs or appendages. The type of appendage depends on the identity of the segment where they appear, indicating that the Hox genes contribute to appendage specification. Moreover, work carried out principally in Drosophila has identified the gene products and the mechanisms involved in pattern formation in the appendages. In this essay, we compare the morphogenetic processes in the appendages and the body wall; the function of the Hox genes and the response to the signalling molecules involved in local patterning. We speculate that, although the basic mechanisms are similar, there are significant differences in the manner the body trunk and appendages respond to them.[ES] La pared celular es un elemento morfogenetico esencial que determina la forma final de las celulas y que las protege contra la lisis. En S. pombe esta esta constituida por ? y s-glucano y manoproteinas y tanto la sintesis como remodelacion de su estructura requiere de diferentes enzimas estrictamente reguladas. En S. pombe existe poca informacion de como se lleva a cabo la incorporacion del material de membrana y sobre la regulacion de las enzimas implicadas en la sintesis y remodelacion de la pared celular por los mecanismos de transporte vesicular. Para abordar el estudio de como el trafico vesicular mediado por clatrina afecta a la morfogenesis de S. pombe y en particular cual es su papel en la regulacion de la sintesis de la pared celular se ha analizado el papel tanto de la clatrina, mediante el analisis de diferentes mutantes de la cadena ligera de la clatrina, como el del adaptador AP-2, que interviene en el proceso de endocitosis mediada por clatrina. Se ha demostrado que la delecion de la cadena ligera de la clatrina resulta letal para las celulas de S. pombe y que esta letalidad se rescata al incubar las celulas en un medio suplementado con sorbitol. En este caso aunque las celulas pueden sobrevivir poseen graves defectos morfologicos, en crecimiento, en trafico vesicular, en desarrollo sexual, etc. Se ha podido comprobar que la ausencia de Clc1p afecta drasticamente a la estabilidad de Chc1p hecho que hace que, a diferencia de otros organismos, la supervivencia de S. pombe sea mas dependiente de la presencia clatrina. Ademas se ha demostrado que la letalidad causada por la ausencia de Clc1p se debe principalmente a defectos graves en la sintesis de la pared celular que afectan directamente a la sintesis del glucano. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que una reduccion en la cantidad de clatrina causa un leve impacto en el transporte vesicular en general y en otros procesos y elementos biologicos, pero afecta gravemente a la secrecion de enzimas de sintesis/remodelacion de la pared celular, como las s(1,3)glucan sintasa y endoglucanasas. En cuanto al complejo adaptador AP-2 se ha comprobado, que a diferencia de lo que se conoce hasta el momento en otros organismos unicelulares, este forma un complejo con la clatrina y se ha demostrado que tiene un papel en la endocitosis general de S. pombe. Asi mismo se ha descubierto que AP-2 puede estar interviniendo en la sintesis de la pared celular ya que su ausencia afecta a la actividad s-glucan sintasa y hace que S. pombe sea hiper-sensible a compuestos que afectan a la integridad de la pared celular.We characterized a novel protein of the Ras family, p19 (H-RasIDX). The c-H-ras proto-oncogene undergoes alternative splicing of the exon termed IDX. We show that the alternative p19 mRNA is stable and as abundant as p21 (p21 H-Ras4A) mRNA in all of the human tissues and cell lines tested. IDX is spliced into stable mRNA in different mammalian species, which present a high degree of nucleotide conservation. Both the endogenous and the transiently expressed p19 protein are detected in COS-1 and HeLa cells and show nuclear diffuse and speckled patterns as well as cytoplasmic localization. In yeast two-hybrid assays, p19 did not interact with two known p21 effectors, Raf1 and Rin1, but was shown to interact with RACK1, a scaffolding protein that promotes multiprotein complexes in different signaling pathways. This observation suggests that p19 and p21 play differential and complementary roles in the cell.Resumen del trabajo presentado al Congreso Nacional de Biotecnologia, celebrado en Murcia del 18 al 21 de junio de 2017.A. G. G. thanks Ramon Areces Foundation for a grant. J. C. thanks NIH-CA24487 for financial support.Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia and grant S-0505/MAT-0283 from Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid to M.S. and by an Institutional grant from Fundacion Ramon Areces to the Centro de Biologia Molecular “Severo Ochoa”We report a genetic and molecular study of UbxMX6 and Ubx195rx1, two mutations in the Ultrabithorax (Ubx) locus which appear to have a strong effect on the activity of the homologous Ubx gene. These mutations show the characteristic embryonic and adult phenotypes of Ubx null alleles, and also fail to produce any detectable Ubx product. Yet, genetic and phenotypic analyses involving a large number of trans heterozygous combinations of UbxMX6 and Ubx195rx1 with different classes of Ubx mutations, indicate that they hyperactivate the homologous gene. This effect is induced on wildtype or mutant forms of Ubx, provided that the pairing in the bithorax region is normal, i.e. these mutations have a strong positive effect on transvection. We also show that, unlike all the other known cases of transvection in Ubx, this is not zeste-dependent. Southern analyses indicate that UbxMX6 is a 3.4 kb deletion, and Ubx195rx1 is an approximately 11 kb insertion of foreign DNA, both in the promoter region. We speculate that the region altered in the mutations may have a wildtype function to ensure cis-autonomy of the regulation of Ubx transcription.Resumen del trabajo presentado al Congreso Nacional de Biotecnologia, celebrado en Murcia del 18 al 21 de junio de 2017.The pannier (pnr) gene of Drosophila encodes a zinc-finger transcription factor of the GATA family and is involved in several developmental processes during embryonic and imaginal development. We report some novel aspects of the regulation and function of pnr during embryogenesis. Previous work has shown that pnr is activated by decapentaplegic (dpp) in early development, but we find that after stage 10, the roles are reversed and pnr becomes an upstream regulator of dpp. This function of pnr is necessary for the activation of the Dpp pathway in the epidermal cells implicated in dorsal closure and is not mediated by the JNK pathway, which is also necessary for Dpp activity in these cells. In addition, we show that pnr behaves as a selector-like gene in generating morphological diversity in the dorsoventral body axis. It is responsible for maintaining a subdivision of the dorsal half of the embryo into two distinct, dorsomedial and dorsolateral, regions, and also specifies the identity of the dorsomedial region. These results, together with prior work on its function in adults, suggest that pnr is a major factor in the genetic subdivision of the body of Drosophila.10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish (10th ISRPF), Expanding the khowledge base of reproductive success: from genes to the environment, 25-30 May 2014, Olhao, Portugal.-- 1 pageBy using a hsp70-Ubx fusion gene, we have ectopically expressed a Ubx product in the embryonic head primordia and studied the developmental effects on the larval head. We find that after high and persistent levels of Ubx product, the head is replaced by three (C1, C2 and C3) abdominal-like denticle belts. The C2 and C3 belts are the homeotic transformations of parasegments 1 and 2, respectively, while the C1 belt probably derives from the transformation and subsequent fusion of the most anterior procephalic primordia. On the basis of their response to the Ubx product and other arguments, we propose that the larval head is made of two genetically distinct components; one is the procephalon and the anterior region of the mandibular lobe, and the other is part of the parasegmental trunk and includes parasegments 1 and 2. Our results also indicate that most or all the larval head structures derive from precursor cells of ventral origin.The Iroquois (Iro) family of genes are found in nematodes, insects and vertebrates. They usually occur in one or two genomic clusters of three genes each and encode transcriptional controllers that possess a characteristic homeodomain. The Iro genes function early in development to specify the identity of diverse territories of the body, such as the dorsal head and dorsal mesothorax of Drosophila and the neural plate of Xenopus. In some aspects they act in the same way as classical selector genes, but they display specific properties that place them into a category of their own. Later in development in both Drosophila and vertebrates, the Iro genes function again to subdivide those territories into smaller domains.The pannier (pnr) gene encodes a GATA transcription factor and acts in several developmental processes in Drosophila, including embryonic dorsal closure, specification of cardiac cells and bristle determination. We show that pnr is expressed in the mediodorsal parts of thoracic and abdominal segments of embryos, larvae and adult flies. Its activity confers cells with specific adhesion properties that make them immiscible with non-expressing cells. Thus there are two genetic domains in the dorsal region of each segment: a medial (MED) region where pnr is expressed and a lateral (LAT) region where it is not. The homeobox gene iroquois (iro) is expressed in the LAT region. These regions are not formed by separate polyclones of cells, but are defined topographically. We show that ectopic pnr in the wing induces MED thoracic development, indicating that pnr specifies the identity of the MED regions. Correspondingly, when pnr is removed from clones of cells in the MED domain, they sort out and apparently adopt the LAT fate. We propose that (1) the subdivision into MED and LAT regions is a general feature of the Drosophila body plan and (2) pnr is the principal gene responsible for this subdivision. We argue that pnr acts like a classical selector gene but differs in that its expression is not propagated through cell divisions.We have developed a specific polyclonal antibody that recognizes the protein products of the abdominal-A (abd-A) gene, a member of the bithorax complex of Drosophila. The normal expression domain extends from parasegments 7 to 13, in good correspondence with previous genetic and molecular results. However, while the anterior border of expression is precisely demarcated by a parasegmental boundary, the posterior border does not coincide with a lineage boundary. Within the normal domain, the expression of abd-A shows intrametameric modulation; the amount of product is higher in posterior compartments and in the most anterior cells of the anterior compartments and then gradually decreases. We have examined the effect on abd-A expression of a number of mutations, some mapping within and others outside the abd-A transcription unit. Those mapping to the transcription unit eliminate or severely reduce the amount of abd-A antigen, while those mapping outside produce an abnormal distribution of abd-A protein. Finally, we show that the abd-A gene is down-regulated in part of the Abdominal-B (Abd-B) domain, precisely in those regions where the Abd-B gene is expressed at high levels.Resumen del trabajo presentado al Yeast Genetics Meeting, celebrado en Stanford, California (USA) del 22 al 26 de agosto de 2018.The effect of the anti-tumoral drug lauryl gallate on the infectivity of the African swine fever virus among other DNA (Herpes simplex and Vaccinia) and RNA (Influenza, Porcine transmissible gastroenteritis and Sindbis) viruses, involved in animal and human diseases, is analyzed. Viral production was strongly inhibited in different cell lines at non-toxic concentrations of the drug (1-10 μM), reducing the titres from 3 to more than 5 log. units depending on the multiplicity of infection. In our model system (African swine fever virus in Vero cells), the addition of the drug 1 h before virus adsorption, completely abolished virus productivity in a one-step growth virus cycle. Interestingly, no inhibitory effect was observed when lauryl gallate was added after 5 to 8 hpi. Both cellular and viral DNA synthesis and late viral transcription were inhibited by the drug, but, however, the early viral protein synthesis and the virus-mediated increasing of p53 remained unaffected. Activation of the apoptotic effector caspase-3 was not detected after lauryl gallate treatment of Vero cells, and, furthermore, the presence of the drug abrogated the activation of this protease induced by the virus infection. The overall results likely indicate that a cellular factor/function might be the target of the antiviral action of alkyl gallates.Tesis Doctoral presentada por Eduardo Rodenas Martinez en el Centro Andaluz de Biologia del Desarrollo, centro mixto CSIC-UPO.Resumen del trabajo presentado al Yeast Genetics Meeting, celebrado en Stanford, California (USA) del 22 al 26 de agosto de 2018.

Nature Cell Biology | 2008

Modulation of intracellular trafficking regulates cell intercalation in the Drosophila trachea

Daniel D. Shaye; Jordi Casanova; Marta Llimargas

Through intercalation, a fundamental mechanism underlying elongation during morphogenesis, epithelial cells exchange places in a spatially oriented manner. Epithelial cells are tightly coupled through distinct intercellular junctions, including adherens junctions. Whether trafficking-mediated regulation of adhesion through adherens junctions modulates intercalation in vivo remains controversial. In Drosophila melanogaster, cells in most branches intercalate during tracheal development. However, Wingless (Wg)-promoted expression of the transcription factor Spalt (Sal) in the dorsal trunk inhibits intercalation by an unknown mechanism. Here we have examined the role of trafficking in tracheal intercalation and show that it requires endocytosis, whereas it is opposed by Rab11-mediated recycling in the dorsal trunk. Subapical Rab11 accumulation is enhanced by sal and elevated Rab11-mediated recycling occurs in the dorsal trunk, suggesting that upregulation of Rab11 is one way in which sal inhibits intercalation. We found that dRip11, which regulates Rab11 localization and function, is regulated by sal and can modulate intercalation. Finally, we provide evidence that levels of E-cadherin (DE-cad), an adherens junction component and Rab11-compartment cargo, are dynamically regulated by trafficking during tracheal development, and that such regulation modulates intercalation. Our work suggests a mechanism by which trafficking of adhesion molecules regulates intercalation, and shows how this mechanism can be modulated in vivo to influence cell behaviour.

Development | 2004

Lachesin is a component of a septate junction-based mechanism that controls tube size and epithelial integrity in the Drosophila tracheal system

Marta Llimargas; Maura Strigini; Markella Katidou; Domna Karagogeos; Jordi Casanova

Organ morphogenesis requires the coordinated activity of many mechanisms involved in cell rearrangements, size control, cell proliferation and organ integrity. Here we report that Lachesin (Lac), a cell surface protein, is required for the proper morphogenesis of the Drosophila tracheal system. Homozygous embryos for Lac mutations, which we find fail to complement the previous identified bulbous (bulb) mutation, display convoluted tracheal tubes and tube breaks. At the cellular level, we can detect enlarged cells, suggesting that Lac regulates organ size by influencing cell length rather than cell number, and cell detachments, indicating a role for Lac in cell adhesion. Results from an in vitro assay further support that Lac behaves as a homophilic cell adhesion molecule. Lac co-localizes with Septate Junction (SJ) proteins, and ultrastructural analysis confirms that it accumulates specifically at this type of cellular junction. In Lac mutant embryos, previously characterized components of the SJs are mislocalized, indicating that the proper organization of SJs requires Lac function. In addition, mutations in genes encoding other components of the SJs produce a similar tracheal phenotype. These results point out a new role of the SJs in morphogenesis regulating cell adhesion and cell size.

The EMBO Journal | 2003

In and out of Torso RTK signalling

Marc Furriols; Jordi Casanova

The ability of cells to respond to extracellular signals relies on a set of mechanisms that are of widespread use in different developmental contexts and are highly conserved among different organisms. One such mechanism is built upon the presence of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) molecules in the cell membrane that can be activated by ligands outside the cell and transduce this signal by a well conserved pathway of intracellular molecules to finally elicit different cell responses in terms of morphology and/or gene activation. The Drosophila Torso pathway has been used as one of the model systems to genetically analyse the activity of the RTK signalling pathways. In particular, different studies in this and other systems have allowed identification of the components of these transducing mechanisms and conclusions to be drawn about their interaction. A general conclusion of these experiments is that tyrosine kinase receptors appear to activate a shared group of intracellular effectors, including the Ras/Raf/MAPK cascade. This conclusion has driven many studies to look for the specificity of the different transduction pathways at the events taking place specifically at both ends of the signalling pathways, namely, those leading to the activation of the receptor molecules and those occurring downstream of the phosphorylation cascade. It is the analysis of these events that can help us to understand the great variety of responses that can be elicited by the different RTK signalling pathways. The conserved intracellular mechanisms acting downstream of the Torso receptor have already been reviewed elsewhere and, thus, here we will address specifically the issue of the mechanisms leading to the Torso receptor activation and those responsible for regulating the expression of the Torso pathway target genes. ### How to locally activate a widespread receptor? Transferring positional information from the ovarian cells to the embryo . Torso is a RTK (Sprenger et al ., 1989) that is distributed …

Mechanisms of Development | 2000

Cross-regulatory interactions among tracheal genes support a co-operative model for the induction of tracheal fates in the Drosophila embryo

Muriel Boube; Marta Llimargas; Jordi Casanova

The Drosophila tracheal system arises from clusters of ectodermal cells that invaginate and migrate to originate a network of epithelial tubes. Genetic analyses have identified several genes that are specifically expressed in the tracheal cells and are required for tracheal development. Among them, trachealess (trh) is able to induce ectopic tracheal pits and therefore it has been suggested that it would act as an inducer of tracheal cell fates; however, this capacity appears to be spatially restricted. Here we analyze the expression of the tracheal specific genes in the early steps of tracheal development and their cross-interactions. We find that there is a set of primary genes including trh and ventral veinless (vvl) whose expression does not depend on any other tracheal gene and a set of downstream genes whose expression requires different combinations of the primary genes. We also find that the combined expression of primary genes is sufficient to induce some downstream genes but not others. These results indicate that there is not a single master gene responsible for the appropriate expression of the tracheal genes and support a model where tracheal cell fates are induced by the co-operation of several factors rather than by the activity of a single tracheal inducer.

Current Biology | 2010

In vivo coupling of cell elongation and lumen formation in a single cell

Louis Gervais; Jordi Casanova

Fine tubes form inside cells as they reach their target tissues in epithelial ducts and in angiogenesis. Although a very suggestive model of cell hollowing proposes that intracellular lumen could arise by coalescence of intracellular vacuoles, how those tubes form in vivo remains an open question. We addressed this issue by examining intracellular lumen formation in the Drosophila trachea. The main branches of the Drosophila tracheal system have an extracellular lumen because their cells fold to form a tube. However, terminal cells, specialized cells in some of the main branches, form unicellular branches by the generation of an intracellular lumen. Conversely to the above-mentioned model, we find that the intracellular lumen arises by growth of an apical membrane inwards the cell. In support, we detect an appropriate subcellular compartmentalization of different components of the intracellular trafficking machinery. We show that both cellular elongation and lumen formation depend on a mechanism based on asymmetric actin accumulation and microtubule network organization. Given the similarities in the formation of fine respiratory tubes and capillaries, we propose that an inward membrane growth model could account for lumen formation in both processes.

EMBO Reports | 2000

The GAGA factor of Drosophila interacts with SAP18, a Sin3‐associated polypeptide

Maria Lluïsa Espinás; Sílvia Canudas; Laura Fanti; Sergio Pimpinelli; Jordi Casanova; Fernando Azorín

SAP18, a polypeptide associated with the Sin3–HDAC co‐repressor complex, was identified in a yeast two‐hybrid screen as capable of interacting with the Drosophila GAGA factor. The interaction was confirmed in vitro by glutathione S‐transferase pull‐down assays using recombinant proteins and crude SL2 nuclear extracts. The first 245 residues of GAGA, including the POZ domain, are necessary and sufficient to bind dSAP18. In polytene chromosomes, dSAP18 and GAGA co‐localize at a few discrete sites and, in particular, at the bithorax complex where GAGA binds some silenced polycomb response elements. When the dSAP18 dose is reduced, flies heterozygous for the GAGA mutation Trl67 show the homeotic transformation of segment A6 into A5, indicating that GAGA–dSAP18 interaction contributes to the functional regulation of the iab‐6 element of the bithorax complex. These results suggest that, through recruitment of the Sin3–HDAC complex, GAGA might contribute to the regulation of homeotic gene expression.

Development Genes and Evolution | 1999

EGF signalling regulates cell invagination as well as cell migration during formation of tracheal system in Drosophila

Marta Llimargas; Jordi Casanova

Abstract The Drosophila tracheal system is a network of epithelial tubes that arises from the tracheal placodes, lateral clusters of ectodermal cells in ten embryonic segments. The cells of each cluster invaginate and subsequent formation of the tracheal tree occurs by cell migration and fusion of tracheal branches, without cell division. The combined action of the Decapentaplegic (Dpp), Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and breathless/branchless pathways are thought to be responsible for the pattern of tracheal branches. We ask how these transduction pathways regulate cell migration and we analyse the consequences on cell behaviour of the Dpp and EGF pathways. We find that rhomboid (rho) mutant embryos display defects not only in tracheal cell migration but also in tracheal cell invagination unveiling a new role for EGF signalling in the formation of the tracheal system. These results indicate that the transduction pathways that control tracheal cell migration are active in different steps of tracheal formation, beginning at invagination. We discuss how the consecutive steps of tracheal morphogenesis might affect the final branching pattern.

The EMBO Journal | 1987

Double and triple mutant combinations of bithorax complex of Drosophila.

Jordi Casanova; Ernesto Sánchez-Herrero; Busturia A; Ginés Morata

We have constructed double and triple mutant combinations for the Ubx, abd‐A and Abd‐B genes of the bithorax complex and have examined the homeotic transformations they produce in the larval and adult patterns. Embryos hemizygous for the triple combination exhibit a metameric pattern consisting of parasegments 5‐12 being transformed into parasegment 4. In addition, parasegment 13 develops like a mixture of parasegment 3 and 4, and parasegment 14 is abnormal. The same phenotype is displayed by embryos homozygous for DfP9, lacking all the BX‐C DNA, >300 kb. This result strongly supports the notion that the BX‐C contains only three genes which account for all the developmental functions of the complex. The phenotypes of the different double combinations also support the same view; the Ubx abd‐a comthoracic and several abdominal functions. The abd‐A Abd‐B combination exhibits the same phenotype of DpP10 DfP9, lacking all the abdominal functions except those specific for A1. Our results also indicate that each BX‐C gene becomes active autonomously regardless of the presence or functional state of the other BX‐C genes.

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