Jostein Røyset
Norsk Hydro
Philosophical Magazine | 2007
Takeshi Saito; Sigurd Wenner; Elisa Osmundsen; Calin Daniel Marioara; Sigmund J. Andersen; Jostein Røyset; W. Lefebvre; Randi Holmestad
Effects of addition of Zn (up to 1 wt%) on microstructure, precipitate structure and intergranular corrosion (IGC) in an Al–Mg–Si alloys were investigated. During ageing at 185 °C, the alloys showed modest increases in hardness as function of Zn content, corresponding to increased number densities of needle-shaped precipitates in the Al–Mg–Si alloy system. No precipitates of the Al–Zn–Mg alloy system were found. Using high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM), the Zn atoms were incorporated in the precipitate structures at different atomic sites with various atomic column occupancies. Zn atoms segregated along grain boundaries, forming continuous film. It correlates to high IGC susceptibility when Zn concentration is ~1wt% and the materials in peak-aged condition.
Materials Science Forum | 2006
Jostein Røyset; Tore Stene; Jan Anders Sæter; Oddvin Reiso
Specimens of three Al-Mg-Si alloys, 6060, 6005 and 6082, were solution heat treated, stored at different temperatures for different time, and artificially aged. Properties were measured before and after artificial ageing. The natural ageing response of the alloys is dependent on the storage temperature. Decreasing storage temperature leads to a delayed onset of natural ageing, but also to a higher strength after prolonged ageing, particularly for lean alloys such as 6060. The temperature and time of intermediate storage between solution heat treatment and artificial ageing has a significant effect on the strength of the artificially aged material. For the 6005 and 6082 alloys the processes that take place during natural ageing lead to a reduced strength after artificial ageing.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-physical Metallurgy and Materials Science | 2015
Eva Anne Mørtsell; Calin Daniel Marioara; Sigmund J. Andersen; Jostein Røyset; Oddvin Reiso; Randi Holmestad
It is shown that strength loss in a 6060 Al-Mg-Si alloy caused by reduction in solute can be compensated by adding back smaller quantities of Ag, Ge, and Cu. Nine alloys were investigated. Ge was found to be the most effective addition, strongly refining the precipitation. The hardness is discussed in terms of statistics of the precipitates near a T6 condition, as acquired by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Precipitates in some conditions were also investigated by high-angle annular dark-field scanning TEM. The added elements have strong influence on the main hardening precipitate, β″, changing its structure and promoting disorder.
Materials Science Forum | 2016
Magnus Sætersdal Remøe; Knut Marthinsen; Ida Westermann; Ketill Olav Pedersen; Jostein Røyset; Oddvin Reiso
Two 6xxx alloys with different Mn-content have been homogenised in a furnace at 575 oC for 2 hours and 15 minutes. Three different heating rates to the homogenisation holding temperature were chosen, as this was expected to affect the precipitation behaviour of the dispersoids. The study focused on developing a reliable procedure for the characterization of the density and spatial distribution of dispersoids in aluminium alloys; both in terms of sample preparation, microscopic techniques and quantitative analyses of results. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has been used to evaluate the dispersoid characteristics for the different alloys and heating rates. The results indicate an increase in dispersoid number density and a more uniform distribution of dispersoids for the lowest heating rate, as compared to the more rapid heating rates, for the alloy with 0.05 wt% Mn. For the alloy with 0.15 wt% Mn the number density increased with the heating rate. This is suggested to be due to particle coarsening as an effect of the low heating rate where the samples spend longer time in the furnace.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2015
Eva Anne Mørtsell; Calin Daniel Marioara; Sigmund J. Andersen; Jostein Røyset; Oddvin Reiso; Randi Holmestad
It has been demonstrated that the strength loss in a lean Al-Mg-Si alloy due to solute reduction could be compensated by back-adding a lower at % of Ge and Cu. Nanosized precipitate needles which are the main cause of strength in these alloys, and material hardness has been correlated to parameters quantified by TEM. It was found that additions of Ge and Cu strongly affect the precipitation process by increasing precipitate density and reducing precipitate size. Investigations of precipitate atomic structure by HAADF-STEM indicated that they contain mixed areas of known phases and disordered regions. A hexagonal Si/Ge-network was found to be present in all precipitate cross sections.
Materials Science Forum | 2014
Eva Anne Mørtsell; Ida Westermann; Calin Daniel Marioara; Ketill Olav Pedersen; Sigmund J. Andersen; Jostein Røyset; Randi Holmestad
The effect on hardness and precipitate microstructure of elastically straining a 6060 Al-Mg-Si alloy during natural ageing or artificial ageing has been investigated. The elastic strain is here defined as 50 % of the material yield strength. All heat treatments where elastic straining was applied led to an increased hardness compared to the unstrained reference material. Quantitative investigations of the precipitate microstructure using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) did not indicate any significant difference in precipitate parameters as compared to the unstrained reference material. Therefore the increased strength in the elastically strained material is being linked to strain induced dislocations based on faster ageing kinetics compared to unstrained reference samples.
Materials Science Forum | 2014
Takeshi Saito; Calin Daniel Marioara; Jostein Røyset; Randi Holmestad
The effect of cooling rate after solution heat treatment and its combination with 1% pre-deformation on precipitation hardening in two Al-Mg-Si alloys is investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and related to material hardness. Two alloys have been used, one Cu-free and the other with low Cu additions (~0.1 wt%), both having the same amounts of other solutes. A double peak hardness evolution during an isothermal heat treatment was observed with slow cooling after solution heat treatment. This effect was less pronounced in the Cu-added alloy. The 1% pre-deformation also made this effect less pronounced, but it led to faster initial hardness evolution and delayed over-aging. Maximum hardness was not influenced by cooling rate and the pre-deformation. Hardness was directly related to precipitate number densities.
Advanced Materials Research | 2014
Takeshi Saito; Calin Daniel Marioara; Jostein Røyset; Randi Holmestad
Quench sensitivity in two Al-Mg-Si alloys, one Cu-free and the other with low Cu additions (~0.1 wt%), both having the same amounts of other solutes, has been investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and corresponding material hardness. A two stage hardness evolution during an isothermal heat treatment was observed with slow cooling after solution heat treatment. This effect was less pronounced in the Cu-added alloy. However maximum hardness was not influenced by cooling rate, which could be related to higher precipitate number densities and volume fractions. Both alloys were over-aged faster in the slow cooling conditions.
Materials Science Forum | 2006
Jostein Røyset; J.R. Leinum; Hilde-Gunn Øverlie; Oddvin Reiso
Twelve different aluminium alloys with constant iron (Fe) and scandium (Sc) contents of 0.5 wt.% and 0.2 wt.%, respectively, were cast and subsequently homogenised. The distribution of Sc in the microstructure was examined by means of Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) in Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Emphasis was put on measuring the solubility of Sc in the Fe-bearing phases of the investigated alloys. It was found that the amount of Sc tied up in Febearing phases is so low that it can be regarded as negligible, with the possible exception of α- AlFeMnSi (Al15(Fe,Mn)3Si2) and the π-phase (Al8FeMg3Si6). A quaternary AlFeSiSc phase with a composition close to Al10Fe3Si5Sc2 may have been discovered.
Materials Science and Engineering A-structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing | 2005
Jostein Røyset; Nils Ryum