
Nature Immunology | 2001

A point mutation in CD28 distinguishes proliferative signals from survival signals

Klaus Okkenhaug; Linda Wu; Kristine M. Garza; Jose La Rose; Wilson Khoo; Bernhard Odermatt; Tak W. Mak; Pamela S. Ohashi; Robert Rottapel

Upon interaction with its ligand, B7, CD28 becomes phosphorylated on tyrosines. One tyrosine in particular (Y170 in mouse CD28, Y173 in human CD28) has received much attention. This is because it permits CD28 to recruit SH2-containing signaling molecules, including phosphoinositide 3 kinase, Grb2 and Gads. Using mice we employed a transgenic approach to express a tyrosine→phenylalanine mutant form of CD28 that uncouples these SH2-mediated interactions from CD28. The CD28 mutant is unable to up-regulate expression of the prosurvival protein Bcl-xL, rendering the T cells more susceptible to radiation-induced death. Nonetheless, this mutated form of CD28 still prevents the induction of anergy and promotes T cell proliferation, interleukin 2 secretion and B cell help. Thus, we describe a single point mutation within the CD28 cytoplasmic domain that uncouples signals required for proliferation and survival.

The EMBO Journal | 1999

Socs1 binds to multiple signalling proteins and suppresses Steel factor-dependent proliferation

Paulo De Sepulveda; Klaus Okkenhaug; Jose La Rose; Robert G. Hawley; Patrice Dubreuil; Robert Rottapel

We have identified Socs1 as a downstream component of the Kit receptor tyrosine kinase signalling pathway. We show that the expression of Socs1 mRNA is rapidly increased in primary bone marrow‐derived mast cells following exposure to Steel factor, and Socs1 inducibly binds to the Kit receptor tyrosine kinase via its Src homology 2 (SH2) domain. Previous studies have shown that Socs1 suppresses cytokine‐mediated differentiation in M1 cells inhibiting Janus family kinases. In contrast, constitutive expression of Socs1 suppresses the mitogenic potential of Kit while maintaining Steel factor‐dependent cell survival signals. Unlike Janus kinases, Socs1 does not inhibit the catalytic activity of the Kit tyrosine kinase. In order to define the mechanism by which Socs1‐mediated suppression of Kit‐dependent mitogenesis occurs, we demonstrate that Socs1 binds to the signalling proteins Grb‐2 and the Rho‐family guanine nucleotide exchange factors Vav. We show that Grb2 binds Socs1 via its SH3 domains to putative diproline determinants located in the N‐terminus of Socs1, and Socs1 binds to the N‐terminal regulatory region of Vav. These data suggest that Socs1 is an inducible switch which modulates proliferative signals in favour of cell survival signals and functions as an adaptor protein in receptor tyrosine kinase signalling pathways.

Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2003

Autoinhibition of the Kit Receptor Tyrosine Kinase by the Cytosolic Juxtamembrane Region

Perry M. Chan; Subburaj Ilangumaran; Jose La Rose; Avijit Chakrabartty; Robert Rottapel

ABSTRACT Genetic studies have implicated the cytosolic juxtamembrane region of the Kit receptor tyrosine kinase as an autoinhibitory regulatory domain. Mutations in the juxtamembrane domain are associated with cancers, such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors and mastocytosis, and result in constitutive activation of Kit. Here we elucidate the biochemical mechanism of this regulation. A synthetic peptide encompassing the juxtamembrane region demonstrates cooperative thermal denaturation, suggesting that it folds as an autonomous domain. The juxtamembrane peptide directly interacted with the N-terminal ATP-binding lobe of the kinase domain. A mutation in the juxtamembrane region corresponding to an oncogenic form of Kit or a tyrosine-phosphorylated form of the juxtamembrane peptide disrupted the stability of this domain and its interaction with the N-terminal kinase lobe. Kinetic analysis of the Kit kinase harboring oncogenic mutations in the juxtamembrane region displayed faster activation times than the wild-type kinase. Addition of exogenous wild-type juxtamembrane peptide to active forms of Kit inhibited its kinase activity in trans, whereas the mutant peptide and a phosphorylated form of the wild-type peptide were less effective inhibitors. Lastly, expression of the Kit juxtamembrane peptide in cells which harbor an oncogenic form of Kit inhibited cell growth in a Kit-specific manner. Together, these results show the Kit kinase is autoinhibited through an intramolecular interaction with the juxtamembrane domain, and tyrosine phosphorylation and oncogenic mutations relieved the regulatory function of the juxtamembrane domain.

Oncogene | 2002

The tumor suppressor activity of SOCS-1.

Robert Rottapel; Subburaj Ilangumaran; Christopher Neale; Jose La Rose; Jenny M.-Y. Ho; Melody H.-H. Nguyen; Dwayne L. Barber; Patrice Dubreuil; Paulo De Sepulveda

SOCS-1 is an inducible SH2-containing inhibitor of Jak kinases and as such can potently suppress cytokine signaling. SOCS-1 deficient mice die within the first three weeks of life from a myeloproliferative disorder driven by excessive interferon signaling. We report here that SOCS-1 inhibits proliferation signals induced by a variety of oncogenes active within the hematopoietic system. Ectopic expression of SOCS-1 abolished proliferation mediated by a constitutively active form of the KIT receptor, TEL-JAK2, and v-ABL, and reduced metastasis from BCR-ABL transformed cells. SOCS-1, however, did not interfere with v-SRC or RASV12 mediated cellular transformation. A mutant form of SOCS-1 unable to bind through its SH2 domain to tyrosine phosphorylated proteins could still inhibit KIT, but not TEL-JAK2, indicating multiple mechanisms for SOCS-1-mediated tumor suppression. We show that the steady state levels of TEL-JAK2 and to a greater extent v-ABL are diminished in the presence of SOCS-1. Lastly, we show that SOCS-1 −/− fibroblasts are more sensitive than wild type fibroblasts to either spontaneous or oncogene-induced transformation. These data suggest that loss-of-function of SOCS-1 may collaborate with a variety of hematopoietic oncogenes to facilitate tumor progression.

Cell | 2011

Loss of Tankyrase-Mediated Destruction of 3BP2 Is the Underlying Pathogenic Mechanism of Cherubism

Noam Levaot; Oleksandr Voytyuk; Ioannis D. Dimitriou; Fabrice Sircoulomb; Arun Chandrakumar; Marcel Deckert; Paul M. Krzyzanowski; Andrew Scotter; Shengqing Gu; Salima Janmohamed; Feng Cong; Paul D. Simoncic; Yasuyoshi Ueki; Jose La Rose; Robert Rottapel

Cherubism is an autosomal-dominant syndrome characterized by inflammatory destructive bony lesions resulting in symmetrical deformities of the facial bones. Cherubism is caused by mutations in Sh3bp2, the gene that encodes the adaptor protein 3BP2. Most identified mutations in 3BP2 lie within the peptide sequence RSPPDG. A mouse model of cherubism develops hyperactive bone-remodeling osteoclasts and systemic inflammation characterized by expansion of the myelomonocytic lineage. The mechanism by which cherubism mutations alter 3BP2 function has remained obscure. Here we show that Tankyrase, a member of the poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP) family, regulates 3BP2 stability through ADP-ribosylation and subsequent ubiquitylation by the E3-ubiquitin ligase RNF146 in osteoclasts. Cherubism mutations uncouple 3BP2 from Tankyrase-mediated protein destruction, which results in its stabilization and subsequent hyperactivation of the SRC, SYK, and VAV signaling pathways.

Journal of Immunology | 2003

Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 1 Regulates IL-15 Receptor Signaling in CD8+CD44high Memory T Lymphocytes

Subburaj Ilangumaran; Sheela Ramanathan; Jose La Rose; Philippe Poussier; Robert Rottapel

T lymphocyte survival, proliferation, and death in the periphery are dependent on several cytokines. Many of these cytokines induce the expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling-1 (SOCS1), a feedback inhibitor of JAK kinases. However, it is unclear whether the cytokines that regulate T lymphocyte homeostasis are critically regulated by SOCS1 in vivo. Using SOCS1−/−IFN-γ−/− mice we show that SOCS1 deficiency causes a lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by decreased CD4/CD8 ratio due to chronic accumulation of CD8+CD44high memory phenotype T cells. SOCS1-deficient CD8+ T cells express elevated levels of IL-2Rβ, show increased proliferative response to IL-15 and IL-2 in vitro, and undergo increased bystander proliferation and vigorous homeostatic expansion in vivo. Sorted CD8+CD44high T cells from SOCS1−/−IFN-γ−/− mice respond 5 times more strongly than control cells, indicating that SOCS1 is a critical regulator of IL-15R signaling. Consistent with this idea, IL-15 stimulates sustained STAT5 phosphorylation in SOCS1-deficient CD8+ T cells. IL-15 strongly induces TNF-α production in SOCS1-deficient CD8+ T cells, indicating that SOCS1 is also a critical regulator of CD8+ T cell activation by IL-15. However, IL-15 and IL-2 induce comparable levels of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL in SOCS1-deficient and SOCS1-sufficient CD8+ T cells, suggesting that cytokine receptor signals required for inducing proliferation and cell survival signals are not identical. These results show that SOCS1 differentially regulates common γ-chain cytokine signaling in CD8+ T cells and suggest that CD8+ T cell homeostasis is maintained by distinct mechanisms that control cytokine-mediated survival and proliferation signals.

Journal of Immunology | 2005

CD28 Regulates the Translation of Bcl-xL via the Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase/Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Pathway

Linda X. Wu; Jose La Rose; Liane Chen; Christopher Neale; Tak W. Mak; Klaus Okkenhaug; Ronald L. Wange; Robert Rottapel

In concert with the TCR, CD28 promotes T cell survival by regulating the expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-xL. The mechanism by which CD28 mediates the induction of Bcl-xL remains unknown. We show that although signaling through the TCR is sufficient to stimulate transcription of Bcl-xL mRNA, CD28, by activating PI3K and mammalian target of rapamycin, provides a critical signal that regulates the translation of Bcl-xL transcripts. We observe that CD28 induced 4E-binding protein-1 phosphorylation, an inhibitor of the translational machinery, and that CD28 costimulation directly augmented the translation of a Bcl-xL 5′-untranslated region reporter construct. Lastly, costimulation by CD28 shifted the distribution of Bcl-xL mRNA transcripts from the pretranslation complex to the translationally active polyribosomes. These results demonstrate that CD28 relieves the translational inhibition of Bcl-xL in a PI3K/mammalian target of rapamycin-dependent manner.

Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2007

The 3BP2 Adapter Protein Is Required for Optimal B-Cell Activation and Thymus-Independent Type 2 Humoral Response

Grace Chen; Ioannis D. Dimitriou; Jose La Rose; Subburaj Ilangumaran; Wen-Chen Yeh; Gina M. Doody; Martin Turner; Jennifer L. Gommerman; Robert Rottapel

ABSTRACT 3BP2 is a pleckstrin homology domain- and Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-containing adapter protein that is mutated in the rare human bone disorder cherubism and which has also been implicated in immunoreceptor signaling. However, a function for this protein has yet to be established. Here we show that mice lacking 3BP2 exhibited a perturbation in the peritoneal B1 and splenic marginal-zone B-cell compartments and diminished thymus-independent type 2 antigen response. 3BP2−/− B cells demonstrated a proliferation defect in response to antigen receptor cross-linking and a heightened sensitivity to B-cell receptor-induced death via a caspase-3-dependent apoptotic pathway. We show that 3BP2 binds via its SH2 domain to the CD19 signaling complex and is required for optimum Syk phosphorylation and calcium flux.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 2011

3BP2-deficient mice are osteoporotic with impaired osteoblast and osteoclast functions

Noam Levaot; Paul D. Simoncic; Ioannis D. Dimitriou; Andrew Scotter; Jose La Rose; Adeline H.M. Ng; Thomas L. Willett; Chiachien J. Wang; Salima Janmohamed; Marc D. Grynpas; Ernst Reichenberger; Robert Rottapel

A fine balance between bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts maintains bone homeostasis. In patients with cherubism, gain-of-function mutations in 3BP2, which is encoded by SH3-domain binding protein 2 (SH3BP2), cause cystic lesions with activated osteoclasts that lead to craniofacial abnormalities. However, little is known about the function of wild-type 3BP2 in regulating bone homeostasis. Here we have shown that 3BP2 is required for the normal function of both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Initial analysis showed that Sh3bp2-/-mice developed osteoporosis as a result of reduced bone formation despite the fact that bone resorption was impaired. We demonstrated using reciprocal bone marrow chimeras, a cell-intrinsic defect of the osteoblast and osteoclast compartments in vivo. Further, Sh3bp2-/- osteoblasts failed to mature and form mineralized nodules in vitro, while Sh3bp2-/- osteoclasts spread poorly and were unable to effectively degrade dentine matrix in vitro. Finally, we showed that 3BP2 was required for Abl activation in osteoblasts and Src activation in osteoclasts, and demonstrated that the in vitro defect of each cell type was restored by the respective expression of activated forms of these kinases. These findings reveal an unanticipated role for the 3BP2 adapter protein in osteoblast function and in coordinating bone homeostatic signals in both osteoclast and osteoblast lineages.

Journal of Clinical Investigation | 2016

Reciprocal stabilization of ABL and TAZ regulates osteoblastogenesis through transcription factor RUNX2

Yoshinori Matsumoto; Jose La Rose; Oliver A. Kent; Melany Wagner; Masahiro Narimatsu; Aaron D. Levy; Mitchell H. Omar; Jiefei Tong; Jonathan R. Krieger; Emily Riggs; Yaryna Storozhuk; Julia Pasquale; Manuela Ventura; Behzad Yeganeh; Martin Post; Michael F. Moran; Marc D. Grynpas; Jeffrey L. Wrana; Giulio Superti-Furga; Anthony J. Koleske; Ann Marie Pendergast; Robert Rottapel

Cellular identity in metazoan organisms is frequently established through lineage-specifying transcription factors, which control their own expression through transcriptional positive feedback, while antagonizing the developmental networks of competing lineages. Here, we have uncovered a distinct positive feedback loop that arises from the reciprocal stabilization of the tyrosine kinase ABL and the transcriptional coactivator TAZ. Moreover, we determined that this loop is required for osteoblast differentiation and embryonic skeletal formation. ABL potentiated the assembly and activation of the RUNX2-TAZ master transcription factor complex that is required for osteoblastogenesis, while antagonizing PPARγ-mediated adipogenesis. ABL also enhanced TAZ nuclear localization and the formation of the TAZ-TEAD complex that is required for osteoblast expansion. Last, we have provided genetic data showing that regulation of the ABL-TAZ amplification loop lies downstream of the adaptor protein 3BP2, which is mutated in the craniofacial dysmorphia syndrome cherubism. Our study demonstrates an interplay between ABL and TAZ that controls the mesenchymal maturation program toward the osteoblast lineage and is mechanistically distinct from the established model of lineage-specific maturation.

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