Joseph Howard
Boston University
Physical Review D | 2006
Ronald Babich; Nicolas Garron; Christian Hoelbling; Joseph Howard; Laurent Lellouch; Claudio Rebbi
We present results for the
Physical Review D | 2004
R. Sekhar Chivukula; Hong-Jian He; Joseph Howard; Elizabeth H. Simmons
Physical Review D | 2007
Ronald Babich; Nicolas Garron; Christian Hoelbling; Joseph Howard; Laurent Lellouch; Claudio Rebbi
matrix elements which are required to study neutral kaon mixing in the standard model (SM) and beyond . We also provide leading chiral order results for the matrix elements of the electroweak penguin operators which give the dominant
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Lattice | 2005
Federico Berruto; Nicolas Garron; Christian Hoelbling; Joseph Howard; Laurent Lellouch; Silvia Necco; Claudio Rebbi; Noam Shoresh
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology | 2003
R. Sekhar Chivukula; Elizabeth H. Simmons; Joseph Howard; Hong-Jian He
contribution to direct
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Lattice | 2006
Ronald Babich; Nicolas Garron; Christian Hoelbling; Joseph Howard; Laurent Lellouch; Claudio Rebbi
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Lattice | 2005
Federico Berruto; Nicolas Garron; Christian Hoelbling; Joseph Howard; Laurent Lellouch; Silvia Necco; Claudio Rebbi; Noam Shoresh
violation in
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements | 2005
Federico Berruto; Nicolas Garron; Christian Hoelbling; Joseph Howard; Laurent Lellouch; Silvia Necco; Claudio Rebbi; Noam Shoresh
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. | 2004
Federico Berruto; Noam Shoresh; Christian Hoelbling; Claudio Rebbi; Laurent Lellouch; Silvia Necco; Joseph Howard; Nicolas Garron
decays. Our calculations were performed with Neuberger fermions on two sets of quenched Wilson gauge configurations at inverse lattice spacings of approximately 2.2 GeV and 1.5 GeV. All renormalizations were implemented nonperturbatively in the regularization-independent/momentum (RI/MOM) scheme, where we accounted for subleading operator product expansion corrections and discretization errors. We find ratios of non-SM to SM matrix elements which are roughly twice as large as in the only other dedicated lattice study of these amplitudes. On the other hand, our results for the electroweak penguin matrix elements are in good agreement with two recent domain-wall fermion calculations. As a by-product of our study, we determine the strange quark mass. Our main results are summarized and discussed in Sec. VII. Within our statistics, we find no evidence for scaling violations.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2006
Ronald Babich; Federico Berruto; Nicolas Garron; Christian Hoelbling; Joseph Howard; Laurent Lellouch; Claudio Rebbi; Noam Shoresh
Author(s): Chivukula, RS; He, HJ; Howard, J; Simmons, EH | Abstract: This paper studies models with extended electroweak gauge sectors of the form [Formula Presented] We establish the general behavior of corrections to precision electroweak observables in this class of theories and connect our results to previous work on specific models whose electroweak sectors are special cases of our extended group.