Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011
José Carlos Cavichioli; Luiz de Souza Corrêa; Aparecida Conceição Boliani; Pedro César dos Santos
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento vegetativo e a produtividade do maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims) enxertado sobre tres porta-enxertos em area sem historico de morte prematura de plantas. O experimento foi conduzido no municipio de Adamantina-SP, no periodo de abril de 2006 a junho de 2007, adotando-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3 x 2 + 1 tratamento adicional, com quatro repeticoes. Os fatores avaliados foram tres porta-enxertos: Passiflora edulis, P. alata e P. gibertii, em dois sistemas de enxertia, a hipocotiledonar e a convencional por garfagem tipo fenda cheia, e um tratamento adicional, sem enxertia. Utilizou-se como copa o maracujazeiro-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims). Avaliaram-se o diâmetro do caule do porta-enxerto, o diâmetro do caule do enxerto, o comprimento de entreno, o comprimento dos ramos secundarios, o numero de ramos terciarios, o numero de frutos, a massa media de frutos, a produtividade e as fitomassas verde e seca das plantas. Observou-se que as tres especies estudadas podem ser utilizadas como porta-enxertos para o maracujazeiro-amarelo, com diferentes niveis de compatibilidade. P. edulis demonstrou maior compatibilidade como porta-enxerto por apresentar-se superior aos demais na maioria dos parâmetros analisados. Plantas enxertadas sobre P. gibertii apresentaram menor vigor, menor crescimento vegetativo, frutos com menor massa e menor produtividade. A enxertia hipocotiledonar resultou em maior massa media de frutos e maior produtividade no maracujazeiro-amarelo.
Bragantia | 1997
Francisco Seiiti Kasai; Edison Martins Paulo; José Carlos Cavichioli; Valdemir Antonio Peressin; Toshio Igue
A field experiment was carried out at Adamantina, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, to study different periods of weed competition with peanut. The treatments were 20: with and without weed presence through the crop cycle and those resulting from factorial combinations among presence and ausence of weed in the beginning of crop and the time of weed removal - 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 days after sowing. Each plot was constituted of four lines, with common border among experimental units, with useful area reading 6.0 m2. Weed species, occurring with higher frequencies were Cyperus lanceolatus Poir., Digitaria horizontallis Willd., Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. and Portulaca oleracea L. The weed association with the peanut crop decreased pod and kernel yields and peanut dry matter. No weed effects were observed on harvest indexes and shelling percentages in any of the studied periods. A weeding operation done eight or 73 days after sowing, for treatments without and with weeds respectively, was sufficient for obtaining peanut pod yields statistically similar to those obtained when the peanut crop was maintained without competition during all cycle.
Bragantia | 2001
Edison Martins Paulo; Ronaldo Severiano Berton; José Carlos Cavichioli; Eduardo Antonio Bulisani; Francisco Seiiti Kasai
Coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre) productivity was evaluated during three years of intercropping with five leguminous species: sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.), Crotalaria spectabilis Roth., dwarf velvet bean (Stizolobium deeringeanum Bort.), soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merryl] and pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] in the western region of Sao Paulo State, from 1991 to 1993. Leguminous species were seeded 50 cm far from coffee shoot and incorporated at flowering stage. The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with five replicates. Coffee yield was not affected when Crotalaria spectabilis, dwarf velvet bean and soya bean IAC 9 were used as interrow crop, but it was significantly decreased for pigeon pea and sunn hemp treatments. Linear correlation analysis showed that coffee yield was inversely correlated with leguminous dry biomass and positively correlated with coffee shoot height and stem diameter at the harvest year.
Bragantia | 1989
Edison Martins Paulo; Ondino Cleante Bataglia; Francisco Seiiti Kasai; José Carlos Cavichioli
During the summer season 1987/88, castor bean plants (Ricinus communis L.) var. IAC-80 growing at the Estacao Experimental de Agronomia da Alta Paulista, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, showed some symptomus related to boron deficiency. The symptoms included leaf curling, necrosis of terminal bud, small fruit setting and necrosis in the stem. The symptoms occurred after a drought period. Plants were analysed after a new raining period. The nutrient concentrations were higher in plants with deficiency symptoms except for boron. The relations between boron and each one of the macronutrients were lower in plants with symptoms. Soil samples collected under deficient plants were lower in boron than samples collected under normal plants. Based on these informations and on the similarity with boron deficiency symptoms on other plants, it was conclued that the symptoms might be related to boron deficiency.
Bragantia | 2001
Edison Martins Paulo; Francisco Seiiti Kasai; José Carlos Cavichioli
The present research was carried out at the Nucleo de Agronomia da Alta Paulista, in Adamantina, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, to study the effects of different periods of weed competition with peanut.The treatments were all possible combinations among the presence/absence of weeds (at the sowing time) and the following periods of weed removal: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 days, after sowing. Each experimental plot was set up with four peanut lines (6.0 m2 of useful area). The main weed species occurring in the experimental area were: Cyperus lanceolatus Poir, Brachiaria decumbens Stapf., Commelina benghalensis L., Amaranthus viridis L., Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., Portulaca oleracea L., Digitaria horizontalis Willd and Solanum americanum Mill. The main effects of weed presence in the peanut crop was to decrease pod kernel yields and peanut population at harvest. No significant effects were observed on shelling percentages and peanut dry matter for any of the studied periods. Weeding control, carried out at 13 and 67 days after sowing, not taking into account initial weed presence was enough for obtaining peanut pod yield statistically similar to that observed when the peanut crop was maintained with no competition during all cycle. Pods and kernel yields and peanut population at harvest increased with weeding control at the sowing stage.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2014
José Carlos Cavichioli; Maria José de Marchi Garcia; Andressa Lima de Brida; Silvia Renata Siciliano Wilcken
Brazil is the biggest producer, consumer and exporter of acerola (Malpighia emarginata D.C.). It has become a highly requested fruit in the world market for preparing juices and consumption in nature because it contains high levels of vitamin C. Nowadays brazilian acerola orchards have shown decrease in production due to the occurrence of root-knot nematodes, one of the main problem affecting the culture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the resistance of acerola genotypes to Meloidogyne enterolobii. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse of the Department of Plant Protection of Agronomic Science College - FCA/UNESP - Botucatu, SP. Five clones, Cherry-Brs-236; Fruit Color-Brs-238; Roxinha-Brs-237; Mirandopolis; Japi, and three varieties, Okinawa; Olivier and Waldy-CATI, were studied. Each plant was inoculated with 2,500 M. enterolobii eggs and second stage juveniles (Pi). After 60 days the roots of each plant was washed, staining with phloxine-B and examined for obtaining gall and egg mass indices (GI; EMI), and processed by blender, sieving and centrifugation method to obtain the total number of eggs (Pf), which was used to calculate the reproduction factor (Pf / Pi). All acerola clones and varieties were considered susceptible to Meloidogyne enterolobii, with RF ranging from 4.1 to 18.3.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011
Maurício Dominguez Nasser; José Carlos Cavichioli; Francisco Seiiti Kasai; Rodrigo Vitorino
The objective of this work was to evaluate the vegetative growth of yellow passion fruit grafted on sweet passion fruit, in different plant spacing, in area with description of premature death of plants. The experiment was carried out in Adamantina, SP, Brazil, from April 2008 to June 2009, adopting the randomized experimental design, with six treatments and four replications. The treatments were different planting spacing: T1, 1,0 m (3.125 plants/ha); T2, 1,5 m (2.083 plants/ha); T3, 2,0 m (1.563 plants/ha); T4, 3,0 m (1.042 plants/ha); T5, 4,0 m (781 plants/ha) and T6, 5,0 m (625 plants/ha). The distance between the lines was 3,2 m for all the treatments. The variables evaluated were: rootstocks and grafts stem diameter, internode length, secondary branches length and tertiary branches number. Planting density did not favor the growth of the rootstocks plants.
Bragantia | 2004
Edison Martins Paulo; Ronaldo Severiano Berton; José Carlos Cavichioli; Francisco Seiiti Kasai
BEHAVIOR OF COFFEE INTERCROPPED WITH ANNUAL CROPS This study was conducted in Adamantina, region of Alta Paulista, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from 1989 to 1993. Yield of Apoata coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner) was evaluated during four years of intercropping with five plant species: IAC 20 - cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.); cv. Tatu - peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.); IAC 165 - rice (Oryza sativa L.); cv. Guarani - castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) and IAC 100-B - corn (Zea mays L.). The crops were seeded 50 cm apart from coffee canopy. The treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design with five replications. Yield was significantly decreased when coffee was intercropped with castor bean, corn, cotton and peanut, but height and diameter of orthotropic branches were not affected. Linear correlation analysis showed that coffee yield was inversely correlated with the dry biomass of the intercrops.
Bragantia | 2018
João Francisco dos Santos; Ignácio José de Godoy; Andrea Rocha Almeida de Moraes; Marcos Doniseti Michelotto; Rogério Soares de Freitas; Denizart Bolonhezi; José Carlos Cavichioli; Antonio Lucio Mello Martins
Bragantia, Campinas, v. 77, n. 2, p.265-272, 2018 ABSTRACT: Estimating stability and adaptability parameters of cultivars is a widely used study to access the genotype × environment interaction, in order to identify the best genotypes for each cultivation area. In this study, the adaptability and stability parameters were estimated in eight high-oleic lines and two peanut cultivars in 11 experiments in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2008 to 2013, based on the data of the plots mean productivity (Kg.ha–1), with the objective of recommending the most productive genotypes in peanut producing regions in the State of São Paulo. The design used for these experiments was the randomized complete blocks, with four replications. Lines L. 599 and L. 551 were the best genotypes PLANT BREEDING Article
Nucleus | 2017
Rogério Soares de Freitas; Aildson Pereira Duarte; Eduardo Sawazaki; Paulo César da Luz Leão; Fernando Bergantini Miguel; José Carlos Cavichioli; Marcelo Ticelli; Gerson Cazentini-Filho; Domingos Fornasieri Filho; Fábio Luiz Checchio Mingotte; Fernando Augusto Pessinatti; Wander Luis Barbosa Borges; Leandro Galindo Vitor; Flávio Sueo Tokuda; Antonio Luis de Oliveira; Paloma Pereira Almeida
Foram avaliados 30 cultivares de milho nas safras de 2015/16 e 2016/17, em 10 ambientes. Empregou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com quatro repeticoes. As parcelas foram constituidas de quatro linhas de 5,0 m de comprimento utilizando-se as duas centrais para as avaliacoes. O espacamento entre linhas foi de 0,8 m e a populacao inicial de plantas de 62500 plantas por hectare. A produtividade de graos de milho foi elevada com cultivares superando 11 t ha-1 de graos em alguns ambientes. Os hibridos que atingiram maiores produtividades, considerando a analise conjunta dos 10 ambientes, foram 2B810 PW, AG 8088 PRO2, JM 2M60, MG 652 PW com produtividade superior a 9000 kg ha-1. Contudo, a produtividade de graos nao deve ser considerada isoladamente para definir a escolha da cultivar que melhor se adequa ao sistema de producao.