
Veterinary Parasitology | 2018

Risk factor meta-analysis and Bayesian estimation of genetic parameters and breeding values for hypersensibility to cutaneous habronematidosis in donkeys

Francisco Javier Navas González; Jordi Vidal; Maria Esperanza Camacho Vallejo; Jose Manuel León Jurado; Manuel Rafael de la Haba Giraldo; Cecilio José Barba Capote; Juan Vicente Delgado Bermejo

Cutaneous habronematidosis (CH) is a highly prevalent seasonally recurrent skin disease that affects donkeys as a result from the action of spirurid stomach worm larvae. Carrier flies mistakenly deposit these larvae on previous skin lesions or on the moisture of natural orifices, causing distress and inflicting relapsing wounds to the animals. First, we carried out a meta-analysis of the predisposing factors that could condition the development of CH in Andalusian donkeys. Second, basing on the empirical existence of an inter and intrafamilial variation previously addressed by owners, we isolated the genetic background behind the hypersensibility to this parasitological disease. To this aim, we designed a Bayesian linear model (BLM) to estimate the breeding values and genetic parameters for the hypersensibility to CH as a way to infer the potential selection suitability of this trait, seeking the improvement of donkey conservation programs. We studied the historical record of the cases of CH of 765 donkeys from 1984 to 2017. Fixed effects included birth year, birth season, sex, farm/owner, and husbandry system. Age was included as a linear and quadratic covariate. Although the effects of birth season and birth year were statistically non-significant (P > 0.05), their respective interactions with sex and farm/owner were statistically significant (P < 0.01), what translated into an increase of 40.5% in the specificity and of 0.6% of the sensibility of the model designed, when such interactions were included. Our BLM reported highly accurate genetic parameters as suggested by the low error of around 0.005, and the 95% credible interval for the heritability of ±0.0012. The CH hypersensibility heritability was 0.0346. The value of 0.1232 for additive genetic variance addresses a relatively low genetic variation in the Andalusian donkey breed. Our results suggest that farms managed under extensive husbandry conditions are the most protective ones against developing CH. Furthermore, these results provide evidence of the lack of repercussion of other factors such as age or sex. Potentially considering CH hypersensibility as a negative selection aimed goal in donkey breeding programs, may turn into a measure to improve animal welfare indirectly. However, the low heritability value makes it compulsory to control environmental factors to ensure the effectiveness of the breeding measures implemented to obtain individuals that may genetically be less prone to develop the condition.

Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament | 2012

Summaries on the Young Idrimi

Jordi Vidal

ABSTRACT This paper aims at reconstructing the possible sources used by the scribe Sharruwa to write the section of the Autobiography of Idrimi de-voted to his early years. Parallel stories attested in other Ancient Near Eastern texts (David and his brigands, the Egyptian story of the Doomed Prince) sug-gest the existence of longer folk versions on the young Idrimi which were summarized by Sharruwa and included in the Autobiography.

Veterinary Research Communications | 2018

Genetic parameter estimation and implementation of the genetic evaluation for gaits in a breeding program for assisted-therapy in donkeys.

Francisco Javier Navas González; Jordi Vidal; Jose Manuel León Jurado; Amy K. McLean; Gabriela Pizarro Inostroza; Juan Vicente Delgado Bermejo

Genetic analyses in donkeys are likely to face compromises in terms of sample size and population structure. This study aims at implementing a suitable model to estimate breeding values and genetic parameters for gaits in Andalusian donkeys. Empirical observation revealed that ambling donkeys (showing a slightly uneven, non-isochronous 1–2, 3–4 lateral sequence gait) did not walk (i.e. presented an isochronous, even 1-2-3-4 sequence gait) and vice versa. However, the two donkey groups could trot, equally. In this study, 2700 gait records were registered from 300 donkeys. The sample included 1350 gait records from 169 ambling/trotting donkeys and 1350 gait records from 131 walking/trotting donkeys. Fixed effects included year, season, sex, farm/owner, husbandry system, weather, ground type and appraisers. Weight and age were included as covariates. MTDFREML software was used to estimate (co)variance components, genetic parameters and predict breeding values and their accuracies in both sets, separately. Gaits’ heritability ± SE estimates were 0.56 ± 0.155, 0.53 ± 0.317 and 0.67 ± 0.166 for amble, walk and trot, respectively. Genetic correlations were 0.31 ± 0.216, 0.42 ± 0.115 and 0.28 ± 0.178, for amble and walk, amble and trot and walk and trot, respectively. Not all gaits are suitable to treat every human sensomotor condition. We developed a locomotion selection index, assessing the relative loss/gain in index accuracy when each gait modality was excluded to develop different gait specific therapeutic lines to genetically select the best performing donkeys from each gait modality. Our results suggest that gait genetic lines could be developed and may be potential selection criteria to consider in assisted-therapy donkey breeding programs.

Behavioural Processes | 2018

Genetic parameter and breeding value estimation of donkeys' problem-focused coping styles

Francisco Javier Navas González; Jordi Vidal; Jose Manuel León Jurado; Ander Arando Arbulu; Amy K. McLean; Juan Vicente Delgado Bermejo

Abstract Donkeys are recognized therapy or leisure-riding animals. Anecdotal evidence has suggested that more reactive donkeys or those more easily engaging flight mechanisms tend to be easier to train compared to those displaying the natural donkey behaviour of fight. This context brings together the need to quantify such traits and to genetically select donkeys displaying a neutral reaction during training, because of its implication with handler/rider safety and trainability. We analysed the scores for coping style traits from 300 Andalusian donkeys from 2013 to 2015. Three scales were applied to describe donkeys’ response to 12 stimuli. Genetic parameters were estimated using multivariate models with year, sex, husbandry system and stimulus as fixed effects and age as a linear and quadratic covariable. Heritabilities were moderate, 0.18 ± 0.020 to 0.21 ± 0.021. Phenotypic correlations between intensity and mood/emotion or response type were negative and moderate (−0.21 and −0.25, respectively). Genetic correlations between the same variables were negative and moderately high (−0.46 and −0.53, respectively). Phenotypic and genetic correlations between mood/emotion and response type were positive and high (0.92 and 0.95, respectively). Breeding values enable selection methods that could lead to endangered breed preservation and genetically selecting donkeys for the uses that they may be most suitable.

PR: pequeños rumiantes | 2007

La oveja "Roja Rossellonenca": una aportación a su caracterización biométrica

Pere Miquel Parés i Casanova; Jordi Vidal

Agro-cultura: La revista de la producció ecològica i l'agroecologia | 2006

Races autòctones, la protecció d'un patrimoni col.lectiu

Pere Miquel Parés i Casanova; Amadeu Francesch Vidal; Jordi Vidal; Francesc Xavier Such i Martí


Alberto del Castillo y la arqueología medieval

Jordi Vidal

Archivo Espanol De Arqueologia | 2016

La escuela de arqueología del Mediterráneo Oriental que no pudo ser. Aproximación a la figura de Josep Gibert i Buch

Jordi Vidal

Historiae | 2015

Adolf Hitler, Friedrich Delitzsch y el antisemitismo en los estudios bíblicos

Jordi Vidal

Anuario de la Escuela de Historia | 2015

Soldados Nubios en las Cartas de Amarna

Jordi Vidal

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