Joseph A. MacGregor
University of Texas at Austin
Featured researches published by Joseph A. MacGregor.
Annals of Glaciology | 2009
Robert W. Jacobel; Brian C. Welch; David Osterhouse; Rickard Pettersson; Joseph A. MacGregor
Abstract Radar profiles of bed echo intensity can survey conditions at the ice–bed interface and test for the presence or absence of water. However, extracting information about basal conditions from bed echo intensities requires an estimate of the attenuation loss through the ice. We used the relationship between bed echo intensities from constant-offset radar data and ice thickness to estimate depth-averaged attenuation rates at several locations on and near Kamb Ice Stream (KIS), West Antarctica. We found values varying from 29 dBkm–1 at Siple Dome to 15 dBkm–1 in the main trunk region of KIS, in agreement with a previous measurement and models. Using these attenuation-rate values, we calculated the relative bed reflectivity throughout our KIS surveys and found that most of the bed in the trunk has high basal reflectivities, similar to those obtained in the location of boreholes that found water at the bed. Areas of lower bed reflectivity are limited to the sticky spot, where a borehole found a dry bed, and along the margins of KIS. These results support previous hypotheses that the basal conditions at locations like the sticky spot on KIS control its stagnation and possible reactivation.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015
Joseph A. MacGregor; Mark Fahnestock; Ginny A. Catania; John Paden; S. Prasad Gogineni; S. Keith Young; Susan C. Rybarski; Alexandria N. Mabrey; Benjamin M. Wagman; Mathieu Morlighem
Several decades of ice-penetrating radar surveys of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have observed numerous widespread internal reflections. Analysis of this radiostratigraphy has produced valuable insights into ice sheet dynamics and motivates additional mapping of these reflections. Here we present a comprehensive deep radiostratigraphy of the Greenland Ice Sheet from airborne deep ice-penetrating radar data collected over Greenland by The University of Kansas between 1993 and 2013. To map this radiostratigraphy efficiently, we developed new techniques for predicting reflection slope from the phase recorded by coherent radars. When integrated along track, these slope fields predict the radiostratigraphy and simplify semiautomatic reflection tracing. Core-intersecting reflections were dated using synchronized depth-age relationships for six deep ice cores. Additional reflections were dated by matching reflections between transects and by extending reflection-inferred depth-age relationships using the local effective vertical strain rate. The oldest reflections, dating to the Eemian period, are found mostly in the northern part of the ice sheet. Within the onset regions of several fast-flowing outlet glaciers and ice streams, reflections typically do not conform to the bed topography. Disrupted radiostratigraphy is also observed in a region north of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream that is not presently flowing rapidly. Dated reflections are used to generate a gridded age volume for most of the ice sheet and also to determine the depths of key climate transitions that were not observed directly. This radiostratigraphy provides a new constraint on the dynamics and history of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Key Points Phase information predicts reflection slope and simplifies reflection tracing Reflections can be dated away from ice cores using a simple ice flow model Radiostratigraphy is often disrupted near the onset of fast ice flow
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015
Joseph A. MacGregor; Jilu Li; John Paden; Ginny A. Catania; Gary D. Clow; Mark Fahnestock; S. Prasad Gogineni; Robert E. Grimm; Mathieu Morlighem; Soumyaroop Nandi; Helene Seroussi; David E. Stillman
©2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. The flow of ice is temperature-dependent, but direct measurements of englacial temperature are sparse. The dielectric attenuation of radio waves through ice is also temperature-dependent, and radar sounding of ice sheets is sensitive to this attenuation. Here we estimate depth-averaged radar-attenuation rates within the Greenland Ice Sheet from airborne radar-sounding data and its associated radiostratigraphy. Using existing empirical relationships between temperature, chemistry, and radar attenuation, we then infer the depth-averaged englacial temperature. The dated radiostratigraphy permits a correction for the confounding effect of spatially varying ice chemistry. Where radar transects intersect boreholes, radar-inferred temperature is consistently higher than that measured directly. We attribute this discrepancy to the poorly recognized frequency dependence of the radar-attenuation rate and correct for this effect empirically, resulting in a robust relationship between radar-inferred and borehole-measured depth-averaged temperature. Radar-inferred englacial temperature is often lower than modern surface temperature and that of a steady state ice-sheet model, particularly in southern Greenland. This pattern suggests that past changes in surface boundary conditions (temperature and accumulation rate) affect the ice sheets present temperature structure over a much larger area than previously recognized. This radar-inferred temperature structure provides a new constraint for thermomechanical models of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
Journal of Glaciology | 2011
Joseph A. MacGregor; Sridhar Anandakrishnan; Ginny A. Catania; Dale P. Winebrenner
As ice streams flow into the Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica, their bed coupling transitions from weak to transient to zero as the ice goes afloat. Here we explore the nature of the bed across these crucial grounding zones using ice-penetrating radar. We collected several ground-based 2MHz radar transects across the grounding zones of Whillans and Kamb Ice Streams and inferred bed-reflectivity changes from in situ measurements of depth-averaged dielectric attenuation, made possible by the observation of both primary and multiple bed echoes. We find no significant change in the bed reflectivity across either grounding zone. Combined with reflectivity modeling, this observation suggests that a persistent layer of subglacial water (> 0.2m) is widespread several kilometers upstream of the grounding zone. Our results are consistent with previous inferences of gradual grounding zones across this sector of the Ross Ice Shelf from airborne radar and satellite altimetry. Separately, the only clear bed-reflectivity change that we observed occurs 40 km downstream of the Kamb Ice Stream grounding zone, which we attribute to the onset of marine ice accretion onto the base of the ice shelf. This onset is much nearer to the grounding zone than previously predicted.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2016
Joseph A. MacGregor; Mark Fahnestock; Ginny A. Catania; Andy Aschwanden; Gary D. Clow; William Colgan; S. Prasad Gogineni; Mathieu Morlighem; Sophie Nowicki; John Paden; Stephen Price; Helene Seroussi
The basal thermal state of an ice sheet (frozen or thawed) is an important control upon its evolution, dynamics and response to external forcings. However, this state can only be observed directly within sparse boreholes or inferred conclusively from the presence of subglacial lakes. Here we synthesize spatially extensive inferences of the basal thermal state of the Greenland Ice Sheet to better constrain this state. Existing inferences include outputs from the eight thermomechanical ice-flow models included in the SeaRISE effort. New remote-sensing inferences of the basal thermal state are derived from Holocene radiostratigraphy, modern surface velocity and MODIS imagery. Both thermomechanical modeling and remote inferences generally agree that the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream and large portions of the southwestern ice-drainage systems are thawed at the bed, whereas the bed beneath the central ice divides, particularly their west-facing slopes, is frozen. Elsewhere, there is poor agreement regarding the basal thermal state. Both models and remote inferences rarely represent the borehole-observed basal thermal state accurately near NorthGRIP and DYE-3. This synthesis identifies a large portion of the Greenland Ice Sheet (about one third by area) where additional observations would most improve knowledge of its overall basal thermal state.
international conference on grounds penetrating radar | 2010
Kenichi Matsuoka; Joseph A. MacGregor; Frank Pattyn
The magnitude of the radar echo returned from beds underneath ice sheets has been used to identify subglacial lakes based on the prediction that wetter and flatter beds have larger reflectivities than dryer and/or rougher beds. Further quantitative diagnosis of the subglacial environment requires accurate correction for englacial dielectric attenuation, which is primarily a function of ice temperature and secondarily a function of ice chemistry. Models show that the attenuation contribution from chemistry (soluble ions) accounts for about one quarter of the attenuation averaged over the full ice thickness at Siple Dome and Vostok in Antarctica. These predictions suggest that a useful initial attenuation estimate across an ice sheet can be obtained simply with ice-temperature modeling. Methods for estimating attenuation from radar data are also reviewed, with an emphasis on the potential pitfalls of individual methods. Some discrepancies exist between attenuation estimated with ice-core data, temperature models, and radar data. We discuss strategies to improve these attenuation estimates.
Science | 2016
Joseph A. MacGregor; William Colgan; Mark Fahnestock; Mathieu Morlighem; Ginny A. Catania; John Paden; S. Prasad Gogineni
Keeping a stiff upper layer The interior of the Greenland Ice Sheet is growing thicker, in contrast to the thinning that is occurring at its edges. Why? MacGregor et al. conclude that more snow is accumulating and that the ice in the interior is flowing more slowly than it did thousands of years ago (see the Perspective by Hvidberg). During the last glacial period, higher rates of atmospheric dust deposition produced softer ice, which flowed more readily than cleaner ice. During most of the Holocene, though, atmospheric dust concentrations were lower, and the less-dusty ice that formed was stiffer, meaning it did not flow or thin so rapidly. Thus, the thickening seen today in the central regions of Greenland is partly a response to changes in ice rheology that occurred thousands of years ago. Science, this issue p. 590; see also p. 562 Stiffer ice means slower flow and less rapid thinning in the center of Greenland than in the past. [Also see Perspective by Hvidberg] Recent peripheral thinning of the Greenland Ice Sheet is partly offset by interior thickening and is overprinted on its poorly constrained Holocene evolution. On the basis of the ice sheet’s radiostratigraphy, ice flow in its interior is slower now than the average speed over the past nine millennia. Generally higher Holocene accumulation rates relative to modern estimates can only partially explain this millennial-scale deceleration. The ice sheet’s dynamic response to the decreasing proportion of softer ice from the last glacial period and the deglacial collapse of the ice bridge across Nares Strait also contributed to this pattern. Thus, recent interior thickening of the Greenland Ice Sheet is partly an ongoing dynamic response to the last deglaciation that is large enough to affect interpretation of its mass balance from altimetry.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 2012
Ian M. Howat; Ken Jezek; Michael Studinger; Joseph A. MacGregor; John Paden; Dana Floricioiu; Rob Russell; Matt Linkswiler; Roseanne T. Dominguez
It happened again, but this time it was caught in the act. During the last week of September 2011 a large transverse rift developed across the floating terminus of West Antarcticas Pine Island Glacier, less than 5 years after its last large calving event, in 2007 (Figure 1). Pine Island Glaciers retreat has accelerated substantially in the past 2 decades, and it is now losing 50 gigatons of ice per year, or roughly 25% of Antarcticas total annual contribution to sea level rise [Rignot et al., 2008]. The glaciers recent accelerated retreat is likely triggered by ocean warming and increased submarine melting. As such, it is of significant interest to glaciologists and of heightened societal relevance.
Annals of Glaciology | 2009
Joseph A. MacGregor; Kenichi Matsuoka; Michelle R. Koutnik; Edwin D. Waddington; Michael Studinger; Dale P. Winebrenner
Abstract Accumulation rates and their spatio-temporal variability are important boundary conditions for ice-flow models. The depths of radar-detected internal layers can be used to infer the spatial variability of accumulation rates. Here we infer accumulation rates from three radar layers (26, 35 and 41 ka old) in the Vostok Subglacial Lake region using two methods: (1) the local-layer approximation (LLA) and (2) a combination of steady-state flowband modeling and formal inverse methods. The LLA assumes that the strain-rate history of a particle traveling through the ice sheet can be approximated by the vertical strain-rate profile at the current position of the particle, which we further assume is uniform. The flowband model, however, can account for upstream strain-rate gradients. We use the LLA to map accumulation rates over a 150 km × 350 km area, and we apply the flowband model along four flowbands. The LLA accumulation-rate map shows higher values in the northwestern corner of our study area and lower values near the downstream shoreline of the lake. These features are also present but less distinct in the flowband accumulation-rate profiles. The LLA-inferred accumulation-rate patterns over the three time periods are all similar, suggesting that the regional pattern did not change significantly between the start of the Holocene and the last ~20 ka of the last Glacial Period. However, the accumulation-rate profiles inferred from the flowband model suggest changes during that period of up to 1 cma–1 or ~50% of the inferred values.
Annals of Glaciology | 2013
David E. Stillman; Joseph A. MacGregor; Robert E. Grimm
Abstract The electrical properties of water ice impact the study of diverse frozen environments, in particular the radar sounding of ice masses. The high-frequency response of meteoric polar ice depends partly on the bulk concentration of ammonium (NH4 +), but the nature of this response has been unclear. Here we use broadband dielectric spectroscopy to investigate the electrical response of laboratory-frozen solutions. By analyzing the relaxation frequency of these samples and its temperature dependence, we show that the mobility of Bjerrum D-defects formed in the ice lattice by ammonium is 1.4 ±0.8 x 10–9m2 V–1 s–1 at -20°C, or about an order of magnitude smaller than that of Bjerrum L-defects formed by chloride. However, co-substitution of both ions increases the ice-lattice solubility of chloride by a factor of ∼7, causing an enhanced conductivity response due to greater concentrations of Bjerrum L-defects. Thus, despite its low mobility, ammonium can also affect the high-frequency electrical response of polar ice, but its covariance with chloride must be considered.