
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2002

Mechanisms of noise-resistance in genetic oscillators

Jose M. G. Vilar; Hao Yuan Kueh; Naama Barkai; Stanislas Leibler

A wide range of organisms use circadian clocks to keep internal sense of daily time and regulate their behavior accordingly. Most of these clocks use intracellular genetic networks based on positive and negative regulatory elements. The integration of these “circuits” at the cellular level imposes strong constraints on their functioning and design. Here, we study a recently proposed model [Barkai, N. & Leibler, S. (2000) Nature (London), 403, 267–268] that incorporates just the essential elements found experimentally. We show that this type of oscillator is driven mainly by two elements: the concentration of a repressor protein and the dynamics of an activator protein forming an inactive complex with the repressor. Thus, the clock does not need to rely on mRNA dynamics to oscillate, which makes it especially resistant to fluctuations. Oscillations can be present even when the time average of the number of mRNA molecules goes below one. Under some conditions, this oscillator is not only resistant to but, paradoxically, also enhanced by the intrinsic biochemical noise.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2007

Synthetic cooperation in engineered yeast populations

Wenying Shou; Sri Ram; Jose M. G. Vilar

Cooperative interactions are key to diverse biological phenomena ranging from multicellularity to mutualism. Such diversity makes the ability to create and control cooperation desirable for potential applications in areas as varied as agriculture, pollutant treatment, and medicine. Here we show that persistent cooperation can be engineered by introducing a small set of genetic modifications into previously noninteracting cell populations. Specifically, we report the construction of a synthetic obligatory cooperative system, termed CoSMO (cooperation that is synthetic and mutually obligatory), which consists of a pair of nonmating yeast strains, each supplying an essential metabolite to the other strain. The behavior of the two strains in isolation, however, revealed unintended constraints that restrict cooperation, such as asymmetry in starvation tolerance and delays in nutrient release until near cell death. However, the joint system is shown mathematically and experimentally to be viable over a wide range of initial conditions, with oscillating population ratio settling to a value predicted by nutrient supply and consumption. Unexpectedly, even in the absence of explicitly engineered mechanisms to stabilize cooperation, the cooperative system can consistently develop increased ability to survive reductions in population density. Extending synthetic biology from the design of genetic circuits to the engineering of ecological interactions, CoSMO provides a quantitative system for linking processes at the cellular level to the collective behavior at the system level, as well as a genetically tractable system for studying the evolution of cooperation.

Journal of Cell Biology | 2003

Modeling network dynamics: the lac operon, a case study

Jose M. G. Vilar; Călin C. Guet; Stanislas Leibler

We use the lac operon in Escherichia coli as a prototype system to illustrate the current state, applicability, and limitations of modeling the dynamics of cellular networks. We integrate three different levels of description (molecular, cellular, and that of cell population) into a single model, which seems to capture many experimental aspects of the system.

Journal of Molecular Biology | 2003

DNA looping and physical constraints on transcription regulation.

Jose M. G. Vilar; Stanislas Leibler

DNA looping participates in transcriptional regulation, for instance, by allowing distal binding sites to act synergistically. Here, we study this process and compare different regulatory mechanisms based on repression with and without looping. Within a simple mathematical model for the lac operon, we show that regulation based on DNA looping, in addition to increasing the repression level, can reduce the fluctuations of transcription and, at the same time, decrease the sensitivity to changes in the number of regulatory proteins. Looping is thus able to circumvent some of the constraints inherent to mechanisms based solely on binding to a single operator site and provides a mechanism to regulate the average properties of transcription and its fluctuations.

Current Opinion in Genetics & Development | 2005

DNA looping in gene regulation: from the assembly of macromolecular complexes to the control of transcriptional noise.

Jose M. G. Vilar; Leonor Saiz

The formation of DNA loops by the binding of proteins and protein complexes at distal DNA sites plays a central role in many cellular processes, such as transcription, recombination and replication. Important thermodynamic concepts underlie the assembly of macromolecular complexes on looped DNA. The effects that this process has on the properties of gene regulation extend beyond the traditional view of DNA looping as a mechanism to increase the affinity of regulatory molecules for their cognate sites. Recent developments indicate that DNA looping can also lead to the suppression of cell-to-cell variability, the control of transcriptional noise, and the activation of cooperative interactions on demand.

PLOS Computational Biology | 2005

Signal Processing in the TGF-β Superfamily Ligand-Receptor Network

Jose M. G. Vilar; Ronald Jansen; Chris Sander

The TGF-β pathway plays a central role in tissue homeostasis and morphogenesis. It transduces a variety of extracellular signals into intracellular transcriptional responses that control a plethora of cellular processes, including cell growth, apoptosis, and differentiation. We use computational modeling to show that coupling of signaling with receptor trafficking results in a highly versatile signal-processing unit, able to sense by itself absolute levels of ligand, temporal changes in ligand concentration, and ratios of multiple ligands. This coupling controls whether the response of the receptor module is transient or permanent and whether or not different signaling channels behave independently of each other. Our computational approach unifies seemingly disparate experimental observations and suggests specific changes in receptor trafficking patterns that can lead to phenotypes that favor tumor progression.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2001

Thermodynamics "beyond" local equilibrium.

Jose M. G. Vilar; J. M. Rubi

Nonequilibrium thermodynamics has shown its applicability in a wide variety of different situations pertaining to fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. As successful as it is, however, its current formulation considers only systems close to equilibrium, those satisfying the so-called local equilibrium hypothesis. Here we show that diffusion processes that occur far away from equilibrium can be viewed as at local equilibrium in a space that includes all the relevant variables in addition to the spatial coordinate. In this way, nonequilibrium thermodynamics can be used and the difficulties and ambiguities associated with the lack of a thermodynamic description disappear. We analyze explicitly the inertial effects in diffusion and outline how the main ideas can be applied to other situations.

Current Opinion in Structural Biology | 2006

DNA looping : the consequences and its control

Leonor Saiz; Jose M. G. Vilar

The formation of DNA loops by proteins and protein complexes is ubiquitous to many fundamental cellular processes, including transcription, recombination and replication. Recently, advances have been made in understanding the properties of DNA looping in its natural context and how they propagate to cellular behavior through gene regulation. The result of connecting the molecular properties of DNA looping with cellular physiology measurements indicates that looping of DNA in vivo is much more complex and easier than predicted from current models, and reveals a wealth of previously unappreciated details.

Physical Review Letters | 1998

Effects of Noise in Symmetric Two-Species Competition

Jose M. G. Vilar; Ricard V. Solé

We have analyzed the interplay between noise and periodic modulations in a classical Lotka-Volterra model of two-species competition. We have found that the consideration of noise changes drastically the behavior of the system and leads to new situations which have no counterpart in the deterministic case. Among others, noise is responsible for temporal oscillations, spatial patterns, and the enhancement of the response of the system via stochastic resonance.

Physical Review Letters | 1997


Jose M. G. Vilar; J. M. Rubi

We show the appearance of spatiotemporal stochastic resonance in the Swift-Hohenberg equation. This phenomenon emerges when a control parameter varies periodically in time around the bifurcation point. By using general scaling arguments and by taking into account the common features occurring in a bifurcation, we outline possible manifestations of the phenomenon in other pattern-forming systems.

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