José Tarcísio Lima Thiébaut
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2008
Adolpho Marlon Antoniol de Moura; Newton Tavares Escocard de Oliveira; José Tarcísio Lima Thiébaut; Thiago Vasconcelos Melo
Avaliou-se o efeito de temperatura de estocagem e tipo de embalagem, na qualidade interna de ovos de codornas japonesas (Coturnix japonica, Temminck & Schlegel, 1849), no 5o, 10o, 15o e 20o dias experimentais. Utilizaram-se 192 ovos de codornas japonesas em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado e esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com vinte e quatro tratamentos e oito repeticoes de um ovo por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos foram constituidos pela combinacao de duas temperaturas de estocagem (ambiente e sob refrigeracao) versus tres tipos de embalagem (papel, isopor e plastico), casualizada nas parcelas, versus quatro tempos (5o, 10o, 15o e 20o dias de estocagem), alocados nas subparcelas. As variaveis estudadas foram perda de peso (PP), em porcentagem, altura de albume (AA), em milimetros, e unidade Haugh (UH). Com o aumento do tempo de estocagem, houve reducao da altura de albume e da unidade Haugh e aumento da perda de peso de ovos de codornas japonesas, armazenados sob temperatura ambiente. No decorrer do periodo de estocagem, os valores medios de altura de albume e unidade Haugh de ovos de codornas japonesas, estocados sob refrigeracao foram maiores do que as respectivas medias de altura de albume e unidade Haugh de ovos estocados sob temperatura ambiente. O uso da embalagem de isopor proporcionou menor perda de peso dos ovos do que o uso das embalagens de papel e de plastico, independente do tempo e da temperatura de estocagem.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2002
Newton Tavares Escocard de Oliveira; Martinho de Almeida e Silva; Rita da Trindade Ribeiro Nobre Soares; José Brandão Fonseca; José Tarcísio Lima Thiébaut
Four hundred and fifty quails of each sex, in a total of nine hundred quails, were assigned to a completely randomized design with five replicates of six quails per experimental unit, to estimate the crude protein (CP) and metabolizable energy (ME) requirements for maximum performance of females and males Japanese quails reared for meat production purpose and to determine the best slaughter age. The treatments were consisted of the quails sex and the experimental diets, resultant from the combination of five levels of CP (18, 20, 22, 24 and 26%) and three level of ME (2800, 3000 and 3200 kcal/kg of diet), and allotted to the plots and to the four experimental periods, as splitplots. The estimates of CP and ME requirements during the first (5 to 16), third (27 to 38) and fourth (38 to 49 days of age) periods were: 26 and 2800; 18 and 3200 and 19,62% and 3200 kcal/kg of diet for females and 26 and 2800; 18 and 3200 and 18% and 3200 kcal/kg of diet for males, respectively. The CP requirement for females and males in the second (16 to 27 days of age) period was 26%, however it was not possible to estimate the ME requirement for both sexes, in relation to the same period. For the whole period, the estimated crude protein requirement for maximum weight gain of females and males was 24.73%. The estimated ages for maximum body weight depended on the crude protein level of diet and varied from 91 to 189 days of age for females and from 57 to 83 days for males.
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2011
Rony Antonio Ferreira; Luis Humberto Castillo Estrada; José Tarcísio Lima Thiébaut; Luis Bernabé Castillo Granados; Vilmar Rodrigues de Souza Júnior
Um estudo foi desenvolvido em Quissama, RJ utilizando-se 20 ovelhas da raca Santa Ines com idade media de dois anos objetivando-se avaliar o comportamento dos animais em dois sistemas de criacao. Os animais foram mantidos em piquetes com pastagem de capim-quicuio, sendo dez ovelhas alojadas em piquete sem sombreamento e outras 10 alojadas em piquete, com consorcio de pastagem e o cultivo de coco (Cocus nucifera). Durante o periodo de 10 dias consecutivos, os animais tiveram seus respectivos comportamentos observados de acordo com o tempo despendido com as atividades de alimentacao, ruminacao e ocio, aferidos de dez em dez minutos das 9:00 as 17:00 horas, periodo em que permaneciam a pasto. Os animais expostos ao sol despenderam menor tempo diario pastejando, aumentando atividade de ruminacao e ocio, mantendo essas atividades menos constantes quando comparadas aos animais mantidos a sombra. O consorcio da cultura de coco com a pastagem influenciou positivamente o comportamento dos animais.
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2007
Newton Tavares Escocard de Oliveira; José Brandão Fonseca; Rita da Trindade Ribeiro Nobre Soares; Karla Silva Ferreira; José Tarcísio Lima Thiébaut
Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar, semanalmente, o grau de pigmentacao de gemas de ovos de codornas japonesas alimentadas com racoes contendo diferentes niveis de colorifico (163,8 mg bixina/100 g), no decorrer de quatro semanas. Utilizaram-se 240 codornas japonesas (Coturnix japonica) femeas, em delineamento experimental em blocos inteiramente casualizados, com oito tratamentos, cinco repeticoes e seis codornas por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos, constituidos por oito racoes experimentais resultantes da combinacao de quatro niveis de colorifico na racao (0; 1,5; 3,0 e 4,5%) e duas fontes energeticas (milho e quirera de arroz), foram distribuidos nas parcelas, enquanto que os quatro dias experimentais (7o, 14o, 21o e 28o) constituiram as subparcelas. A equacao de regressao estimada com o uso do modelo logaritmico explicou 96% da variacao dos dados de escore colorimetrico das gemas. No 7o e 14o dia do experimento, os niveis de colorifico estimados que promoveram escores colorimetricos de gemas com padrao caipira (8,5 a 9,0 pontos) foram de 1,5%, em racoes a base de milho, e 3,0%, em racoes a base de quirera de arroz. No 21o e 28o dia experimental, os valores estimados foram de 0,75% (racoes com milho) e 2,25% (racoes com quirera). Em racoes com 46,0% de milho ou quirera de arroz, o uso de niveis superiores a 3,0% de colorifico promoveu aumento das perdas de pigmento, pelas excretas, e consequente reducao da capacidade de deposicao de pigmentos nas gemas.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2000
Fernando Luiz Henriques Tebaldi; José Fernando Coelho da Silva; Hernan Maldonado Vasquez; José Tarcísio Lima Thiébaut
The amount of Ca, P, Mg, K and Na of the soils, and the levels of these elements and S of the forages predominant in the pastures and water, were studied in the North and Northwest regions of Rio de Janeiro State, in the dry (June-July) and rainy (December-January) seasons. Samples were collected from soil, forages and water from 12 different places of the regions, in predominant grazing areas, as showed by satellite photography and according to different soil characteristics. The mineral contents of the sample extracts were determined by spectrometry, on an inductive plasma emission source apparatus. The amount of P, K and Na in the soils were very low as well as for those of Ca in some places, in the dry and rainy seasons. Also, low levels of P were found in forage samples at some places and the forage P levels changed with the soil type. In some places, forage Ca levels were adequate and forage Mg levels were higher for the grazing beef cow requirements. Also, in both seasons low levels of Na were detected in the forage samples. The forage levels of K were higher for the requirements of these animals. Only in one place the forage Na content reached the maximum of 10% of the minimum required by these animals and forage S levels except in two places were low. Samples of water showed Ca contents over 70 mg/L and Na over 55,1 mg/L, but the mean values in most of the places were very low. The mean Na contents of water were found to be four times higher than those found in USA, those of K in some places ranged from two to six times and the S contents were very low.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2004
Alecssandro Regal Dutra; Augusto César de Queiroz; José Tarcísio Lima Thiébaut; Leôncio Gonçalves Dutra; Roberto de Camargo Wascheck; Paulo Cesar Moreira
The experiment was carried out to study the effects of fiber levels (38.7 and 57.2% NDF), composed of elephantgrass silage and chopped sugarcane and two protein sources, a high (soybean meal) and low (blood meal and corn gluten meal) ruminal degradable protein, on the ammonia nitrogen concentration (N-NH3) and on the ruminal pH of steers. Four rumen fistulated Brow-Swiss steers, with 316 kg of average initial weight, were randomly allotted to a 4 x 4 Latin square design. The steers were full fed diets containing two levels of fiber and two sources of protein with different ruminal degradable protein. The highest means of N-NH3 concentrations in the ruminal fluid were observed with the diets with soybean meal as protein source, independently of the fiber level, with values of 0.18 mg of N-NH3/mL of ruminal fluid. The minimum values of N-NH3 in the ruminal fluid were appropriate to the microbial growth in all the experiment diets. The smallest mean of pH value in the ruminal fluid was observed in diets with low fiber, with value of 6.27, and the minimum value of pH in the ruminal fluid was in the range of maximum microbial growth, as well as maximum ruminal digestion, in all the experimental diets.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2000
Fernando Luiz Henriques Tebaldi; José Fernando Coelho da Silva; Hernan Maldonado Vasquez; José Tarcísio Lima Thiébaut
The levels of organic matter and aluminum and the pH of the predominant soils in the North and Northwest regions of Rio de Janeiro State were studied during the dry (June-July) and rainy (December-January) seasons of the year. Samples of soil were collected from 12 different places of the regions, in predominant grazing areas, as determined by satellite photography and according to different soil characteristics. The aluminum contents of the sample extracts were determined by spectrometry, on an inductive plasma emission source apparatus. Organic matter levels in the soils samples were not affected by season of year; presented very low in all sampling places and always below 3%. Aluminum was not detected in some places and in other places the levels were very low. Negative correlation was found among aluminum levels and soil pH (r = - 0.85, P = 0.0002). Except for two places, the soils were considered acids with the pH changing in function of places, without season effect.
Revista Ceres | 2011
Maria Elvira de Rezende; Janie Mendes Jasmim; Geisa Paulino Caprini; Elias Fernandes de Sousa; Jan Schripsema; José Tarcísio Lima Thiébaut
Effect of fertilization and soil water availability on content and chemical composition of alpinia essential oil This study evaluated the influence of different fertilizers and soil water availability on the content and chemical composition of essential oil from alpinia leaves. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design in a splitplot scheme, with three replicates. The plots corresponded to two limits of soil water availability [L WD1 - reduction of 75% of the total water retention capacity (TWC) and LWD2 - reduction of 50% of TWC] and the subplots to the fertilizers cattle manure, poultry bed, filter cake, chemical and the non-fertilized control. Soil water availability and fertilization did not affect either essential oil content or chemical composition 12 months after planting. The main chemical constituents (contents) found in the essential oil of alpinia leaves were αthujene (6.11%), α-pinene (2.69%), sabinene (16.69%), β-pinene (4.64%), β-myrcene (1.76%), 1.8-cineole (19.41%) and 1-terpinen-4-ol (14.32%).
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2001
Guilherme Ribeiro Alves; Carlos Augusto de Alencar Fontes; Eleonora D'Avila Erbesdobler; José Tarcísio Lima Thiébaut; Cláudio Teixeira Lombardi; Rildon Carlos de Oliveira; Domingos Sávio Queiroz; Hercules Lúcio Gomes
The influence of the level of intake of elephantgrass, under grazing, on the composition of digesta and on concentration of the marker Cr2O3 throughout the gastrintestinal tract (GTI) of bovines was studied. A split-plot completely randomized design with twelve treatments in the main plots (a 2x6 factorial with two levels of forage ingestion: restricted - NA1 and unrestricted - NA2, and six slaughter periods) and the five sections of GTI in the split-plots was used. Thirty six steers were used, and three animals from each feeding level were slaughtered at the beginning of the trial and at each 35 days. After slaughter, the digesta of each TGI section was weighed and sampled. In the last sixteen days that preceded the slaughter, the animals received daily two doses of 5g of Cr2O3. The contents of dry matter (DM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), crude protein (CP) and the concentrations of chrome and gross energy (GE) were determined in the digesta samples. Feeding level had small influence on composition of digesta, affecting only the contents of DM in reticulum-rumen (RR) and small intestine (SI) and percent CP in SI. In both feeding levels the digesta from SI tended to show the lowest levels of DM, NDF, ADF and the highest levels of CP and GE, while digesta from gross intestine (GE) tended to show the lowest levels of GE and CP and the highest level of ADF. Higher forage ingestion resulted in sharp reduction in chrome concentration in digesta of all sections. The SI secretions reduced the levels of DM, NDF and ADF and the concentration of chrome in the digesta, which could interfere in the results of partial digestion coefficients in that section, in the case of chrome being used as external marker.
Ciencia E Agrotecnologia | 2010
Tátila Lima do Amaral; Janie Mendes Jasmim; João Sebastião de Paula Araújo; José Tarcísio Lima Thiébaut; Fábio Cunha Coelho; Claudimar Barreto de Freitas
Objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, avaliar a eficiencia de substratos e doses de adubacao sobre o crescimento e teores foliares de nutrientes de hibridos de orquideas do genero Phalaenopsis. O estudo constou de dois experimentos conduzidos em substrato com fibra de coco industrializada (Sub 1) e nao industrializada (Sub 2), em mistura com casca de Pinus e brita zero (1:1:1 v/v/v), em delineamento de blocos casualizados. O primeiro experimento, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo (06 e 12 meses), com cinco repeticoes, avaliou o hibrido RJ 343, nos dois substratos, sob quatro doses de adubo mineral (0; 0,9; 1,2; 1,5 g L-1) e dois tratamentos adicionais [aplicacao foliar de Aminon® (0,5 ml L-1) na dose de 1,2 g L-1, no Sub 1 e Sub 2]. O segundo avaliou o hibrido RJ 84-2, nos dois substratos, com as mesmas doses de adubo mineral e aplicacao foliar de Aminon® (0 e 0,5 ml L-1), em esquema de parcelas subsubsubdivididas no tempo (6 e 12 meses), com tres repeticoes. Avaliaram-se numero de folhas, area foliar, area superficial de raizes, massa seca de folhas, raizes e total, e teores foliares de N, P e K. O Aminon® nao teve efeito sobre o crescimento dos hibridos. O aumento da adubacao promoveu aumento de crescimento, exceto de raizes, sendo o maior crescimento observado sob a dose de 1,5 g L-1 de adubo mineral. O Sub 2 promoveu maior crescimento das plantas do hibrido RJ 343, enquanto o Sub 1 promoveu maior crescimento do hibrido RJ 84-2.