Jordi Font
Spanish National Research Council
Featured researches published by Jordi Font.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2001
Yann Kerr; Philippe Waldteufel; Jean-Pierre Wigneron; Jean-Michel Martinuzzi; Jordi Font; Michael Berger
Microwave radiometry at low frequencies (L-band: 1.4 GHz, 21 cm) is an established technique for estimating surface soil moisture and sea surface salinity with a suitable sensitivity. However, from space, large antennas (several meters) are required to achieve an adequate spatial resolution at L-band. So as to reduce the problem of putting into orbit a large filled antenna, the possibility of using antenna synthesis methods has been investigated. Such a system, relying on a deployable structure, has now proved to be feasible and has led to the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission, which is described. The main objective of the SMOS mission is to deliver key variables of the land surfaces (soil moisture fields), and of ocean surfaces (sea surface salinity fields). The SMOS mission is based on a dual polarized L-band radiometer using aperture synthesis (two-dimensional [2D] interferometer) so as to achieve a ground resolution of 50 km at the swath edges coupled with multiangular acquisitions. The radiometer will enable frequent and global coverage of the globe and deliver surface soil moisture fields over land and sea surface salinity over the oceans. The SMOS mission was proposed to the European Space Agency (ESA) in the framework of the Earth Explorer Opportunity Missions. It was selected for a tentative launch in 2005. The goal of this paper is to present the main aspects of the baseline mission and describe how soil moisture will be retrieved from SMOS data.
Proceedings of the IEEE | 2010
Jordi Font; Adriano Camps; Andrés Borges; Manuel Martin-Neira; Jacqueline Boutin; Nicolas Reul; Yann Kerr; Achim Hahne; Susanne Mecklenburg
Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity, European Space Agency, is the first satellite mission addressing the challenge of measuring sea surface salinity from space. It uses an L-band microwave interferometric radiometer with aperture synthesis (MIRAS) that generates brightness temperature images, from which both geophysical variables are computed. The retrieval of salinity requires very demanding performances of the instrument in terms of calibration and stability. This paper highlights the importance of ocean salinity for the Earths water cycle and climate; provides a detailed description of the MIRAS instrument, its principles of operation, calibration, and image-reconstruction techniques; and presents the algorithmic approach implemented for the retrieval of salinity from MIRAS observations, as well as the expected accuracy of the obtained results.
Progress in Oceanography | 1999
M Astraldi; S Balopoulos; Julio Candela; Jordi Font; Miroslav Gačić; G.P Gasparini; B Manca; Alexander Theocharis; Joaquín Tintoré
Abstract Straits in the Mediterranean Sea form an important network from which one can determine the characteristics of the water exchange between all the constituent sub-basins. This includes the definition of water masses and water transport and their time variability. From 1994, all the major straits in the Mediterranean Sea (Gibraltar, Sicily, Otranto, Balearic Sea Straits, Cretan Arc Straits and Corsica) were subject to long term observations as part of various research projects. Besides adding new elements to the knowledge of internal strait conditions, the data sets collected allow us to propose a fairly consistent representation of the Mediterranean circulation and budgets in key points within the basin. The amplitude of the annual water transport measured at these straits was about 1 Sv and it appears to be modulated by a significant low-frequency and seasonal variability. For the first time, a seasonal component was identified at Gibraltar, thus raising new questions on the actual state of the Mediterranean. Also, the very likely existence of a significant interannual component was documented. In the Corsica Channel, this component was found to be related to the interannual variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation. The observations in the Cretan Arc Straits have provided a more comprehensive representation of the recent changes in the Eastern Mediterranean thermohaline cell. It is noteworthy that the effects of these changes have been observed both in the Otranto and Sicily Straits, and are now affecting the adjacent sea regions. The presence of a stream of Modified Atlantic Water in the Balearic Sea Channels indicates that part of the Atlantic inflow may be diverted directly into the northern region of the Western Mediterranean. Finally, data gathered in the Sardinia Channel indicate that the central Mediterranean region plays a critical role in controlling exchanges between the Eastern and the Western Mediterranean, while it is emphasized that the Tyrrhenian Sea area plays a role in strongly modifying some of the water masses that contribute to the large scale basin circulation. Their mixing creates new water types which modify the currently known pattern and composition of the Mediterranean circulation.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2014
Philippe Drobinski; Véronique Ducrocq; Pinhas Alpert; Emmanouil N. Anagnostou; Karine Béranger; Marco Borga; Isabelle Braud; Andre Chanzy; Silvio Davolio; Guy Delrieu; Claude Estournel; N. Filali-Boubrahmi; Jordi Font; Vanda Grubišić; Silvio Gualdi; V. Homar; B. Ivancan-Picek; C. Kottmeier; V. Krotoni; K. Lagouvardos; Piero Lionello; M. C. Llasat; Wolfgang Ludwig; Céline Lutoff; Annarita Mariotti; Evelyne Richard; R. Romero; Richard Rotunno; Odile Roussot; Isabelle Ruin
The Mediterranean countries are experiencing important challenges related to the water cycle, including water shortages and floods, extreme winds, and ice/snow storms, that impact critically the socioeconomic vitality in the area (causing damage to property, threatening lives, affecting the energy and transportation sectors, etc.). There are gaps in our understanding of the Mediterranean water cycle and its dynamics that include the variability of the Mediterranean Sea water budget and its feedback on the variability of the continental precipitation through air–sea interactions, the impact of precipitation variability on aquifer recharge, river discharge, and soil water content and vegetation characteristics specific to the Mediterranean basin and the mechanisms that control the location and intensity of heavy precipitating systems that often produce floods. The Hydrological Cycle in Mediterranean Experiment (HyMeX) program is a 10-yr concerted experimental effort at the international level that aims to advance the scientific knowledge of the water cycle variability in all compartments (land, sea, and atmosphere) and at various time and spatial scales. It also aims to improve the processes-based models needed for forecasting hydrometeorological extremes and the models of the regional climate system for predicting regional climate variability and evolution. Finally, it aims to assess the social and economic vulnerability to hydrometeorological natural hazards in the Mediterranean and the adaptation capacity of the territories and populations therein to provide support to policy makers to cope with water-related problems under the influence of climate change, by linking scientific outcomes with related policy requirements.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2003
Jordi Isern-Fontanet; Emilio García-Ladona; Jordi Font
A procedure is presented to detect eddy cores from sea level anomaly (SLA) maps obtained from altimetric measurements. The method is based on finding the sign of Q, which is an invariant of the velocity gradient tensor (=u). This parameter, commonly used in studies of two-dimensional turbulence, measures the relative contribution of deformation and vorticity. Vortex cores are associated with regions with large and positive values of Q. It is shown that this parameter is adequate to detect marine eddies in altimetric maps and, when the geometry of streamline contours in SLA maps is unclear, the Q . 0 criterion appears to work more consistently. The performance of the methodology is applied, as an example, to altimetric maps of the Algerian Basin in the Western Mediterranean Sea, where two long-lived eddies are tracked. The observed trajectories are in good agreement with Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) images.
international geoscience and remote sensing symposium | 2004
Jordi Font; Gary S. E. Lagerloef; D.M. Le Vine; Adriano Camps; O.Z. Zanife
The European Space Agency Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission aims at obtaining global maps of soil moisture and sea surface salinity from space for large-scale and climatic studies. It uses an L-band (1400-1427 MHz) Microwave Interferometric Radiometer by Aperture Synthesis to measure brightness temperature of the earths surface at horizontal and vertical polarizations (T/sub h/ and T/sub v/). These two parameters will be used together to retrieve the geophysical parameters. The retrieval of salinity is a complex process that requires the knowledge of other environmental information and an accurate processing of the radiometer measurements. Here, we present recent results obtained from several studies and field experiments that were part of the SMOS mission, and highlight the issues still to be solved.
Journal of Physical Oceanography | 2006
Jordi Isern-Fontanet; Emilio García-Ladona; Jordi Font
The presence of coherent vortices makes observed mesoscale fields of the ocean resemble twodimensional turbulence. Using this analogy, a common definition of a coherent structure has been used to study the statistical properties of Mediterranean Sea vortices observed by satellite altimeters over a 7-yr period. A vortex has been defined as the simply connected region with values of the Okubo–Weiss parameter W 0.2W, where W is the spatial standard deviation of W, and the same sign of vorticity. This definition is shown to be appropriate to detect and characterize, statistically, properties such as size, mean kinetic energy, and amplitude of vortices in the Mediterranean basin from sea level anomaly maps corresponding to the period from October 1992 to October 1999. The distribution of such properties for the Mediterranean vortices suggests a heuristic criterion to extract and select very coherent and long-lived vortices from the whole set of structures identified in altimetric maps. Such coherent vortices appear to be selected for amplitudes greater than 2W, where the amplitude has been defined in terms of the Okubo– Weiss parameter rather than vorticity, and strongly correspond to those reported from observations with independent data. Systematic locating and tracking of such vortices provide, for the first time, a general picture of their preferential paths in the Mediterranean basin, which are characterized by complex but rather well defined patterns.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2004
Adriano Camps; Jordi Font; Mercè Vall-Llossera; Carolina Gabarró; Ignasi Corbella; Nuria Duffo; Francesc Torres; S. Blanch; Albert Aguasca; Ramon Villarino; L. Enrique; J. Miranda; Juan José Arenas; A. Julià; J. Etcheto; Vicente Caselles; Alain Weill; Jacqueline Boutin; Stephanie Contardo; Raquel Niclòs; Raúl Rivas; Steven C. Reising; Patrick Wursteisen; Michael Berger; Manuel Martin-Neira
Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) is an Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission from the European Space Agency with a launch date in 2007. Its goal is to produce global maps of soil moisture and ocean salinity variables for climatic studies using a new dual-polarization L-band (1400-1427 MHz) radiometer Microwave Imaging Radiometer by Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS). SMOS will have multiangular observation capability and can be optionally operated in full-polarimetric mode. At this frequency the sensitivity of the brightness temperature (T/sub B/) to the sea surface salinity (SSS) is low: 0.5 K/psu for a sea surface temperature (SST) of 20/spl deg/C, decreasing to 0.25 K/psu for a SST of 0/spl deg/C. Since other variables than SSS influence the T/sub B/ signal (sea surface temperature, surface roughness and foam), the accuracy of the SSS measurement will degrade unless these effects are properly accounted for. The main objective of the ESA-sponsored Wind and Salinity Experiment (WISE) field experiments has been the improvement of our understanding of the sea state effects on T/sub B/ at different incidence angles and polarizations. This understanding will help to develop and improve sea surface emissivity models to be used in the SMOS SSS retrieval algorithms. This paper summarizes the main results of the WISE field experiments on sea surface emissivity at L-band and its application to a performance study of multiangular sea surface salinity retrieval algorithms. The processing of the data reveals a sensitivity of T/sub B/ to wind speed extrapolated at nadir of /spl sim/0.23-0.25 K/(m/s), increasing at horizontal (H) polarization up to /spl sim/0.5 K/(m/s), and decreasing at vertical (V) polarization down to /spl sim/-0.2 K/(m/s) at 65/spl deg/ incidence angle. The sensitivity of T/sub B/ to significant wave height extrapolated to nadir is /spl sim/1 K/m, increasing at H-polarization up to /spl sim/1.5 K/m, and decreasing at V-polarization down to -0.5 K/m at 65/spl deg/. A modulation of the instantaneous brightness temperature T/sub B/(t) is found to be correlated with the measured sea surface slope spectra. Peaks in T/sub B/(t) are due to foam, which has allowed estimates of the foam brightness temperature and, taking into account the fractional foam coverage, the foam impact on the sea surface brightness temperature. It is suspected that a small azimuthal modulation /spl sim/0.2-0.3 K exists for low to moderate wind speeds. However, much larger values (4-5 K peak-to-peak) were registered during a strong storm, which could be due to increased foam. These sensitivities are satisfactorily compared to numerical models, and multiangular T/sub B/ data have been successfully used to retrieve sea surface salinity.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2012
Susanne Mecklenburg; Matthias Drusch; Yann Kerr; Jordi Font; Manuel Martin-Neira; Steven Delwart; Guillermo Buenadicha; Nicolas Reul; Elena Daganzo-Eusebio; Roger Oliva; Raffaele Crapolicchio
The European Space Agencys Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission was launched on the 2nd of November 2009. The first six months after launch, the so-called commissioning phase, were dedicated to test the functionalities of the spacecraft, the instrument, and the ground segment including the data processors. This phase was successfully completed in May 2010, and SMOS has since been in the routine operations phase and providing data products to the science community for over a year. The performance of the instrument has been within specifications. A parallel processing chain has been providing brightness temperatures in near-real time to operational centers, e.g., the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. Data quality has been within specifications; however, radio-frequency interference (RFI) has been detected over large parts of Europe, China, Southern Asia, and the Middle East. Detecting and flagging contaminated observations remains a challenge as well as contacting national authorities to localize and eliminate RFI sources emitting in the protected band. The generation of Level 2 soil moisture and ocean salinity data is an ongoing activity with continuously improved processors. This article will summarize the mission status after one year of operations and present selected first results.
Progress in Oceanography | 1999
Uwe Send; Jordi Font; Gerd Krahmann; Claude Millot; Monika Rhein; Joaquín Tintoré
The Mediterranean Sea has been investigated intensively since the early nineties, using modern techniques and collaborative approaches. This overview summarizes some of the resulting advances that were made concerning the physical oceanography of the western Mediterranean. The water mass formation processes are now much better understood and have been quantified to a large extent. The boundary conditions of the system in terms of surface fluxes and strait transports can be determined with improved accuracy, thus enabling future investigation of interannual variability. The dynamics of the surface and intermediate layers have revealed a variety of eddy and mesoscale processes that are important for the circulation and spreading of water masses. The deep circulation is being investigated with Lagrangian techniques (tracers and floats). First results show a large component of the deep water originating from the Tyrrhenian Sea and intense cyclonic and anticyclonic eddy flows.