Jorge Castellá Sarriera
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2007
Jorge Castellá Sarriera; Denise Carvalho Tatim; Roberta Paula Schell Coelho; Joana Büsker
The article presents the results of a research that analyzes free time usage by lower class teenagers. The analysis on how teenagers manage their free time can supply data for the development of psychoeducative intervention and the promotion of this populations health. There were 159 teenagers who answered the instrument, in which 85 were females and 75 were males. The data collected made it possible to characterize free time usage and to trace comparisons between different age groups and genders. The results show that non-organized activities predominate, such as watching television and being on the streets, as well as the difficulty to access leisure and cultural and sport activities by these teenagers, what may become, according to the literature researched, an indicative of vulnerability with regard to risk situations.
Psicologia & Sociedade | 2003
Jorge Castellá Sarriera; Mariana Calesso Moreira; Kátia Bones Rocha; Taís Nicoletti Bonato; Rafaela Duso; Sabrina Prikladnicki
This article aims is investigate how health is understood by differents paradigms in psychology and how they evaluated epidemiology studies. Seven investigators and psychology health professional from Brazil, Spain and Argentina were interviews, this professionals guide their practices by differents conceptual theories: Social Critique, Clinical (Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavior), Ecological Contextual and Community. After the evaluation of those interviews it was possible identify that exist a diversity of health compression. The health concepts are related with the human, world, reality, social context and possibility of change compression concepts. In relation to the epidemiology studies we realizes that some participations use a superficial and large description, related to the medical conception about the epidemiology; others emphasizes the relevance of to consider the contexts that the studies are achieves. Only one participant mentioned the role of epidemiology specifically for psychology. We conclude that is of fundamental importance that the professional of health has conscience of the paradigm that directs your practice can to evaluate the consequences of your action like professional and citizen.
Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão | 2007
Jorge Castellá Sarriera; Ângela Carina Paradiso; Paula Nunes Mousquer; Luciana Fernandes Marques; Júlia Schneider Hermel; Roberta Paula Schell Coelho
O presente artigo e uma pesquisa descritiva de cunho qualitativo sobre os significados que adolescentes de classe popular atribuem ao tempo livre. Participaram da pesquisa 120 adolescentes escolarizados de ambos os sexos, entre 12 e 18 anos, de Porto Alegre (RS - Brasil). Os resultados colhidos atraves de 15 grupos focais identificaram a dissonância entre as crencas e os conhecimentos sobre o tempo livre e as praticas dos adolescentes assim como os diversos sentidos atribuidos as mesmas atividades em termos de liberdade e prazer. Os significados estao unidos as experiencias dos participantes e sua complexidade depende das contingencias contextuais, e estao permeados pelas interligacoes entre diferentes conceitos emergidos. Observamos diferencas entre os grupos etarios em relacao a percepcao de liberdade de escolha no tempo livre. As vezes, o ocio objetiva desenvolvimento, e e um periodo produtivo no qual ha investimentos no âmbito social, cultural ou pessoal. Por vezes, ha tambem uma percepcao do ocio como descanso, na medida em que relacionam tempo livre com ideias de compensacao do cansaco oriundo das tarefas cotidianas. Observamos diferencas entre os grupos etarios em relacao a percepcao de liberdade de escolha no tempo livre.
Psicologia Escolar e Educacional | 2006
Kátia Bones Rocha; Jorge Castellá Sarriera
Este trabajo investiga como los profesores de una universidad particular perciben su salud. La delineacion es de caracter descriptivo-correlacional. Instrumentos utilizados: Questionario de Saude de Goldberg (QGS-60) y una ficha con datos bio-demograficos investigando variables individuales y relativas a la actividad laboral. La muestra se constituyo de 161 profesores que fueron elegidos por estratos por medio de las diferentes areas de formacion. Los resultados revelan que los profesores perciben que su salud general esta como de costumbre, o sea, ni mejor ni peor y que existe una asociacion entre las variables sexo, practica religiosa y variables relativas al ambiente de trabajo (horas de trabajo en la universidad y en sala de aula), influenciando la percepcion que los profesores tienen de su salud.A presente pesquisa investiga como os professores de uma universidade particular percebem sua saude. O delineamento e de carater descritivocorrelacional. Os instrumentos utilizados: Questionario de Saude de Goldberg (QGS-60) e uma ficha com dados biodemograficos investigaram variaveis individuais e relativas a atividade laboral. A amostra se constitui de 161 professores, escolhidos por estratos atraves das diferentes area de formacao. Os resultados revelam que os professores percebem que sua saude geral esta como de costume, ou seja, nem melhor nem pior e que existe associacao entre as variaveis sexo, pratica religiosa e variaveis relativas ao ambiente de trabalho (horas de trabalho na universidade e em sala de aula), influenciando a percepcao que os professores tem de sua saude.
Psicologia Em Estudo | 2008
Mariana Calesso Moreira; Jorge Castellá Sarriera
Young pregnant women’s perception on their satisfacti on and on the composition of their social support network is provided. Research involved a sample of 1 00 young females, between the 3 rd and 9 month of pregnancy, who underwent prenatal examination in public hospitals o f P rto Alegre, RS, Brazil. An interview comprising bi o-demographics data and the Social Support Questionnaire were employed. Results show that participants were hi ghly satisfied with the received social support and indicate that the main support protagonists were the mother, the partner, f ri nds and the father, in this order. Adolescents who counted on the social sup port of parental figures were those who were most sati sfied. Above results indicate that the parents’ social support d u ing pregnancy is crucial for the feeling of well-b eing and satisfaction with the received social support.
Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão | 2011
Thiago Gomes de Castro; Daniel Abs; Jorge Castellá Sarriera
The study focuses the application of the content analysis method in empirical research in psychology, according to the technical procedures identified under that methodology. It presents in the first place a brief discussion on the variations in CA and an analysis of the scientific validation criteria that support the method practice. Then it describes the most frequent modes of uses of the CA, extracted from a review conducted in 83 articles published between 2004 and 2009 in six psychology journals in Brazil. The selected journals were classified as A1 and A2 in a triennial assessment for the CAPES periodicals (2007- 2009), and were retrieved from the Scielo base of journals. The final discussion highlights the evaluation assessment of methodological rigor accuracy associated to the practice of the method, suggesting clear information about the CA approach, implementation of the CA and careful explanation of the steps and technical procedures adopted in data analysis.The study focuses the application of the content analysis method in empirical research in psychology, according to the technical procedures identified under that methodology. It presents in the first place a brief discussion on the variations in CA and an analysis of the scientific validation criteria that support the method practice. Then it describes the most frequent modes of uses of the CA, extracted from a review conducted in 83 articles published between 2004 and 2009 in six psychology journals in Brazil. The selected journals were classified as A1 and A2 in a triennial assessment for the CAPES periodicals (2007- 2009), and were retrieved from the Scielo base of journals. The final discussion highlights the evaluation assessment of methodological rigor accuracy associated to the practice of the method, suggesting clear information about the CA approach, implementation of the CA and careful explanation of the steps and technical procedures adopted in data analysis.
Psico-USF | 2005
Mariana Gonçalves Boeckel; Jorge Castellá Sarriera
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo e investigar a estrutura fatorial do Questionario de Estilos Parentais (PAQ) desenvolvido por John Buri. A amostra estratificada foi composta por 323 estudantes de ambos os sexos que cursam uma universidade particular. Foi utilizada a analise de componentes principais, com rotacao oblimin, empregando a regra de Kaiser (retencao dos autovalores maiores que 1). A analise demonstrou a presenca de tres fatores com autovalores superiores a 1. O total dos fatores explica 43,96% da variância total do construto estilos parentais. O primeiro fator explica 25,70%; o segundo, 11,77%; e o terceiro, 6,49%. Os tres fatores alcancaram um nivel de consistencia interna satisfatorio. Os resultados sugerem possibilidades positivas de aplicacao do instrumento em nossa realidade, mas faz-se necessario o desenvolvimento de futuros estudos sobre o instrumento em amostras diversificadas. Palavras-Chave: Estilos parentais; Estrategias educacionais; Analise fatorial; Questionario de Estilos Parentais (PAQ). The factorial analysis of Parental Authoritative Questionnaire in a sample of college young adults
Estudos De Psicologia (natal) | 2005
Jorge Castellá Sarriera; Adolfo Pizzinato; María Piedad Rangel Meneses
Neste artigo apresentam-se alguns aspectos psicossociais presentes no processo migratorio de seis familias hispano-americanas na regiao metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Estes aspectos, relatados atraves de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os integrantes das familias, indicam os principais topicos que nortearam as entrevistas: suas trajetorias migracionais, decisao de imigrar, sua insercao na cultura local, suas relacoes comunitarias, identidade e expectativas de vida. Sao analisadas as formas como ocorrem as transicoes aculturativas no contexto local.
Suma Psicológica | 2014
Ferran Casas; Jorge Castellá Sarriera; Jaime Alfaro; Mònica González; Cristina Figuer; Daniel Abs da Cruz; Lívia Maria Bedin; Boris Valdenegro; Denise Oyarzún
This paper studies the inter-linguistic and intercultural comparability of subjective wellbeing during adolescence, as well as school satisfaction as a component of this well-being, using samples of 12 to 16-year-old from Brazil (n=1588), Chile (n=843) and Spain (n=2900). As subjective well-being indicators, two versions of the PWI (Cummins, Eckersley, van Pallant, Vugt, and Misajon, 2003) were adopted, one measuring well-being with different life domains, a single-item scale on overall life satisfaction (OLS). The six items on satisfaction with different facets of the school life, used by Casas et al. (2013), were included as subjective indicators of school satisfaction. The original version of the PWI (PWI7) and a longer version with 10 items (PWI10) are used. Both versions show a good fit in Confirmatory Factor Analysis using the pooled sample. Using multiple regressions analysis and Structural Equations Modelling (SEM), different options are considered and analyzed in order to estimate the most appropriate model to compare subjective wellbeing cross-countries, with school satisfaction included. An analysis of the results indicates that two multi-group SEM, which include the six items on satisfaction with different facets of school life related to a latent variable, and also related to latent variables PWI7 and PWI10, respectively, show good comparability between countries. Multiple regression analysis suggests that the most useful synthetic indicator on satisfaction with school life is satisfaction with your life as student. When this item is included in PWI7 or PWI10, internal consistency of each of the scales (PWI8 and PWI11) improves, and the respective multi-group SEM of these two psychometric scales show that variances, covariances and regressions are comparable between the three studied countries. This was not the case with the overall mean indices, which is probably due to the different answering styles of adolescents in each country.
Temas em Psicologia | 2014
James Ferreira Moura; Elívia Camurça Cidade; Verônica Morais Ximenes; Jorge Castellá Sarriera
This article aims to analyze the views of unidimensionality and multidimensionality of poverty in order to incorporate psychosocial dimensions that contribute to analysis of the complexity of this phenome1 Endereço para correspondência: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Psicologia, Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600, Sala 122, Santa Cecília, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil 90035-003. E-mail: jamesferreirajr@,, e Agradece-se a Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) pelo fi nanciamento. Moura Jr., J. F., Cidade, E. C., Ximenes, V. M., Sarriera, J. C. 342 non. Poverty is generally based on monetary unidimensional of the conceptualization and measurement, restricting the analysis to poverty lines. There is, then, the multidimensional paradigm of the Capabilities Approach that extends the concept of poverty. It is built into the centrality of the autonomy and freedom of the individual in the exercise of their capabilities and functionings as elements of defi nition of poverty. However, in its practical perspective, the Capabilities approach is located generally in the identifi cation of specifi c health issues, housing and living standards related to poverty. So, identifi es the need to incorporate psychosocial dimensions that contribute to expansion of the critic understanding of this phenomenon and cover subjective, negative and positive aspects with regard to coping strategies developed by the poor. It is proposed to personal well-being, analysis of the sense of community, of discriminatory practices and fatalism of those in poverty. Therefore, it analyses the need and commitment of psychological science in developing knowledge to increase understanding of this phenomenon.MOURA JUNIOR, James Ferreira; CIDADE, Elivia Camurca; XIMENES, Veronica Morais; SARRIERA, Jorge Castella. Concepcoes de pobreza: um convite a discussao psicossocial. Trends in Psychology/Temas em Psicologia, v. 22, n. 2, p. 341-352, dez. 2014.