
Planta | 1997

Cardosin A, an abundant aspartic proteinase, accumulates in protein storage vacuoles in the stigmatic papillae of Cynara cardunculus L.

Miguel Ramalho-Santos; José Pissarra; Paula Veríssimo; Susana Pereira; R. Salema; Euclides Pires; Carlos Faro

Abstract. The function of aspartic proteinases (EC 3.4.23) present in flowers of Cynara species is still unknown. Cardosin A, as a highly abundant aspartic proteinase from Cynara cardunculus L., a relative of the artichoke, is synthesised as a zymogen and subsequently undergoes proteolytic processing, yielding the mature and active enzyme. Here we report the study of the expression and localization of cardosin A, as a first approach to address the question of its physiological relevance. A polyclonal antibody specific for cardosin A was raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to an amino acid sequence of the enzyme. This antibody was used to study the organ-specific, tissue-specific and subcellular localization of cardosin A by immunoblotting, tissue printing and immunogold electron microscopy. The results showed that expression of cardosin A is highly restricted to the pistils, and that the enzyme accumulates mainly in protein storage vacuoles of the stigmatic papillae. Cardosin A is also present, although much less abundantly, in the vacuoles of the cells of the epidermis of the style. In view of these results, the possible physiological roles of cardosin A are discussed, namely an involvement in defense mechanisms or pollen-pistil interaction, as well as in flower senescence.

Planta | 1998

Cytosolic localization in tomato mesophyll cells of a novel glutamine synthetase induced in response to bacterial infection or phosphinothricin treatment

Alejandro Pérez-García; S. Pereira; José Pissarra; A. García Gutiérrez; Francisco M. Cazorla; R. Salema; A. de Vicente; Francisco M. Cánovas

Abstract.In tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) leaves, the predominant glutamine synthetase (GS; EC is chloroplastic (GS2; 45 kDa) whereas the cytosolic isoform (GS1; 39 kDa) is represented as a minor enzyme. Following either infection by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) or treatment with phosphinothricin (PPT), a GS inhibitor, GS1 accumulated in the leaves. In contrast to healthy control leaves, where GS1 was restricted to the veins, in infected and PPT-treated leaves the GS1 polypeptide was also detected in the leaf blade; moreover, it was more abundant than GS2. Different immunological approaches were therefore used to investigate whether or not the GS1 polypeptide expressed in Pst-infected and PPT-treated tomato leaves was distributed among different tissues and subcellular compartments in the same way as the constitutive GS1 expressed in healthy leaves. By tissue-printing analysis, a similar GS immunostaining was observed in epidermis, mesophyll and phloem of leaflet midrib cross-sections of control, infected and PPT-treated leaves. Immunocytochemical localization revealed that GS protein was present in the chloroplast of mesophyll cells and the cytoplasm of phloem cells in healthy leaves; however, in Pst-infected or PPT-treated leaves, a strong labelling was observed in the cytoplasm of mesophyll cells. Two-dimensional analysis of GS polypeptides showed that, in addition to the constitutive GS1, a GS1 polypeptide different in charge was present in tomato leaflets after microbial infection or herbicide treatment. All these results indicate that a novel cytosolic GS is induced in mesophyll cells of Pst-infected or PPT-treated leaves. A possible role for this new cytosolic GS in the remobilization of leaf nitrogen during infection is proposed.

Plant Molecular Biology | 2001

Molecular cloning and characterization of cDNA encoding cardosin B, an aspartic proteinase accumulating extracellularly in the transmitting tissue of Cynara cardunculus L.

Margarida Vieira; José Pissarra; Paula Veríssimo; Pedro Castanheira; Yael Costa; Euclides Pires; Carlos Faro

Cardosins A and B are related aspartic proteinases from the pistils of Cynara cardunculus L., whose milk-clotting activity has been exploited for the manufacture of cheese. Here we report the cloning of cardosin B cDNA and its organ, tissue and cytological localization. The cDNA-derived amino acid sequence has 73% similarity with that of cardosin A and displays several distinguishing features. Cardosin B mRNA was detected in young inflorescences but not in pistils of fully opened inflorescences, indicating that its expression is developmentally regulated. The proteinase, however, accumulates in the pistil until the later stages of floral development. Immunocytochemistry with a monospecific antibody localized cardosin B to the cell wall and extracellular matrix of the floral transmitting tissue. The location of cardosin B in the pistil is therefore clearly different from that of cardosin A, which was found at protein storage vacuoles of the stigmatic papillae and has been suggested to be involved in RGD-mediated proteolytic mechanisms. In view of these results the possible functions of cardosin B in the transmitting tissue are discussed.

Protoplasma | 2008

Cardosins in postembryonic development of cardoon: towards an elucidation of the biological function of plant aspartic proteinases

Cláudia Pereira; Diana Soares da Costa; Susana Pereira; F. de Moura Nogueira; P. M. Albuquerque; Jorge Teixeira; Carlos Faro; José Pissarra

Summary.Following on from previous work, the temporal and spatial accumulation of the aspartic proteinases (EC 3.4.23) cardosin A and cardosin B during postembryonic seed development of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus) was studied. mRNA and protein analyses of both cardosins suggested that the proteins accumulate during seed maturation, and that cardosin A is later synthesised de novo at the time of radicle emergence. Immunocytochemistry revealed that the precursor form of cardosin A accumulates in protein bodies and cell walls. This localisation in seeds is different from that previously described for cardoon flowers, suggesting a tissue-dependent targeting of the protein. It is known that procardosins are active and may have a role in proteolysis and processing of storage proteins. However, the presence of procardosin A in seeds could be related to the proposed role of the plant-specific insert in membrane lipid conversion during water uptake and solute leakage in actively growing tissues. This is in accordance with the recently proposed bifunctional role of aspartic proteinase precursor molecules that possess a membrane-destabilising domain in addition to a protease domain. Mature cardosin B, but not its mRNA, was detected in the first hours after seed imbibition and disappeared at the time of radicle emergence. This extracellular aspartic protease has already been implicated in cell wall loosening and remodelling, and its role in seed germination could be related to loosening tissue constraints for radicle protusion. The described pattern of cardosin A and B expression suggests a finely tuned developmental regulation and prompts an analysis of their possible roles in the physiology of postembryonic development.

Sexual Plant Reproduction | 2006

The embryo sac of Cynara cardunculus: ultrastructure of the development and localisation of the aspartic proteinase cardosin B

Raquel Figueiredo; Patrícia Duarte; Susana Pereira; José Pissarra

Cynara cardunculus is a native plant with flowers that are used traditionally in the manufacture of ewe’s cheese in the Iberian Peninsula. Milk clotting ability of the plant is attributed to the high concentrations of aspartic proteinases (APs), named cardosins, found in the flowers. Although these enzymes are well characterised on a molecular and biochemical basis, the biological role of the majority of plant APs is yet unassigned. We suspected APs play an important role in ovule function, and we characterised the maturation of the ovules of C. cardunculus and its Polygonum-type embryo sacs. The internal layer of the integument differentiates into an endothelium as described for other Asteraceae, with differentiation of two nucellar layers, a podium and a hypostase coinciding with the onset of pollen receptivity. In flowering plants, programmed cell death (PCD) events are essential for the success of nucellar maturation and consequent differentiation of a fully functional embryo sac. In C. cardunculus, nucellar PCD is integral to the maturation of the embryo sac, which in turn is closely correlated with the accumulation of the AP cardosin B specifically in the hypostase. The onset of cardosin B expression temporally coincides with the degeneration of nucellar cells. In fully mature embryo sacs, cardosin B is localised in both the hypostase and epistase, two regions that differentiate through PCD. Thus, cardosin B localisations closely correlate with events of PCD in the nucellus of C. cardunculus suggesting involvement in ovule and embryo sac development and further suggest the biological significance of APs like cardosin B, in this particular process. This work contributes new data to the plant AP research field and indicates an involvement of cardosin B in the PCD-dependent degeneration of the nucellus.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 2014

Delivering of Proteins to the Plant Vacuole—An Update

Cláudia Pereira; Susana Pereira; José Pissarra

Trafficking of soluble cargo to the vacuole is far from being a closed issue as it can occur by different routes and involve different intermediates. The textbook view of proteins being sorted at the post-Golgi level to the lytic vacuole via the pre-vacuole or to the protein storage vacuole mediated by dense vesicles is now challenged as novel routes are being disclosed and vacuoles with intermediate characteristics described. The identification of Vacuolar Sorting Determinants is a key signature to understand protein trafficking to the vacuole. Despite the long established vacuolar signals, some others have been described in the last few years, with different properties that can be specific for some cells or some types of vacuoles. There are also reports of proteins having two different vacuolar signals and their significance is questionable: a way to increase the efficiency of the sorting or different sorting depending on the protein roles in a specific context? Along came the idea of differential vacuolar sorting, suggesting a possible specialization of the trafficking pathways according to the type of cell and specific needs. In this review, we show the recent advances in the field and focus on different aspects of protein trafficking to the vacuoles.

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology | 1998

Structural and Functional Aspects of Cardosins

Carlos Faro; Miguel Ramalho-Santos; Paula Veríssimo; José Pissarra; Carlos Frazão; Júlia Costa; Xinli Lin; Jordan Tang; Euclides Pires

Cardosins are aspartic proteinases of the flowers of Cynara cardunculus L. These flowers have economical relevance in Portugal since they are traditionally used in the manufacture of highly appreciated ewe cheeses such as Serra, Azeitao and Serpa. Although the milk-clotting activity of the cardoon has been exploited for centuries, the biochemistry of the process was relatively unknown until some years ago when we and other laboratories started to study both basic and applied aspects of the cardoon preparation [1–7]. In a first stage it was demonstrated that the milk-clotting activity is due to the presence of aspartic proteinases which cleave the peptide bond Phe 105–Met 106 of k-casein [1,3], a bond also cleaved by other milk-clotting enzymes used for cheese making [8]. Cleavage of this bond is known to induce destabilization of the casein micelle and subsequent formation of a clot, [9], and thus it is possible that the milk-clotting process induced by cardoon proteinases occurs in a similar way. However, the organoleptic properties of the products obtained with the flower of cardoon are clearly different from those of cheeses made from the same milk with chymosin or microbial rennets [10], stressing the unique characteristics of the cardoon enzymes.

Planta | 2010

Dissecting cardosin B trafficking pathways in heterologous systems.

Diana Soares da Costa; Susana Pereira; Ian Moore; José Pissarra

In cardoon pistils, while cardosin A is detected in the vacuoles of stigmatic papillae, cardosin B accumulates in the extracellular matrix of the transmitting tissue. Given cardosins’ high homology and yet different cellular localisation, cardosins represent a potentially useful model to understand and study the structural and functional plasticity of plant secretory pathways. The vacuolar targeting of cardosin A was replicated in heterologous species so the targeting of cardosin B was examined in these systems. Inducible expression in transgenic Arabidopsis and transient expression in tobacco epidermal cells were used in parallel to study cardosin B intracellular trafficking and localisation. Cardosin B was successfully expressed in both systems where it accumulated mainly in the vacuole but it was also detected in the cell wall. The glycosylation pattern of cardosin B in these systems was in accordance with that observed in cardoon high-mannose-type glycans, suggesting that either the glycans are inaccessible to the Golgi processing enzymes due to cardosin B conformation or the protein leaves the Golgi in an early step before Golgi-modifying enzymes are able to modify the glycans. Concerning cardosin B trafficking pathway, it is transported through the Golgi in a RAB-D2a-dependent route, and is delivered to the vacuole via the prevacuolar compartment in a RAB-F2b-dependent pathway. Since cardosin B is secreted in cardoon pistils, its localisation in the vacuoles in cardoon ovary and in heterologous systems, suggests that the differential targeting of cardosins A and B in cardoon pistils results principally from differences in the cells in which these two proteins are expressed.

Plant Journal | 2013

Cardosin A contains two vacuolar sorting signals using different vacuolar routes in tobacco epidermal cells

Cláudia Pereira; Susana Pereira; Béatrice Satiat-Jeunemaitre; José Pissarra

Several vacuolar sorting determinants (VSDs) have been described for protein trafficking to the vacuoles in plant cells. Because of the variety in plant models, cell types and experimental approaches used to decipher vacuolar targeting processes, it is not clear whether the three well-known groups of VSDs identified so far exhaust all the targeting mechanisms, nor if they reflect certain protein types or families. The vacuolar targeting mechanisms of the aspartic proteinases family, for instance, are not yet fully understood. In previous studies, cardosin A has proven to be a good reporter for studying the vacuolar sorting of aspartic proteinases. We therefore propose to explore the roles of two different cardosin A domains, common to several aspartic proteinases [i.e. the plant-specific insert (PSI) and the C-terminal peptide VGFAEAA] in vacuolar sorting. Several truncated versions of the protein conjugated with fluorescent protein were made, with and without these putative sorting determinants. These domains were also tested independently, for their ability to sort other proteins, rather than cardosin A, to the vacuole. Fluorescent chimaeras were tracked in vivo, by confocal laser scanning microscopy, in Nicotiana tabacum cells. Results demonstrate that either the PSI or the C terminal was necessary and sufficient to direct fluorescent proteins to the vacuole, confirming that they are indeed vacuolar sorting determinants. Further analysis using blockage experiments of the secretory pathway revealed that these two VSDs mediate two different trafficking pathways.

Planta | 2015

A putative role for γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in vascular development in pine seedlings

Juan Jesús Molina-Rueda; María Belén Pascual; José Pissarra; Fernando Gallardo

Main conclusionA model for GABA synthesis in stems of pine seedlings is proposed. The localization of GABA in differentiating tracheids suggests a link between GABA production and vascular development.Abstractγ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a non-proteinogenic amino acid present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. GABA plays a fundamental role as a signal molecule in the central nervous system in animals. In plants, GABA has been correlated with cellular elongation, plant development, gene expression regulation, synthesis of ethylene and other hormones, and signaling. Considering the physiological importance of GABA in plants, the lack of works about GABA localization in this kingdom seems surprising. In this work, the immunolocalization of GABA in root and hypocotyl during seedling development and in bent stem showing compression xylem has been studied. In the seedling root, the GABA signal was very high and restricted to the stele supporting previous evidences indicating a potential role for this amino acid in root growth and nutrient transport. In hypocotyl, GABA was localized in vascular tissues, including differentiating xylem, ray parenchyma and epithelial resin duct cells, drawing also a role for GABA in vascular development, communication and defense. During the production of compression wood, a special lignified wood produced when the stem loss its vertical position, a clear GABA signal was found in the new differentiating xylem cells showing a gradient-like pattern with higher signal in less differentiated elements. The results are in accordance with a previous work indicating that glutamate decarboxylase and GABA production are associated to vascular differentiation in pine Molina-Rueda et al. (Planta 232: 1471–1483, 2010). A model for GABA synthesis in vascular differentiation, communication, and defense is proposed in the stem of pine seedlings.

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