
Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte | 2010

Estimativa da composição corporal e análise de concordância entre analisadores de impedância bioelétrica bipolar e tetrapolar

José Claudio Jambassi Filho; Edilson Serpeloni Cyrino; André Luiz Demantova Gurjão; Igor Augusto Braz; Raquel Gonçalves; Sebastião Gobbi

The aim of this study was to analyze the body composition estimation and agreement of the measurements produced from two bioelectrical impedance analysers in young adult men. Twenty-two apparently healthy subjects (23.6 ± 2.9 yrs; 73.0 ± 6.8 kg; 177.6 ± 6.0 cm; 23.1 ± 1.9 kg/m2), were submitted to bioelectrical impedance measurements by tetra-polar whole body (TWB, Biodynamic Body Composition Analyser, model 310) and bipolar for upper body (BUB, OMRONTM, model HBF-306BL) after 12 h fast. Relative body fat (%BF), lean body mass (LBM) and fat mass (FM) estimation were established from information supplied by two analysers. No significant difference was verified for %BF (10.9 ±4.3 vs. 10.0 ±4.2%; P = 0.09), FM (8.1 ±3.5 vs. 7.4 ±3.5 kg; P = 0.10) or LBM (64.9 ±5.2 vs. 65.5 ±4.9 kg; P = 0.09) between TWB and BUB, respectively. Positive significant correlations (P < 0.001) were found between both analysers for LBM (r = 0.948), FM (r = 0.891) and %BF (r = 0.859). The agreement thresholds were -0.6 ± 3.2 kg for LBM (r = 0.135; P = 0.551), 0.8 ± 4.5% for %BF (r = 0.050; P = 0.824), and 0.6 ± 3.2 kg for FM (r = 0.032; P = 0.886). The results suggest that the body composition estimation by bioelectrical impedance does not seem to be affected by use of different analysers (BUB vs. TWB) or the total body adiposity.

Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte | 2010

O Efeito de diferentes intervalos de recuperação entre as séries de treinamento com pesos, na força muscular em mulheres idosas treinadas

José Claudio Jambassi Filho; André Luiz Demantova Gurjão; Raquel Gonçalves; Bruna Helena Valeriano Barboza; Sebastião Gobbi

O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a influencia de dois diferentes intervalos de recuperacao (IR) entre series de repeticoes de treinamento com pesos (TP), no desempenho da forca muscular em mulheres idosas treinadas. Dez mulheres idosas (66,6 ± 5,8 anos), com experiencia previa em TP, realizaram o seguinte protocolo: a) o teste de repeticoes maximas (10-12RM) no exercicio Rosca Scott para biceps; b) com a carga encontrada no teste de 10-12RM, outras duas sessoes de teste (separadas por 48 horas), agora com tres series, foram realizadas ate a fadiga muscular em cada serie. Dois diferentes IR foram utilizados para diferenciar essas duas sessoes, isto e, numa sessao o IR era de 90 segundos (IR 90) entre as series e na outra, de 180 segundos (IR 180). O teste t de Student para amostras dependentes mostrou que o volume total da sessao de teste com IR 180 foi estatisticamente superior (19%; P < 0,05) ao da sessao com IR 90 (27,5 ± 3,4 e 23,1 ± 3,3 repeticoes, respectivamente). A ANOVA two-way (2x3), tendo como fatores IR e numero de repeticoes de cada uma das tres series, para medidas repetidas no ultimo fator, apresentou interacao significativa (F(1,18) = 4,62; P = 0,02), demonstrando que a sustentabilidade das repeticoes e dependente da duracao do IR. Conclui-se que o emprego de diferentes IR tem importante influencia sobre o volume total de uma sessao de TP e no numero de repeticoes em multiplas series subsequentes. Tais achados podem apresentar relevante implicacao para a intervencao profissional com TP para mulheres idosas treinadas.

Journal of Sports Sciences | 2013

The acute effects of static stretching on peak force, peak rate of force development and muscle activity during single- and multiple-joint actions in older women

Raquel Gonçalves; André Luiz Demantova Gurjão; José Claudio Jambassi Filho; Paulo de Tarso Veras Farinatti; Lilian Teresa Bucken Gobbi; Sebastião Gobbi

Abstract The present study investigated the acute effects of static stretching on peak force, peak rate of force development and integrated electromyography (iEMG) in 27 older women (65 ± 4 years; 69 ± 9 kg; 157 ± 1 cm; 28 ± 4 kg · m−2). The participants were tested during two exercises (leg press and knee extension) after two conditions: stretching and control. The data were collected on four days (counterbalanced with a 24-hour rest period). In the stretching condition, the quadriceps muscle was stretched (knee flexion) for three sets of 30 s with 30 s rest intervals. No significant difference was detected for peak force and peak rate of force development during the single- and multiple-joint exercises, regardless of the following interactions: condition (stretching and control) vs. time (pre x post x 10 x 20 x 30 minutes post; P > 0.05) and exercise vs. time (P > 0.05). Additionally, no significant interaction was found for the iEMG activity (condition vs. time; P > 0.05) in the single- and multiple-joint exercises. In conclusion, a small amount of stretching of an agonist muscle (quadriceps) did not affect the peak force, peak rate of force development and EMG activity in older women during single- and multiple-joint exercises.

Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte | 2013

Efeito do treinamento com pesos na pressão arterial de repouso em idosas normotensas

André Luiz Demantova Gurjão; Raquel Gonçalves; Nelson Hilário Carneiro; Marilia Ceccato; José Claudio Jambassi Filho; Sebastião Gobbi

INTRODUCTION: Resistance training (RT) has been widely used for older adults in order to minimize or reverse the deleterious effects of aging in the neuromuscular system. However, the potential benefits of RT on arterial blood pressure and heart rate at rest in older adults remain controversial. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of eight weeks of RT on systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) in older women without hypertension. METHODS: Seventeen women (aged 66.0 ± 5.8 years) without previous experience in RT were randomly assigned to either a training (TG, n = 10) or control (CG, n = 7) groups. Hemodynamic parameters at rest were evaluated by auscultatory method (mercury sphygmomanometer) and HR monitor (Polar), before and after eight weeks of experimental period. RESULTS: Reductions attributable to RT were found only to SBP (-13.4 mmHg, p <0.01). Although significant reductions were observed for DBP and MBP, the analysis of covariance showed no interaction Group x Time significant. CONCLUSION: RT proved an effective training to promote adaptations in the cardiovascular system of older women without hypertension. Eight weeks of RT can significantly reduce SBP at rest in older women.

Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte | 2012

Efeito de diferentes intervalos de recuperação entre as séries sobre o desempenho muscular no exercício leg-press em idosas não treinadas

José Claudio Jambassi Filho; André Luiz Demantova Gurjão; Marilia Ceccato; Raquel Gonçalves; Luiza Herminia Gallo; Sebastião Gobbi

OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of two different rest intervals (RI) between sets in the leg-press exercise on the number and sustainability of repetitions and total volume in untrained elderly women. METHODS: Eleven untrained elderly women (66.5 ± 5.0 years; 59.2 ± 9.1 kg; 146.4 ± 34.9 cm) were submitted to two experimental sessions of resistance exercise with intensity of 15 maximum repetitions. Each experimental session consisted of three sets performed until muscle fatigue with an RI of one (RI-1) or 3 minutes (RI-3). The experimental sessions were separated by at least 48 hours. All participants performed both protocols and a balanced cross-over outlining was used to determine the experimental sessions order. RESULTS: For both RI between sets, significant reduction (P < 0.05) in the number and sustainability of repetitions was observed from the first to the second and third sets, and the second to the third sets. Significant differences (P < 0.05) between the RI were observed in the two final sets. The total volume of the session with RI-3 was statistically higher (20.4%, P < 0.05) when compared with RI-1 session. CONCLUSION: The number and sustainability of repetitions and the total volume of training in untrained elderly women are influenced by the RI employed between sets. Longer RI should be used when the training goal is to increase training volume through the sustainability of repetitions. Conversely, a shorter RI should be used when the goal is to obtain higher levels of muscle fatigue.

Arquivos Brasileiros De Endocrinologia E Metabologia | 2012

Spirulina, exercício e controle da glicemia em ratos diabéticos

Leandro Pereira de Moura; André Luiz Demantova Gurjão; José Claudio Jambassi Filho; Julio Mizuno; Clara Suemi; Maria Alice Rostom de Mello

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of Spirulina and/or exercise training in the control of serum glucose homeostasis in diabetic rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Young Wistar rats were induced to diabetes by intravenous alloxan administration and separated into four groups: diabetic control (DC), diabetic Spirulina (DS), diabetic exercise (DE) and diabetic exercise Spirulina (DES). RESULTS: There were no differences between groups with respect to: body weight, food intake, glucose tolerance, insulin tolerance and blood lactate concentrations during a swimming effort test. DS group showed lower insulin concentrations when compared with DC (pancreas) and DE and DES (serum). CONCLUSION: The protocols of exercise and supplementation with Spirulina used in the present study were not able to improve serum glucose homeostasis in diabetic rats.

Revista Brasileira de Atividade Física & Saúde | 2013

Treinamento com pesos, velocidade de movimento e desempenho muscular: uma revisão sistemática

Marilia Ceccato; André Luiz Demantova Gurjão; Alexandre Konig Garcia Prado; Luiza Herminia Gallo; José Claudio Jambassi Filho; Sebastião Gobbi

Estudos tem indicado o efeito da velocidade de movimento (VM) na promocao do desempenho e hipertrofia muscular de adultos jovens e idosos, contudo, nao se sabe qual a velocidade mais adequada para tais melhorias. O objetivo desta revisao e verificar o efeito cronico de diferentes VM na hipertrofia e desempenho muscular, em jovens e idosos. Para tanto, foi realizada uma busca sistematica nas bases de dados: Biological Abstracts, LILACS®, MEDLINE® (Pubmed), SciELO®, Scopus e Oxford Journal. Foram incluidos nesta revisao 12 artigos originais que avaliaram forca maxima isometrica e dinâmica (contracao voluntaria maxima, uma repeticao maxima, potencia) e hipertrofia muscular em humanos maiores de 18 anos apos periodos de TP com diferentes VM. Foram identificados 12 estudos. Os resultados sugerem que para jovens, a maior parte dos estudos demonstra aumento similar da potencia, forca e hipertrofia muscular independentemente VM treinada. Para idosos, a maioria dos estudos confirma melhora da forca muscular independentemente VM treinada. Contudo, para a potencia ainda ha controversias, pois alguns suportam que VM rapida e lenta sao eficientes igualmente, enquanto outros afirmam que VM rapida e melhor. Apenas um estudo com idosos avaliou a hipertrofia e este encontrou que ambas VM sao eficientes para aumento da mesma. Assim, conclui-se que independente da faixa etaria, para forca muscular, ambas as velocidades sao recomendadas e eficazes. Entretanto, para hipertrofia e potencia muscular ainda ha controversias na literatura, necessitando que se desenvolvam mais estudos que busquem esclarecer tais imprecisoes.

Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia | 2011

Treinamento com pesos, modelo de programa sistematizado para a terceira idade

José Claudio Jambassi Filho; André Luiz Demantova Gurjão; Marcelo Costa Junior; Luiza Herminia Gallo; Raquel Gonçalves; José Luiz Riani Costa; Lilian Teresa Bucken Gobbi; Sebastião Gobbi

Evidence has shown that maintaining a healthy physically active lifestyle can reduce the losses associated with the aging process. Among the recommended exercises for elderly people, weight training (WT) has received highlights, revealing benefits related to their performance of daily living activities and quality of life, among others. Thus, programs for elderly people should describe their experiences in an attempt to boost and to refine the activities related to WT. Thus this paper aims to describe the operation of the WT, which is one of the modes of the Physical Activity Program for Third Age (PROFIT). Currently the WT program has 45 participants, of which 80% are women and 20% are men. Most participants (84%) are aged 60 years, whereas 16% are aged between 54 and 59 years. Classes are held three times a week on nonconsecutive days, lasting 45 minutes. The participants perform eight exercises by alternating body segments, and are held three sets of each exercise. Accordingly, the WT program seeks to provide improvements in quality of life of the elderly population, as well as assist in undergraduate and graduate students formation and thus deepen the understanding of the effects of physical activity in older people.

Journal of Sports Science and Medicine | 2013

Effect of Different Rest Intervals, Between Sets, on Muscle Performance During Leg Press Exercise, in Trained Older Women

José Claudio Jambassi Filho; Lilian Teresa Bucken Gobbi; André Luiz Demantova Gurjão; Raquel Gonçalves; Alexandre Konig Garcia Prado; Sebastião Gobbi

Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance | 2013

Efeito de diferentes volumes de alongamento na capacidade funcional de idosas

Luiza Herminia Gallo; Raquel Gonçalves; André Luiz Demantova Gurjão; Alexandre Konig Garcia Prado; Marilia Ceccato; José Claudio Jambassi Filho; Sebastião Gobbi

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