José Carmona
University of Almería
Advanced Nonlinear Studies | 2007
David Arcoya; José Carmona; Pedro J. Martínez-Aparicio
Abstract Given a bounded, open set Ω in ℝN (N ≥ 3), ψ∈ W1,p(Ω) (p > N) such that υ̸+ ∈ H01(Ω) ∩ L∞(Ω) and a suitable strictly positive (see (1.4)) function a ∈ Lq(Ω) with q > N/2, we prove the existence of positive solution w ∈ H01(Ω) of some variational inequality with a singular nonlinearity whose typical model is where the set of test functions K1 consists of all functions υ ∈ H01(Ω) ∩ L∞(Ω) such that υ(x) ≥ ψ(x) a.e. x ∈ Ω and supp (υ - ψ+) ⊂⊂ Ω. Bigger classes of test functions are also studied. We also recover the case in which the variational inequality reduces to an equation.
Communications in Partial Differential Equations | 2011
David Arcoya; José Carmona; Pedro J. Martínez-Aparicio
For a continuous function g ≥ 0 on (0, + ∞) (which may be singular at zero), we confront a quasilinear elliptic differential operator with natural growth in ∇u, − Δu + g(u)|∇u|2, with a power type nonlinearity, λu p + f 0(x). The range of values of the parameter λ for which the associated homogeneous Dirichlet boundary value problem admits positive solutions depends on the behavior of g and on the exponent p. Using bifurcations techniques we deduce sufficient conditions for the boundedness or unboundedness of the cited range.
Nonlinear Analysis-theory Methods & Applications | 2003
David Arcoya; José Carmona
Under suitable assumptions on the coefficients of the matrix A(x, u) and on the nonlinear term f(x, u), we study the quasilinear problem in bounded domains Ω ⊂ RN -div(A(x, u)∇u) = f(x, u), x ∈ Ω, u = 0, x∈∂Ω. We extend the semilinear results of Landesman-Lazer (J. Math. Mech. 19 (1970) 609) and of Ambrosetti-Prodi (in: A Primer on Nonlinear Analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993) for resonant problems. The existence of positive solution is also considered extending to the quasilinear case the classical result by Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz (J. Funct. Anal. 14 (1973) 349). In this case, the result is obtained as a corollary of the previous multiplicity result in the Ambrosetti-Prodi framework.
International Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning | 2010
José Carmona; Moisés Espínola; Adolfo J. Cangas; Luis Iribarne
Mii School is a 3D school simulator developed with Blender and used by psychology researchers for the detection of drugs abuses, bullying and mental disorders in adolescents. The school simulator created is an interactive video game where the players, in this case the students, have to choose, along 17 scenes simulated, the options that better define their personalities. In this paper we present a technical characteristics description and the first results obtained in a real school.
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics | 2017
David Arcoya; José Carmona; Pedro J. Martínez-Aparicio
In this paper, we are concerned with the zero Dirichlet boundary value problem associated to the quasilinear elliptic equation −div(a(u)M(x)∇u) + H(x,u,∇u) = f(x),x ∈ Ω, where Ω is an open and bounded set in ℝN (N ≥ 3), a is a continuously differentiable real function in (0, +∞), M(x) is an elliptic, bounded and symmetric matrix, H(x,⋅,ξ) is non-negative and may be singular at zero and f ∈ L1(Ω). We give sufficient conditions on H, M and a in order to have a comparison principle and, as a consequence, uniqueness of positive solutions being continuous up to the boundary.
Advanced Nonlinear Studies | 2016
José Carmona; Pedro J. Martínez-Aparicio
Abstract In this paper we consider singular semilinear elliptic equations with a variable exponent whose model problem is - Δ u = f ( x ) u γ ( x ) in Ω , u = 0 on ∂ Ω .
Communications in Partial Differential Equations | 2013
José Carmona; Silvia Cingolani; Pedro J. Martínez-Aparicio; Giuseppina Vannella
-\Delta u=\frac{f(x)}{u^{\gamma(x)}}\quad\text{in }\Omega,\qquad u=0\quad\text% {on }\partial\Omega.
Journal of Differential Equations | 2009
David Arcoya; José Carmona; Tommaso Leonori; Pedro J. Martínez-Aparicio; Luigi Orsina; Francesco Petitta
Here Ω is an open bounded set of ℝ N
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics | 2001
David Arcoya; José Carmona; Benedetta Pellacci
European Journal of Education and Psychology | 2011
José Carmona; Moisés Espínola; Adolfo J. Cangas; Luis Iribarne
, γ ( x )