
Molecules | 2013

Purification, partial characterization and immobilization of a mannose-specific lectin from seeds of Dioclea lasiophylla mart.

Vanir Reis Pinto-Junior; Mayara de Santiago; Vinicius Jose Silva Osterne; Jorge Luis Almeida Correia; Francisco Nascimento Pereira-Junior; João Batista Cajazeiras; Edson Holanda Teixeira; Antônia do Nascimento; Thaiz Batista Azevedo Rangel Miguel; Emilio de Castro Miguel; Alexandre Holanda Sampaio; Kyria do Nascimento; Celso Shiniti Nagano; Benildo Sousa Cavada

Lectin from the seeds of Dioclea lasiophylla (DlyL) was purified in a single step by affinity chromatography on a Sephadex® G-50 column. DlyL strongly agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes and was inhibited by monosaccharides (D-mannose and α-methyl-d-mannoside) and glycoproteins (ovalbumin and fetuin). Similar to other Diocleinae lectins, DlyL has three chains, α, β and γ, with mass of 25,569 ± 2, 12,998 ± 1 and 12,588 ± 1 Da, respectively, and has no disulfide bonds. The hemagglutinating activity of DlyL was optimal in pH 8.0, stable at a temperature of 70 °C and decreased in EDTA solution, indicating that lectin activity is dependent on divalent metals. DlyL exhibited low toxicity on Artemia sp. nauplii, but this effect was dependent on the concentration of lectin in solution. DlyL immobilized on cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose® 4B bound 0.917 mg of ovalbumin per cycle, showing the ability to become a tool for glycoproteomics studies.

Molecules | 2011

Molecular Characterization and Tandem Mass Spectrometry of the Lectin Extracted from the Seeds of Dioclea sclerocarpa Ducke

Jorge Luis Almeida Correia; Antônia Sâmia Fernandes do Nascimento; João Batista Cajazeiras; Ana C.S. Gondim; Ronniery I. Pereira; Bruno L. Sousa; André Luiz Coelho da Silva; Wanius Garcia; Edson Holanda Teixeira; Kyria S. Nascimento; Bruno Anderson Matias Rocha; Celso Shiniti Nagano; Alexandre Holanda Sampaio; Benildo Sousa Cavada

Lectin from the seeds of Dioclea sclerocarpa (DSL) was purified in a single step by affinity chromatography on a Sephadex G-50 column. The primary sequence, as determined by tandem mass spectrometry, revealed a protein with 237 amino acids and 81% of identity with ConA. DSL has a molecular mass of 25,606 Da. The β and γ chains weigh 12,873 Da and 12,752 Da, respectively. DSL hemagglutinated rabbit erythrocytes (both native and treated with proteolytic enzymes), showing stability even after one hour of exposure to a specific pH range. The hemagglutinating activity of DSL was optimal between pH 6.0 and 8.0, but was inhibited after incubation with D-galactose and D-glucose. The pure protein possesses a molecular mass of 25 kDa by SDS-PAGE and 25,606 Da by mass spectrometry. The secondary structure content was estimated using the software SELCON3. The results indicate that b-sheet secondary structures are predominant in DSL (approximately 42.3% antiparallel b-sheet and 6.7% parallel b-sheet). In addition to the b-sheet, the predicted secondary structure of DSL features 4.1% a-helices, 15.8% turns and 31.3% other contributions. Upon thermal denaturation, evaluated by measuring changes in ellipticity at 218 nm induced by a temperature increase from 20 °C to 98 °C, DSL displayed cooperative sigmoidal behavior with transition midpoint at 84 °C and permitted the observation of two-state model (native and denatured).

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | 2016

Structural analysis of a Dioclea sclerocarpa lectin: Study on the vasorelaxant properties of Dioclea lectins

Ito L. Barroso-Neto; Plínio Delatorre; Claudener Souza Teixeira; Jorge Luis Almeida Correia; João Batista Cajazeiras; Ronniery I. Pereira; Kyria S. Nascimento; Eva Pollyanna Peixe Laranjeira; Alana de Freitas Pires; Ana Maria Sampaio Assreuy; Bruno Anderson Matias Rocha; Benildo Sousa Cavada

Lectins are proteins that show a variety of biological activities. However, they share in common at least one domain capable of recognizing specific carbohydrates reversibly without changing its structure. The legume lectins family is the most studied family of plant lectins, in particular the Diocleinae subtribe, which possesses high degree of structural similarity, but variable biological activities. This variability lies in small differences that can be analyzed in studies based on structures. In particular, Dioclea sclerocarpa seed lectin (DSL) presents low ability to relax endothelialized rat aorta in comparison with other Dioclea lectins such as Dioclea violacea (DVL), Dioclea virgata (DvirL) and Dioclea rostrata (DRL). The DSL relaxation mechanism relies on nitric oxide production and carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD). This feature can be explained by structural differences, since DSL has a carbohydrate recognition domain design less favorable. In addition, the presence of a glutamate residue at position 205 proved to be a decisive factor for the low relaxant effect of Dioclea lectins.

Journal of Molecular Recognition | 2012

Purification and partial characterization of a novel lectin from Dioclea lasiocarpa Mart seeds with vasodilator effects

Antônia Sâmia Fernandes do Nascimento; Ana C.S. Gondim; João Batista Cajazeiras; Jorge Luis Almeida Correia; Alana de Freitas Pires; Kyria S. Nascimento; André Luis Coelho da Silva; Celso Shiniti Nagano; Ana Maria Sampaio Assreuy; Benildo Sousa Cavada

A lectin from seeds of Dioclea lasiocarpa (DLL) was purified in a single step by affinity chromatography in a Sephadex G‐50 column. DLL haemagglutinated rabbit erythrocytes showing stability even after 1 h of exposure to a different pH values (optimal between pH 6.0 and 8.0) but was inhibited after incubation with d‐mannose and d‐glucose. The pure protein possessed a molecular weight of 25 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 25,410Da by mass spectrometry. The results analyzed by the software SELCON 3 indicate that β‐sheet secondary structures are predominant in DLL (approximately 40.2% antiparallel β‐sheet, 4.6% parallel β‐sheet, 7.2% α‐helices, 17.3% turns, and 28.7% unordered structures). Mechanical activity of isolated aorta from rat measured by cumulative concentration curves of DLL, performed at the contraction plateau induced by phenylephrine in either endothelium‐intact or denuded aorta. DLL (IC50 = 34.12 ± 3.46 µg/ml) relaxed precontracted endothelized aortic rings by 34.61 ± 9.06%, 55.19 ± 11.9%, and 81.33 ± 14.35%, respectively, at 10 µg/ml (initial concentration), 30 µg/ml, and 100 µg/ml (maximum effect). All effects occurred via interaction with lectin domains and participation of nitric oxide. Copyright

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | 2017

Structural studies of a vasorelaxant lectin from Dioclea reflexa Hook seeds: Crystal structure, molecular docking and dynamics

Vanir Reis Pinto-Junior; Vinicius Jose Silva Osterne; Mayara Queiroz Santiago; Jorge Luis Almeida Correia; Francisco Nascimento Pereira-Junior; Rodrigo Bainy Leal; Maria Gonçalves Pereira; Larissa da Silva Chicas; Celso Shiniti Nagano; Bruno Anderson Matias Rocha; José Caetano Silva-Filho; Wandemberg Paiva Ferreira; Cíntia Renata Costa Rocha; Kyria S. Nascimento; Ana Maria Sampaio Assreuy; Benildo Sousa Cavada

The three-dimensional structure of Dioclea reflexa seed lectin (DrfL) was studied in detail by a combination of X-ray crystallography, molecular docking and molecular dynamics. DrfL was purified by affinity chromatography using Sephadex G-50 matrix. Its primary structure was obtained by mass spectrometry, and crystals belonging to orthorhombic space group P212121 were grown by the vapor diffusion method at 293K. The crystal structure was solved at 1.765Å and was very similar to that of other lectins from the same subtribe. The structure presented Rfactor and Rfree of 21.69% and 24.89%, respectively, with no residues in nonallowed regions of Ramachandran plot. Similar to other Diocleinae lectins, DrfL was capable of relaxing aortic rings via NO induction, with CRD participation, albeit with low intensity (32%). In silico analysis results demonstrated that DrfL could strongly interact with complex N-glycans, components of blood vessel glycoconjugates. Despite the high similarity among Diocleinae lectins, it was also reported that each lectin has unique CRD properties that influence carbohydrate binding, resulting in different biological effects presented by these molecules.

Biochimie | 2017

Molecular modeling, docking and dynamics simulations of the Dioclea lasiophylla Mart. Ex Benth seed lectin: An edematogenic and hypernociceptive protein

Vanir Reis Pinto-Junior; Vinicius Jose Silva Osterne; Mayara Queiroz Santiago; Claudia Figueiredo Lossio; Celso Shiniti Nagano; Cíntia Renata Costa Rocha; Jessica Catarine Frutuoso do Nascimento; Francisco Lucas Faustino Nascimento; Ivanice Bezerra da Silva; Antônia Simoni de Oliveira; Jorge Luis Almeida Correia; Rodrigo Bainy Leal; Ana Maria Sampaio Assreuy; Benildo Sousa Cavada; Kyria S. Nascimento

Lectins are proteins, or glycoproteins, capable of reversibly binding to specific mono- or oligosaccharides via a noncatalytic domain. The Diocleinae subtribe presents lectins with high structural similarity, but different effects based on biological activity assays. This variability results from small structural differences. Therefore, in this context, the present study aimed to perform a structural analysis of the lectin from Dioclea lasiophylla Mart. ex Benth seeds (DlyL) and evaluate its inflammatory effect. To accomplish this, DlyL was purified in a single step by affinity chromatography on Sephadex® G-50 matrix. DlyL primary structure was determined through a combination of tandem mass spectrometry and DNA sequencing. DlyL showed high similarity with other species from the same genus. Its theoretical three-dimensional structure was predicted by homology modelling, and the protein was subjected to ligand screening with monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and complex N-glycans by molecular docking. Stability and binding of the lectin with α-methyl-d-mannoside were assessed by molecular dynamics. DlyL showed acute inflammatory response with hypernociceptive effect in the paw edema model, possibly by interaction with glycans present at the cell surface.

Journal of Molecular Recognition | 2016

Purification and molecular characterization of a novel mannose‐specific lectin from Dioclea reflexa hook seeds with inflammatory activity

Vanir Reis Pinto-Junior; Jorge Luis Almeida Correia; Ronniery I. Pereira; Francisco Nascimento Pereira-Junior; Mayara Q. Santiago; Vinicius Jose Silva Osterne; Juliana C. Madeira; João Batista Cajazeiras; Celso Shiniti Nagano; Plínio Delatorre; Ana Maria Sampaio Assreuy; Kyria S. Nascimento; Benildo Sousa Cavada

A novel lectin present in Dioclea reflexa seeds (DrfL) was discovered and described in this study. DrfL was purified in a single step by affinity chromatography in a Sephadex G‐50 column. The lectin strongly agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes and was inhibited by α‐methyl‐d‐mannoside, d‐mannose, and d‐glucose. The hemagglutinating activity of DrfL is optimum at pH 5.0–7.0, stable up to 50 °C, and dependent on divalent cations. Similar to other lectins of the subtribe Diocleinae, the analysis by mass spectrometry indicated that DrfL has three chains (α, β, and γ) with masses of 25 562, 12 874, and 12 706 Da, respectively, with no disulfide bonds or glycosylation. DrfL showed inflammatory activity in the paw edema model and exhibited low cytotoxicity against Artemia sp. Copyright

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | 2018

Crystal structure of DlyL, a mannose-specific lectin from Dioclea lasiophylla Mart. Ex Benth seeds that display cytotoxic effects against C6 glioma cells.

Rodrigo Bainy Leal; Vanir Reis Pinto-Junior; Vinicius Jose Silva Osterne; Ingrid Alessandra Victoria Wolin; Ana Paula Machado Nascimento; Antonio Hadson Bastos Neco; David Alencar Araripe; Priscilla Gomes Welter; Corneville Correia Neto; Jorge Luis Almeida Correia; Cíntia Renata Costa Rocha; Kyria S. Nascimento; Benildo Sousa Cavada

Abstract Lectins are a class of carbohydrate-binding proteins or glycoproteins with diverse specificities and functions. The determination and characterization of the three-dimensional structures of these proteins are keys to understanding their biological effects. Recent studies have explored the anticancer potential of Diocleinae lectins (from Leguminoseae family), evaluating their antiproliferative effect and their ability to induce glioma cell death via apoptosis and autophagy. In this work, the three-dimensional structure of Dioclea lasiophylla seed lectin (DlyL) complexed with Xman (5-bromo-6-chloro-3-indolyl-α- d -mannopyranoside) was determined by X-ray crystallography. Moreover, interactions with relevant N-glycans were evaluated by molecular docking. DlyL presented the jellyroll motif, and both metal binding site (MBS) and carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD) were determined and characterized. Molecular docking simulations indicated that DlyL interacts favorably with N-glycans, especially those of the complex and hybrid types, unlike previously studied Diocleinae lectins. DlyL also showed antitumor potential against rat C6 glioma cells impairing cell migration, inducing autophagy and cell death via activation of caspase 3. These results indicate that small structural differences among Diocleinae lectins can, in turn, result in differential modulation of autophagy and cell apoptosis processes.

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | 2018

Structural studies and nociceptive activity of a native lectin from Platypodium elegans seeds (nPELa)

Benildo Sousa Cavada; David Alencar Araripe; Ivanice Bezerra da Silva; Vanir Reis Pinto-Junior; Vinicius Jose Silva Osterne; Antonio Hadson Bastos Neco; Eva Pollyanna Peixe Laranjeira; Claudia Figueiredo Lossio; Jorge Luis Almeida Correia; Alana de Freitas Pires; Ana Maria Sampaio Assreuy; Kyria S. Nascimento

A native lectin (nPELa), purified from seeds of the species Platypodium elegans, Dalbergieae tribe, was crystallized and structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction crystallography and bioinformatics tools. The obtained crystals diffracted to 1.6Å resolution, and nPELa structure were solved through molecular substitution. In addition, nPELa has a metal binding site and a conserved carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) similar to other Dalbergieae tribe lectins, such as PAL (Pterocarpus angolensis) and CTL (Centrolobium tomentosum). Molecular docking analysis indicated high affinity of this lectin for different mannosides, mainly trimannosides, formed by α-1,3 or α-1,6 glycosidic bond, as evidenced by the obtained scores. In addition, molecular dynamics simulations were performed to demonstrate the structural behavior of nPELa in aqueous solution. In solution, nPELa was highly stable, and structural modifications in its carbohydrate recognition site allowed interaction between the lectin and the different ligands. Different modifications were observed during simulations for each one of the glycans, which included different hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions through changes in the relevant residues. In addition, nPELa was evaluated for its nociceptive activity in mice and was reported to be the first lectin of the Dalbergieae tribe to show CRD-dependent hypernociceptive activity.

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology | 2014

Purification, Partial Characterization, and CNBr-Sepharose Immobilization of a Vasorelaxant Glucose/Mannose Lectin from Canavalia virosa Seeds

Vinicius Jose Silva Osterne; Mayara Q. Santiago; Vanir Reis Pinto-Junior; João Batista Cajazeiras; Jorge Luis Almeida Correia; Cintia Camurça Fernandes Leitão; Rômulo Farias Carneiro; Francisco Nascimento Pereira-Junior; Mayron Alves de Vasconcelos; Bruno Anderson Matias Rocha; Ana Maria Sampaio Assreuy; Pedro Henrique de Souza Ferreira Bringel; Celso Shiniti Nagano; Kyria S. Nascimento; Benildo Sousa Cavada

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