José Antonio Segrelles Serrano
University of Alicante
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Featured researches published by José Antonio Segrelles Serrano.
Investigaciones Geográficas | 1992
José Antonio Segrelles Serrano
Porcine production intensification and the occurrence of new related legal regulations have originated the stablishment of an active cattle trade which have substituted in a good extent the traditional transsactions in Fairs and Markets. This trade stress the classic separation of cattle-rising zones from abattoirs and consumption areas, while the economical unbalance among the regions increase.
Investigaciones Geográficas | 1990
José Antonio Segrelles Serrano
Since the last 50s, deep social and economic changes happen in Spain, which promoted the intensification of the production methods in cattle-raising. At the same time new functional, economical and social relationships appear in this area and in farming. The straight integration stablishes several conections between different elements in the production chain and creates an unbalanced structure that disfavour the familiar exploitations.
Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense | 2007
José Antonio Segrelles Serrano
The question of property and land distribution has traditionally brought the rural towns of Latin America together in agricultural movements and uprisings of great public significance. However, despite the fact that most South American countries have been experiencing unprecedented agricultural reorganisations for more than fifteen years, the use and distribution of land has rarely been a socio-political topic until now. This reorganisation constitutes a decrease in land destined for food crops and an expansion of the land used for commercial crops, and is necessary due to the complex demand for cereals and meat. Furthermore, many countries in the region have huge external debts and urgently need to export goods in order to be able to pay the interest.
Entorno Geográfico | 2016
João Osvaldo Rodrigues Nunes; José Antonio Segrelles Serrano
El paisaje se analiza y estudia hoy desdedistintas disciplinas y diversos enfoques, pero eltermino y su concepto no siempre han existido. Suevolucion historica ha estado ligada al lenguaje y a laspercepciones de distintas culturas de la civilizacionoccidental. Pero al lado de estas percepciones,aparece una vision distinta del mundo, armonico conla naturaleza, que incorpora la vision del ambiente,la mitologia, los animales y plantas a su cosmogoniay su interaccion y hermandad en el pensamiento. Esla vision de las comunidades indigenas del nordesteamazonico, habitantes de “la ultima selva”. Comouna derivacion del concepto paisaje, aparece hacialos anos 40 una forma de mecanismos de proteccionde las bellezas escenicas naturales, especialmentede aquellos territorios salvajes de singular belleza,a los cuales se busca proteger a perpetuidad de lainjerencia nociva de los humanos y sus actividadesde explotacion economica.Estudios realizados por el autor ycolaboradores le permitieron determinar entre lascausas de las deficiencias que se manifiestan en losegresados de la carrera de Licenciatura en EducacionPrimaria de la Universidad de Ciencias Pedagogicasde Holguin, Cuba, una inadecuada estructuraciondidactico-metodologica del proceso de ensenanzaaprendizajede la asignatura Geografia de Cuba ysu Metodologia, tributaria del modo de actuacionprofesional. El autor propone una solucion desdela didactica desarrolladora, consistente en el disenoy ejecucion de Talleres didactico-cartograficos quesiguen la logica de la actuacion del profesor deGeografia y que permiten preparar al futuro maestroo profesor para dirigir el proceso de ensenanzaaprendizajede la Geografia escolar y la investigacioneducativa en las escuelas donde se desempenan.Los Talleres didactico-cartograficos constituyen untipo de clase en la educacion superior que facilitanperfeccionar el desarrollo de las habilidadespedagogico-profesionales de los docentes enformacion y que dan solucion a los problemas quese manifiestan al ensenar la Geografia escolar segunla logica de la profesion, contribuyendo a elevar laprepracion del futuro maestro o profesor.
Investigaciones Geográficas | 1994
José Antonio Segrelles Serrano
Actualmente, la agricultura alicantina se haya sumida en una profunda crisis de caracter estructural que amenaza su futuro. A ello se debe anadir la proxima liberalizacion del comercio mundial y la competencia de varios paises europeos. Es urgente e inevitable llevar a cabo una actuacion decidida en varios frentes que proporcione un nuevo impulso a nuestra agricultura y contribuya al desarrollo integral de las areas rurales.
Investigaciones Geográficas | 1989
José Antonio Segrelles Serrano
During the last decades there were deep economic variations, ranging from the demographic growth to level increment in the individual income. These originated strong oscilations in the meat market and on its tradicional public productive structures, which start to fall into a marked crisis and a progresive relegation to a second plane, enhanced by the concurrent industrial butchering factories. The municipal slaughtering house in Alicante was not an exception. The transformations ocurred in the food consumption in the population, changes in retailers habits, reduced amount of slaughterings, existence of a not well adaptable offer, the absence of a dinamic and proffessionalized management, the lack of yield and even, the low level of manpower utilization, lead the municipal slaughtering house to a perempdtory and conclusive dilema: to modernize or to die. The Municipal Government of Alicante has elected the first way, making important reforms and investments in order to be well prepared to the new county dedication and to the technical and sanitary requirements introduced by the General Plan for Slaughtering Houses. But to get all that, it would be insufficient to make only a considerable economic and technical effort. It is necessary a decided committement to change the present public management in the municipal slaughtering house.
Investigaciones Geográficas | 1988
José Antonio Segrelles Serrano
The study and analysis of the gasoil subventioned in the Alicante country results an aproximate index of the intensity and caracteristics that agrarian mechanisation has got in the Alicante province. Subvention is not a synonim of real consumption, but its temporal evolution and the distribution of the land approach us to it and to all the factors that condition it wich are identical factors to those wich determine the degree and differentiation of place of the agrarian industrialisation: system and type of cultivation, sise of the explotaitions, dispersed in small parts of land, agricultural manager’s dedicacion... As a result we can affirm that the use of fuel in agriculture has an extraordinary trascendency specially in the last years when there is a great preocupacion about the consequences of the energetic crisis and the progressive damage of the enviroment.
Electronic Government, An International Journal | 2016
José Antonio Segrelles Serrano
Scripta Nova-revista Electronica De Geografia Y Ciencias Sociales | 1998
José Antonio Segrelles Serrano
Scripta Nova-revista Electronica De Geografia Y Ciencias Sociales | 2001
José Antonio Segrelles Serrano