José Antonio Chehuen Neto
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
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Featured researches published by José Antonio Chehuen Neto.
Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica | 2011
José Antonio Chehuen Neto; Mauro Toledo Sirimarco; Nathália Stela Visoná de Figueiredo; Tatiane Neto Barbosa; Thiago Gonçalves da Silveira
Recent decades have witnessed an increase in the societal implications of medical error, a subject in which Medicine and Law intertwine. This study focused on medical error from the perspective of medical students and law students, assessing their level of interest and information and the need to discuss the topic during undergraduate education and how it occurs in each field, in their view. A cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study was conducted at the Federal University in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais State, in 2008 with 185 medical students and 119 law students. 88.7% of the medical students and 92.4% of the law students reported knowledge of medical error. The interest was due to the fact that medical error is currently a widely discussed issue. The students thought the issue should be addressed in their undergraduate education (97.8% of medical students and 94.9% of law students). It is important to discuss such a current issue in undergraduate education in both medicine and law, because of the potential for decreasing the vicious circle of errors, iatrogenesis, and law suits, in addition to fostering reflection on the role of medical education in the ethical training of young professionals.
Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica | 2009
José Antonio Chehuen Neto; Mauro Toledo Sirimarco; Cleide Mira Kawata Choi; Adriana Souza Fava; Leonardo de Resende Sousa Oliveira; Pedro Henrique Martins da Cunha
Medical Residency (MR) is known as the best form for a doctor to start his professional life and to developing his skills in a specialty. There is however a discrepancy between the number of graduate/ candidates for Medical Residency and the number of vacancies. In this context, students in the 5th and 6th years of Medical School are sacrificing their medical graduation during their internships to dedicate themselves to Preparatory Courses (PCs) for the Medical Residency. This study sought to investigate the expectations of the students with regard to RM as well as/ their opinion about the creation of the PCs. 70.83% of the students of the 7th, 8th and 9th semesters/ of the Medical School (MS) answered questionnaires with eight objective questions. They all stated to know the PC method; 76%/ intended to enroll; out of those who did not intend on to enroll, 63.17% claim that the/ main reason/ is poor financial conditions. 59.45% disapproves the current method of admission tests for MR. In conclusion, it is necessary to adapt the current teaching methods of the medical school to the model of admission tests for MR. The criteria for admission to MR should be adjusted, also considering the practical skills. The medical schools should always make inexpensive, up-to-date and modern educational material available to the students.
Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica | 2010
José Antonio Chehuen Neto; Mauro Toledo Sirimarco; Isabel Cristina Gonçalves Leite; Mariana Paula Cunha Gonçalves; Áureo Augusto de Almeida Delgado; Gustavo Bittencourt Camilo; Nayara Almeida de Abreu
Os profissionais da area de saude estao expostos a varios tipos de riscos ocupacionais, sendo o de maior impacto o risco biologico, devido ao contato direto com material orgânico potencialmente contaminado. A manutencao da situacao vacinal atualizada e uma das ferramentas que devem ser empregadas neste contexto, alem da adocao de medidas universais de biosseguranca, sendo a educacao fundamental neste processo. Avaliamos a situacao vacinal e a percepcao sobre risco biologico dos discentes da Faculdade de Medicina da UFJF em estudo observacional transversal (n = 136 alunos). Oitenta e nove alunos (65,4%) referiram estar com o cartao vacinal atualizado. Noventa e sete alunos (71,3%) receberam o esquema da hepatite B, e 99 (72,8%) o do tetano. Oitenta e seis 86 alunos (63,2%) declararam ter recebido orientacao sobre imunizacao durante o curso. Setenta e tres alunos (53,7%) ja foram expostos a material potencialmente contaminado em suas atividades academicas, e 97 deles (71,3%) usam equipamentos de protecao individual (EPI) nestas. Identificamos falhas na imunizacao (hepatite B e tetano), expondo os discentes a riscos desnecessarios. A orientacao relativa a imunizacao se mostrou insuficiente. A significativa taxa de exposicao a risco biologico e o insatisfatorio uso de EPIs verificados demandam maior atencao, a fim de prevenir acidentes.
Revista Bioética | 2015
José Antonio Chehuen Neto; Renato Erothildes Ferreira; Natália Cristina Simão Da Silva; Álvaro Henrique De Almeida Delgado; Caio Gomes Tabet; Guilherme Gomide Almeida; Isadora Figueiredo Vieira
The living will is a document in which the patients specify their wishes regarding what treatments should be carried out if they are in terminal condition. As it is a new subject, it has been generating doubts in relation to its diffusion, social acceptance and ethical principles. Our study is aimed at verifying the knowledge of healthcare professionals about this document, and analyzing different aspects related to its legal regulation and applicability. A cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study was performed in a sample of 351 healthcare professionals, through the application of a survey containing 29 multiple-choice questions, 9 about the sociodemographic profile and 20 about the opinion of the interviewees regarding the document. Among the respondents, 7.98% declared they knew how to write the document, 73.79% felt safer with its regulation, and 61.82% would do it for themselves (p < 0.05). Despite not previously knowing what a living will was, the majority of the sample stated they were in favour of the document and its regulation. This result suggests a need for further discussion and disclosure on the subject in the health sector.
Revista Bioética | 2015
José Antonio Chehuen Neto; Renato Erothildes Ferreira; Natália Cristina Simão Da Silva; Álvaro Henrique De Almeida Delgado; Caio Gomes Tabet; Guilherme Gomide Almeida; Isadora Figueiredo Vieira
The living will is a document in which the patients specify their wishes regarding what treatments should be carried out if they are in terminal condition. As it is a new subject, it has been generating doubts in relation to its diffusion, social acceptance and ethical principles. Our study is aimed at verifying the knowledge of healthcare professionals about this document, and analyzing different aspects related to its legal regulation and applicability. A cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study was performed in a sample of 351 healthcare professionals, through the application of a survey containing 29 multiple-choice questions, 9 about the sociodemographic profile and 20 about the opinion of the interviewees regarding the document. Among the respondents, 7.98% declared they knew how to write the document, 73.79% felt safer with its regulation, and 61.82% would do it for themselves (p < 0.05). Despite not previously knowing what a living will was, the majority of the sample stated they were in favour of the document and its regulation. This result suggests a need for further discussion and disclosure on the subject in the health sector.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2015
José Antonio Chehuen Neto; Geovane Mostaro Fonseca; Igor Vilela Brum; João Luís Carvalho Tricote dos Santos; Tamara Cristina Gomes Ferraz Rodrigues; Kátia Rocha Paulino; Renato Erothildes Ferreira
A Politica Nacional de Saude Integral da Populacao Negra tem o objetivo de garantir a equidade na atencao a saude para esse segmento populacional. Tal medida possui um carater compensatorio em virtude das discriminacoes raciais existentes ao longo da historia do Brasil. A populacao negra apresenta maior vulnerabilidade social e economica, o que reflete uma menor expectativa de vida e maior susceptibilidade a agravos. O objetivo do estudo e investigar o conhecimento da populacao negra acerca da politica, seus potenciais beneficios e as dificuldades de acesso a saude. Trata-se de uma pesquisa transversal, descritiva e quantitativa. Foram realizadas entrevistas estruturadas com 391 individuos negros, usuarios do SUS, da cidade de Juiz de Fora. A amostra foi estratificada de acordo com raca (preto e pardo), renda e escolaridade. Cerca de 90% dos entrevistados relataram desconhecer a existencia de uma politica de saude para a populacao negra e 53% declararam uma possivel discriminacao racial. Observou-se tambem associacao positiva entre discriminacao e menor escolaridade e renda. Apesar de desconhecerem a existencia da PNSIPN, a maioria dos entrevistados aprovou seus objetivos, mesmo relatando a possibilidade de discriminacao dela advinda.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2018
José Antonio Chehuen Neto; Nícolas Augusto Coelho Braga; Igor Vilela Brum; Gislaine Fernandes Gomes; Paula Liziero Tavares; Rafael Teixeira Costa Silva; Mariana Rodarte Freire; Renato Erothildes Ferreira
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo e descrever a percepcao sobre quedas dos idosos residentes na comunidade; mensurar a exposicao desses individuos a fatores de risco domiciliares relacionados; e avaliar a influencia do conhecimento sobre queda na adocao de medidas preventivas. O questionario FRAQ-Brasil foi aplicado a 473 idosos, juntamente com um questionario sobre exposicao a 20 fatores de risco domiciliares. Associacoes entre as variaveis foram analisadas utilizando o teste qui-quadrado com intervalo de confianca de 95%. A idade variou de 60 a 95 anos, com media de 70,6 anos; os entrevistados foram principalmente do sexo feminino (58,4%), e renda de 2 salarios minimos (46,3%); a media de acertos no questionario FRAQ-Brasil foi de 19,5 em ate 32 pontos e os idosos entrevistados estavam expostos, em media, a 7,8 fatores de risco domiciliares; 180 idosos disseram ja terem recebido informacoes sobre queda. A maioria da populacao idosa apresenta pouco conhecimento sobre queda. Individuos com idade mais avancada e com maior conhecimento sobre queda estao expostos a menos fatores de risco domiciliares, possivelmente pela maior adocao de medidas preventivas atraves da modificacao do ambiente domestico.OBJECTIVES to describe the awareness about falls among elderly people living in their households in communities, to measure the other risks that they are exposed to in their homes and to evaluate the influence that knowledge on falling brings in the adoption of preventative measures. METHOD The FRAQ-Brazil questionnaire was used on 473 elderly people as well as a questionnaire on elderly people being exposed to 20 household risk factors. Associations between the variables were analyzed using the chi-squared test with a confidence interval of 95%. RESULTS The age range was between 60 and 95 years with the average being 70.6 years. The majority of those interviewed were female (58.4%) who were earning 2 minimum wages (46.3%). The average amount of correct answers given with the use of the FRAQ-Brazil questionnaire was 19.5 out of 32 points and the elderly participants were, on average, exposed to 7.8 household risk factors. 180 of them stated that they had already received information on falls. CONCLUSION The majority of the elderly population displayed little knowledge on falls and were exposed to a variety of daily risk factors. Individuals who were more advanced in years and who had more knowledge on falls, were exposed to less household risk factors. This may well have been due to the adoption of preventative measures through changing domestic environment.
Geriatrics, gerontology and aging | 2017
José Antonio Chehuen Neto; Igor Vilela Brum; Nícolas Augusto Coelho Braga; Gislaine Fernandes Gomes; Paula Liziero Tavares; Rafael Teixeira Costa Silva; Igor Malheiros Assad; Renato Erothildes Ferreira
factors to that, including intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors, as well as the awareness about falls, assessed by the Falls Risk Awareness Questionnaire (FRAQ-Brazil). METHOD: It consisted of a quantitative, transversal, and descriptive study, performed with 472 elderly persons through interview. Data were analyzed by the chi-squared test with a confidence interval of 95%. RESULTS: The average age of the sample was 70.6 years and most of them were female. Among the sample, 55.2% referred previous episodes of fall. The majority of them self-reported having diseases associated with gait disturbance and used medicines that could cause falls. It was observed less falls among elderly with higher level of awareness about risk factors. CONCLUSION: A high prevalence of accidental falls and exposure of the elderly persons to several independent and concomitant risk factors were observed. Greater awareness level about falls seems to be a preventive factor, presenting a higher association with falls than level of education and income.
International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences | 2016
José Antonio Chehuen Neto; Igor Vilela Brum; Débora Rodrigues Pereira; Letícia Gomes Santos; Silvia Lopes de Moraes; Renato Erothildes Ferreira
Mailing Address: José Antonio Chehuen Neto Av. Presidente Itamar Franco, 1.495/1.001, Centro. Postal Code: 36016-320. Juiz de Fora, MG – Brazil. E-mail: Basic Life Support Knowledge and Interest Among Laypeople José Antonio Chehuen Neto, Igor Vilela Brum, Débora Rodrigues Pereira, Letícia Gomes Santos, Silvia Lopes de Moraes, Renato Erothildes Ferreira Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, MG – Brazil
Revista Bioética | 2015
José Antonio Chehuen Neto; Renato Erothildes Ferreira; Natália Cristina Simão Da Silva; Álvaro Henrique De Almeida Delgado; Caio Gomes Tabet; Guilherme Gomide Almeida; Isadora Figueiredo Vieira
The living will is a document in which the patients specify their wishes regarding what treatments should be carried out if they are in terminal condition. As it is a new subject, it has been generating doubts in relation to its diffusion, social acceptance and ethical principles. Our study is aimed at verifying the knowledge of healthcare professionals about this document, and analyzing different aspects related to its legal regulation and applicability. A cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study was performed in a sample of 351 healthcare professionals, through the application of a survey containing 29 multiple-choice questions, 9 about the sociodemographic profile and 20 about the opinion of the interviewees regarding the document. Among the respondents, 7.98% declared they knew how to write the document, 73.79% felt safer with its regulation, and 61.82% would do it for themselves (p < 0.05). Despite not previously knowing what a living will was, the majority of the sample stated they were in favour of the document and its regulation. This result suggests a need for further discussion and disclosure on the subject in the health sector.