
Biochemistry | 2009

Unique chicken tandem-repeat-type galectin: implications of alternative splicing and a distinct expression profile compared to those of the three proto-type proteins.

Herbert Kaltner; Dolores Solís; Sabine André; Martin Lensch; Joachim C. Manning; Michael Mürnseer; José L. Saiz; Hans-Joachim Gabius

Animal galectins (lectins with specificity for beta-galactosides of glycan chains) are potent effectors in diverse aspects of cell sociology. Gene divergence has led to different groups and a marked interspecies variability in the number of members per group. Since the suitability of a model for studying functionality in the galectin network will be distinguished by a rather simple degree of complexity, we have focused on chicken galectins (CGs). Starting from partial expression sequence tag information, we here report on cloning of full-length cDNA for the first avian tandem-repeat-type galectin. It is termed CG-8 on the basis of its sequence similarity to galectin-8 from mammals. Systematic sequence searches revealed its unique character among CGs. Detection of two mature mRNA species points to production of isoforms. Alternative splicing affecting exon V generates the two proteins with linkers of either 9 (CG-8I) or 28 amino acids (CG-8II). Both proteins form monomers with a shape comparable to that of the proto-type proteins CG-1A/B in solution, act as cross-linkers in hemagglutination, and bind cells with a strict dependence on galactose. Western blotting revealed the presence of either CG-8II or the mixture in organ extracts. No evidence of a truncated form was obtained. Preparation of a specific antibody also enabled immunohistochemical localization. Prominent sites of its presence were defense cells in the l. propria mucosae, in addition to immune cells in distinct organs such as alveolar macrophages and thymocytes. Overall, we extend the network of CGs to a tandem-repeat-type protein and provide a detailed characterization from gene and protein structures to expression.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2010

Cpl-7, a lysozyme encoded by a pneumococcal bacteriophage with a novel cell wall-binding motif

Noemí Bustamante; Nuria E. Campillo; Ernesto García; Cristina Gallego; Benet Pera; Gregory P. Diakun; José L. Saiz; Pedro Gómez García; J. Fernando Díaz; Margarita Menéndez

Bacteriophage endolysins include a group of new antibacterials reluctant to development of resistance. We present here the first structural study of the Cpl-7 endolysin, encoded by pneumococcal bacteriophage Cp-7. It contains an N-terminal catalytic module (CM) belonging to the GH25 family of glycosyl hydrolases and a C-terminal region encompassing three identical repeats of 42 amino acids (CW_7 repeats). These repeats are unrelated to choline-targeting motifs present in other cell wall hydrolases produced by Streptococcus pneumoniae and its bacteriophages, and are responsible for the protein attachment to the cell wall. By combining different biophysical techniques and molecular modeling, a three-dimensional model of the overall protein structure is proposed, consistent with circular dichroism and sequence-based secondary structure prediction, small angle x-ray scattering data, and Cpl-7 hydrodynamic behavior. Cpl-7 is an ∼115-Å long molecule with two well differentiated regions, corresponding to the CM and the cell wall binding region (CWBR), arranged in a lateral disposition. The CM displays the (βα)5β3 barrel topology characteristic of the GH25 family, and the impact of sequence differences with the CM of the Cpl-1 lysozyme in substrate binding is discussed. The CWBR is organized in three tandemly assembled three-helical bundles whose dispositions remind us of a super-helical structure. Its approximate dimensions are 60 × 20 × 20 Å and presents a concave face that might constitute the functional region involved in bacterial surface recognition. The distribution of CW_7 repeats in the sequences deposited in the Entrez Database have been examined, and the results drastically expanded the antimicrobial potential of the Cpl-7 endolysin.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2004

Structural and thermodynamic characterization of Pal, a phage natural chimeric lysin active against pneumococci.

Julio Varea; Begoña Monterroso; José L. Saiz; Consuelo López-Zumel; José Luis García; José Laynez; Pedro García; Margarita Menéndez

Pal amidase, encoded by pneumococcal bacteriophage Dp-1, represents one step beyond in the modular evolution of pneumococcal murein hydrolases. It exhibits the choline-binding module attaching pneumococcal lysins to the cell wall, but the catalytic module is different from those present in the amidases coded by the host or other pneumococcal phages. Pal is also an effective antimicrobial agent against Streptococcus pneumoniae that may constitute an alternative to antibiotic prophylaxis. The structural implications of Pal singular structure and their effect on the choline-amidase interactions have been examined by means of several techniques. Pal stability is maximum around pH 8.0 (Tm ≅ 50.2 °C; ΔHt = 183 ± 4 kcal mol–1), and its constituting modules fold as two tight interacting cooperative units whose denaturation merges into a single process in the free amidase but may proceed as two well resolved events in the choline-bound state. Choline titration curves reflect low energy ligand-protein interactions and are compatible with two sets of sites. Choline binding strongly stabilizes the cell wall binding module, and the conformational stabilization is transmitted to the catalytic region. Moreover, the high proportion of aggregates formed by the unbound amidase together with choline preferential interaction with Pal dimers suggest the existence of marginally stable regions that would become stabilized through choline-protein interactions without significantly modifying Pal secondary structure. This structural rearrangement may underlie in vitro “conversion” of Pal from the low to the full activity form triggered by choline. The Pal catalytic module secondary structure could denote folding conservation within pneumococcal lytic amidases, but the number of functional choline binding sites is reduced (2–3 sites per monomer) when compared with pneumococcal LytA amidase (4–5 sites per monomer) and displays different intermodular interactions.

Protein Science | 2009

Characterization of Ejl, the cell‐wall amidase coded by the pneumococcal bacteriophage Ej‐1

José L. Saiz; Consuelo López-Zumel; Begoña Monterroso; Julio Varea; José Luis R. Arrondo; Ibón Iloro; José Luis García; José Laynez; Margarita Menéndez

The Ejl amidase is coded by Ej‐1, a temperate phage isolated from the atypical pneumococcus strain 101/87. Like all the pneumococcal cell‐wall lysins, Ejl has a bimodular organization; the catalytic region is located in the N‐terminal module, and the C‐terminal module attaches the enzyme to the choline residues of the pneumococcal cell wall. The structural features of the Ejl amidase, its interaction with choline, and the structural changes accompanying the ligand binding have been characterized by CD and IR spectroscopies, differential scanning calorimetry, analytical ultracentrifugation, and FPLC. According to prediction and spectroscopic (CD and IR) results, Ejl would be composed of short β‐strands (ca. 36%) connected by long loops (ca. 17%), presenting only two well‐predicted α‐helices (ca. 12%) in the catalytic module. Its polypeptide chain folds into two cooperative domains, corresponding to the N‐ and C‐terminal modules, and exhibits a monomer ↔ dimer self‐association equilibrium. Choline binding induces small rearrangements in Ejl secondary structure but enhances the amidase self‐association by preferential binding to Ejl dimers and tetramers. Comparison of LytA, the major pneumococcal amidase, with Ejl shows that the sequence differences (15% divergence) strongly influence the amidase stability, the organization of the catalytic module in cooperative domains, and the self‐association state induced by choline. Moreover, the ligand affinity for the choline‐binding locus involved in regulation of the amidase dimerization is reduced by a factor of 10 in Ejl. Present results evidence that sequence differences resulting from the natural variability found in the cell wall amidases coded by pneumococcus and its bacteriophages may significantly alter the protein structure and its attachment to the cell wall.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2008

Insights into the Structure-Function Relationships of Pneumococcal Cell Wall Lysozymes, LytC and Cpl-1

Begoña Monterroso; José L. Saiz; Pedro García; José Luis García; Margarita Menéndez

The LytC lysozyme belongs to the autolytic system of Streptococcus pneumoniae and carries out a slow autolysis with optimum activity at 30 °C. Like all pneumococcal murein hydrolases, LytC is a modular enzyme. Its mature form comprises a catalytic module belonging to the GH25 family of glycosyl-hydrolases and a cell wall binding module (CBM), made of 11 sequence repeats, that is essential for activity and specifically targets choline residues present in pneumococcal lipoteichoic and teichoic acids. Here we show that the catalytic module is natively folded, and its thermal denaturation takes place at 45.4 °C. However, the CBM is intrinsically unstable, and the ultimate folding and stabilization of the active, monomeric form of LytC relies on choline binding. The complex formation proceeds in a rather slow way, and all sites (8.0 ± 0.5 sites/monomer) behave as equivalent (Kd = 2.7 ± 0.3 mm). The CBM stabilization is, nevertheless, marginal, and irreversible denaturation becomes measurable at 37 °C even at high choline concentration, compromising LytC activity. In contrast, the Cpl-1 lysozyme, a homologous endolysin encoded by pneumococcal Cp-1 bacteriophage, is natively folded in the absence of choline and has maximum activity at 37 °C. Choline binding is fast and promotes Cpl-1 dimerization. Coupling between choline binding and folding of the CBM of LytC indicates a high conformational plasticity that could correlate with the unusual alternation of short and long choline-binding repeats present in this enzyme. Moreover, it can contribute to regulate LytC activity by means of a tight, complementary binding to the pneumococcal envelope, a limited motility, and a moderate resistance to thermal denaturation that could also account for its activity versus temperature profile.

Journal of The Chemical Society-perkin Transactions 1 | 1992

Towards a solvent acidity scale: the calorimetry of the N-methyl imidazole probe

Javier Catalán; Angeles Couto; Javier Gómez; José L. Saiz; José Laynez

This paper reports a rather straightforward calorimetric method for the precise determination of the acidity of organic solvents. From the calculated enthalpies of solvation (ΔHsolv) of the probe compounds N-methylimidazole and N-methylpyrrole and the known relative permittivity (Iµ) of the solvent ΔHacid is obtained through the equation: ΔHacid=–[ΔH0solv(N-methylimidazole)-ΔH0solv(N-methylpyrrole)]+ 18.760 f(Iµ)+ 1.69. The proposed method allowed us to determine the acidity of 36 solvents, including some slightly acidic ones, whose acidity is difficult to obtain by existing methods.

Biochemical Journal | 2005

Unravelling the structure of the pneumococcal autolytic lysozyme

Begoña Monterroso; Consuelo López-Zumel; José Luis García; José L. Saiz; Pedro García; Nuria E. Campillo; Margarita Menéndez

The LytC lysozyme of Streptococcus pneumoniae forms part of the autolytic system of this important pathogen. This enzyme is composed of a C-terminal CM (catalytic module), belonging to the GH25 family of glycosyl hydrolases, and an N-terminal CBM (choline-binding module), made of eleven homologous repeats, that specifically recognizes the choline residues that are present in pneumococcal teichoic and lipoteichoic acids. This arrangement inverts the general assembly pattern of the major pneumococcal autolysin, LytA, and the lytic enzymes encoded by pneumococcal bacteriophages that place the CBM (made of six repeats) at the C-terminus. In the present paper, a three-dimensional model of LytC built by homology modelling of each module and consistent with spectroscopic and hydrodynamic studies is shown. In addition, the putative catalytic-pair residues are identified. Despite the inversion in the modular arrangement, LytC and the bacteriophage-encoded Cpl-1 lysozyme most probably adopt a similar global fold. However, the distinct choline-binding ability and their substrate-binding surfaces may reflect a divergent evolution directed by the different roles played by them in the host (LytC) or in the bacteriophage (Cpl-1). The tight binding of LytC to the pneumococcal envelope, mediated by the acquisition of additional choline-binding repeats, could facilitate the regulation of the potentially suicidal activity of this autolysin. In contrast, a looser attachment of Cpl-1 to the cell wall and the establishment of more favourable interactions between its highly negatively charged catalytic surface and the positively charged chains of pneumococcal murein could enhance the lytic activity of the parasite-encoded enzyme and therefore liberation of the phage progeny.

Journal of The Chemical Society-perkin Transactions 1 | 1995


Javier Catalán; Javier Gómez; José L. Saiz; Angeles Couto; Marisa Ferraris; José Laynez

A new solvent polarity–polarizability scale (SPP) has been used to reevaluate the hydrogen-bond acidity scale of organic solvents previously reported and has been extended to a new set of solvents. The hydrogen-bond acidity, expressed as the enthalpy term ΔacidH, has been evaluated by measuring the differences between the solvation enthalpies of N-methylimidazole and N-methylpyrrole in these solvents along with the solvent polarity–polarizability (SPP) values. The ΔacidH values for 63 solvents are reported.

Protein Science | 2005

Pneumococcal phosphorylcholine esterase, Pce, contains a metal binuclear center that is essential for substrate binding and catalysis

Laura Lagartera; Ana González; Juan A. Hermoso; José L. Saiz; Pedro García; José Luis García; Margarita Menéndez

The phosphorylcholine esterase from Streptococcus pneumoniae, Pce, catalyzes the hydrolysis of phosphorylcholine residues from teichoic and lipoteichoic acids attached to the bacterial envelope and comprises a globular N‐terminal catalytic module containing a zinc binuclear center and an elongated C‐terminal choline‐binding module. The dependence of Pce activity on the metal/enzyme stoichiometry shows that the two equivalents of zinc are essential for the catalysis, and stabilize the catalytic module through a complex metal‐ligand coordination network. The pH dependence of Pce activity toward the alternative substrate p‐nitrophenylphosphorylcholine (NPPC) shows that kcat and kcat/Km depend on the protonation state of two protein residues that can be tentatively assigned to the ionization of the metal‐bound water (hydrogen bonded to D89) and to H228. Maximum activity requires deprotonation of both groups, although the catalytic efficiency is optimum for the single deprotonated form. The drastic reduction of activity in the H90A mutant, which still binds two Zn2+ ions at neutral pH, indicates that Pce activity also depends on the geometry of the metallic cluster. The denaturation heat capacity profile of Pce exhibits two peaks with Tm values of 39.6°C (choline‐binding module) and 60.8°C (catalytic module). The H90A mutation reduces the high‐temperature peak by about 10°C. Pce is inhibited in the presence of 1 mM zinc, but this inhibition depends on pH, buffer, and substrate species. A reaction mechanism is proposed on the basis of kinetic data, the structural model of the Pce:NPPC complex, and the currently accepted mechanism for other Zn‐metallophosphoesterases.

FEBS Journal | 2005

Analysis of the stability of the spermadhesin PSP-I/PSP-II heterodimer. Effects of Zn2+ and acidic pH.

María A. Campanero-Rhodes; Margarita Menéndez; José L. Saiz; Libia Sanz; Juan J. Calvete; Dolores Solís

Spermadhesins are a family of 12–16 kDa proteins with a single CUB domain. PSP‐I and PSP‐II, the most abundant boar spermadhesins, are present in seminal plasma as a noncovalent heterodimer. Dimerization markedly affects the binding ability of the subunits. Notably, heparin and mannose 6‐phosphate binding abilities of PSP‐II are abolished, indicating that the corresponding binding sites may be located at (or near) the dimer interface. Pursuing the hypothesis that cryptic binding sites in PSP‐I/PSP‐II may be exposed in specific physiological environments, we examined the influence of Zn2+ and acidic pH on the heterodimer stability. According to near‐UV CD spectra, the core native fold is preserved in the presence of physiological concentrations of Zn2+, a cation unusually abundant in boar seminal plasma. However, the thermostability of the heterodimer decreases significantly, as observed by CD and differential scanning calorimetry. The effect is Zn2+‐specific and is reversed by EDTA. Destabilization is also observed at acidic pH. Gel filtration analysis using radioiodinated PSP‐I/PSP‐II reveals that dissociation of the heterodimer at low (nanomolar) protein concentrations is promoted by both Zn2+ and acidic pH. Although the integrity of the heterodimer in seminal plasma seems to be guaranteed by its high concentration, dissociation may be facilitated in the female genital tract because of dilution of the protein in the intraluminal fluids of the cervix and the uterus, and the acidic fluid of the uterotubal junction. Such a mechanism may be relevant in the regulation of uterine immune reactions.

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