José Antônio Aleixo da Silva
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
Featured researches published by José Antônio Aleixo da Silva.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
Carlos Adonai Ferreira; Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira; Djalma Cordeiro; José Antônio Aleixo da Silva; M. A. Lira; Silmar Gonzaga Molica
Through multivariate techniques the phenetic divergence among clones of cactus forage was evaluated, in an experiment installed at Experimental Station of the Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuaria - IPA, Caruaru - PE. The experimental design was a complete block design, with three blocks. The treatments were 19 clones of cactus forage of the Bank of Germoplasma of IPA. It was measured: a) measures in cladodios, according to the order: length, width, thickness, number and weight of the green matter; b) measures by plant: thorn presence, number of cladodios for order and total, total height, infestation for cochineal and weight of the green matter. It was applied the univariate analyses of variance (ANOVA) and multivariate (MANOVA), the canonical variables (CV) and cluster analysis (CA). In ANOVA difference were verified among the averages of clones. Differences among vectors of averages of clones were detected by means of MANOVA. It was possible to reduce the original dimensionality for two dimensions, that explained of 85.03% of the total variation, by applicating VC. The infestation percentage by cochineal was considered a characteristics susceptible to discard. In CA was discriminated nine group. In the studied conditions, the characteristic infestation percentage for cochineal should not be included in the study of the genetic diversity; the characteristics of larger discrimination were thickness average for cladodio primary, secondary and tertiary, number of primary cladodio and medium weights of green matter for secondary and tertiary cladodio, in a program of crossing of cactus forage, it must be considered the group of clones and the clone performance as characteristics with higher agronomic relevance and animal science.
Ciencia Florestal | 2010
Perseu da Silva Aparício; Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira; José Antônio Aleixo da Silva; Antônio Carlos Rosa; Wegliane Campelo da Silva Aparício
This study aimed to analyze the initial growth of two clones of the hybrid Eucalyptus urograndis in different weed management systems, during the year of implantation, in the Amapa area. The study was developed in Amapa Florestal Celulose S.A. (AMCEL), from September/2006 until November/2007, with two experimental areas located in Itaubal, AP (0°42’N; 50°450°48’W). Two clones of the hybrid Eucalyptus urograndis (H3911 and H3243) were planted by mechanized form, with one clone per stand. The areas were cleaned using an application of glyphosate. A repeated measure model was used. Treatments consisted of the two clones and six silvicultural treatments with four replicates (T1: without cleaning; T2: total cleaning; T3: cleaning in two bands of 50cm at the plantation line; T4: cleaning in two bands of 75cm at the plantation line; T5: cleaning in two bands of 100cm at the plantation line; and T6: circle cleaning with 75cm of ray). In the beginning of the evaluation, only plants height were measured. From the fifth month on, the diameter, at 1.30m (DBH), was also measured. The Mauchly sphericity test was carried out and hypotheses of nullity were tested for interactions time x clone and time x clone x types of cleanness. Differences among means were compared by Tukey test (p < 0.05). For clone H3911, the treatment T5 and Total Cleaning showed statistically similar heights, which did not occur with the other treatments. For the DBH of clone H3911 plants, growth was similar, though with different rates of growth during the evaluation period, where T1 and T6 showed greater sensitivity to competition. The heights of clone H3243 plants remained statistically similar at the end of the experiment, however, for DAP, it was observed that plants from T1 were more sensitive to the presence and effect of weeds, athough they had a mean DBH statistically superior to other treatments in the first month of evaluation.The growth of plants from the Total Cleaning treatment was superior in comparison to the other treatments over a year of assessment for both clones tested.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2007
Fábio Luiz da Cunha Brito; Mario M. Rolim; José Antônio Aleixo da Silva; Elvira M. R. Pedrosa
The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of percolation from three soil classes that received vinasse doses with different incubation times. The soils, classified as Haplic Nitosol, Yellow Argisol and Carbic Spodosol, were reproduced in twenty-seven 20 × 110 cm PVC columns (diameter × height) with horizons, thickness and densities similar to original soil. The soils were treated with vinasse doses equivalent to 0 (control), 350 and 700 m3 ha-1, and submitted to 30 and 60 days incubation. The collected effluents were analyzed for BOD5, COD, EC, TDS and pH. The results indicated that variations in the analyzed parameters, due to vinasse application in the soil, do not bring concerns in relation to environmental quality. Despite different textures and consequently, different physiochemical properties, the comparison of percolates with natural vinasse data indicated that the soils presented high retention power, reducing the possibility of this waste causing pollution to the subsurface waters.
Revista Arvore | 2004
Suely Lundreeng Austregésilo; Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira; José Antônio Aleixo da Silva; Agostinho Lopes de Souza; Isabelle Maria Jacqueline Meunier; Eufrázio de Souza Santos
Objetivou-se comparar prognoses da distribuicao diametrica de uma floresta estacional semidecidual secundaria obtidas pelos metodos da razao de movimentacao, de Wahlenberg e da matriz de transicao. Foram utilizados dados obtidos em dez anos de monitoramento do ensaio de producao sustentavel em floresta secundaria, implantado em 1986 pela companhia Vale do Rio Doce, em Rio Vermelho e Serra Azul de Minas, Minas Gerais. Foram considerados apenas os dados referentes a area sem intervencao, e as arvores foram agrupadas por classe de diâmetro de 5 cm. As analises da taxa de crescimento foram realizadas a partir dos periodos de monitoramento de 1986 a 1996, com intervalos de dois em dois anos. As prognoses da estrutura diametrica para 1994 e 1996 foram realizadas por meio dos metodos da razao de movimentacao, de Wahlenberg e da matriz de transicao e comparadas com a estrutura real. A consistencia da prognose obtida por cada metodo foi realizada por meio do teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov (P = 0,05). Quanto ao numero medio de arvores, as prognoses obtidas pelos tres metodos foram similares a estrutura real, tanto para 1994 como para 1996. No entanto, quanto a distribuicao diametrica, os metodos nao foram eficientes quando comparados com a estrutura real. Pode-se concluir que os metodos da razao de movimentacao, de Wahlenberg e da matriz de transicao foram eficientes na prognose do numero medio de arvores/ha da floresta estudada, porem nao o foram na prognose da distribuicao diametrica da mesma floresta.
Revista Arvore | 2006
Márcio Augusto de Albuquerque; Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira; José Antônio Aleixo da Silva; Eufrázio de Souza Santos; Borko Stosic; Agostinho Lopes de Souza
The main objective of this research was to propose a system to the study and interpretation of stability in cluster analysis through several cluster algorithms in vegetation data. The data set used derived from a survey in the Silviculture Forest at Federal University of Vicosa - MG. To perform the cluster analysis, the Mahalanobis distance matrices were estimated on basis of original data and bootstrap resampling. Also, the single linkage, complete linkage, average distances, centroid, median and Ward methods were used. Chi-square test was applied to detect the association among the methods. A co-phenetic correlation was obtained for the cluster methods. The results for the method associations were very similar, indicating that any algorithm of the studied clusters is stabilized, and in fact, that groups exist among the analyzed individuals. However, it was verified that the methods are coincident, except for the centroid and Ward, and also the centroid and median methods, when compared to Ward, respectively, based on the Mahalanobis matrices derived from the original data set and bootstrap. The methodology proposed is promising to the study and interpretation of the stability of cluster analysis methods in vegetation data.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2010
Rossini Mattos Corrêa; Maria Betânia Galvão dos Santos Freire; Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira; José Antônio Aleixo da Silva; Luiz Guilherme Medeiros Pessoa; Marcelo A. Miranda; Diego Vandeval Maranhão de Melo
Soils in semiarid climate regions had been degraded by salinization, reducing their productive capacity. This work aimed to evaluate physical attributes of soil in an irrigated perimeter in the semiarid Northeast of Brazil and to compare different soil uses using these attributes. The study was carried out at Ico-Mandantes Irrigated Perimeter, between Petrolândia and Floresta, in semiarid region of Pernambuco, in which the populations were separated by their uses in annual crops (C), fruticulture (F), discarded lands (D), pasture (P), native vegetation (V). Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were collected, in layers of 0-10, 10-30 and 30-60 cm, for physical analysis. The indicators were submitted to multivariate analysis, by Principal Component Analysis, and clustering by the Tocher method. The agricultural use promoted alterations in the physical attributes of soil in relation to soil under native vegetation. The soil quality for the physical attributes varied between the layers of 0-10 and 10-30 cm, except in use V, sohich presented similar quality in these layers. F and P uses had presented better physical soil quality than C use in the layers of 0-10 and 10-30 cm and D use presented the worst soil quality in the evaluated layers.
Ciencia Florestal | 2012
Fernando Henrique de Lima Gadelha; José Antônio Aleixo da Silva; Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira; Ivan Vieira de Melo; Danillo Lobo Jorge; José Alves Tavares; Sergio Peres Ramos Da Silva
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o rendimento volumetrico e energetico produzido por tres diferentes clones de hibridos de Eucalyptus sp.: C39 Hibrido de Eucalyptus urophylla (cruzamento natural); C41 Hibrido de Eucalyptus urophylla (cruzamento natural) e C11 Hibrido de Eucalyptus brassiana (cruzamento natural). Para a quantificacao do volume de madeira foi utilizado o processo de cubagem rigorosa pelo metodo de Smalian. A densidade basica da madeira e o poder calorifico foram determinados, respectivamente pelas normas ABNT (1984 e 2003). O consumo de lenha foi obtido por meio do acompanhamento da calcinacao da gipsita. O delineamento utilizado no experimento foi o inteiramente aleatorio. As produtividades volumetricas de tais clones foram, respectivamente, 158,46, 132,20 e 164,89 m³/ha aos 7,5 anos de idade, apresentando rendimentos durante a calcinacao da gipsita de 0,16, 0,10 e 0,13 metros cubicos de lenha por tonelada de gesso produzida, quando a lenha foi utilizada em forma de toras. Para a lenha em cavacos os rendimentos foram de 0,11, 0,08 e 0,09 metros cubicos por tonelada de gesso, resultados bem acima dos melhores rendimentos da lenha de vegetacao nativa, que sao de 0,16 metros cubicos por tonelada.
Cerne | 2015
Wellington Jorge Cavalcanti Lundgren; José Antônio Aleixo da Silva; Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira
No semiarido pernambucano na regiao do Polo Gesseiro do Araripe, onde e produzido 97% do gesso consumido no Brasil, um experimento florestal com 1875 arvores de eucaliptos foi cortado e todas as arvores foram cubadas rigorosamente pelo metodo de Smalian. A localizacao de cada arvore foi demarcada num plano cartesiano, e uma amostra de 200 arvores foi retirada pelo processo inteiramente aleatorio. Nas 200 unidades amostrais foram utilizados tres metodos de estimacao para a variavel volume de madeira, analise de regressao, krigagem e cokrigagem. Para a cokrigagem a variavel secundaria foi o DAP (Diâmetro a Altura do Peito) e para a regressao foi utilizado o modelo de Spurr ou da variavel combinada que utiliza duas variaveis explicativas a altura total da arvore (H) e o DAP. As variaveis volume e DAP apresentaram dependencia espacial. Para comparar os metodos foram utilizados o coeficiente de determinacao (R2), a distribuicao residual dos erros (valores observados x estimados). Os melhores resultados foram conseguidos com a regressao R2 = 0,82, volume total = 166,25 m3, a cokrigagem forneceu R2 = 0,72 e volume total = 164,14 m3 e a krigagem teve R2 = 0,32 e o volume total = 163,21 m3, o volume real do plantio era de 166,14 m3.
Revista Arvore | 2008
Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira; Adalmeres Cavalcanti da Mota; José Antônio Aleixo da Silva; Luiz Carlos Marangon; Eufrázio de Souza Santos
The objective of this work was to compare two multivariate methodologies in similarity studies among Atlantic Forest fragments. A bibliographical survey was carried out, and databanks were set up from 11 fragments of Atlantic Forest located in the States of Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The study of the floristic similarity was constructed using two methodologies of the multivariate analysis. For the usual methodology, a binary matrix (presence/absence) of 236 tree species present in the 11 fragments was used. A cluster analysis was applied using the simple linkage method and the Jaccards coefficient. In the proposed methodology, the principal components analysis was used for reducing the size of the density matrix and absolute dominancy of the 236 tree species, using the principal component scores to apply the cluster analysis by the Euclidean distance single linkage method. Two groups were identified; one in the Northeastern Region (Pernambuco) and another in the Southeastern Region (Minas Gerais). The proposed methodology identified only one group with fragments in the Northeastern region (Pernambuco), standing out that the quantitative variables are of utmost importance for the association of forests in different regions. The proposal methodology has potential for use in the study of forest fragment similarity.
Revista Arvore | 2016
Anderson Pedro Bernardina Batista; Maria Jesus Nogueira Rodal; José Antônio Aleixo da Silva; Ana Carolina Borges Lins e Silva; Francisco Tarcísio Alves Junior; José Márcio de Mello
Monitoring analyses aim to understand the processes that drive changes in forest structure and, along with prediction studies, may assist in the management planning and conservation of forest remnants. The objective of this study was to analyze the forest dynamics in two Atlantic rainforest fragments in Pernambuco, Brazil, and to predict their future forest diameter structure using the Markov chain model. We used continuous forest inventory data from three surveys in two forest fragments of 87 ha (F1) and 388 ha (F2). We calculated the annual rates of mortality and recruitment, the mean annual increment, and the basal area for each of the 3-year periods. Data from the first and second surveys were used to project the third inventory measurements, which were compared to the observed values in the permanent plots using chi-squared tests (a = 0.05). In F1, a decrease in the number of individuals was observed due to mortality rates being higher than recruitment rates; however, there was an increase in the basal area. In this fragment, the fit to the Markov model was adequate. In F2, there was an increase in both the basal area and the number of individuals during the 6-year period due to the recruitment rate exceeding the mortality rate. For this fragment, the fit of the model was unacceptable. Hence, for the studied fragments, the demographic rates influenced the stem density more than the floristic composition. Yet, even with these intense dynamics, both fragments showed active growth.