José Zanis Neto
Federal University of Paraná
Featured researches published by José Zanis Neto.
Blood | 2011
Daniele Moratto; Silvia Giliani; Carmem Bonfim; Evelina Mazzolari; Alain Fischer; Hans D. Ochs; Andrew J. Cant; Adrian J. Thrasher; Morton J. Cowan; Michael H. Albert; Trudy N. Small; Sung-Yun Pai; Elie Haddad; Antonella Lisa; Sophie Hambleton; Mary Slatter; Marina Cavazzana-Calvo; Nizar Mahlaoui; Capucine Picard; Troy R. Torgerson; Lauri Burroughs; Adriana Koliski; José Zanis Neto; Fulvio Porta; Waseem Qasim; Paul Veys; Kristina Kavanau; Manfred Hönig; Ansgar Schulz; Wilhelm Friedrich
In this retrospective collaborative study, we have analyzed long-term outcome and donor cell engraftment in 194 patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) who have been treated by hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) in the period 1980- 2009. Overall survival was 84.0% and was even higher (89.1% 5-year survival) for those who received HCT since the year 2000, reflecting recent improvement of outcome after transplantation from mismatched family donors and for patients who received HCT from an unrelated donor at older than 5 years. Patients who went to transplantation in better clinical conditions had a lower rate of post-HCT complications. Retrospective analysis of lineage-specific donor cell engraftment showed that stable full donor chimerism was attained by 72.3% of the patients who survived for at least 1 year after HCT. Mixed chimerism was associated with an increased risk of incomplete reconstitution of lymphocyte count and post-HCT autoimmunity, and myeloid donor cell chimerism < 50% was associated with persistent thrombocytopenia. These observations indicate continuous improvement of outcome after HCT for WAS and may have important implications for the development of novel protocols aiming to obtain full correction of the disease and reduce post-HCT complications.
Journal of Hematotherapy & Stem Cell Research | 2000
Bruno C. Medeiros; Carlos R. Medeiros; Betina Werner; José Zanis Neto; Giovanni Loddo; Ricardo Pasquini; Luiz Fernando Bleggi-Torres
The authors retrospectively assess the autopsy findings of central nervous system (CNS) infections in marrow transplant recipients. From July 1987 to June 1998, 845 patients at our institution were submitted to bone marrow transplantation (BMT). The CNS of 180 patients was studied through autopsy and these patients had their medical records reviewed. Twenty-seven (15%) patients presented brain parenchyma infection. Fungi were isolated in approximately 60% of the cases. Mean survival time was 153 days (0-1,264 days) and the majority of the patients died during the first 3 months after BMT (18 cases; 67%). Aspergillus sp. were the most prevalent fungi (approximately 30%), followed by Candida sp. infection (approximately 18%). There was one case of Fusarium sp. infection and two cases of unidentified fungus. All patients with fungal infections had documented involvement at widespread sites. Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis was demonstrated in 8 patents (approximately 30%). Bacterial abscesses were responsible for approximately 11% of the findings. Eleven (41%) of the 27 patients died secondary to cerebral causes. These results show that infectious compromise of the CNS following BMT is a highly fatal event, caused mainly by fungi and T. gondii. Furthermore, they provide a likely guide to the possible causes of brain abscesses following BMT.
Bone Marrow Transplantation | 2006
Vaneuza Araujo Moreira Funke; Cr de Medeiros; D.C. Setubal; J. Ruiz; M.A. Bitencourt; Carmem Bonfim; José Zanis Neto; Ricardo Pasquini
Basiliximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody that binds to the α chain of IL-2R on activated cytotoxic T-cells, inhibiting lymphocyte proliferation. We report 34 patients with refractory acute GVHD (grade III–IV) who received basiliximab from December 1998 to October 2003. Adults received 40 mg weekly (2–3 doses) and children received half of this dose. Median age was 13 years. Twenty-five donors were unrelated. The stem cell source was bone marrow in 30 and cord blood in four. Complete responses were seen in 27/32 patients (84%) with skin, 12/25 (48%) with gut and 6/23 (26%) with liver GVHD. Median duration of response was 38 days (5–1103). Overall survival at 5 years was 20%. Eleven patients (32%) are alive. The main causes of death were CMV (n=4), fungus (n=6), sepsis (n=8), hemorrhage (n=2), and relapse (n=2). Graft-versus-host disease flares were observed in 14 patients (41%), half being rescued by other therapies. In conclusion, basiliximab was able to induce complete responses in patients with refractory acute GVHD. Prospective studies are necessary to evaluate the optimal treatment schedule.
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2008
Alexandra Mitiru Watanabe; Mara Albonei Dudeque Pianovski; José Zanis Neto; Leniza L. Lichtvan; Eleidi A. Chautard-Freire-Maia; Mouseline T. Domingos; Ehrenfried O. Wittig
The Brazilian Ministry of Health created the National Neonatal Screening Program under ruling no. 822/2001, including neonatal screening for hemoglobinopathies. In the State of Paraná, neonatal screening is conducted by the Ecumenical Foundation for the Protection of the Handicapped. The prevalence rates were determined for homozygous and heterozygous hemoglobin S and Sbeta-thalassemia. Blood samples drawn on filter paper were examined by isoelectric focusing (IEF) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). From January 2002 to December 2004, 548,810 newborns were screened, with the detection of 21 with FS, two FSA/FS, and four FSA. After confirmatory tests at six months of age, 12 were defined as sickle-cell anemia, or a prevalence of 2.2:100,000 newborns; Sbeta-thalassemia was confirmed in 15 (2.7:100,000 newborns); and 8,321 newborns were diagnosed as heterozygous HbS (1,500:100,000 newborns). HbS prevalence in Paraná (in southern Brazil) is lower than in the Central-West, North, and Northeast of the country. Ethnic origin of the population, fetal deaths, and non-random procreation may contribute to the relatively low number of homozygous individuals in the State. Sbeta-thalassemia interaction suggests the presence of Euro-Mediterranean peoples in this populations miscegenation.The Brazilian Ministry of Health created the National Neonatal Screening Program under ruling no. 822/2001, including neonatal screening for hemoglobinopathies. In the State of Parana, neonatal screening is conducted by the Ecumenical Foundation for the Protection of the Handicapped. The prevalence rates were determined for homozygous and heterozygous hemoglobin S and Sb-thalassemia. Blood samples drawn on filter paper were examined by isoelectric focusing (IEF) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). From January 2002 to December 2004, 548,810 newborns were screened, with the detection of 21 with FS, two FSA/FS, and four FSA. After confirmatory tests at six months of age, 12 were defined as sickle-cell anemia, or a prevalence of 2.2:100,000 newborns; Sb-thalassemia was confirmed in 15 (2.7:100,000 newborns); and 8,321 newborns were diagnosed as heterozygous HbS (1,500:100,000 newborns). HbS prevalence in Parana (in southern Brazil) is lower than in the Central-West, North, and Northeast of the country. Ethnic origin of the population, fetal deaths, and non-random procreation may contribute to the relatively low number of homozygous individuals in the State. Sb-thalassemia interaction suggests the presence of Euro-Mediterranean peoples in this populations miscegenation.
Arquivos De Neuro-psiquiatria | 2006
Marcos Christiano Lange; Hélio A.G. Teive; André R. Troiano; M.A. Bitencourt; Vaneuza Araujo Moreira Funke; D.C. Setubal; José Zanis Neto; Carlos R. Medeiros; Lineu Cesar Werneck; Ricardo Pasquini; C. Bonfim
Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is a therapeutic option for patients with genetic storage diseases. Between 1979 and 2002, eight patients, four females and four males (1 to 13 years old) were submitted to this procedure in our center. Six patients had mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS I in 3; MPS III in one and MPS VI in 2), one had adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) and one had Gaucher disease. Five patients had related and three unrelated BMT donor. Three patients developed graft versus host disease (two MPS I and one MPS VI) and died between 37 and 151 days after transplantation. Five patients survived 4 to 16 years after transplantation. Three patients improved (one MPS I; one MPS VI and the Gaucher disease patient), one patient had no disease progression (ALD) and in one patient this procedure did not change the natural course of the disease (MPS III).
Revista Brasileira De Hematologia E Hemoterapia | 2003
Ricardo Pasquini; José Zanis Neto; Carlos R. Medeiros; M.A. Bitencourt; Carmem Bonfim; Vaneuza A. Moreira; D.C. Setubal; Mary E.D. Flowers; Elcio Kupka; Marcos V. Araújo
Anemia Fanconi (AF) e uma sindrome autossomica recessiva, caracterizada por pancitopenia progressiva com hipoplasia de MO, em associacao com varias anormalidades constitucionais, tendo como unico recurso terapeutico com possibilidade potencial de cura o transplante de medula ossea, e sendo tais pacientes propensos ao desenvolvimento de malignidades hematologicas e carcinoma de celulas escamosas (CEC) em diversos locais: reto, vagina, cervice, esofago, cavidade bucal, faringe ou pele, mas especialmente em cabeca e pescoco. Relatamos aqui tres casos de pacientes portadores de AF, que apos TMO desenvolveram CEC em lingua. Alem disso, mencionamos fatores de risco relatados para tal evento, como diagnostico de AF, condicionamento pre-transplante (quimioterapicos e irradiacao), terapia com drogas imunossupressoras para tratamento de doenca enxerto contra hospedeiro (DECH) aguda ou cronica, sexo e idade avancada. Alem do que, discorremos sobre a existencia de tres mecanismos postulados que predispoem individuos com AF ao desenvolvimento de neoplasia: (1) defeito na reparacao do DNA; (2) defeito na detoxificacao de radicais de oxigenio; e (3) imunodeficiencia.
Blood | 2011
Daniele Moratto; Silvia Giliani; Carmem Bonfim; Evelina Mazzolari; Alain Fischer; Hans D. Ochs; Andrew J. Cant; Adrian J. Thrasher; Morton J. Cowan; Michael H. Albert; Trudy N. Small; Sung-Yun Pai; Elie Haddad; Antonella Lisa; Sophie Hambleton; Mary Slatter; Marina Cavazzana-Calvo; Nizar Mahlaoui; Capucine Picard; Troy R. Torgerson; Lauri Burroughs; Adriana Koliski; José Zanis Neto; Fulvio Porta; Waseem Qasim; Paul Veys; Kristina Kavanau; Manfred Hönig; Ansgar Schulz; Wilhelm Friedrich
In this retrospective collaborative study, we have analyzed long-term outcome and donor cell engraftment in 194 patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) who have been treated by hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) in the period 1980- 2009. Overall survival was 84.0% and was even higher (89.1% 5-year survival) for those who received HCT since the year 2000, reflecting recent improvement of outcome after transplantation from mismatched family donors and for patients who received HCT from an unrelated donor at older than 5 years. Patients who went to transplantation in better clinical conditions had a lower rate of post-HCT complications. Retrospective analysis of lineage-specific donor cell engraftment showed that stable full donor chimerism was attained by 72.3% of the patients who survived for at least 1 year after HCT. Mixed chimerism was associated with an increased risk of incomplete reconstitution of lymphocyte count and post-HCT autoimmunity, and myeloid donor cell chimerism < 50% was associated with persistent thrombocytopenia. These observations indicate continuous improvement of outcome after HCT for WAS and may have important implications for the development of novel protocols aiming to obtain full correction of the disease and reduce post-HCT complications.
Arquivos Brasileiros De Cardiologia | 2001
Alexandre Alessi; Roberto Gomes de Carvalho; Dalton Bertolin Précoma; Débora Fontoura; Luciano Rodrigo Oliveira; José Zanis Neto; Marcello Zapparoli
A 44-year-old woman had a transient ischemic stroke, fibroelastoma of the mitral valve being the source of the embolus. The patient evolved with neutropenia induced by ticlopidine after 10 days of treatment. We report the major clinical features, therapeutical options, and medicamentous toxicity resulting from the use of antiplatelet drugs.
Blood | 2011
Daniele Moratto; Silvia Giliani; Carmem Bonfim; Evelina Mazzolari; Alain Fischer; Hans D. Ochs; Andrew J. Cant; Adrian J. Thrasher; Morton J. Cowan; Michael H. Albert; Trudy N. Small; Sung-Yun Pai; Elie Haddad; Antonella Lisa; Sophie Hambleton; Mary Slatter; Marina Cavazzana-Calvo; Nizar Mahlaoui; Capucine Picard; Troy R. Torgerson; Lauri Burroughs; Adriana Koliski; José Zanis Neto; Fulvio Porta; Waseem Qasim; Paul Veys; Kristina Kavanau; Manfred Hönig; Ansgar Schulz; Wilhelm Friedrich
In this retrospective collaborative study, we have analyzed long-term outcome and donor cell engraftment in 194 patients with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) who have been treated by hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) in the period 1980- 2009. Overall survival was 84.0% and was even higher (89.1% 5-year survival) for those who received HCT since the year 2000, reflecting recent improvement of outcome after transplantation from mismatched family donors and for patients who received HCT from an unrelated donor at older than 5 years. Patients who went to transplantation in better clinical conditions had a lower rate of post-HCT complications. Retrospective analysis of lineage-specific donor cell engraftment showed that stable full donor chimerism was attained by 72.3% of the patients who survived for at least 1 year after HCT. Mixed chimerism was associated with an increased risk of incomplete reconstitution of lymphocyte count and post-HCT autoimmunity, and myeloid donor cell chimerism < 50% was associated with persistent thrombocytopenia. These observations indicate continuous improvement of outcome after HCT for WAS and may have important implications for the development of novel protocols aiming to obtain full correction of the disease and reduce post-HCT complications.
Revista Brasileira De Hematologia E Hemoterapia | 2015
Daniela Hespanha Marinho; José Zanis Neto; Carmem Bonfim; Vaneuza Araujo Moreira Funke; Lisandro Ribeiro
Objective Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has been successfully used to treat the pediatric population with malignant and non-malignant hematological diseases. This paper reports the results up to 180 days after the procedure of all unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplantations in pediatric patients that were performed in one institution. Methods A retrospective review was performed of all under 18-year-old patients who received unrelated transplantations between 1995 and 2009. Data were analyzed using the log-rank test, Cox stepwise model, Kaplan–Meier method, Fine and Gray model and Fishers exact test. Results This study included 118 patients (46.8%) who received bone marrow and 134 (53.2%) who received umbilical cord blood transplants. Engraftment occurred in 89.47% of the patients that received bone marrow and 65.83% of those that received umbilical cord blood (p-value < 0.001). Both neutrophil and platelet engraftments were faster in the bone marrow group. Acute graft-versus-host disease occurred in 48.6% of the patients without statistically significant differences between the two groups (p-value = 0.653). Chronic graft-versus-host disease occurred in 9.2% of the patients with a higher incidence in the bone marrow group (p-value = 0.007). Relapse occurred in 24% of the 96 patients with malignant disease with 2-year cumulative incidences of 45% in the bone marrow group and 25% in the umbilical cord blood group (p-value = 0.117). Five-year overall survival was 47%, with an average survival time of 1207 days, and no significant differences between the groups (p-value = 0.4666). Conclusion Despite delayed engraftment in the umbilical cord blood group, graft-versus-host disease, relapse and survival were similar in both groups.